 * @return @c true if are a compatible client and nothing else must be downloaded or no downloads are still running,
 * @c false if the start of the match must get a little bit postponed (running downloads).
 * @note throws ERR_DISCONNECT if we are not compatible to the server
static bool CL_CanMultiplayerStart (void)
	const int day = CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_LIGHTMAP);
	const char* serverVersion = CL_GetConfigString(CS_VERSION);

	/* checksum doesn't match with the one the server gave us via configstring */
	if (!Q_streq(UFO_VERSION, serverVersion)) {
		Com_sprintf(popupText, sizeof(popupText), _("Local game version (%s) differs from the server version (%s)"), UFO_VERSION, serverVersion);
		UI_Popup(_("Error"), popupText);
		Com_Error(ERR_DISCONNECT, "Local game version (%s) differs from the server version (%s)", UFO_VERSION, serverVersion);
	/* amount of objects from script files doesn't match */
	} else if (csi.numODs != CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_OBJECTAMOUNT)) {
		UI_Popup(_("Error"), _("Script files are not the same"));
		Com_Error(ERR_DISCONNECT, "Script files are not the same");

	/* activate the map loading screen for multiplayer, too */

	/* check download */
	if (cls.downloadMaps) { /* confirm map */
		if (CL_DownloadMap(CL_GetConfigString(CS_NAME)))
			return false;
		cls.downloadMaps = false;

	/* map might still be downloading? */
	if (CL_PendingHTTPDownloads())
		return false;

	if (Com_GetScriptChecksum() != CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_UFOCHECKSUM))
		Com_Printf("You are using modified ufo script files - might produce problems\n");

	CM_LoadMap(CL_GetConfigString(CS_TILES), day, CL_GetConfigString(CS_POSITIONS), CL_GetConfigString(CS_ENTITYSTRING), cl.mapData, cl.mapTiles);

#if 0
	if (cl.mapData->mapChecksum != CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_MAPCHECKSUM)) {
		UI_Popup(_("Error"), _("Local map version differs from server"));
		Com_Error(ERR_DISCONNECT, "Local map version differs from server: %u != '%i'",
			cl.mapData->mapChecksum, CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_MAPCHECKSUM));

	return true;
 * @param entData The structure that holds the data we parsed from the script
static void SP_light (const localEntityParse_t* entData)
	if (entData->light < 1.0)

	const int dayLightmap = CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_LIGHTMAP);
	if (!(dayLightmap && (entData->spawnflags & (1 << SPAWNFLAG_NO_DAY)))) {
		R_AddStaticLight(entData->origin, entData->light, entData->color);
static void SP_worldspawn (const localEntityParse_t *entData)
	const int dayLightmap = CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_LIGHTMAP);
	int i;

	/* maximum level */
	cl.mapMaxLevel = entData->maxLevel;

	if (GAME_IsMultiplayer()) {
		if (cl_teamnum->integer > entData->maxMultiplayerTeams || cl_teamnum->integer <= TEAM_CIVILIAN) {
			Com_Printf("The selected team is not usable. "
				"The map doesn't support %i teams but only %i teams\n",
				cl_teamnum->integer, entData->maxMultiplayerTeams);
			Cvar_SetValue("cl_teamnum", TEAM_DEFAULT);
			Com_Printf("Set teamnum to %i\n", cl_teamnum->integer);

	/** @todo - make sun position/color vary based on local time at location? */

	if (dayLightmap)
		VectorCopy(entData->ambientDayColor, sun.ambientColor);
		VectorCopy(entData->ambientNightColor, sun.ambientColor);

	/* clamp it */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (sun.ambientColor[i] < MIN_AMBIENT_COMPONENT)
			sun.ambientColor[i] = MIN_AMBIENT_COMPONENT;

	/* scale it into a reasonable range, the clamp above ensures this will work */
	while (VectorSum(sun.ambientColor) < MIN_AMBIENT_SUM)
		VectorScale(sun.ambientColor, 1.25, sun.ambientColor);

	/* set up "global" (ie. directional) light sources */
	Vector4Set(sun.loc, 0, 0, -1, 0.0);
	sun.constantAttenuation = 1.0;
	sun.linearAttenuation = 0.0;
	sun.quadraticAttenuation = 0.0;
	sun.enabled = qtrue;
	if (dayLightmap) { /* sunlight color */
		Vector4Set(sun.diffuseColor, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1);
		Vector4Set(sun.specularColor, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 1);
	} else { /* moonlight color */
		Vector4Set(sun.diffuseColor, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 1);
		Vector4Set(sun.specularColor, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 1);

	/** @todo Parse fog from worldspawn config */
	refdef.weather = WEATHER_NONE;
	refdef.fogColor[3] = 1.0;
	VectorSet(refdef.fogColor, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75);
static void SP_misc_sound (const localEntityParse_t *entData)
	const int dayLightmap = CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_LIGHTMAP);
	if (!(dayLightmap && (entData->spawnflags & (1 << SPAWNFLAG_NO_DAY))))
		LE_AddAmbientSound(entData->noise, entData->origin, (entData->spawnflags & 0xFF), entData->volume, entData->attenuation);
static void SP_misc_particle (const localEntityParse_t *entData)
	const int dayLightmap = CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_LIGHTMAP);
	if (!(dayLightmap && (entData->spawnflags & (1 << SPAWNFLAG_NO_DAY))))
		CL_AddMapParticle(entData->particle, entData->origin, entData->wait, entData->entStringPos, (entData->spawnflags & 0xFF));
文件: cl_view.cpp 项目: cigo/ufoai
 * @brief Call before entering a new level, or after vid_restart
void CL_ViewLoadMedia (void)
	le_t* le;
	int i, max;
	float loadingPercent;


	if (CL_GetConfigString(CS_TILES)[0] == '\0')
		return;					/* no map loaded */


	loadingPercent = 0;

