	bool WebMapService::Layer::InitBase(libconfig::ChainedSetting& config)
		auto crs = config["CRS"];
		const int numCRS = crs.getLength();
		if (numCRS > 0)
			for (int c = 0; c < numCRS; c++)
				supportedCRS[crs[c]] = (OGRSpatialReference*)OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
			cout << "WebMapService::Layer: " << "At least one CRS must be defined" << endl;
			return false;

		for (auto it = supportedCRS.begin(); it != supportedCRS.end(); it++)
			string crsString = it->first;
			if (crsString.length() > 5)
				int epsgCode = stoi(crsString.c_str() + 5); // TODO: support non-EPSG codes
				err = it->second->importFromEPSG(epsgCode);
				cout << "WebMapService::Layer: " << "requested CRS is unsupported:" << crsString << endl;
				return false;

		// create all possible SRS transformation permutations
		for (auto it1 = supportedCRS.begin(); it1 != supportedCRS.end(); it1++)
			for (auto it2 = it1; it2 != supportedCRS.end(); it2++)
				if (it2 == supportedCRS.end()) break;

				CreateTransform(it1->second, it2->second);
				CreateTransform(it2->second, it1->second);

		return true;
文件: box.cpp 项目: ekke84/TNM085
void Box::getCorners(Vec3 **c1, Vec3 **c2, Vec3 **c3, Vec3 **c4) {
   Matrix4 orientation = CreateTransform(getOrientation(), getPosition());
    *c1 = new Vec3(orientation * corners[0]);
	*c2 = new Vec3(orientation * corners[1]);
	*c3 = new Vec3(orientation * corners[2]);
	*c4 = new Vec3(orientation * corners[3]);
static DetectorResult
ProcessFinderPatternInfo(const BitMatrix& image, const FinderPatternInfo& info)
	float moduleSize = CalculateModuleSize(image, info.topLeft, info.topRight, info.bottomLeft);
	if (moduleSize < 1.0f) {
		return {};
	int dimension = ComputeDimension(info.topLeft, info.topRight, info.bottomLeft, moduleSize);
	if (dimension < 0)
		return {};

	const Version* provisionalVersion = Version::ProvisionalVersionForDimension(dimension);
	if (provisionalVersion == nullptr)
		return {};

	int modulesBetweenFPCenters = provisionalVersion->dimensionForVersion() - 7;

	AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern;

	// Anything above version 1 has an alignment pattern
	if (!provisionalVersion->alignmentPatternCenters().empty()) {

		// Guess where a "bottom right" finder pattern would have been
		float bottomRightX = info.topRight.x() - info.topLeft.x() + info.bottomLeft.x();
		float bottomRightY = info.topRight.y() - info.topLeft.y() + info.bottomLeft.y();

		// Estimate that alignment pattern is closer by 3 modules
		// from "bottom right" to known top left location
		float correctionToTopLeft = 1.0f - 3.0f / (float)modulesBetweenFPCenters;
		int estAlignmentX = static_cast<int>(info.topLeft.x() + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightX - info.topLeft.x()));
		int estAlignmentY = static_cast<int>(info.topLeft.y() + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightY - info.topLeft.y()));

		// Kind of arbitrary -- expand search radius before giving up
		for (int i = 4; i <= 16; i <<= 1) {
			alignmentPattern = FindAlignmentInRegion(image, moduleSize, estAlignmentX, estAlignmentY, static_cast<float>(i));
			if (alignmentPattern.isValid())
		// If we didn't find alignment pattern... well try anyway without it

	PerspectiveTransform transform = CreateTransform(info.topLeft, info.topRight, info.bottomLeft, alignmentPattern, dimension);

	auto bits = GridSampler::Instance()->sampleGrid(image, dimension, dimension, transform);
	if (bits.empty())
		return {};

	if (alignmentPattern.isValid())
		return {std::move(bits), {info.bottomLeft, info.topLeft, info.topRight, alignmentPattern}};
		return {std::move(bits), {info.bottomLeft, info.topLeft, info.topRight}};
/////////////////////////// NEW FRAME CALLBACK ///////////////////////////////
void newFrameCallback(sFrameOfData* FrameOfData)
	// publish body transforms for all interesting bodies
	std::tuple<bool,tf::StampedTransform> transform;
	int fIndex;
	for ( int i = 0; i < NumBodiesOfInterest; ++i )
		fIndex = FindBodyFrameIndex ( FrameOfData, bodyOfInterest[i] );
		if ( fIndex >= 0 )
			transform = CreateTransform ( FrameOfData, fIndex, bodyOfInterest[i], bodyOriginOffset[i] );
			// Only publish if we got valid data
			if ( std::get<0>(transform) )
				Cortex_broadcaster->sendTransform ( std::get<1>(transform) );

				// send delay info
				ros::Time cur = ros::Time::now();
				ROS_INFO ( "frame delay - %f seconds", (cur - glob).toSec());
				glob = cur;
				ROS_WARN ( "Received out of range data." );
			ROS_WARN ( "Body %s not found in frame %i", bodyOfInterest[i], FrameOfData->iFrame );

	// publish markers
	visualization_msgs::MarkerArray marker_array;
	marker_array = CreateMarkerArray_vis ( FrameOfData );
	cortex_bridge::Markers marker_array;
	marker_array = CreateMarkerArray_novis ( FrameOfData );

