const QString& CLArgs::getImageFilename() const { if ( _imp->imageFilename.isEmpty() && !_imp->args.empty() ) { ///Check for image file passed to command line QStringList::iterator it = _imp->args.begin(); // first argument is the program name, skip it ++it; for (; it != _imp->args.end(); ++it) { if ( !it->startsWith( QChar::fromLatin1('-') ) ) { QString fileCopy = *it; QString ext = QtCompat::removeFileExtension(fileCopy); if ( !ext.isEmpty() ) { std::string readerId = appPTR->isImageFileSupportedByNatron( ext.toStdString() ); if ( !readerId.empty() ) { _imp->imageFilename = *it; _imp->args.erase(it); break; } } } } } return _imp->imageFilename; }
void ComposerTextEdit::slotPasteAsQuotation() { QString text = qApp->clipboard()->text(); if (text.isEmpty()) return; QStringList lines = text.split(QLatin1Char('\n')); for (QStringList::iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { it->remove(QLatin1Char('\r')); if (it->startsWith(QLatin1Char('>'))) { *it = QLatin1Char('>') + *it; } else { *it = QLatin1String("> ") + *it; } } text = lines.join(QStringLiteral("\n")); if (!text.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n'))) { text += QLatin1Char('\n'); } QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); cursor.beginEditBlock(); cursor.insertBlock(); cursor.insertText(text); cursor.endEditBlock(); setTextCursor(cursor); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { #ifdef _IS_UNIX_ signal(SIGQUIT,onSigQuit); signal(SIGINT,onSigQuit); #endif QApplication app( argc, argv ); app.setWindowIcon( QIcon(":images/gmic_hat.png") ); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("GREYC"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(""); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("ZArt"); QStringList args = app.arguments(); QStringList::iterator it = args.begin(); while (it != args.end()) { if ( it->startsWith("-h") || it->startsWith("--help") ) { cout << "Usage:" << endl << " " << QFileInfo(argv[0]).baseName().toLatin1().constData() << " [options]" << endl << " " << "Options: " << endl << " --help | -h : print this help." << endl << endl; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } ++it; } QSplashScreen splashScreen(QPixmap(":/images/splash.png"));; app.processEvents(); WebcamSource::retrieveWebcamResolutions(WebcamSource::getWebcamList(), &splashScreen); if ( ! gmic::init_rc() ) { cerr << "[ZArt] Warning: Could not create resources directory.\n"; } MainWindow mainWindow;; splashScreen.finish(&mainWindow); return app.exec(); }
void VideoScannerThread::SetDirs(QStringList dirs) { QString master = gCoreContext->GetMasterHostName().toLower(); QStringList searchhosts, mdirs; m_offlineSGHosts.clear(); QStringList::iterator iter = dirs.begin(), iter2; while ( iter != dirs.end() ) { if (iter->startsWith("myth://")) { QUrl sgurl = *iter; QString host =; QString path = sgurl.path(); if (!m_liveSGHosts.contains(host)) { // mark host as offline to warn user if (!m_offlineSGHosts.contains(host)) m_offlineSGHosts.append(host); // erase from directory list to skip scanning iter = dirs.erase(iter); continue; } else if ((host == master) && (!mdirs.contains(path))) // collect paths defined on master backend so other // online backends can be set to fall through to them mdirs.append(path); else if (!searchhosts.contains(host)) // mark host as having directories defined so it // does not fall through to those on the master searchhosts.append(host); } ++iter; } for (iter = m_liveSGHosts.begin(); iter != m_liveSGHosts.end(); ++iter) if ((!searchhosts.contains(*iter)) && (master != *iter)) for (iter2 = mdirs.begin(); iter2 != mdirs.end(); ++iter2) // backend is online, but has no directories listed // fall back to those on the master backend dirs.append(gCoreContext->GenMythURL(*iter, 0, *iter2, "Videos")); m_directories = dirs; }
EngineOption* XboardEngine::parseOption(const QString& line) { int start = line.indexOf('-'); if (start < 2) return 0; QString name(line.left(start - 1)); start++; int end = line.indexOf(' ', start); if (end == -1) end = line.length(); QString type(line.mid(start, end - start)); if (type == "button" || type == "save") return new EngineButtonOption(name); if (type == "check") { bool value = line.mid(end + 1) == "1"; return new EngineCheckOption(name, value, value); } if (type == "string" || type == "file" || type == "path") { QString value(line.mid(end + 1)); EngineTextOption::EditorType editorType; if (type == "file") editorType = EngineTextOption::FileDialog; else if (type == "path") editorType = EngineTextOption::FolderDialog; else editorType = EngineTextOption::LineEdit; return new EngineTextOption(name, value, value, QString(), editorType); } if (type == "spin" || type == "slider") { QStringList