Пример #1
 * Generate a random point on the profile that is within the given bounding
 * area. If the point is outside the area then it is pulled to the boundary of
 * the bounding area.
 * @param rng A reference to a random number generator
 * @param bounds A reference to the bounding area that defines the maximum
 * allowed region for the generated point.
 * @return An IBeamProfile::Ray describing the start and direction
IBeamProfile::Ray RectangularBeamProfile::generatePoint(
    Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng,
    const Geometry::BoundingBox &bounds) const {
  auto rngRay = generatePoint(rng);
  auto &rngPt = rngRay.startPos;
  const V3D minBound(bounds.minPoint()), maxBound(bounds.maxPoint());
  if (rngPt[m_upIdx] > maxBound[m_upIdx])
    rngPt[m_upIdx] = maxBound[m_upIdx];
  else if (rngPt[m_upIdx] < minBound[m_upIdx])
    rngPt[m_upIdx] = minBound[m_upIdx];

  if (rngPt[m_horIdx] > maxBound[m_horIdx])
    rngPt[m_horIdx] = maxBound[m_horIdx];
  else if (rngPt[m_horIdx] < minBound[m_horIdx])
    rngPt[m_horIdx] = minBound[m_horIdx];
  return rngRay;
 * Cache frequently accessed values
 * @param instrument : The instrument for this run
 * @param detID : The det ID for this observation
void CachedExperimentInfo::initCaches(
    const Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr &instrument, const detid_t detID) {
  // Throws if detector does not exist
  // Takes into account possible detector mapping
  IDetector_const_sptr det = m_exptInfo.getDetectorByID(detID);

  // Instrument distances
  boost::shared_ptr<const ReferenceFrame> refFrame =
  m_beam = refFrame->pointingAlongBeam();
  m_up = refFrame->pointingUp();
  m_horiz = refFrame->pointingHorizontal();

  IComponent_const_sptr source = instrument->getSource();
  IComponent_const_sptr sample = instrument->getSample();
  IComponent_const_sptr aperture =
      instrument->getComponentByName("aperture", 1);
  if (!aperture) {
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "No component named \"aperture\" found in instrument.");
  IObjComponent_const_sptr firstChopper = instrument->getChopperPoint(0);
  const Kernel::V3D samplePos = sample->getPos();
  const Kernel::V3D beamDir = samplePos - source->getPos();

  // Cache
  m_twoTheta = det->getTwoTheta(samplePos, beamDir);
  m_phi = det->getPhi();
  m_modToChop = firstChopper->getDistance(*source);
  m_apertureToChop = firstChopper->getDistance(*aperture);
  m_chopToSample = sample->getDistance(*firstChopper);
  m_sampleToDet = det->getDistance(*sample);

  // Aperture
  Geometry::BoundingBox apertureBox;
  if (apertureBox.isNull()) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("CachedExperimentInfo::initCaches - Aperture "
                                "has no bounding box, cannot sample from it");
  m_apertureSize.first = apertureBox.maxPoint()[0] - apertureBox.minPoint()[0];
  m_apertureSize.second = apertureBox.maxPoint()[1] - apertureBox.minPoint()[1];

  // Sample volume
  const API::Sample &sampleDescription = m_exptInfo.sample();
  const Geometry::Object &shape = sampleDescription.getShape();
  m_sampleWidths = shape.getBoundingBox().width();

  // Detector volume
  // Make sure it encompasses all possible detectors
  if (m_detBox.isNull()) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("CachedExperimentInfo::initCaches - Detector "
                                "has no bounding box, cannot sample from it. "
                                "ID:" +

  const double rad2deg = 180. / M_PI;
  const double thetaInDegs = twoTheta() * rad2deg;
  const double phiInDegs = phi() * rad2deg;

  m_gonimeter = new Goniometer;
  m_gonimeter->setRotationAngle("phi", thetaInDegs);
  m_gonimeter->setRotationAngle("chi", phiInDegs);
  m_sampleToDetMatrix =
      m_exptInfo.sample().getOrientedLattice().getU() * m_gonimeter->getR();

  // EFixed
  m_efixed = m_exptInfo.getEFixed(det);