Пример #1
void mitk::BinaryThresholdTool::SetupPreviewNode()
  if (m_NodeForThresholding.IsNotNull())
    Image::Pointer image = dynamic_cast<Image*>(m_NodeForThresholding->GetData());
    Image::Pointer originalImage = dynamic_cast<Image*> (m_OriginalImageNode->GetData());

    if (image.IsNotNull())
      mitk::Image* workingimage = dynamic_cast<mitk::Image*>(m_ToolManager->GetWorkingData(0)->GetData());

      if (workingimage)

        //Let's paint the feedback node green...
        mitk::LabelSetImage::Pointer previewImage = dynamic_cast<mitk::LabelSetImage*> (m_ThresholdFeedbackNode->GetData());

        itk::RGBPixel<float> pixel;
        pixel[0] = 0.0f;
        pixel[1] = 1.0f;
        pixel[2] = 0.0f;

      int layer(50);
      m_NodeForThresholding->GetIntProperty("layer", layer);
      m_ThresholdFeedbackNode->SetIntProperty("layer", layer + 1);

      if (DataStorage* ds = m_ToolManager->GetDataStorage())
        if (!ds->Exists(m_ThresholdFeedbackNode))
          ds->Add(m_ThresholdFeedbackNode, m_OriginalImageNode);

      if (image.GetPointer() == originalImage.GetPointer())
        Image::StatisticsHolderPointer statistics = originalImage->GetStatistics();
        m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue = static_cast<double>(statistics->GetScalarValueMin());
        m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue = static_cast<double>(statistics->GetScalarValueMax());

      if ((originalImage->GetPixelType().GetPixelType() == itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR)
        && (originalImage->GetPixelType().GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT || originalImage->GetPixelType().GetComponentType() == itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE))
        m_IsFloatImage = true;
        m_IsFloatImage = false;

      m_CurrentThresholdValue = (m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue + m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue) / 2.0;

      IntervalBordersChanged.Send(m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue, m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue, m_IsFloatImage);
  bool CalculateSegmentationVolume::ThreadedUpdateFunction()
    // get image
    Image::Pointer image;
    GetPointerParameter("Input", image);

                              3); // some magic to call the correctly templated function (we only do 3D images here!)

    // consider single voxel volume
    Vector3D spacing = image->GetSlicedGeometry()->GetSpacing();                           // spacing in mm
    float volumeML = (ScalarType)m_Volume * spacing[0] * spacing[1] * spacing[2] / 1000.0; // convert to ml

    DataNode *groupNode = GetGroupNode();
    if (groupNode)
      groupNode->SetProperty("volume", FloatProperty::New(volumeML));
      groupNode->SetProperty("centerOfMass", Vector3DProperty::New(m_CenterOfMass));
      groupNode->SetProperty("boundingBoxMinimum", Vector3DProperty::New(m_MinIndexOfBoundingBox));
      groupNode->SetProperty("boundingBoxMaximum", Vector3DProperty::New(m_MaxIndexOfBoundingBox));
      groupNode->SetProperty("showVolume", BoolProperty::New(true));

    return true;
Пример #3
Image::Pointer WorkbenchUtils::addPadding(Image::Pointer image, Axis axis, bool append, int numberOfSlices, float paddingPixelValue) {
    // AccessByItk is a precompiler macro that sets up the instantiations for all possible template combinations. This will directly
    // reflect in the compile time and required memory since functions for all permutations of PixelTypes and Dimensions will be created.
    // The amount of parameters is not limited. However, a return is not possible. So we work with an out parameter:
    Image::Pointer returnImage = Image::New();
    AccessByItk_n(image.GetPointer(), addPaddingItk, (axis, append, numberOfSlices, paddingPixelValue, returnImage));
    return returnImage;
Пример #4
Image::Pointer WorkbenchUtils::resampleImage(Image::Pointer image, unsigned int *newDimensions, Interpolator interpolationMethod) {
    // AccessByItk is a precompiler macro that sets up the instantiations for all possible template combinations. This will directly
    // reflect in the compile time and required memory since functions for all permutations of PixelTypes and Dimensions will be created.
    // The amount of parameters is not limited. However, a return is not possible. So we work with an out parameter:
    Image::Pointer returnImage = Image::New();