params(line.mid(end + 1).split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts)); if (params.size() != 3) return 0; bool ok = false; int value =; if (!ok) return 0; int min =; if (!ok || min > value) return 0; int max =; if (!ok || max < value) return 0; return new EngineSpinOption(name, value, value, min, max); } if (type == "combo") { QStringList choices = line.mid(end + 1).split(" /// ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (choices.isEmpty()) return 0; QString value; QStringList::iterator it; for (it = choices.begin(); it != choices.end(); ++it) { if (it->startsWith('*')) { it->remove(0, 1); value = *it; } } if (value.isEmpty()) value = choices.first(); return new EngineComboOption(name, value, value, choices); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { svSystemSpecificInitialisation(); #ifdef Q_WS_X11 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500 // QApplication::setGraphicsSystem("raster"); #endif #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion > QSysInfo::MV_10_8) { // Fix for OS/X 10.9 font problem QFont::insertSubstitution(".Lucida Grande UI", "Lucida Grande"); } #endif SVApplication application(argc, argv); QStringList args = application.arguments(); signal(SIGINT, signalHandler); signal(SIGTERM, signalHandler); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler); signal(SIGQUIT, signalHandler); #endif bool audioOutput = true; bool oscSupport = true; if (args.contains("--help") || args.contains("-h") || args.contains("-?")) { cerr << QApplication::tr( "\nSonic Visualiser is a program for viewing and exploring audio data\nfor semantic music analysis and annotation.\n\nUsage:\n\n %1 [--no-audio] [--no-osc] [<file> ...]\n\n --no-audio: Do not attempt to open an audio output device\n --no-osc: Do not provide an Open Sound Control port for remote control\n <file>: One or more Sonic Visualiser (.sv) and audio files may be provided.\n").arg(argv[0]) << endl; exit(2); } if (args.contains("--no-audio")) audioOutput = false; if (args.contains("--no-osc")) oscSupport = false; QApplication::setOrganizationName("sonic-visualiser"); QApplication::setOrganizationDomain(""); QApplication::setApplicationName(QApplication::tr("Sonic Visualiser")); QSplashScreen *splash = 0; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("Preferences"); if (settings.value("show-splash", true).toBool()) { QPixmap pixmap(":/icons/sv-splash.png"); QPainter painter; painter.begin(&pixmap); QString text = QString("v%1").arg(SV_VERSION); painter.drawText (pixmap.width() - painter.fontMetrics().width(text) - 10, 10 + painter.fontMetrics().ascent(), text); painter.end(); splash = new QSplashScreen(pixmap); splash->show(); QTimer::singleShot(5000, splash, SLOT(hide())); application.processEvents(); } settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup("RDF"); if (!settings.contains("rdf-indices")) { QStringList list; list << ""; settings.setValue("rdf-indices", list); } settings.endGroup(); QIcon icon; int sizes[] = { 16, 22, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128 }; for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0])); ++i) { icon.addFile(QString(":icons/sv-%1x%2.png").arg(sizes[i]).arg(sizes[i])); } QApplication::setWindowIcon(icon); QString language = QLocale::system().name(); settings.beginGroup("Preferences"); language = settings.value("locale", language).toString(); settings.endGroup(); QTranslator qtTranslator; QString qtTrName = QString("qt_%1").arg(language); SVDEBUG << "Loading " << qtTrName << "... "; bool success = false; if (!(success = qtTranslator.load(qtTrName))) { QString qtDir = getenv("QTDIR"); if (qtDir != "") { success = qtTranslator.load (qtTrName, QDir(qtDir).filePath("translations")); } } if (!success) { SVDEBUG << "Failed\nFailed to load Qt translation for locale" << endl; } else { cerr << "Done" << endl; } application.installTranslator(&qtTranslator); QTranslator svTranslator; QString svTrName = QString("sonic-visualiser_%1").arg(language); SVDEBUG << "Loading " << svTrName << "... "; svTranslator.load(svTrName, ":i18n"); SVDEBUG << "Done" << endl; application.installTranslator(&svTranslator); StoreStartupLocale(); // Permit size_t and PropertyName to be used as args in queued signal calls qRegisterMetaType<PropertyContainer::PropertyName>("PropertyContainer::PropertyName"); MainWindow *gui = new MainWindow(audioOutput, oscSupport); application.setMainWindow(gui); InteractiveFileFinder::setParentWidget(gui); TransformUserConfigurator::setParentWidget(gui); if (splash) { QObject::connect(gui, SIGNAL(hideSplash()), splash, SLOT(hide())); } QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); QRect available = desktop->availableGeometry(); int width = (available.width() * 2) / 3; int height = available.height() / 2; if (height < 450) height = (available.height() * 2) / 3; if (width > height * 2) width = height * 2; settings.beginGroup("MainWindow"); QSize size = settings.value("size", QSize(width, height)).toSize(); gui->resizeConstrained(size); if (settings.contains("position")) { QRect prevrect(settings.value("position").toPoint(), size); if (!