Пример #1
FltExportVisitor::apply( osg::PositionAttitudeTransform& node )
    _firstNode = false;
    ScopedStatePushPop guard( this, node.getStateSet() );

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> m = new osg::RefMatrix(
        osg::Matrix::translate( -node.getPivotPoint() ) *
        osg::Matrix::scale( node.getScale() ) *
        osg::Matrix::rotate( node.getAttitude() ) *
        osg::Matrix::translate( node.getPosition() ) );

    std::vector< osg::Referenced* > saveUserDataList;
    unsigned int idx;
    for( idx=0; idx<node.getNumChildren(); idx++ )
        saveUserDataList.push_back( node.getChild( idx )->getUserData() );
        node.getChild( idx )->setUserData( m.get() );

    traverse( (osg::Node&)node );

    // Restore saved UserData.
    unsigned int nd = node.getNumChildren();
    while (nd--)
        node.getChild( nd )->setUserData(
            saveUserDataList[ nd ] );

Пример #2
void daeWriter::apply( osg::PositionAttitudeTransform &node )
#ifdef _DEBUG
    debugPrint( node );

    while ( lastDepth >= _nodePath.size() )
        //We are not a child of previous node
        currentNode = daeSafeCast< domNode >( currentNode->getParentElement() );
    currentNode = daeSafeCast< domNode >(currentNode->createAndPlace( COLLADA_ELEMENT_NODE ) );
    const osg::Vec3 &pos = node.getPosition();
    const osg::Quat &q = node.getAttitude();
    const osg::Vec3 &s = node.getScale();

    if ( s.x() != 1 || s.y() != 1 || s.z() != 1 )
        //make a scale
        domScale *scale = daeSafeCast< domScale >( currentNode->createAndPlace( COLLADA_ELEMENT_SCALE ) );
        scale->getValue().append( s.x() );
        scale->getValue().append( s.y() );
        scale->getValue().append( s.z() );

    double angle;
    osg::Vec3 axis;
    q.getRotate( angle, axis );
    if ( angle != 0 )
        //make a rotate
        domRotate *rot = daeSafeCast< domRotate >( currentNode->createAndPlace( COLLADA_ELEMENT_ROTATE ) );
        rot->getValue().append( axis.x() );
        rot->getValue().append( axis.y() );
        rot->getValue().append( axis.z() );
        rot->getValue().append( angle );

    if ( pos.x() != 0 || pos.y() != 0 || pos.z() != 0 )
        //make a translate
        domTranslate *trans = daeSafeCast< domTranslate >( currentNode->createAndPlace( COLLADA_ELEMENT_TRANSLATE ) );
        trans->getValue().append( pos.x() );
        trans->getValue().append( pos.y() );
        trans->getValue().append( pos.z() );

    lastVisited = POSATT;
    lastDepth = _nodePath.size();

    traverse( node );
Пример #3
void daeWriter::apply( osg::PositionAttitudeTransform &node )
#ifdef _DEBUG
    debugPrint( node );
    currentNode = daeSafeCast< domNode >(currentNode->add( COLLADA_ELEMENT_NODE ) );
    std::string nodeName = getNodeName(node,"positionAttitudeTransform");

    const osg::Vec3 &pos = node.getPosition();
    const osg::Quat &q = node.getAttitude();
    const osg::Vec3 &s = node.getScale();

    osg::Callback* ncb = node.getUpdateCallback();
    bool handled = false;
    if (ncb)
        osgAnimation::UpdateMatrixTransform* ut = dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::UpdateMatrixTransform*>(ncb);
        // If targeted by an animation we split up the matrix into multiple place element so they can be targeted individually
        if (ut)
            handled = true;

            writeUpdateTransformElements(pos, q, s);

    // If not targeted by an animation simply add the elements that actually contribute to placement
    if (!handled)
        if ( s.x() != 1 || s.y() != 1 || s.z() != 1 )
            // Make a scale place element
            domScale *scale = daeSafeCast< domScale >( currentNode->add( COLLADA_ELEMENT_SCALE ) );
            scale->getValue().append3( s.x(), s.y(), s.z() );

        double angle;
        osg::Vec3 axis;
        q.getRotate( angle, axis );
        if ( angle != 0 )
            // Make a rotate place element
            domRotate *rot = daeSafeCast< domRotate >( currentNode->add( COLLADA_ELEMENT_ROTATE ) );
            rot->getValue().append4( axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z(), osg::RadiansToDegrees(angle) );

    if ( s.x() != 1 || s.y() != 1 || s.z() != 1 )
            // Make a translate place element
            domTranslate *trans = daeSafeCast< domTranslate >( currentNode->add( COLLADA_ELEMENT_TRANSLATE ) );
            trans->getValue().append3( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() );


    lastDepth = _nodePath.size();

    traverse( node );