Пример #1
bool repair_part( vehicle &veh, vehicle_part &pt, Character &who_c )
    // @todo: Get rid of this cast after moving relevant functions down to Character
    player &who = ( player & )who_c;
    int part_index = veh.index_of_part( &pt );
    auto &vp = pt.info();

    // @todo: Expose base part damage somewhere, don't recalculate it here
    const auto reqs = pt.is_broken() ?
                      vp.install_requirements() :
                      vp.repair_requirements() * pt.damage_level( 4 );

    inventory map_inv;
    map_inv.form_from_map( who.pos(), PICKUP_RANGE );
    if( !reqs.can_make_with_inventory( who.crafting_inventory() ) ) {
        who.add_msg_if_player( m_info, _( "You don't meet the requirements to repair the %s." ),
                               pt.name().c_str() );
        return false;

    // consume items extracting any base item (which we will need if replacing broken part)
    item base( vp.item );
    for( const auto &e : reqs.get_components() ) {
        for( auto &obj : who.consume_items( who.select_item_component( e, 1, map_inv ), 1 ) ) {
            if( obj.typeId() == vp.item ) {
                base = obj;

    for( const auto &e : reqs.get_tools() ) {
        who.consume_tools( who.select_tool_component( e, 1, map_inv ), 1 );


    for( const auto &sk : pt.is_broken() ? vp.install_skills : vp.repair_skills ) {
        who.practice( sk.first, calc_xp_gain( vp, sk.first ) );

    // If part is broken, it will be destroyed and references invalidated
    std::string partname = pt.name();
    if( pt.is_broken() ) {
        const int dir = pt.direction;
        point loc = pt.mount;
        auto replacement_id = pt.info().get_id();
        g->m.spawn_items( who.pos(), pt.pieces_for_broken_part() );
        veh.remove_part( part_index );
        const int partnum = veh.install_part( loc, replacement_id, std::move( base ) );
        veh.parts[partnum].direction = dir;
    } else {
        veh.set_hp( pt, pt.info().durability );

    // @todo: NPC doing that
    who.add_msg_if_player( m_good, _( "You repair the %1$s's %2$s." ), veh.name.c_str(),
                           partname.c_str() );
    return true;
Пример #2
bool vehicle::can_enable( const vehicle_part &pt, bool alert ) const
    if( std::none_of( parts.begin(), parts.end(), [&pt]( const vehicle_part & e ) {
    return &e == &pt;
} ) || pt.removed ) {
        debugmsg( "Cannot enable removed or non-existent part" );

    if( pt.is_broken() ) {
        return false;

    if( pt.info().has_flag( "PLANTER" ) && !warm_enough_to_plant() ) {
        if( alert ) {
            add_msg( m_bad, _( "It is too cold to plant anything now." ) );
        return false;

    // @todo: check fuel for combustion engines

    if( pt.info().epower < 0 && fuel_left( fuel_type_battery, true ) <= 0 ) {
        if( alert ) {
            add_msg( m_bad, _( "Insufficient power to enable %s" ), pt.name() );
        return false;

    return true;
Пример #3
bool vehicle::mod_hp( vehicle_part &pt, int qty, damage_type dt )
    if( pt.info().durability > 0 ) {
        return pt.base.mod_damage( -( pt.base.max_damage() * qty / pt.info().durability ), dt );
    } else {
        return false;
Пример #4
void vehicle::set_hp( vehicle_part &pt, int qty )
    if( qty == pt.info().durability || pt.info().durability <= 0 ) {
        pt.base.set_damage( 0 );

    } else if( qty == 0 ) {
        pt.base.set_damage( pt.base.max_damage() );

    } else {
        pt.base.set_damage( pt.base.max_damage() - pt.base.max_damage() * qty / pt.info().durability );