    AccessByItk_n(image.GetPointer(), resampleImageItk, (interpolationMethod, newDimensions, returnImage));
    return returnImage;
Пример #5
void mitk::CollectionGrayOpening::PerformGrayOpening(mitk::DataCollection *dataCollection,
                                                     std::string name,
                                                     std::string suffix)
  for (size_t patient = 0; patient < dataCollection->Size(); ++patient)
    DataCollection *dataPatient = dynamic_cast<DataCollection *>(dataCollection->GetData(patient).GetPointer());
    if (dataPatient == nullptr)
      MITK_ERROR << "PerformGrayOpening - Structure of DataCollection is invalid at patient level. Data inconsistent!";

    if (dataPatient->Size() == 0)
      MITK_ERROR << "Empty Patient Collective. Probably Fatal.";

    for (size_t timeStep = 0; timeStep < dataPatient->Size(); ++timeStep)
      DataCollection *dataTimeStep = dynamic_cast<DataCollection *>(dataPatient->GetData(timeStep).GetPointer());
      if (dataTimeStep == nullptr)
          << "DilateBinaryByName- Structure of DataCollection is invalid at time step level. Data inconsistent!";

      // BinaryImage::Pointer itkImage = BinaryImage::New();
      ImageType::Pointer itkImage = ImageType::New();
      Image::Pointer tmp = dataTimeStep->GetMitkImage(name).GetPointer();
      if (tmp.IsNull())
        MITK_ERROR << "null";
      CastToItkImage(tmp, itkImage);
      if (itkImage.IsNull())
        MITK_ERROR << "Image " << name << " does not exist. Fatal.";

      typedef itk::FlatStructuringElement<3> StructuringElementType;
      StructuringElementType::RadiusType elementRadius;
      elementRadius[2] = 0;
      StructuringElementType structuringElement = StructuringElementType::Box(elementRadius);

      typedef itk::GrayscaleMorphologicalOpeningImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType, StructuringElementType>

      DilateImageFilterType::Pointer dilateFilter0 = DilateImageFilterType::New();

      DilateImageFilterType::Pointer dilateFilter1 = DilateImageFilterType::New();

      Image::Pointer dil = GrabItkImageMemory(dilateFilter1->GetOutput());
      dataTimeStep->AddData(dil.GetPointer(), name + suffix, "");
Пример #6
void mitk::BinaryThresholdULTool::SetupPreviewNode()
  if (m_NodeForThresholding.IsNotNull())
    Image::Pointer image = dynamic_cast<Image*>( m_NodeForThresholding->GetData() );
    Image::Pointer originalImage = dynamic_cast<Image*> (m_OriginalImageNode->GetData());

    if (image.IsNotNull())
      mitk::Image* workingimage = dynamic_cast<mitk::Image*>(m_ToolManager->GetWorkingData(0)->GetData());

        m_ThresholdFeedbackNode->SetData( workingimage->Clone() );
        m_ThresholdFeedbackNode->SetData( mitk::Image::New() );

      int layer(50);
      m_NodeForThresholding->GetIntProperty("layer", layer);
      m_ThresholdFeedbackNode->SetIntProperty("layer", layer+1);

      if (DataStorage* ds = m_ToolManager->GetDataStorage())
        if (!ds->Exists(m_ThresholdFeedbackNode))
          ds->Add( m_ThresholdFeedbackNode, m_OriginalImageNode );

      if (image.GetPointer() == originalImage.GetPointer())
        m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue = static_cast<double>( originalImage->GetScalarValueMin() );
        m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue = static_cast<double>( originalImage->GetScalarValueMax() );

      m_CurrentLowerThresholdValue = (m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue + m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue) / 3.0;
      m_CurrentUpperThresholdValue = 2.0 * m_CurrentLowerThresholdValue;

      IntervalBordersChanged.Send(m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue, m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue);
      ThresholdingValuesChanged.Send(m_CurrentLowerThresholdValue, m_CurrentUpperThresholdValue);
Пример #7
void mitk::BinaryThresholdULTool::SetupPreviewNode()
  if (m_NodeForThresholding.IsNotNull())
    Image::Pointer image = dynamic_cast<Image*>( m_NodeForThresholding->GetData() );
    Image::Pointer originalImage = dynamic_cast<Image*> (m_OriginalImageNode->GetData());

    if (image.IsNotNull())
      // initialize and a new node with the same image as our reference image
      // use the level window property of this image copy to display the result of a thresholding operation
      m_ThresholdFeedbackNode->SetData( image );
      int layer(50);
      m_NodeForThresholding->GetIntProperty("layer", layer);
      m_ThresholdFeedbackNode->SetIntProperty("layer", layer+1);