	/* register models, pics, and skins */
	R_ModBeginLoading(CL_GetConfigString(CS_TILES), CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_LIGHTMAP),
			CL_GetConfigString(CS_POSITIONS), CL_GetConfigString(CS_NAME), CL_GetConfigString(CS_MAPZONE));

	loadingPercent += 10.0f;


	for (i = 1, max = 0; i < MAX_MODELS && CL_GetConfigString(CS_MODELS + i)[0] != '\0'; i++)

	max += csi.numODs;

	for (i = 1; i < MAX_MODELS; i++) {
		const char* name = CL_GetConfigString(CS_MODELS + i);
		if (name[0] == '\0')
		cl.model_draw[i] = R_FindModel(name);
		if (!cl.model_draw[i]) {
			Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Could not load model '%s'\n", name);

		/* initialize clipping for bmodels */
		if (name[0] == '*')
			cl.model_clip[i] = CM_InlineModel(cl.mapTiles, name);
			cl.model_clip[i] = nullptr;

		loadingPercent += 100.0f / (float)max;

	/* update le model references */
	le = nullptr;
	while ((le = LE_GetNextInUse(le))) {
		if (le->modelnum1 > 0)
			le->model1 = LE_GetDrawModel(le->modelnum1);
		if (le->modelnum2 > 0)
			le->model2 = LE_GetDrawModel(le->modelnum2);

	refdef.ready = true;

	/* waiting for EV_START */
/** @note Defaults should match those of ufo2map, or lighting will be inconsistent between world and models */
static void SP_worldspawn (const localEntityParse_t* entData)
	/* maximum level */
	cl.mapMaxLevel = entData->maxLevel;

	if (GAME_IsMultiplayer()) {
		if (cl_teamnum->integer > entData->maxMultiplayerTeams || cl_teamnum->integer <= TEAM_CIVILIAN) {
			Com_Printf("The selected team is not usable. "
				"The map doesn't support %i teams but only %i teams\n",
				cl_teamnum->integer, entData->maxMultiplayerTeams);
			Cvar_SetValue("cl_teamnum", TEAM_DEFAULT);
			Com_Printf("Set teamnum to %i\n", cl_teamnum->integer);

	/** @todo - make sun position/color vary based on local time at location? */
	const int dayLightmap = CL_GetConfigStringInteger(CS_LIGHTMAP);

	/** @note Some vectors have exra elements to comply with mathlib and/or OpenGL conventions, but handled as shorter ones */
	vec3_t sunAngles;
	vec4_t sunColor;
	vec_t sunIntensity;
	if (dayLightmap) {
		/* set defaults for daylight */
		Vector4Set(refdef.ambientColor, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 1.0);
		sunIntensity = 280;
		VectorSet(sunAngles, -75, 100, 0);
		Vector4Set(sunColor, 0.90, 0.75, 0.65, 1.0);

		/* override defaults with data from worldspawn entity, if any */
		if (VectorNotEmpty(entData->ambientDayColor))
			VectorCopy(entData->ambientDayColor, refdef.ambientColor);

		if (entData->dayLight)
			sunIntensity = entData->dayLight;

		if (Vector2NotEmpty(entData->daySunAngles))
			Vector2Copy(entData->daySunAngles, sunAngles);

		if (VectorNotEmpty(entData->daySunColor))
			VectorCopy(entData->daySunColor, sunColor);

		Vector4Set(refdef.sunSpecularColor, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 1);
	} else {
		/* set defaults for night light */
		Vector4Set(refdef.ambientColor, 0.16, 0.16, 0.17, 1.0);
		sunIntensity = 15;
		VectorSet(sunAngles, -80, 220, 0);
		Vector4Set(sunColor, 0.25, 0.25, 0.35, 1.0);

		/* override defaults with data from worldspawn entity, if any */
		if (VectorNotEmpty(entData->ambientNightColor))
			VectorCopy(entData->ambientNightColor, refdef.ambientColor);

		if (entData->nightLight)
			sunIntensity = entData->nightLight;

		if (Vector2NotEmpty(entData->nightSunAngles))
			Vector2Copy(entData->nightSunAngles, sunAngles);

		if (VectorNotEmpty(entData->nightSunColor))
			VectorCopy(entData->nightSunColor, sunColor);

		Vector4Set(refdef.sunSpecularColor, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 1);

	ColorNormalize(sunColor, sunColor);
	VectorScale(sunColor, sunIntensity/255.0, sunColor);
	Vector4Copy(sunColor, refdef.sunDiffuseColor);

	/* clamp ambient for models */
	Vector4Copy(refdef.ambientColor, refdef.modelAmbientColor);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		if (refdef.modelAmbientColor[i] < MIN_AMBIENT_COMPONENT)
			refdef.modelAmbientColor[i] = MIN_AMBIENT_COMPONENT;

	/* scale it into a reasonable range, the clamp above ensures this will work */
	while (VectorSum(refdef.modelAmbientColor) < MIN_AMBIENT_SUM)
		VectorScale(refdef.modelAmbientColor, 1.25, refdef.modelAmbientColor);

	AngleVectors(sunAngles, refdef.sunVector, nullptr, nullptr);
	refdef.sunVector[3] = 0.0; /* to use as directional light source in OpenGL */

	/** @todo Parse fog from worldspawn config */
	refdef.weather = WEATHER_NONE;
	refdef.fogColor[3] = 1.0;
	VectorSet(refdef.fogColor, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75);