文件: Main.c 项目: fschlimb/cnc-ocr
void cncEnvIn(int argc, char **argv, Context *context) {
    CNC_REQUIRE(argc == 5, "Usage: %s fileName1 fileName2 tileWidth tileHeight\n", argv[0]);

    // Open sequence input files
    FILE *file1 = open_file(argv[1]);
    FILE *file2 = open_file(argv[2]);
    size_t filesize1 = file_length(file1);
    size_t filesize2 = file_length(file2);

    // Allocate tile data item and read sequence data
    SeqData *data;
    size_t dataSize = sizeof(SeqData) + filesize1 + filesize2 + 2;
    cncHandle_t dataHandle = cncCreateItemSized_data(&data, dataSize);
    data->seq2offset = filesize1 + 1;
    size_t length1 = read_sequence(file1, 1, SEQ1(data), filesize1);
    size_t length2 = read_sequence(file2, 2, SEQ2(data), filesize2);

    // Tile width and height
    int tw = atoi(argv[3]);
    int th = atoi(argv[4]);
    PRINTF("Tile width:  %d\n", tw);
    PRINTF("Tile height: %d\n", th);
    CNC_REQUIRE(tw <= length1 && th <= length2, "Tile size too large for given input.\n");

    // Number of tiles wide and high
    int ntw = length1 / tw;
    int nth = length2 / th;
    PRINTF("Imported %d x %d tiles.\n", ntw, nth);

    // Initialize tile dimension data and put
    data->tw = tw;
    data->th = th;
    data->ntw = ntw;
    data->nth = nth;
    memcpy(data->score_matrix, ALIGNMENT_SCORES, sizeof(ALIGNMENT_SCORES));
    cncPut_data(dataHandle, 0, context);

    // Record starting time
    struct timeval *startTime;
    cncHandle_t startTime_handle = cncCreateItem_startTime(&startTime, 1);
    gettimeofday(startTime, 0);
    cncPut_startTime(startTime_handle, 0, context);

    // Seed edges
    cncPrescribe_initAboveStep(tw, ntw, context);
    cncPrescribe_initLeftStep(th, nth, context);

    int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < nth; i++){
        for(j = 0; j < ntw; j++){
            cncPrescribe_swStep(i, j, context);

    cncPrescribe_cncEnvOut(ntw, nth, tw, context);
void s1ComputeStep(int k, tileSizeItem tileSize, LkjiItem Lkji1D, Context *context){
    int t = tileSize.item;
    double (*Lkji)[t] = (double(*)[t])Lkji1D.item;

    // Allocate new tile
    double *lBlock1D;
    cncHandle_t lBlock_handle = cncCreateItem_Lkji(&lBlock1D, t*t);
    double (*lBlock)[t] = (double(*)[t])lBlock1D;

    // Calculate tile values
    int kB, jB, jBB, iB;
    for (kB = 0 ; kB < t ; kB++) {
        CNC_REQUIRE(Lkji[ kB ][ kB ] > 0.0,
                    "[%d][%d] Error: Not a symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix\n", k, kB);
        lBlock[ kB ][ kB ] = sqrt( Lkji[ kB ][ kB ] );

        for (jB = kB + 1; jB < t ; jB++)
            lBlock[ jB ][ kB ] = Lkji[ jB ][ kB ] / lBlock[ kB ][ kB ];

        for (jBB= kB + 1; jBB < t ; jBB++)
            for (iB = jBB ; iB < t ; iB++)
                Lkji[ iB ][ jBB ] = Lkji[ iB ][ jBB ] - ( lBlock[ iB ][ kB ] * lBlock[ jBB ][ kB ] );

    cncPut_Lkji(lBlock_handle, k, k, k+1, context);

    int tagResult = (k)*(k+1)/2 + k;
    cncPut_results(lBlock_handle, tagResult, context);
void Cholesky_cncInitialize(CholeskyArgs *args, CholeskyCtx *ctx) {
    int i, j;
    int nt = ctx->numTiles;
    int t = ctx->tileSize;
    int n = nt * t;

    // Read input matrix from file
    // Make sure the matrix side lengths are square numbers
    int root = sqrt(n);
    CNC_REQUIRE(root * root == n, "Generated matrices must have square dimensions\n");

    // Create tiles from source matrix
    for (i = 0; i < nt; i++){
        for (j = 0 ; j <= i ; j++ ) {
            int A_i, A_j, T_i, T_j;
            double *temp1D = cncItemAlloc(sizeof(*temp1D) * t*t);
            // The 1D array of tile entries maps to a
            // 2D array corresponding to a t-by-t matrix tile
            double (*temp)[t] = (double(*)[t])temp1D;
            // Copy this tile's data from the input matrix
            for (A_i = i * t, T_i = 0 ; T_i < t ; A_i++, T_i++) {
                for (A_j = j * t, T_j = 0 ; T_j < t ; A_j++, T_j++) {
                    double *cell = &temp[T_i][T_j];
                    if (A_i == A_j) {
                        *cell = 4;
                    else if (A_i == A_j + root) {
                        *cell = -1;
                    else if (A_i == A_j + 1 && (A_j + 1) % n != 0) {
                        *cell = -1;
                    else {
                        *cell = 0;
            // Put the initialized tile
            cncPut_data(temp1D, i, j, 0, ctx);

    // Record starting time
    struct timeval *startTime = NULL;
    struct timeval *startTime = cncItemAlloc(sizeof(*startTime));
    gettimeofday(startTime, 0);
    cncPut_startTime(startTime, ctx);