      if (DataStorage* ds = m_ToolManager->GetDataStorage())
        if (!ds->Exists(m_ThresholdFeedbackNode))
          ds->Add( m_ThresholdFeedbackNode, m_OriginalImageNode );

      if (image.GetPointer() == originalImage.GetPointer())
        m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue = static_cast<int>( originalImage->GetScalarValueMin() );
        m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue = static_cast<int>( originalImage->GetScalarValueMax() );

      m_CurrentLowerThresholdValue = (m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue + m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue) / 3;
      m_CurrentUpperThresholdValue = 2*m_CurrentLowerThresholdValue;

      IntervalBordersChanged.Send(m_SensibleMinimumThresholdValue, m_SensibleMaximumThresholdValue);
      ThresholdingValuesChanged.Send(m_CurrentLowerThresholdValue, m_CurrentUpperThresholdValue);
Пример #8
  std::vector<BaseData::Pointer> ItkImageIO::Read()
    std::vector<BaseData::Pointer> result;
    mitk::LocaleSwitch localeSwitch("C");

    Image::Pointer image = Image::New();

    const unsigned int MINDIM = 2;
    const unsigned int MAXDIM = 4;

    const std::string path = this->GetLocalFileName();

    MITK_INFO << "loading " << path << " via itk::ImageIOFactory... " << std::endl;

    // Check to see if we can read the file given the name or prefix
    if (path.empty())
      mitkThrow() << "Empty filename in mitk::ItkImageIO ";

    // Got to allocate space for the image. Determine the characteristics of
    // the image.

    unsigned int ndim = m_ImageIO->GetNumberOfDimensions();
    if (ndim < MINDIM || ndim > MAXDIM)
      MITK_WARN << "Sorry, only dimensions 2, 3 and 4 are supported. The given file has " << ndim
                << " dimensions! Reading as 4D.";
      ndim = MAXDIM;

    itk::ImageIORegion ioRegion(ndim);
    itk::ImageIORegion::SizeType ioSize = ioRegion.GetSize();
    itk::ImageIORegion::IndexType ioStart = ioRegion.GetIndex();

    unsigned int dimensions[MAXDIM];
    dimensions[0] = 0;
    dimensions[1] = 0;
    dimensions[2] = 0;
    dimensions[3] = 0;

    ScalarType spacing[MAXDIM];
    spacing[0] = 1.0f;
    spacing[1] = 1.0f;
    spacing[2] = 1.0f;
    spacing[3] = 1.0f;

    Point3D origin;

    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < ndim; ++i)
      ioStart[i] = 0;
      ioSize[i] = m_ImageIO->GetDimensions(i);
      if (i < MAXDIM)
        dimensions[i] = m_ImageIO->GetDimensions(i);
        spacing[i] = m_ImageIO->GetSpacing(i);
        if (spacing[i] <= 0)
          spacing[i] = 1.0f;
      if (i < 3)
        origin[i] = m_ImageIO->GetOrigin(i);


    MITK_INFO << "ioRegion: " << ioRegion << std::endl;
    void *buffer = new unsigned char[m_ImageIO->GetImageSizeInBytes()];

    image->Initialize(MakePixelType(m_ImageIO), ndim, dimensions);
    image->SetImportChannel(buffer, 0, Image::ManageMemory);

    const itk::MetaDataDictionary &dictionary = m_ImageIO->GetMetaDataDictionary();

    // access direction of itk::Image and include spacing
    mitk::Matrix3D matrix;
    unsigned int j, itkDimMax3 = (ndim >= 3 ? 3 : ndim);
    for (i = 0; i < itkDimMax3; ++i)
      for (j = 0; j < itkDimMax3; ++j)
        matrix[i][j] = m_ImageIO->GetDirection(j)[i];

    // re-initialize PlaneGeometry with origin and direction
    PlaneGeometry *planeGeometry = image->GetSlicedGeometry(0)->GetPlaneGeometry(0);

    // re-initialize SlicedGeometry3D
    SlicedGeometry3D *slicedGeometry = image->GetSlicedGeometry(0);
    slicedGeometry->InitializeEvenlySpaced(planeGeometry, image->GetDimension(2));

    MITK_INFO << slicedGeometry->GetCornerPoint(false, false, false);
    MITK_INFO << slicedGeometry->GetCornerPoint(true, true, true);