(available & prevrect).isEmpty()) { gui->move(prevrect.topLeft()); } } if (settings.value("maximised", false).toBool()) { gui->setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); } settings.endGroup(); gui->show(); // The MainWindow class seems to have trouble dealing with this if // it tries to adapt to this preference before the constructor is // complete. As a lazy hack, apply it explicitly from here gui->preferenceChanged("Property Box Layout"); application.m_readyForFiles = true; // Ready to receive files from e.g. Apple Events for (QStringList::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) { if (i == args.begin()) continue; if (i->startsWith('-')) continue; QString path = *i; application.handleFilepathArgument(path, splash); } for (QStringList::iterator i = application.m_filepathQueue.begin(); i != application.m_filepathQueue.end(); ++i) { QString path = *i; application.handleFilepathArgument(path, splash); } #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3F settings.beginGroup("FFTWisdom"); QString wisdom = settings.value("wisdom").toString(); if (wisdom != "") { fftwf_import_wisdom_from_string(wisdom.toLocal8Bit().data()); } #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3 wisdom = settings.value("wisdom_d").toString(); if (wisdom != "") { fftw_import_wisdom_from_string(wisdom.toLocal8Bit().data()); } #endif settings.endGroup(); #endif if (splash) splash->finish(gui); delete splash; /* TipDialog tipDialog; if (tipDialog.isOK()) { tipDialog.exec(); } */ int rv = application.exec(); gui->hide(); cleanupMutex.lock(); if (!cleanedUp) { TransformFactory::deleteInstance(); TempDirectory::getInstance()->cleanup(); cleanedUp = true; } application.releaseMainWindow(); #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3F settings.beginGroup("FFTWisdom"); char *cwisdom = fftwf_export_wisdom_to_string(); if (cwisdom) { settings.setValue("wisdom", cwisdom); free(cwisdom); } #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3 cwisdom = fftw_export_wisdom_to_string(); if (cwisdom) { settings.setValue("wisdom_d", cwisdom); free(cwisdom); } #endif settings.endGroup(); #endif FileSource::debugReport(); delete gui; cleanupMutex.unlock(); return rv; }
MixxxLibraryFeature::MixxxLibraryFeature(QObject* parent, TrackCollection* pTrackCollection, ConfigObject<ConfigValue>* pConfig) : LibraryFeature(parent), kMissingTitle(tr("Missing Tracks")), kHiddenTitle(tr("Hidden Tracks")), m_pMissingView(NULL), m_pHiddenView(NULL), m_trackDao(pTrackCollection->getTrackDAO()), m_pConfig(pConfig), m_pTrackCollection(pTrackCollection) { QStringList columns; columns << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_ID << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_PLAYED << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_TIMESPLAYED //has to be up here otherwise Played and TimesPlayed are not show << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_ARTIST << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_TITLE << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_ALBUM << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_ALBUMARTIST << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_YEAR << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_DURATION << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_RATING << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_GENRE << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_COMPOSER << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_GROUPING << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_FILETYPE << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_TRACKNUMBER << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_KEY << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_KEY_ID << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_DATETIMEADDED << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_BPM << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_BPM_LOCK << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_BITRATE << "track_locations.location" << "track_locations.fs_deleted" << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_COMMENT << "library." + LIBRARYTABLE_MIXXXDELETED; QSqlQuery query(pTrackCollection->getDatabase()); QString tableName = "library_cache_view"; QString queryString = QString( "CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW IF NOT EXISTS %1 AS " "SELECT %2 FROM library " "INNER JOIN track_locations ON library.location =") .arg(tableName, columns.join(",")); query.prepare(queryString); if (!query.exec()) { LOG_FAILED_QUERY(query); } // Strip out library. and track_locations. for (QStringList::iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it) { if (it->startsWith("library.")) { *it = it->replace("library.", ""); } else if (it->startsWith("track_locations.")) { *it = it->replace("track_locations.", ""); } } BaseTrackCache* pBaseTrackCache = new BaseTrackCache( pTrackCollection, tableName, LIBRARYTABLE_ID, columns, true); connect(&m_trackDao, SIGNAL(trackDirty(int)), pBaseTrackCache, SLOT(slotTrackDirty(int))); connect(&m_trackDao, SIGNAL(trackClean(int)), pBaseTrackCache, SLOT(slotTrackClean(int))); connect(&m_trackDao, SIGNAL(trackChanged(int)), pBaseTrackCache, SLOT(slotTrackChanged(int))); connect(&m_trackDao, SIGNAL(tracksAdded(QSet<int>)), pBaseTrackCache, SLOT(slotTracksAdded(QSet<int>))); connect(&m_trackDao, SIGNAL(tracksRemoved(QSet<int>)), pBaseTrackCache, SLOT(slotTracksRemoved(QSet<int>))); connect(&m_trackDao, SIGNAL(dbTrackAdded(TrackPointer)), pBaseTrackCache, SLOT(slotDbTrackAdded(TrackPointer))); m_pBaseTrackCache = QSharedPointer<BaseTrackCache>(pBaseTrackCache); pTrackCollection->addTrackSource(QString("default"), m_pBaseTrackCache); // These rely on the 'default' track source being present. m_pLibraryTableModel = new LibraryTableModel(this, pTrackCollection); TreeItem* pRootItem = new TreeItem(); TreeItem* pmissingChildItem = new TreeItem(kMissingTitle, kMissingTitle, this, pRootItem); TreeItem* phiddenChildItem = new TreeItem(kHiddenTitle, kHiddenTitle, this, pRootItem); pRootItem->appendChild(pmissingChildItem); pRootItem->appendChild(phiddenChildItem); m_childModel.setRootItem(pRootItem); }
void CLArgsPrivate::parse() { { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("version"), QString::fromUtf8("v") ); if ( it != args.end() ) { QString msg = QObject::tr("%1 version %2 at commit %3 on branch %4 built on %4").arg( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_APPLICATION_NAME) ).arg( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_VERSION_STRING) ).arg( QString::fromUtf8(GIT_COMMIT) ).arg( QString::fromUtf8(GIT_BRANCH) ).arg( QString::fromUtf8(__DATE__) ); std::cout << msg.toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("help"), QString::fromUtf8("h") ); if ( it != args.end() ) { CLArgs::printUsage( args[0].toStdString() ); error = 1; return; } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("background"), QString::fromUtf8("b") ); if ( it != args.end() ) { isBackground = true; args.erase(it); } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("interpreter"), QString::fromUtf8("t") ); if ( it != args.end() ) { isInterpreterMode = true; isBackground = true; std::cout << QObject::tr("Note: -t argument given, loading in command-line interpreter mode, only Python commands / scripts are accepted").toStdString() << std::endl; args.erase(it); } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("render-stats"), QString::fromUtf8("s") ); if ( it != args.end() ) { enableRenderStats = true; args.erase(it); } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_BREAKPAD_PROCESS_PID), QString() ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { breakpadProcessPID = it->toLongLong(); args.erase(it); } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the breakpad process executable file path").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_BREAKPAD_PROCESS_EXEC), QString() ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { breakpadProcessFilePath = *it; args.erase(it); } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the breakpad process executable file path").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_BREAKPAD_CLIENT_FD_ARG), QString() ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { breakpadPipeClientID = it->toInt(); args.erase(it); } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the breakpad pipe client FD").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_BREAKPAD_PIPE_ARG), QString() ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { breakpadPipeFilePath = *it; args.erase(it); } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the breakpad pipe path").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_BREAKPAD_COM_PIPE_ARG), QString() ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { breakpadComPipeFilePath = *it; args.erase(it); } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the breakpad communication pipe path").