void BLI_ewa_filter(const int width, const int height,
                    const bool intpol,
                    const bool use_alpha,
                    const float uv[2],
                    const float du[2],
                    const float dv[2],
                    ewa_filter_read_pixel_cb read_pixel_cb,
                    void *userdata,
                    float result[4])
	/* scaling dxt/dyt by full resolution can cause overflow because of huge A/B/C and esp. F values,
	 * scaling by aspect ratio alone does the opposite, so try something in between instead... */
	const float ff2 = (float)width, ff = sqrtf(ff2), q = (float)height / ff;
	const float Ux = du[0] * ff, Vx = du[1] * q, Uy = dv[0] * ff, Vy = dv[1] * q;
	float A = Vx * Vx + Vy * Vy;
	float B = -2.0f * (Ux * Vx + Uy * Vy);
	float C = Ux * Ux + Uy * Uy;
	float F = A * C - B * B * 0.25f;
	float a, b, th, ecc, a2, b2, ue, ve, U0, V0, DDQ, U, ac1, ac2, BU, d;
	int u, v, u1, u2, v1, v2;

	/* The so-called 'high' quality ewa method simply adds a constant of 1 to both A & C,
	 * so the ellipse always covers at least some texels. But since the filter is now always larger,
	 * it also means that everywhere else it's also more blurry then ideally should be the case.
	 * So instead here the ellipse radii are modified instead whenever either is too low.
	 * Use a different radius based on interpolation switch, just enough to anti-alias when interpolation is off,
	 * and slightly larger to make result a bit smoother than bilinear interpolation when interpolation is on
	 * (minimum values: const float rmin = intpol ? 1.f : 0.5f;) */
	const float rmin = (intpol ? 1.5625f : 0.765625f) / ff2;
	BLI_ewa_imp2radangle(A, B, C, F, &a, &b, &th, &ecc);
	if ((b2 = b * b) < rmin) {
		if ((a2 = a * a) < rmin) {
			B = 0.0f;
			A = C = rmin;
			F = A * C;
		else {
			b2 = rmin;
			radangle2imp(a2, b2, th, &A, &B, &C, &F);

	ue = ff * sqrtf(C);
	ve = ff * sqrtf(A);
	d = (float)(EWA_MAXIDX + 1) / (F * ff2);
	A *= d;
	B *= d;
	C *= d;

	U0 = uv[0] * (float)width;
	V0 = uv[1] * (float)height;
	u1 = (int)(floorf(U0 - ue));
	u2 = (int)(ceilf(U0 + ue));
	v1 = (int)(floorf(V0 - ve));
	v2 = (int)(ceilf(V0 + ve));

	/* sane clamping to avoid unnecessarily huge loops */
	/* note: if eccentricity gets clamped (see above),
	 * the ue/ve limits can also be lowered accordingly
	if (U0 - (float)u1 > EWA_MAXIDX) u1 = (int)U0 - EWA_MAXIDX;
	if ((float)u2 - U0 > EWA_MAXIDX) u2 = (int)U0 + EWA_MAXIDX;
	if (V0 - (float)v1 > EWA_MAXIDX) v1 = (int)V0 - EWA_MAXIDX;
	if ((float)v2 - V0 > EWA_MAXIDX) v2 = (int)V0 + EWA_MAXIDX;

	/* Early output check for cases the whole region is outside of the buffer. */
	if ((u2 < 0 || u1 >= width) ||  (v2 < 0 || v1 >= height)) {

	U0 -= 0.5f;
	V0 -= 0.5f;
	DDQ = 2.0f * A;
	U = (float)u1 - U0;
	ac1 = A * (2.0f * U + 1.0f);
	ac2 = A * U * U;
	BU = B * U;

	d = 0.0f;
	for (v = v1; v <= v2; ++v) {
		const float V = (float)v - V0;
		float DQ = ac1 + B * V;
		float Q = (C * V + BU) * V + ac2;
		for (u = u1; u <= u2; ++u) {
			if (Q < (float)(EWA_MAXIDX + 1)) {
				float tc[4];
				const float wt = EWA_WTS[(Q < 0.0f) ? 0 : (unsigned int)Q];
				read_pixel_cb(userdata, u, v, tc);
				madd_v3_v3fl(result, tc, wt);
				result[3] += use_alpha ? tc[3] * wt : 0.0f;
				d += wt;
			Q += DQ;
			DQ += DDQ;

