int GDALGCPTransform( void *pTransformArg, int bDstToSrc, 
                      int nPointCount, 
                      double *x, double *y, double *z, 
                      int *panSuccess )

    int    i;
    GCPTransformInfo *psInfo = (GCPTransformInfo *) pTransformArg;

    if( psInfo->bReversed )
        bDstToSrc = !bDstToSrc;
    for( i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ )
        if( x[i] == HUGE_VAL || y[i] == HUGE_VAL )
            panSuccess[i] = FALSE;

        if( bDstToSrc )
            CRS_georef( x[i], y[i], x + i, y + i, 
                        psInfo->adfFromGeoX, psInfo->adfFromGeoY, 
                        psInfo->nOrder );
            CRS_georef( x[i], y[i], x + i, y + i, 
                        psInfo->adfToGeoX, psInfo->adfToGeoY, 
                        psInfo->nOrder );
        panSuccess[i] = TRUE;

    return TRUE;
static int worst_outlier(struct Control_Points *cp, double x_mean, double y_mean, int nOrder, double E[], double N[], double dfTolerance)
    int nI = 0, nIndex = 0;
    double dfDifference = 0.0;
    double dfSampleRes = 0.0;
    double dfLineRes = 0.0;
    double dfCurrentDifference = 0.0;
    double dfSampleResidual = 0.0;
    double dfLineResidual = 0.0;
    double *padfResiduals = (double *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(double),cp->count);

    for(nI = 0; nI < cp->count; nI++)
        CRS_georef( cp->e1[nI] - x_mean, cp->n1[nI] - y_mean, &dfSampleRes, &dfLineRes,E,N,nOrder );
        dfSampleRes -= cp->e2[nI];
        dfLineRes -= cp->n2[nI];
        dfSampleResidual += dfSampleRes*dfSampleRes;
        dfLineResidual += dfLineRes*dfLineRes;

        padfResiduals[nI] = sqrt(dfSampleRes*dfSampleRes + dfLineRes*dfLineRes);

    nIndex = -1;
    dfDifference = -1.0;
    for(nI = 0; nI < cp->count; nI++)
        dfCurrentDifference = padfResiduals[nI];
        if(fabs(dfCurrentDifference) < 1.19209290E-07F /*FLT_EPSILON*/)
            dfCurrentDifference = 0.0;
        if(dfCurrentDifference > dfDifference && dfCurrentDifference >= dfTolerance)
            dfDifference = dfCurrentDifference;
            nIndex = nI;
    CPLFree( padfResiduals );
    return nIndex;
static int compute_transformation(void)
{				/* returns 0 on success, 1 on fail */
    int n, count;
    double d, d1, d2, sum;
    double e1, e2, n1, n2;
    double xval, yval, gval;
    static int order_pnts[3] = { 3, 6, 10 };
    char msg[40];

    xmax = ymax = gmax = 0;
    xval = yval = gval = 0.0;

    if (group.equation_stat <= 0) {
	if (group.equation_stat == 0) {
	    sprintf(msg, "Not Enough Points -- %d are required.",
		    order_pnts[trans_order - 1]);
	return 1;

    /* compute the row,col error plus ground error 
     * keep track of largest and second largest error
    sum = 0.0;
    rms = 0.0;
    count = 0;
    for (n = 0; n < group.points.count; n++) {
	if (group.points.status[n] <= 0)
	CRS_georef(group.points.e2[n], group.points.n2[n], &e1, &n1,
		   group.E21, group.N21, trans_order);
	CRS_georef(group.points.e1[n], group.points.n1[n], &e2, &n2,
		   group.E12, group.N12, trans_order);

	if ((d = xres[n] = e1 - group.points.e1[n]) < 0)
	    d = -d;
	if (d > xval) {
	    xmax = n;
	    xval = d;

	if ((d = yres[n] = n1 - group.points.n1[n]) < 0)
	    d = -d;
	if (d > yval) {
	    ymax = n;
	    yval = d;

	/* compute ground error (ie along diagonal) */
	d1 = e2 - group.points.e2[n];
	d2 = n2 - group.points.n2[n];
	d = d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
	sum += d;		/* add it to rms sum, before taking sqrt */
	d = sqrt(d);
	gnd[n] = d;
	if (d > gval) {		/* is this one the max? */
	    gmax = n;
	    gval = d;

    /* compute overall rms error */
    if (count)
	rms = sqrt(sum / count);

    return 0;