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("export-docs"), QString() ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { exportDocsPath = *it; args.erase(it); } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the doc dir path").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("IPCpipe"), QString() ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { ipcPipe = *it; args.erase(it); } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the IPC pipe filename").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("onload"), QString::fromUtf8("l") ); if ( it != args.end() ) { ++it; if ( it != args.end() ) { defaultOnProjectLoadedScript = *it; #ifdef __NATRON_UNIX__ defaultOnProjectLoadedScript = AppManager::qt_tildeExpansion(defaultOnProjectLoadedScript); #endif QFileInfo fi(defaultOnProjectLoadedScript); if ( !fi.exists() ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("WARNING: --onload %1 ignored because the file does not exist.").arg(defaultOnProjectLoadedScript).toStdString() << std::endl; defaultOnProjectLoadedScript.clear(); } else { defaultOnProjectLoadedScript = fi.canonicalFilePath(); } args.erase(it); if ( !defaultOnProjectLoadedScript.endsWith( QString::fromUtf8(".py") ) ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("The optional on project load script must be a Python script (.py).").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("--onload or -l specified, you must enter a script filename afterwards.").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } } { QStringList::iterator it = findFileNameWithExtension( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_PROJECT_FILE_EXT) ); if ( it == args.end() ) { it = findFileNameWithExtension( QString::fromUtf8("py") ); if ( ( it == args.end() ) && !isInterpreterMode && isBackground ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the filename of a script or %1 project. (.%2)").arg( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_APPLICATION_NAME) ).arg( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_PROJECT_FILE_EXT) ).toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } isPythonScript = true; } if ( it != args.end() ) { filename = *it; #ifdef __NATRON_UNIX__ filename = AppManager::qt_tildeExpansion(filename); #endif QFileInfo fi(filename); if ( fi.exists() ) { filename = fi.canonicalFilePath(); } args.erase(it); } } //Parse frame range for (QStringList::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it) { if ( tryParseMultipleFrameRanges(*it, frameRanges) ) { args.erase(it); rangeSet = true; break; } } //Parse python commands for (;; ) { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("cmd"), QString::fromUtf8("c") ); if ( it == args.end() ) { break; } if (!isBackground) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You cannot use the -c option in interactive mode").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } QStringList::iterator next = it; if ( next != args.end() ) { ++next; } if ( next == args.end() ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify a command when using the -c option").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } pythonCommands.push_back( next->toStdString() ); ++next; args.erase(it, next); } // for (;;) //Parse writers for (;; ) { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("writer"), QString::fromUtf8("w") ); if ( it == args.end() ) { break; } if (!isBackground || isInterpreterMode) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You cannot use the -w option in interactive or interpreter mode").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } QStringList::iterator next = it; if ( next != args.end() ) { ++next; } if ( next == args.end() ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the name of a Write node when using the -w option").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } //Check that the name is conform to a Python acceptable script name std::string pythonConform = NATRON_PYTHON_NAMESPACE::makeNameScriptFriendly( next->toStdString() ); if (next->toStdString() != pythonConform) { std::cout << QObject::tr("The name of the Write node specified is not valid: it cannot contain non alpha-numerical " "characters and must not start with a digit.").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } CLArgs::WriterArg w; = *next; QStringList::iterator nextNext = next; if ( nextNext != args.end() ) { ++nextNext; } if ( nextNext != args.end() ) { //Check for an optional filename if ( !nextNext->startsWith( QChar::fromLatin1('-') ) && !nextNext->startsWith( QString::fromUtf8("--") ) ) { w.filename = *nextNext; #ifdef __NATRON_UNIX__ w.filename = AppManager::qt_tildeExpansion(w.filename); #endif } } writers.push_back(w); if ( nextNext != args.end() ) { ++nextNext; } args.erase(it, nextNext); } // for (;;) //Parse readers for (;; ) { QStringList::iterator it = hasToken( QString::fromUtf8("reader"), QString::fromUtf8("i") ); if ( it == args.end() ) { break; } if (!isBackground || isInterpreterMode) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You cannot use the -i option in interactive or interpreter mode").