    // re-initialize TimeGeometry
    TimeGeometry::Pointer timeGeometry;

    { // also check for the name because of backwards compatibility. Past code version stored with the name and not with
      // the key
      itk::MetaDataObject<std::string>::ConstPointer timeGeometryTypeData = nullptr;
      if (dictionary.HasKey(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE))
        timeGeometryTypeData =
          dynamic_cast<const itk::MetaDataObject<std::string> *>(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE));
        timeGeometryTypeData =
          dynamic_cast<const itk::MetaDataObject<std::string> *>(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE));

      if (timeGeometryTypeData->GetMetaDataObjectValue() == ArbitraryTimeGeometry::GetStaticNameOfClass())
        MITK_INFO << "used time geometry: " << ArbitraryTimeGeometry::GetStaticNameOfClass() << std::endl;
        typedef std::vector<TimePointType> TimePointVector;
        TimePointVector timePoints;

          timePoints = ConvertMetaDataObjectToTimePointList(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS));
        else if (dictionary.HasKey(PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS))
          timePoints = ConvertMetaDataObjectToTimePointList(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS));

        if (timePoints.size() - 1 != image->GetDimension(3))
          MITK_ERROR << "Stored timepoints (" << timePoints.size() - 1 << ") and size of image time dimension ("
                     << image->GetDimension(3) << ") do not match. Switch to ProportionalTimeGeometry fallback"
                     << std::endl;
          ArbitraryTimeGeometry::Pointer arbitraryTimeGeometry = ArbitraryTimeGeometry::New();
          TimePointVector::const_iterator pos = timePoints.begin();
          TimePointVector::const_iterator prePos = pos++;

          for (; pos != timePoints.end(); ++prePos, ++pos)
            arbitraryTimeGeometry->AppendTimeStepClone(slicedGeometry, *pos, *prePos);

          timeGeometry = arbitraryTimeGeometry;

    if (timeGeometry.IsNull())
    { // Fallback. If no other valid time geometry has been created, create a ProportionalTimeGeometry
      MITK_INFO << "used time geometry: " << ProportionalTimeGeometry::GetStaticNameOfClass() << std::endl;
      ProportionalTimeGeometry::Pointer propTimeGeometry = ProportionalTimeGeometry::New();
      propTimeGeometry->Initialize(slicedGeometry, image->GetDimension(3));
      timeGeometry = propTimeGeometry;


    buffer = NULL;
    MITK_INFO << "number of image components: " << image->GetPixelType().GetNumberOfComponents() << std::endl;

    for (itk::MetaDataDictionary::ConstIterator iter = dictionary.Begin(), iterEnd = dictionary.End(); iter != iterEnd;
      if (iter->second->GetMetaDataObjectTypeInfo() == typeid(std::string))
        const std::string &key = iter->first;
        std::string assumedPropertyName = key;
        std::replace(assumedPropertyName.begin(), assumedPropertyName.end(), '_', '.');

        std::string mimeTypeName = GetMimeType()->GetName();

        // Check if there is already a info for the key and our mime type.
        IPropertyPersistence::InfoResultType infoList = mitk::CoreServices::GetPropertyPersistence()->GetInfoByKey(key);

        auto predicate = [mimeTypeName](const PropertyPersistenceInfo::ConstPointer &x) {
          return x.IsNotNull() && x->GetMimeTypeName() == mimeTypeName;
        auto finding = std::find_if(infoList.begin(), infoList.end(), predicate);

        if (finding == infoList.end())
          auto predicateWild = [](const PropertyPersistenceInfo::ConstPointer &x) {
            return x.IsNotNull() && x->GetMimeTypeName() == PropertyPersistenceInfo::ANY_MIMETYPE_NAME();
          finding = std::find_if(infoList.begin(), infoList.end(), predicateWild);

        PropertyPersistenceInfo::ConstPointer info;

        if (finding != infoList.end())
          assumedPropertyName = (*finding)->GetName();
          info = *finding;
        { // we have not found anything suitable so we generate our own info
          PropertyPersistenceInfo::Pointer newInfo = PropertyPersistenceInfo::New();
          newInfo->SetNameAndKey(assumedPropertyName, key);
          info = newInfo;

        std::string value =
          dynamic_cast<itk::MetaDataObject<std::string> *>(iter->second.GetPointer())->GetMetaDataObjectValue();

        mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer loadedProp = info->GetDeserializationFunction()(value);

        image->SetProperty(assumedPropertyName.c_str(), loadedProp);

