SBML_ODESOLVER_API cvodeResults_t *IntegratorInstance_createResults(integratorInstance_t *engine)
  int i, j, k;
  cvodeResults_t *results;

  cvodeSettings_t *opt = engine->opt;
  cvodeResults_t *iResults = engine->results;

  if ( !opt->StoreResults || iResults == NULL )
    return NULL;
  results = CvodeResults_create(engine->data, iResults->nout);

  results->nout = iResults->nout;

  for ( i=0; i <=results->nout; i++ ) {
    results->time[i] = iResults->time[i];
    for ( j=0; j < iResults->nvalues; j++ )
      results->value[j][i] = iResults->value[j][i];

  if ( iResults->sensitivity != NULL ) {
    CvodeResults_allocateSens(results, iResults->neq, iResults->nsens,
    for ( i=0; i<results->neq; i++ )
      for ( j=0; j<results->nsens; ++j )
	for ( k=0; k<=results->nout; k++ )
	  results->sensitivity[i][j][k] = iResults->sensitivity[i][j][k];

  return results;  
/* initialize cvodeData from cvodeSettings and odeModel (could be
   separated in to functions to further support modularity and
   independence of data structures */
CvodeData_initialize(cvodeData_t *data, cvodeSettings_t *opt, odeModel_t *om)

  int i, j;

  /* data now also depends on cvodeSettings */
  data->opt = opt;
  /* initialize values */
  /* set current time */
  data->currenttime = opt->TimePoints[0];

  /* update assigned parameters, in case they depend on new time */
  for ( i=0; i<om->nass; i++ ) 
    data->value[om->neq+i] = evaluateAST(om->assignment[i],data);

    Then, check if formulas can be evaluated, and cvodeData_t *
    contains all necessary variables:
    evaluateAST(ASTNode_t *f, ,data) will
    ask the user for a value, if a a variable is unknown
  for ( i=0; i<om->neq; i++ ) 
    evaluateAST(om->ode[i], data);

  /* create structures for sensitivity analysis */
  if ( opt->Sensitivity ) {
    /* the following can later be called with numbers from
       sensitivity Settings inputs */
    if ( data->sensitivity == NULL ) {
      CvodeData_allocateSens(data, om->neq, om->nconst);
    /* (re)set to 0.0 initial value */
    for ( i=0; i<om->neq; i++ ) {
      for ( j=0; j<om->nsens; j++ ) {
	data->sensitivity[i][j] = 0.0;

  /* Now we should have all variables, and can allocate the
     results structure, where the time series will be stored ...  */
  /* allow results only for finite integrations */
  opt->StoreResults = !opt->Indefinitely && opt->StoreResults;
  /* free former results */
  if ( data->results != NULL )
  /* create new results if required */
  if ( opt->StoreResults ) {
    data->results = CvodeResults_create(data, opt->PrintStep);
    if  ( opt->Sensitivity ) {
      CvodeResults_allocateSens(data->results, om->neq, om->nconst,
      /* write initial values for sensitivity */
      for ( i=0; i<data->results->neq; i++ )
	for ( j=0; j<data->results->nsens; ++j )
	  data->results->sensitivity[i][j][0] = data->sensitivity[i][j];

  return 1;
/*!!! TODO : clarify if this function can be called when the solver time
  is other than 0, and how it relates to CvodeData_initializeValues
  -> handling of initialAssignments !!!*/
CvodeData_initialize(cvodeData_t *data, cvodeSettings_t *opt, odeModel_t *om, int keepValues)

  int i;

  /* data now also depends on cvodeSettings */
  data->opt = opt;

  /* if discrete data is used via settings */
  if ( opt->observation_data_type == 1 )

  /* initialize values from odeModel */
  if ( !keepValues )

  /* reset steadystate flag */
  data->steadystate = 0;
  /* set current time : WHEN NOT 0 ?? */
  if ( opt->Indefinitely )
    data->currenttime = 0;
    data->currenttime = opt->TimePoints[0];

  /* update assigned parameters, in case they depend on new time */
  /* WHY ONLY IF TIME != 0 ?? */
  if ( data->currenttime != 0.0 )
    for ( i=0; i< (om->nass); i++ )
      nonzeroElem_t *ordered = om->assignmentOrder[i];
      data->value[ordered->i] = evaluateAST(ordered->ij, data);
    data->allRulesUpdated = 1;
    Then, check if formulas can be evaluated, and cvodeData_t *
    contains all necessary variables:
    evaluateAST(ASTNode_t *f, ,data) will
    ask the user for a value, if a a variable is unknown
  for ( i=0; i<om->neq; i++ ) evaluateAST(om->ode[i], data);

  /* evaluate event triggers and set flags with their initial state */
  for ( i=0; i<data->nevents; i++ )
    data->trigger[i] = evaluateAST(om->event[i], data);
  /* RESULTS: Now we should have all variables, and can allocate the
     results structure, where the time series will be stored ...  */

  /* free former results */
  if ( data->results != NULL )

  /* allow results only for finite integrations */
  /* this is the only place where options structure is changed
     internally! StoreResults is overruled by Indefinitely */
  opt->StoreResults = !opt->Indefinitely && opt->StoreResults;

  /* create new results if required */
  if ( opt->StoreResults )
    data->results = CvodeResults_create(data, opt->PrintStep);
    if ( data->results == NULL ) return 0;

  return 1;