	/* d should hopefully never be zero anymore */
	d = 1.0f / d;
	mul_v3_fl(result, d);
	/* clipping can be ignored if alpha used, texr->ta already includes filtered edge */
	result[3] = use_alpha ? result[3] * d : 1.0f;
static int imagewraposa_aniso(Tex *tex, Image *ima, ImBuf *ibuf, const float texvec[3], float dxt[2], float dyt[2], TexResult *texres, struct ImagePool *pool, const bool skip_load_image)
	TexResult texr;
	float fx, fy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
	float maxd, val1, val2, val3;
	int curmap, retval, intpol, extflag = 0;
	afdata_t AFD;

	void (*filterfunc)(TexResult*, ImBuf*, float, float, afdata_t*);
	switch (tex->texfilter) {
		case TXF_EWA:
			filterfunc = ewa_eval;
		case TXF_FELINE:
			filterfunc = feline_eval;
		case TXF_AREA:
			filterfunc = area_sample;

	texres->tin = texres->ta = texres->tr = texres->tg = texres->tb = 0.f;

	/* we need to set retval OK, otherwise texture code generates normals itself... */
	retval = texres->nor ? 3 : 1;

	/* quick tests */
	if (ibuf==NULL && ima==NULL) return retval;

	if (ima) {	/* hack for icon render */
		if (skip_load_image && !BKE_image_has_loaded_ibuf(ima)) {
			return retval;
		ibuf = BKE_image_pool_acquire_ibuf(ima, &tex->iuser, pool);

	if ((ibuf == NULL) || ((ibuf->rect == NULL) && (ibuf->rect_float == NULL))) {
		if (ima)
			BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
		return retval;

	if (ima) {
		ima->flag |= IMA_USED_FOR_RENDER;

	/* mipmap test */
	image_mipmap_test(tex, ibuf);
	if (ima) {
		if ((tex->imaflag & TEX_USEALPHA) && (ima->flag & IMA_IGNORE_ALPHA) == 0) {
			if ((tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA) == 0) {
				texres->talpha = 1;
	texr.talpha = texres->talpha;

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_IMAROT) {
		fy = texvec[0];
		fx = texvec[1];
	else {
		fx = texvec[0];
		fy = texvec[1];

	if (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) {
		if (R.r.mode & R_FIELDS) {			/* field render */
			if (R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) {		/* correction for 2nd field */
				/* fac1= 0.5/( (float)ibuf->y ); */
				/* fy-= fac1; */
			else 	/* first field */
				fy += 0.5f/( (float)ibuf->y );

	/* pixel coordinates */
	minx = min_fff(dxt[0], dyt[0], dxt[0] + dyt[0]);
	maxx = max_fff(dxt[0], dyt[0], dxt[0] + dyt[0]);
	miny = min_fff(dxt[1], dyt[1], dxt[1] + dyt[1]);
	maxy = max_fff(dxt[1], dyt[1], dxt[1] + dyt[1]);

	/* tex_sharper has been removed */
	minx = (maxx - minx)*0.5f;
	miny = (maxy - miny)*0.5f;

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_FILTER_MIN) {
		/* make sure the filtersize is minimal in pixels (normal, ref map can have miniature pixel dx/dy) */
		const float addval = (0.5f * tex->filtersize) / (float)MIN2(ibuf->x, ibuf->y);
		if (addval > minx) minx = addval;
		if (addval > miny) miny = addval;
	else if (tex->filtersize != 1.f) {
		minx *= tex->filtersize;
		miny *= tex->filtersize;
		dxt[0] *= tex->filtersize;
		dxt[1] *= tex->filtersize;
		dyt[0] *= tex->filtersize;
		dyt[1] *= tex->filtersize;

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_IMAROT) {
		float t;
		SWAP(float, minx, miny);
		/* must rotate dxt/dyt 90 deg
		 * yet another blender problem is that swapping X/Y axes (or any tex proj switches) should do something similar,
		 * but it doesn't, it only swaps coords, so filter area will be incorrect in those cases. */
		t = dxt[0];
		dxt[0] = dxt[1];
		dxt[1] = -t;
		t = dyt[0];
		dyt[0] = dyt[1];
		dyt[1] = -t;