        // Read properties should be persisted unless they are default properties
        // which are written anyway
        bool isDefaultKey(false);

        for (const auto &defaultKey : m_DefaultMetaDataKeys)
          if (defaultKey.length() <= assumedPropertyName.length())
            // does the start match the default key
            if (assumedPropertyName.substr(0, defaultKey.length()).find(defaultKey) != std::string::npos)
              isDefaultKey = true;

        if (!isDefaultKey)

    MITK_INFO << "...finished!" << std::endl;

    return result;
void mitk::CorrectorAlgorithm::GenerateData()
  Image::Pointer inputImage = const_cast<Image*>(ImageToImageFilter::GetInput(0));

  if (inputImage.IsNull() || inputImage->GetDimension() != 2)
    itkExceptionMacro("CorrectorAlgorithm needs a 2D image as input.");

  if (m_Contour.IsNull())
    itkExceptionMacro("CorrectorAlgorithm needs a Contour object as input.");

   // copy the input (since m_WorkingImage will be changed later)
  m_WorkingImage = Image::New();
  m_WorkingImage->Initialize( inputImage );
  m_WorkingImage->SetVolume( inputImage.GetPointer()->GetData() );

  if (inputImage->GetTimeSlicedGeometry() )
    AffineGeometryFrame3D::Pointer originalGeometryAGF = inputImage->GetTimeSlicedGeometry()->Clone();
    TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer originalGeometry = dynamic_cast<TimeSlicedGeometry*>( originalGeometryAGF.GetPointer() );
    m_WorkingImage->SetGeometry( originalGeometry );
    itkExceptionMacro("Original image does not have a 'Time sliced geometry'! Cannot copy.");

  // Convert to ipMITKSegmentationTYPE (because TobiasHeimannCorrectionAlgorithm relys on that data type)
  itk::Image< ipMITKSegmentationTYPE, 2 >::Pointer correctPixelTypeImage;
  CastToItkImage( m_WorkingImage, correctPixelTypeImage );
  assert (correctPixelTypeImage.IsNotNull() );

  // possible bug in CastToItkImage ?
  // direction maxtrix is wrong/broken/not working after CastToItkImage, leading to a failed assertion in
  // mitk/Core/DataStructures/mitkSlicedGeometry3D.cpp, 479:
  // virtual void mitk::SlicedGeometry3D::SetSpacing(const mitk::Vector3D&): Assertion `aSpacing[0]>0 && aSpacing[1]>0 && aSpacing[2]>0' failed
  // solution here: we overwrite it with an unity matrix
  itk::Image< ipMITKSegmentationTYPE, 2 >::DirectionType imageDirection;

  Image::Pointer temporarySlice = this->GetOutput();
  //  temporarySlice = ImportItkImage( correctPixelTypeImage );
  CastToMitkImage( correctPixelTypeImage, temporarySlice );

  TobiasHeimannCorrectionAlgorithm( temporarySlice->GetSliceData()->GetPicDescriptor() );

  // temporarySlice is our return value (user  can get it by calling GetOutput() )

  CalculateDifferenceImage( temporarySlice, inputImage );
  if ( m_DifferenceImage.IsNotNull() && inputImage->GetTimeSlicedGeometry() )
    AffineGeometryFrame3D::Pointer originalGeometryAGF = inputImage->GetTimeSlicedGeometry()->Clone();
    TimeSlicedGeometry::Pointer originalGeometry = dynamic_cast<TimeSlicedGeometry*>( originalGeometryAGF.GetPointer() );
    m_DifferenceImage->SetGeometry( originalGeometry );
    itkExceptionMacro("Original image does not have a 'Time sliced geometry'! Cannot copy.");
Пример #10
std::vector<BaseData::Pointer> ItkImageIO::Read()
  std::vector<BaseData::Pointer> result;

  const std::string& locale = "C";
  const std::string& currLocale = setlocale( LC_ALL, NULL );

  if ( locale.compare(currLocale)!=0 )
      setlocale(LC_ALL, locale.c_str());
      MITK_INFO << "Could not set locale " << locale;

  Image::Pointer image = Image::New();

  const unsigned int MINDIM = 2;
  const unsigned int MAXDIM = 4;

  const std::string path = this->GetLocalFileName();

