IRC_Client_GUI_MessageHandler::members (const string_list_t& list_in)
  RPG_TRACE (ACE_TEXT ("IRC_Client_GUI_MessageHandler::members"));

  // sanity check(s)
  ACE_ASSERT (CBData_.GTKState);

  ACE_Guard<ACE_Thread_Mutex> aGuard (CBData_.GTKState->lock);

  Common_UI_GTKBuildersIterator_t iterator =
      CBData_.GTKState->builders.find (builderLabel_);
  // sanity check(s)
  ACE_ASSERT (iterator != CBData_.GTKState->builders.end ());

  if (isFirstMemberListMsg_)
    clearMembers ();

    isFirstMemberListMsg_ = false;
  } // end IF

  // retrieve channel liststore handle
  GtkListStore* list_store_p =
      GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_builder_get_object ((*iterator).second.second,
                                              ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR ("channel_liststore")));
  ACE_ASSERT (list_store_p);

  GtkTreeIter iter;
  gchar* converted_nick_string = NULL;
  for (string_list_const_iterator_t iterator = list_in.begin ();
       iterator != list_in.end ();
    // step1: convert text
    converted_nick_string = Common_UI_Tools::Locale2UTF8 (*iterator);
    if (!converted_nick_string)
                  ACE_TEXT ("failed to convert nickname: \"%s\", returning\n")));
    } // end IF

    // step2: append new (text) entry
    gtk_list_store_append (list_store_p, &iter);
    gtk_list_store_set (list_store_p, &iter,
                        0, converted_nick_string, // column 0

    // clean up
    g_free (converted_nick_string);
  } // end FOR
Пример #2
ShellServer::caller(ServerContext& s, const char *cmd, string_list_t& args, string_map_t& env, process_io_t& io)
	int result = 0;
	int status = 0;
	int pid = 0;
	int fdin[2];  /* child stdin - parent output */
	int fdout[2]; /* Child stdout - parent block input */
	int fderr[2]; /* Child stderr - parent result input */
	int nargs = (int) args.size();
	int nvars = (int) env.size();

	string command = m_binpath + SEPSTR + cmd;

	(void) result;

	if (::access(command.c_str(), X_OK) < 0)
		return -ENOSYS;

	/* Make pipes */
	if (pipe(fdin) < 0)
		perror("Can't make pipe");
		return -errno;

	if (pipe(fdout) < 0)
		perror("Can't make pipe");
		return -errno;

	if (pipe(fderr) < 0)
		perror("Can't make pipe");
		return -errno;

	unsigned int i = 0;
	const char *envp[nvars + 3];
	const char *argvs[nargs + 1];
	char envbuf[2048];
	char *envptr = envbuf;

	argvs[nargs + 1] = NULL;
	envp[nvars + 2] = NULL;

	string c = command;
	i = 0;
	for (string_list_t::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); it++)
		argvs[i++] = (*it).c_str();
		c += string(" ") + *it;
	argvs[i] = 0;
	_DEBUG("-Running: %s", c.c_str());

	i = 0;
	for (string_map_t::iterator it = env.begin(); it != env.end(); it++)
		sprintf(envptr, "%s=%s", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str());
		_DEBUG("-env: %s=%s", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str());
		envp[i++] = envptr;
		envptr += strlen(envptr) + 1;
	sprintf(envptr, "INETFS_CWD=%s", m_datapath.c_str());
	envp[i++] = envptr;
	envptr += strlen(envptr) + 1;
	sprintf(envptr, "PWD=%s", m_datapath.c_str());
	envp[i++] = envptr;
	envptr += strlen(envptr) + 1;
	envp[i] = NULL;

	switch ((pid = ::vfork()))

	case -1: 
		/* error */
		//perror("Can't fork");
		_DEBUG("-cfork failed with errno = %d", errno);
		return -errno;

	case 0:
		/* Child. */
			_DEBUG("+Child process");
			if (2 != dup(fderr[1]))
			::close(1);      /* Close current stdout. */
			if (1 != ::dup(fdout[1])) /* Make stdout go to write end of pipe. */
			::close(0);      /* Close current stdin. */
			if (0 != ::dup(fdin[0]))  /* Make stdin come from read end of pipe. */

			::execvpe(command.c_str(), (char **) argvs, (char **) envp);
			status = -errno;
			perror("No exec");
			//signal(getppid(), SIGQUIT);
			return status;
		/* Parent. */
		/* Close what we don't need. */

#if 0
			struct sigaction sa;
			sa.sa_handler = &handle_sigchld;
			sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_NOCLDSTOP;
			if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, 0) < 0)
				perror("-Failed to set SIGCLD handler");
				return -errno;
			// write client stdin processing
			FILE* cfd_err = fdopen(fderr[0], "r");
			FILE* cfd_in = NULL;
			if (io.input.length() > 0)
				cfd_in = fdopen(fdin[1], "w");
				fwrite(io.input.c_str(), io.input.length(), 1, cfd_in);

			//read client sdtout
			//FILE* cfd_out = fdopen(fdout[1], "r");
			if (fdout[0] > 0)
				char buffer[4096];
				int readlen = 0;
					readlen = (int) ::read(fdout[0], buffer, (int) sizeof(buffer));
					if (readlen < 0)
						result = -errno;
					io.output.append(buffer, readlen);
				while (readlen != 0);
			if (!io.output.empty() && strncmp("@error ", io.output.c_str(), 7) == 0)
				result = -atoi(io.output.c_str() + 7);
			_DEBUG("-waiting for pid = %d", pid);
			if (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) < 0 && result == 0)
				result = -errno;
				if (result == -ECHILD)  // ignore ECHILD
					result = 0;
			if (result == 0 && WIFEXITED(status))
				result = -WEXITSTATUS(status);
			status = result;

			if (cfd_in)
#if 0
			if (cfd_out)
			if (cfd_err)


	return status;