	/* side faces of unit-cube */
	minx = (minx > 0.25f) ? 0.25f : ((minx < 1e-5f) ? 1e-5f : minx);
	miny = (miny > 0.25f) ? 0.25f : ((miny < 1e-5f) ? 1e-5f : miny);

	/* repeat and clip */

	if (tex->extend == TEX_REPEAT) {
			extflag = TXC_EXTD;
		else if (tex->flag & TEX_REPEAT_XMIR)
			extflag = TXC_XMIR;
		else if (tex->flag & TEX_REPEAT_YMIR)
			extflag = TXC_YMIR;
			extflag = TXC_REPT;
	else if (tex->extend == TEX_EXTEND)
		extflag = TXC_EXTD;

	if (tex->extend == TEX_CHECKER) {
		int xs = (int)floorf(fx), ys = (int)floorf(fy);
		/* both checkers available, no boundary exceptions, checkerdist will eat aliasing */
		if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) && (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN)) {
			fx -= xs;
			fy -= ys;
		else if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) == 0 &&
		         (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN) == 0)
			if (ima)
				BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
			return retval;
		else {
			int xs1 = (int)floorf(fx - minx);
			int ys1 = (int)floorf(fy - miny);
			int xs2 = (int)floorf(fx + minx);
			int ys2 = (int)floorf(fy + miny);
			if ((xs1 != xs2) || (ys1 != ys2)) {
				if (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) {
					fx -= ((xs1 + ys) & 1) ? xs2 : xs1;
					fy -= ((ys1 + xs) & 1) ? ys2 : ys1;
				if (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN) {
					fx -= ((xs1 + ys) & 1) ? xs1 : xs2;
					fy -= ((ys1 + xs) & 1) ? ys1 : ys2;
			else {
				if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) == 0 && ((xs + ys) & 1) == 0) {
					if (ima)
						BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
					return retval;
				if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN) == 0 && (xs + ys) & 1) {
					if (ima)
						BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
					return retval;
				fx -= xs;
				fy -= ys;
		/* scale around center, (0.5, 0.5) */
		if (tex->checkerdist < 1.f) {
			const float omcd = 1.f / (1.f - tex->checkerdist);
			fx = (fx - 0.5f)*omcd + 0.5f;
			fy = (fy - 0.5f)*omcd + 0.5f;
			minx *= omcd;
			miny *= omcd;

	if (tex->extend == TEX_CLIPCUBE) {
		if ((fx + minx) < 0.f || (fy + miny) < 0.f || (fx - minx) > 1.f || (fy - miny) > 1.f || texvec[2] < -1.f || texvec[2] > 1.f) {
			if (ima)
				BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
			return retval;
	else if (tex->extend == TEX_CLIP || tex->extend == TEX_CHECKER) {
		if ((fx + minx) < 0.f || (fy + miny) < 0.f || (fx - minx) > 1.f || (fy - miny) > 1.f) {
			if (ima)
				BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
			return retval;
	else {
		if (tex->extend == TEX_EXTEND) {
			fx = (fx > 1.f) ? 1.f : ((fx < 0.f) ? 0.f : fx);
			fy = (fy > 1.f) ? 1.f : ((fy < 0.f) ? 0.f : fy);
		else {
			fx -= floorf(fx);
			fy -= floorf(fy);

	intpol = tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL;

	/* warning no return! */
	if ((R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields))
		ibuf->rect += ibuf->x*ibuf->y;

	/* struct common data */
	copy_v2_v2(AFD.dxt, dxt);
	copy_v2_v2(AFD.dyt, dyt);
	AFD.intpol = intpol;
	AFD.extflag = extflag;

	/* brecht: added stupid clamping here, large dx/dy can give very large
	 * filter sizes which take ages to render, it may be better to do this
	 * more intelligently later in the code .. probably it's not noticeable */
	if (AFD.dxt[0]*AFD.dxt[0] + AFD.dxt[1]*AFD.dxt[1] > 2.0f*2.0f)
		mul_v2_fl(AFD.dxt, 2.0f/len_v2(AFD.dxt));
	if (AFD.dyt[0]*AFD.dyt[0] + AFD.dyt[1]*AFD.dyt[1] > 2.0f*2.0f)
		mul_v2_fl(AFD.dyt, 2.0f/len_v2(AFD.dyt));