  MITK_INFO << "loading " << path << " via itk::ImageIOFactory... " << std::endl;

  // Check to see if we can read the file given the name or prefix
  if (path.empty())
    mitkThrow() << "Empty filename in mitk::ItkImageIO ";

  // Got to allocate space for the image. Determine the characteristics of
  // the image.
  m_ImageIO->SetFileName( path );

  unsigned int ndim = m_ImageIO->GetNumberOfDimensions();
  if ( ndim < MINDIM || ndim > MAXDIM )
    MITK_WARN << "Sorry, only dimensions 2, 3 and 4 are supported. The given file has " << ndim << " dimensions! Reading as 4D.";
    ndim = MAXDIM;

  itk::ImageIORegion ioRegion( ndim );
  itk::ImageIORegion::SizeType ioSize = ioRegion.GetSize();
  itk::ImageIORegion::IndexType ioStart = ioRegion.GetIndex();

  unsigned int dimensions[ MAXDIM ];
  dimensions[ 0 ] = 0;
  dimensions[ 1 ] = 0;
  dimensions[ 2 ] = 0;
  dimensions[ 3 ] = 0;

  ScalarType spacing[ MAXDIM ];
  spacing[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
  spacing[ 1 ] = 1.0f;
  spacing[ 2 ] = 1.0f;
  spacing[ 3 ] = 1.0f;

  Point3D origin;

  unsigned int i;
  for ( i = 0; i < ndim ; ++i )
    ioStart[ i ] = 0;
    ioSize[ i ] = m_ImageIO->GetDimensions( i );
      dimensions[ i ] = m_ImageIO->GetDimensions( i );
      spacing[ i ] = m_ImageIO->GetSpacing( i );
      if(spacing[ i ] <= 0)
        spacing[ i ] = 1.0f;
      origin[ i ] = m_ImageIO->GetOrigin( i );

  ioRegion.SetSize( ioSize );
  ioRegion.SetIndex( ioStart );

  MITK_INFO << "ioRegion: " << ioRegion << std::endl;
  m_ImageIO->SetIORegion( ioRegion );
  void* buffer = new unsigned char[m_ImageIO->GetImageSizeInBytes()];
  m_ImageIO->Read( buffer );

  image->Initialize( MakePixelType(m_ImageIO), ndim, dimensions );
  image->SetImportChannel( buffer, 0, Image::ManageMemory );

  // access direction of itk::Image and include spacing
  mitk::Matrix3D matrix;
  unsigned int j, itkDimMax3 = (ndim >= 3? 3 : ndim);
  for ( i=0; i < itkDimMax3; ++i)
    for( j=0; j < itkDimMax3; ++j )
      matrix[i][j] = m_ImageIO->GetDirection(j)[i];

  // re-initialize PlaneGeometry with origin and direction
  PlaneGeometry* planeGeometry = image->GetSlicedGeometry(0)->GetPlaneGeometry(0);

  // re-initialize SlicedGeometry3D
  SlicedGeometry3D* slicedGeometry = image->GetSlicedGeometry(0);
  slicedGeometry->InitializeEvenlySpaced(planeGeometry, image->GetDimension(2));

  MITK_INFO << slicedGeometry->GetCornerPoint(false,false,false);
  MITK_INFO << slicedGeometry->GetCornerPoint(true,true,true);

  // re-initialize TimeGeometry
  ProportionalTimeGeometry::Pointer timeGeometry = ProportionalTimeGeometry::New();
  timeGeometry->Initialize(slicedGeometry, image->GetDimension(3));

  buffer = NULL;
  MITK_INFO << "number of image components: "<< image->GetPixelType().GetNumberOfComponents() << std::endl;

  const itk::MetaDataDictionary& dictionary = m_ImageIO->GetMetaDataDictionary();
  for (itk::MetaDataDictionary::ConstIterator iter = dictionary.Begin(), iterEnd = dictionary.End();
       iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
    std::string key = std::string("meta.") + iter->first;
    if (iter->second->GetMetaDataObjectTypeInfo() == typeid(std::string))
      std::string value = dynamic_cast<itk::MetaDataObject<std::string>*>(iter->second.GetPointer())->GetMetaDataObjectValue();
      image->SetProperty(key.c_str(), mitk::StringProperty::New(value));

  MITK_INFO << "...finished!" << std::endl;

    setlocale(LC_ALL, currLocale.c_str());
    MITK_INFO << "Could not reset locale " << currLocale;

  return result;