    // Prescribe "kComputeStep" steps

    // Set finalizer function's tag
    int tileCount = ctx->numTiles * (ctx->numTiles + 1) / 2;
    Cholesky_await(tileCount, ctx);
int cncMain(int argc, char *argv[]) {

            "Usage: ./Cholesky matrixSize tileSize fileName (found %d args)\n", argc-1);
            "Usage: ./Cholesky matrixSize tileSize (found %d args)\n", argc-1);

    // Create a new graph context
    CholeskyCtx *context = Cholesky_create();

    // Parse matrix dim info
    int matrixCols = atoi(argv[1]);
    int tileSize = atoi(argv[2]);
    int numTiles = matrixCols / tileSize;
    CNC_REQUIRE(matrixCols % tileSize == 0,
            "Incompatible tile size %d for the matrix of size %d\n", tileSize, matrixCols);

    CholeskyArgs *args = cncItemAlloc(sizeof(*args));
    // Matrix read from input file
    char *lastChar = args->inFile + sizeof(args->inFile) - 1;
    *lastChar = '\0';
    strncpy(args->inFile, argv[3], sizeof(args->inFile));
    CNC_REQUIRE(*lastChar == '\0',
            "Input path is longer than %lu characters.\n", sizeof(args->inFile));
    CholeskyArgs *args = NULL;

    // Set graph parameters
    context->numTiles = numTiles;
    context->tileSize = tileSize;

    // Launch the graph for execution
    Cholesky_launch(args, context);

    // Exit when the graph execution completes

    return 0;
 * Step function defintion for "findTargetBatchStep"
void Primes_findTargetBatchStep(cncTag_t n, ReducedResult *reducedPrimes, PrimesCtx *ctx) {
    s64 N = n;
    N -= FACTOR_BATCH_COUNT+2;    // offset N by the seeded prime count
    assert(N < reducedPrimes->count && "Didn't find enough primes");
    N -= reducedPrimes->offset; // offset by all the summarized prime results
    for (u32 i=0; i<reducedPrimes->batchCount; i++) {
        BatchRef batch = reducedPrimes->batches[i];
        N -= batch.count;
        if (N <= 0) {
            N += batch.count;
            // schedule EDT to put nth prime with the found batch's guid
            cncPrescribe_findNthPrimeStep(N, batch.index, ctx);
    CNC_REQUIRE(0, "Couldn't find Nth prime.\n");
文件: Main.c 项目: fschlimb/cnc-ocr
void cncEnvIn(int argc, char **argv, Context *context) {
    CNC_REQUIRE(argc==4, "Usage: ./Cholesky matrixSize tileSize fileName (found %d args)\n", argc);

    // Parse matrix dim info
    int n, t, nt;
    n = atoi(argv[1]);
    t = atoi(argv[2]);
    nt = n/t;
    CNC_REQUIRE(n % t == 0, "Incompatible tile size %d for the matrix of size %d\n", t, n);

    // Read source matrix
    FILE *f = fopen(argv[3], "r");
    CNC_REQUIRE(f != NULL, "Cannot find file: %s\n", argv[3]);
    int i, j;
    int matrixElementCount = n * n;
    double *A1D = MALLOC(matrixElementCount * sizeof(double)) ;
    for (i=0; i<matrixElementCount; i++) {
        fscanf(f, "%lf", &A1D[i]);

    // The 1D array of matrix entries maps to a
    // 2D array corresponding to an n-by-n matrix
    double (*A)[n] = (double(*)[n])A1D;

    // Create tiles from source matrix
    for (i = 0; i < nt; i++){
        for (j = 0 ; j <= i ; j++ ) {
            int A_i, A_j, T_i, T_j;
            double *temp1D;
            cncHandle_t tile_handle = cncCreateItem_Lkji(&temp1D, t*t);
            // The 1D array of tile entries maps to a
            // 2D array corresponding to a t-by-t matrix tile
            double (*temp)[t] = (double(*)[t])temp1D;
            // Copy this tile's data from the input matrix
            for (A_i = i * t, T_i = 0 ; T_i < t ; A_i++, T_i++) {
                for (A_j = j * t, T_j = 0 ; T_j < t ; A_j++, T_j++) {
                    temp[ T_i ][ T_j ] = A[ A_i ][ A_j ];
            // Put the initialized tile
            cncPut_Lkji(tile_handle, i, j, 0, context);
    // Clean up source matrix (no longer needed)
    // Put matrix and tile dimension info
    int *ntPtr, *tPtr;
    cncHandle_t nt_handle = cncCreateItem_tileSize(&ntPtr);
    *ntPtr = nt;
    cncPut_numTiles(nt_handle, 0, context);
    cncHandle_t t_handle = cncCreateItem_numTiles(&tPtr);
    *tPtr = t;
    cncPut_tileSize(t_handle, 0, context);

    // Record the starting time of the computation
    struct timeval *startTime;
    cncHandle_t time_handle = cncCreateItem_startTime(&startTime, 1);
    gettimeofday(startTime, 0);
    cncPut_startTime(time_handle, 0, context);

    // Start the computation
    cncPrescribe_kComputeStep(0, context);

    // Set tag for the output step
    int totalTileCount = nt * (nt + 1) / 2;
    cncPrescribe_cncEnvOut(totalTileCount, context);
文件: Main.c 项目: fschlimb/cnc-ocr
static FILE *open_file(const char *fileName) {
    FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r");
    CNC_REQUIRE(f, "Could not open file: %s\n", fileName);