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } QStringList::iterator next = it; if ( next != args.end() ) { ++next; } if ( next == args.end() ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the name of a Read node when using the -i option").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } //Check that the name is conform to a Python acceptable script name std::string pythonConform = NATRON_PYTHON_NAMESPACE::makeNameScriptFriendly( next->toStdString() ); if (next->toStdString() != pythonConform) { std::cout << QObject::tr("The name of the Read node specified is not valid: it cannot contain non alpha-numerical " "characters and must not start with a digit.").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } CLArgs::ReaderArg r; = *next; QStringList::iterator nextNext = next; if ( nextNext != args.end() ) { ++nextNext; } if ( nextNext == args.end() ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the filename for the following Read node: ").toStdString() << << std::endl; error = 1; return; } //Check for filename if ( !nextNext->startsWith( QChar::fromLatin1('-') ) && !nextNext->startsWith( QString::fromUtf8("--") ) ) { r.filename = *nextNext; #ifdef __NATRON_UNIX__ r.filename = AppManager::qt_tildeExpansion(r.filename); #endif } else { std::cout << QObject::tr("You must specify the filename for the following Read node: ").toStdString() << << std::endl; error = 1; return; } readers.push_back(r); if ( nextNext != args.end() ) { ++nextNext; } args.erase(it, nextNext); } // for (;;) bool atLeastOneOutput = false; ///Parse outputs for (;; ) { QString indexStr; QStringList::iterator it = hasOutputToken(indexStr); if (error > 0) { return; } if ( it == args.end() ) { break; } if (!isBackground) { std::cout << QObject::tr("You cannot use the -o option in interactive or interpreter mode").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } CLArgs::WriterArg w; = QString( QString::fromUtf8("Output%1") ).arg(indexStr); w.mustCreate = true; atLeastOneOutput = true; //Check for a mandatory file name QStringList::iterator next = it; if ( next != args.end() ) { ++next; } if ( next == args.end() ) { std::cout << QObject::tr("Filename is not optional with the -o option").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } //Check for an optional filename if ( !next->startsWith( QChar::fromLatin1('-') ) && !next->startsWith( QString::fromUtf8("--") ) ) { w.filename = *next; } writers.push_back(w); QStringList::iterator endToErase = next; ++endToErase; args.erase(it, endToErase); } if (atLeastOneOutput && !rangeSet) { std::cout << QObject::tr("A frame range must be set when using the -o option").toStdString() << std::endl; error = 1; return; } } // CLArgsPrivate::parse
bool TWScript::doParseHeader(const QString& beginComment, const QString& endComment, const QString& Comment, bool skipEmpty /* = true */) { QFile file(m_Filename); QStringList lines; QString line; bool codecChanged = true; bool success = false; QTextCodec* codec; if (!file.exists() || ! return false; m_Codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); if (!m_Codec) m_Codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); while (codecChanged) { codec = m_Codec;; lines = codec->toUnicode(file.readAll()).split(QRegExp("\r\n|[\n\r]")); // skip any empty lines if (skipEmpty) { while (!lines.isEmpty() && lines.first().isEmpty()) lines.removeFirst(); } if (lines.isEmpty()) break; // is this a valid TW script? line = lines.takeFirst(); if (!beginComment.isEmpty()) { if (!line.startsWith(beginComment)) break; line = line.mid(beginComment.size()).trimmed(); } else if (!Comment.isEmpty()) { if (!line.startsWith(Comment)) break; line = line.mid(Comment.size()).trimmed(); } if (!line.startsWith("TeXworksScript")) break; // scan to find the extent of the header lines QStringList::iterator i; for (i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) { // have we reached the end? if (skipEmpty && i->isEmpty()) { i = lines.erase(i); --i; continue; } if (!endComment.isEmpty()) { if (i->startsWith(endComment)) break; } if (!i->startsWith(Comment)) break; *i = i->mid(Comment.size()).trimmed(); } lines.erase(i, lines.end()); codecChanged = false; switch (doParseHeader(lines)) { case ParseHeader_OK: success = true; break; case ParseHeader_Failed: success = false; break; case ParseHeader_CodecChanged: codecChanged = true; break; } } file.close(); return success; }