Пример #1
 void operator()(const segment_type& _a, const linestring_type& _b, output_type& _out, JUNCTION _j)
   if (_b.empty())
Пример #2
segment_cost_characterization( const segment_type & segment )
	/* obtain the level supports of F */
	double zerocost = 0. ;		// cost of a matching with "zero assistance"
	map<int, double> level_support ;
		int level = 0 ;
		segment_type::const_iterator lbound, rbound ;
		for ( rbound = segment.begin(), lbound = rbound++ ;
				rbound != segment.end() ; lbound++, rbound++ )
			double y1, y2, len ;
			y1 = lbound->first, y2 = rbound->first, len = y2 - y1 ;
			const place_data & temp = lbound->second ;

			level += temp.P_indices.size() - temp.Q_indices.size() ;
			zerocost += len * abs( level ) ;
			level_support[level] += len ;
	cout << "supports " << level_support << endl ;

	/* create a linear arrangement from level supports */
	Arrangement value_arr ;

	//int numlevels = level_support.size() ;
	//list<vertex_struct> 		vertex_data ;
	//list<interval_struct> 		interval_data ;

	double length = 0. ;
	for ( map<int,double>::iterator
			it = level_support.begin() ; it != level_support.end() ; ++it )
		int 	f		= it->first ;
		double	supp 	= it->second ;
		Arrangement::Vertex & v = value_arr.insert( f ) ;
		v.local_data.support = supp ;

		length += supp ;

	// about to traverse the arrangement
	Arrangement::Vertex 	* v_left = & value_arr.vertices.begin()->second ;
	Arrangement::Vertex 	* v_zero ;
	Arrangement::Interval 	* I_left = & *v_left->left ;

	// some initialization
	//interval_data.push_front( interval_struct() ) ;
	I_left->local_data.slope = length ;		// length won't compile...

	Arrangement::Vertex		* v_curr ;
	Arrangement::Interval	* I_curr ;

	// traverse left-to-right to compute slopes
		double slope = I_left->local_data.slope ;
		v_curr = v_left ;
		while ( true )
			if ( (int) v_curr->y == 0 ) v_zero = v_curr ;		// remember the zero vertex, plox

			I_curr = & *v_curr->right ;
			slope -= 2 * v_curr->local_data.support ;
			I_curr->local_data.slope = slope ;

			if ( I_curr->right == NULL ) break ;
			v_curr = I_curr->right ;

	// traverse zero-to-left, then zero-to-right, to obtain offsets
		double offset = zerocost ;
		v_curr = v_zero ;
		while ( true )
			I_curr = & *v_curr->left ;
			I_curr->local_data.offset = offset ;
			offset -= I_curr->local_data.slope * I_curr->length() ;	// subtract, since negative direction

			if ( I_curr->left == NULL ) break ;
			v_curr = I_curr->left ;
		double offset = zerocost ;
		v_curr = v_zero ;
		while ( true )
			I_curr = & *v_curr->right ;
			I_curr->local_data.offset = offset ;
			offset += I_curr->local_data.slope * I_curr->length() ;	// add, since positive direction

			if ( I_curr->right == NULL ) break ;
			v_curr = I_curr->right ;

	return value_arr ;