	/* choice: */
	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_MIPMAP) {
		ImBuf *previbuf, *curibuf;
		float levf;
		int maxlev;
		ImBuf *mipmaps[IMB_MIPMAP_LEVELS + 1];

		/* modify ellipse minor axis if too eccentric, use for area sampling as well
		 * scaling dxt/dyt as done in pbrt is not the same
		 * (as in ewa_eval(), scale by sqrt(ibuf->x) to maximize precision) */
		const float ff = sqrtf(ibuf->x), q = ibuf->y/ff;
		const float Ux = dxt[0]*ff, Vx = dxt[1]*q, Uy = dyt[0]*ff, Vy = dyt[1]*q;
		const float A = Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy;
		const float B = -2.f*(Ux*Vx + Uy*Vy);
		const float C = Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy;
		const float F = A*C - B*B*0.25f;
		float a, b, th, ecc;
		BLI_ewa_imp2radangle(A, B, C, F, &a, &b, &th, &ecc);
		if (tex->texfilter == TXF_FELINE) {
			float fProbes;
			a *= ff;
			b *= ff;
			a = max_ff(a, 1.0f);
			b = max_ff(b, 1.0f);
			fProbes = 2.f*(a / b) - 1.f;
			AFD.iProbes = round_fl_to_int(fProbes);
			AFD.iProbes = MIN2(AFD.iProbes, tex->afmax);
			if (AFD.iProbes < fProbes)
				b = 2.f*a / (float)(AFD.iProbes + 1);
			AFD.majrad = a/ff;
			AFD.minrad = b/ff;
			AFD.theta = th;
			AFD.dusc = 1.f/ff;
			AFD.dvsc = ff / (float)ibuf->y;
		else {	/* EWA & area */
			if (ecc > (float)tex->afmax) b = a / (float)tex->afmax;
			b *= ff;
		maxd = max_ff(b, 1e-8f);
		levf = ((float)M_LOG2E) * logf(maxd);

		curmap = 0;
		maxlev = 1;
		mipmaps[0] = ibuf;
		while (curmap < IMB_MIPMAP_LEVELS) {
			mipmaps[curmap + 1] = ibuf->mipmap[curmap];
			if (ibuf->mipmap[curmap]) maxlev++;

		/* mipmap level */
		if (levf < 0.f) {  /* original image only */
			previbuf = curibuf = mipmaps[0];
			levf = 0.f;
		else if (levf >= maxlev - 1) {
			previbuf = curibuf = mipmaps[maxlev - 1];
			levf = 0.f;
			if (tex->texfilter == TXF_FELINE) AFD.iProbes = 1;
		else {
			const int lev = isnan(levf) ? 0 : (int)levf;
			curibuf = mipmaps[lev];
			previbuf = mipmaps[lev + 1];
			levf -= floorf(levf);

		/* filter functions take care of interpolation themselves, no need to modify dxt/dyt here */

		if (texres->nor && ((tex->imaflag & TEX_NORMALMAP) == 0)) {
			/* color & normal */
			filterfunc(texres, curibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			val1 = texres->tr + texres->tg + texres->tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, curibuf, fx + dxt[0], fy + dxt[1], &AFD);
			val2 = texr.tr + texr.tg + texr.tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, curibuf, fx + dyt[0], fy + dyt[1], &AFD);
			val3 = texr.tr + texr.tg + texr.tb;
			/* don't switch x or y! */
			texres->nor[0] = val1 - val2;
			texres->nor[1] = val1 - val3;
			if (previbuf != curibuf) {  /* interpolate */
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
				/* rgb */
				texres->tr += levf*(texr.tr - texres->tr);
				texres->tg += levf*(texr.tg - texres->tg);
				texres->tb += levf*(texr.tb - texres->tb);
				texres->ta += levf*(texr.ta - texres->ta);
				/* normal */
				val1 += levf*((texr.tr + texr.tg + texr.tb) - val1);
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx + dxt[0], fy + dxt[1], &AFD);
				val2 += levf*((texr.tr + texr.tg + texr.tb) - val2);
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx + dyt[0], fy + dyt[1], &AFD);
				val3 += levf*((texr.tr + texr.tg + texr.tb) - val3);
				texres->nor[0] = val1 - val2;  /* vals have been interpolated above! */
				texres->nor[1] = val1 - val3;
		else {  /* color */
			filterfunc(texres, curibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			if (previbuf != curibuf) {  /* interpolate */
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
				texres->tr += levf*(texr.tr - texres->tr);
				texres->tg += levf*(texr.tg - texres->tg);
				texres->tb += levf*(texr.tb - texres->tb);
				texres->ta += levf*(texr.ta - texres->ta);