	// free data frame memory
	Cortex_FreeFrame ( FrameOfData );
PEDITOR CreateEditor( POBJECT po )
	pe = (PEDITOR)Allocate( sizeof( EDITOR ) );
	MemSet( pe, 0, sizeof( EDITOR ) );
	pe->TView = CreateTransform();
	pe->hVideo = OpenDisplaySizedAt( 0, -1, -1, -1, -1 );
	//InitVideo( "World Editor" );
	SetRedrawHandler( pe->hVideo, (void (CPROC*)(uintptr_t,PRENDERER))EditResizeCallback, (uintptr_t)pe );
	SetMouseHandler( pe->hVideo, EditMouseCallback, (uintptr_t)pe );
	BindEventToKey( pe->hVideo, KEY_PGUP, 0, PageUpKey, (uintptr_t)pe );
	BindEventToKey( pe->hVideo, KEY_PGDN, 0, PageDownKey, (uintptr_t)pe );
  // SetCloseHandler( pe->hVideo, EditCloseCallback, (uintptr_t)pe );

	// menu for this instance....
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
	pe->hMenu = CreatePopup(); //CreatePopupMenu();
	AppendPopupItem( pe->hMenu, MF_STRING, MNU_ADDPREDEF+0, "Add Square" );
	AppendPopupItem( pe->hMenu, MF_STRING, MNU_ADDPREDEF+1, "Add Triangle" );
	AppendPopupItem( pe->hMenu, MF_STRING, MNU_ADDLINE, "Add Line" );
	pe->hMenu = NULL;
	SetPoint( vToScreen, VectorConst_Z ); // facing into screen...
	Invert( vToScreen );	 // facing out of screen...

	pe->pCurrent = po;
	pe->pCurrentFacet = NULL; //po->objinfo.FacetPool.pFacets + 0;
	pe->pCurrentLine = NULL; //po->objinfo.LinePool.pLines + 0;

	ClearTransform( pe->TView );
	Translate( pe->TView, 0, 
						  (RCOORD)-100.0 );

	pe->bLocked = FALSE;

	EditResizeCallback( (uintptr_t)pe);
	UpdateDisplay( pe->hVideo );
	return pe;
void ScanKeyboard( PRENDERER hDisplay, PVECTOR KeySpeed, PVECTOR KeyRotation )
   RCOORD max, step;
   if( !hDisplay )
   if( !T )
      T = CreateTransform();
   // how does this HOOK into the camera update functions?!
   if( IsKeyDown((hDisplay), KEY_X) || IsKeyDown( (hDisplay), KEY_Q ) )
      extern int gbExitProgram;
      gbExitProgram = TRUE;

      if( pFirstObject )
         if( KeyDown( (hDisplay), KEY_A ) ) 
            PFACETSET pps;
            VECTOR v;
            RotateAbs( T, 0.1f, 0, 0 );
            pps = pFirstObject->pPlaneSet;
            ApplyRotation( T, v, pps->pPlanes->d.n );
            SetPoint( pps->pPlanes->d.n, v );
            IntersectPlanes( pFirstObject->pLinePool,
                             pps, TRUE );
         if( KeyDown( (hDisplay), KEY_Z ) )
            PFACETSET pps;
            VECTOR v;
            RotateAbs( T, -0.1f, 0, 0 );
            pps = pFirstObject->pPlaneSet;
            ApplyRotation( T, v, pps->pPlanes->d.n );
            SetPoint( pps->pPlanes->d.n, v );
            IntersectPlanes( pFirstObject->pLinePool,
                             pps, TRUE );

#define Relax(V, n)  if( (V[n]>0.001) || ( V[n]<-0.001) )  \
                      (V[n] /= 2.0f); else (V[n] = 0);  

#define Accel(V, n)          \
          if ( V[n] < max )  \
             V[n] += step;   \
            else V[n] = max; 

#define Decel(V,n)            \
          if( V[n] > -max )   \
             V[n] -= step;    \
           else V[n] = -max; 

#define ROTATION (v=KeyRotation, \
                  max = ROTATION_DELTA, \
#define SPEED    (v=KeySpeed, \
                  max = KEY_VELOCITY, \
                  step = KEY_ACCEL )

#define Inertia( KEY_LESS, KEY_MORE,KEY_LESS2, KEY_MORE2, va ) \
         if( IsKeyDown(hDisplay, KEY_LESS ) || IsKeyDown(hDisplay, KEY_LESS2) ) Decel(v, va)  \
         else if( IsKeyDown(hDisplay, KEY_MORE ) || IsKeyDown(hDisplay, KEY_MORE2) ) Accel(v, va)   \
           else Relax( v, va );

       Inertia(KEY_DOWN, KEY_UP, 0, 0, vRight );
       Inertia(KEY_RIGHT, KEY_LEFT,  0, 0, vUp );
       Inertia(KEY_PGUP, KEY_HOME,  0, 0, vForward );
       Inertia( KEY_END, KEY_PGDN,  0, 0, vRight );
       Inertia( KEY_ENTER, KEY_GRAY_PLUS,  0, KEY_CENTER, vUp );
       Inertia( KEY_DELETE, KEY_INSERT,  0, 0, vForward );
