static void Mac_UnlockAudio(_THIS)
    SInt32 oldval;
    oldval = DecrementAtomic((SInt32 *) &audio_is_locked);
    if ( oldval != 1 )  /* != 1 means audio is still locked. */

    /* Did we miss the chance to mix in an interrupt? Do it now. */
    if ( BitAndAtomic (0xFFFFFFFF, (UInt32 *) &need_to_mix) ) {
         * Note that this could be a problem if you missed an interrupt
         *  while the audio was locked, and get preempted by a second
         *  interrupt here, but that means you locked for way too long anyhow.
        mix_buffer (this, buffer[fill_me]);
static void
callBackProc(SndChannel * chan, SndCommand * cmd_passed)
    UInt32 play_me;
    SndCommand cmd;
    SDL_AudioDevice *audio = (SDL_AudioDevice *) chan->userInfo;

    IncrementAtomic((SInt32 *) & need_to_mix);

    fill_me = cmd_passed->param2;       /* buffer that has just finished playing, so fill it */
    play_me = !fill_me;         /* filled buffer to play _now_ */

    if (!audio->enabled) {

    /* queue previously mixed buffer for playback. */
    header.samplePtr = (Ptr) buffer[play_me];
    cmd.cmd = bufferCmd;
    cmd.param1 = 0;
    cmd.param2 = (long) &header;
    SndDoCommand(chan, &cmd, 0);

    SDL_memset(buffer[fill_me], 0, audio->spec.size);

     * if audio device isn't locked, mix the next buffer to be queued in
     *  the memory block that just finished playing.
    if (!BitAndAtomic(0xFFFFFFFF, (UInt32 *) & audio_is_locked)) {
        mix_buffer(audio, buffer[fill_me]);

    /* set this callback to run again when current buffer drains. */
    if (running) {
        cmd.cmd = callBackCmd;
        cmd.param1 = 0;
        cmd.param2 = play_me;

        SndDoCommand(chan, &cmd, 0);
PaError WriteStream( PaStream* stream,
                            const void *buffer,
                            unsigned long frames )
    PaMacBlio *blio = & ((PaMacCoreStream*)stream) -> blio;
    char *cbuf = (char *) buffer;
    PaError ret = paNoError;

    while( frames > 0 ) {
       long avail = 0;
       long toWrite;

       do {
          avail = RingBuffer_GetWriteAvailable( &blio->outputRingBuffer );
          printf( "Write Buffer is %%%g full: %ld of %ld.\n",
                  100 - 100 * (float)avail / (float) blio->outputRingBuffer.bufferSize,
                  avail, blio->outputRingBuffer.bufferSize );
          if( avail == 0 ) {
             /*block while full*/
             ret = UNIX_ERR( pthread_mutex_lock( &blio->outputMutex ) );
             if( ret )
                return ret;
             while( blio->isOutputFull ) {
                ret = UNIX_ERR( pthread_cond_wait( &blio->outputCond, &blio->outputMutex ) );
                if( ret )
                   return ret;
             ret = UNIX_ERR( pthread_mutex_unlock( &blio->outputMutex ) );
             if( ret )
                return ret;
       } while( avail == 0 );

       toWrite = MIN( avail, frames * blio->outputSampleSize * blio->outChan );
       toWrite -= toWrite % blio->outputSampleSize * blio->outChan ;
       RingBuffer_Write( &blio->outputRingBuffer, (void *)cbuf, toWrite );
       cbuf += toWrite;
       frames -= toWrite / ( blio->outputSampleSize * blio->outChan );

       if( toWrite == avail ) {
          /* we just filled up the buffer, so we need to mark it as filled. */
          ret = blioSetIsOutputFull( blio, true );
          if( ret )
             return ret;
          /* of course, in the meantime, we may have emptied the buffer, so
             so check for that, too, to avoid a race condition. */
          if( RingBuffer_GetWriteAvailable( &blio->outputRingBuffer ) ) {
             blioSetIsOutputFull( blio, false );
             if( ret )
                return ret;

    /*   Report either paNoError or paOutputUnderflowed. */
    /*   may also want to report other errors, but this is non-standard. */
    ret = blio->statusFlags & paOutputUnderflow;

    /* report underflow only once: */
    if( ret ) {
    	//Mihai: replacing OSAtomicAnd32 with BitAndAtomic
      	//OSAtomicAnd32( ~paOutputUnderflow, &blio->statusFlags );
      	BitAndAtomic( ~paOutputUnderflow, &blio->statusFlags );
      	ret = paOutputUnderflowed;

    return ret;
PaError ReadStream( PaStream* stream,
                           void *buffer,
                           unsigned long frames )
    PaMacBlio *blio = & ((PaMacCoreStream*)stream) -> blio;
    char *cbuf = (char *) buffer;
    PaError ret = paNoError;

    while( frames > 0 ) {
       long avail;
       long toRead;
       do {
          avail = RingBuffer_GetReadAvailable( &blio->inputRingBuffer );
          printf( "Read Buffer is %%%g full: %ld of %ld.\n",
                  100 * (float)avail / (float) blio->inputRingBuffer.bufferSize,
                  avail, blio->inputRingBuffer.bufferSize );
          if( avail == 0 ) {
             /**block when empty*/
             ret = UNIX_ERR( pthread_mutex_lock( &blio->inputMutex ) );
             if( ret )
                return ret;
             while( blio->isInputEmpty ) {
                ret = UNIX_ERR( pthread_cond_wait( &blio->inputCond, &blio->inputMutex ) );
                if( ret )
                   return ret;
             ret = UNIX_ERR( pthread_mutex_unlock( &blio->inputMutex ) );
             if( ret )
                return ret;
       } while( avail == 0 );
       toRead = MIN( avail, frames * blio->inputSampleSize * blio->inChan );
       toRead -= toRead % blio->inputSampleSize * blio->inChan ;
       RingBuffer_Read( &blio->inputRingBuffer, (void *)cbuf, toRead );
       cbuf += toRead;
       frames -= toRead / ( blio->inputSampleSize * blio->inChan );

       if( toRead == avail ) {
          /* we just emptied the buffer, so we need to mark it as empty. */
          ret = blioSetIsInputEmpty( blio, true );
          if( ret )
             return ret;
          /* of course, in the meantime, the callback may have put some sats
             in, so
             so check for that, too, to avoid a race condition. */
          if( RingBuffer_GetReadAvailable( &blio->inputRingBuffer ) ) {
             blioSetIsInputEmpty( blio, false );
             if( ret )
                return ret;

    /*   Report either paNoError or paInputOverflowed. */
    /*   may also want to report other errors, but this is non-standard. */
    ret = blio->statusFlags & paInputOverflow;

    /* report underflow only once: */
    if( ret ) {
       //Mihai: replacing OSAtomicAnd32 with BitAndAtomic
       //OSAtomicAnd32( ~paInputOverflow, &blio->statusFlags );
       BitAndAtomic( ~paInputOverflow, &blio->statusFlags );
       ret = paInputOverflowed;

    return ret;