			if (tex->texfilter != TXF_EWA) {
				alpha_clip_aniso(ibuf, fx-minx, fy-miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, extflag, texres);
	else {	/* no mipmap */
		/* filter functions take care of interpolation themselves, no need to modify dxt/dyt here */
		if (tex->texfilter == TXF_FELINE) {
			const float ff = sqrtf(ibuf->x), q = ibuf->y/ff;
			const float Ux = dxt[0]*ff, Vx = dxt[1]*q, Uy = dyt[0]*ff, Vy = dyt[1]*q;
			const float A = Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy;
			const float B = -2.f*(Ux*Vx + Uy*Vy);
			const float C = Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy;
			const float F = A*C - B*B*0.25f;
			float a, b, th, ecc, fProbes;
			BLI_ewa_imp2radangle(A, B, C, F, &a, &b, &th, &ecc);
			a *= ff;
			b *= ff;
			a = max_ff(a, 1.0f);
			b = max_ff(b, 1.0f);
			fProbes = 2.f*(a / b) - 1.f;
			/* no limit to number of Probes here */
			AFD.iProbes = round_fl_to_int(fProbes);
			if (AFD.iProbes < fProbes) b = 2.f*a / (float)(AFD.iProbes + 1);
			AFD.majrad = a/ff;
			AFD.minrad = b/ff;
			AFD.theta = th;
			AFD.dusc = 1.f/ff;
			AFD.dvsc = ff / (float)ibuf->y;
		if (texres->nor && ((tex->imaflag & TEX_NORMALMAP) == 0)) {
			/* color & normal */
			filterfunc(texres, ibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			val1 = texres->tr + texres->tg + texres->tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, ibuf, fx + dxt[0], fy + dxt[1], &AFD);
			val2 = texr.tr + texr.tg + texr.tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, ibuf, fx + dyt[0], fy + dyt[1], &AFD);
			val3 = texr.tr + texr.tg + texr.tb;
			/* don't switch x or y! */
			texres->nor[0] = val1 - val2;
			texres->nor[1] = val1 - val3;
		else {
			filterfunc(texres, ibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			if (tex->texfilter != TXF_EWA) {
				alpha_clip_aniso(ibuf, fx-minx, fy-miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, extflag, texres);

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA)
		texres->ta = texres->tin = texres->ta * max_fff(texres->tr, texres->tg, texres->tb);
		texres->tin = texres->ta;
	if (tex->flag & TEX_NEGALPHA) texres->ta = 1.f - texres->ta;
	if ((R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields))
		ibuf->rect -= ibuf->x*ibuf->y;

	if (texres->nor && (tex->imaflag & TEX_NORMALMAP)) {	/* normal from color */
		/* The invert of the red channel is to make
		 * the normal map compliant with the outside world.
		 * It needs to be done because in Blender
		 * the normal used in the renderer points inward. It is generated
		 * this way in calc_vertexnormals(). Should this ever change
		 * this negate must be removed. */
		texres->nor[0] = -2.f*(texres->tr - 0.5f);
		texres->nor[1] = 2.f*(texres->tg - 0.5f);
		texres->nor[2] = 2.f*(texres->tb - 0.5f);

	/* de-premul, this is being premulled in shade_input_do_shade()
	 * TXF: this currently does not (yet?) work properly, destroys edge AA in clip/checker mode, so for now commented out
	 * also disabled in imagewraposa() to be able to compare results with blender's default texture filtering */

	/* brecht: tried to fix this, see "TXF alpha" comments */

	/* do not de-premul for generated alpha, it is already in straight */
	if (texres->ta!=1.0f && texres->ta>1e-4f && !(tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA)) {
		fx = 1.f/texres->ta;
		texres->tr *= fx;
		texres->tg *= fx;
		texres->tb *= fx;

	if (ima)
		BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);

	return retval;