文件: ltp.c 项目: Affix/fgcom
void open_loop_nbest_pitch(spx_sig_t *sw, int start, int end, int len, int *pitch, spx_word16_t *gain, int N, char *stack)
    int i,j,k;
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *best_score);
    spx_word32_t e0;
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *corr);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *energy);
    VARDECL(spx_word32_t *score);
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t *swn2);
    spx_word16_t *swn;

    ALLOC(best_score, N, spx_word32_t);
    ALLOC(corr, end-start+1, spx_word32_t);
    ALLOC(energy, end-start+2, spx_word32_t);
    ALLOC(score, end-start+1, spx_word32_t);

    ALLOC(swn2, end+len, spx_word16_t);
    normalize16(sw-end, swn2, 16384, end+len);
    swn = swn2 + end;
    swn = sw;

    for (i=0; i<N; i++)

    energy[0]=inner_prod(swn-start, swn-start, len);
    e0=inner_prod(swn, swn, len);
    for (i=start; i<=end; i++)
        /* Update energy for next pitch*/
        energy[i-start+1] = SUB32(ADD32(energy[i-start],SHR32(MULT16_16(swn[-i-1],swn[-i-1]),6)), SHR32(MULT16_16(swn[-i+len-1],swn[-i+len-1]),6));

    pitch_xcorr(swn, swn-end, corr, len, end-start+1, stack);

        VARDECL(spx_word16_t *corr16);
        VARDECL(spx_word16_t *ener16);
        ALLOC(corr16, end-start+1, spx_word16_t);
        ALLOC(ener16, end-start+1, spx_word16_t);
        normalize16(corr, corr16, 16384, end-start+1);
        normalize16(energy, ener16, 16384, end-start+1);

        for (i=start; i<=end; i++)
            spx_word16_t g;
            spx_word32_t tmp;
            tmp = corr16[i-start];
            if (tmp>0)
                if (SHR16(corr16[i-start],4)>ener16[i-start])
                    tmp = SHL32(EXTEND32(ener16[i-start]),14);
                else if (-SHR16(corr16[i-start],4)>ener16[i-start])
                    tmp = -SHL32(EXTEND32(ener16[i-start]),14);
                    tmp = SHL32(tmp,10);
                g = DIV32_16(tmp, 8+ener16[i-start]);
                score[i-start] = MULT16_16(corr16[i-start],g);
            } else
                score[i-start] = 1;
    for (i=start; i<=end; i++)
        float g = corr[i-start]/(1+energy[i-start]);
        if (g>16)
            g = 16;
        else if (g<-16)
            g = -16;
        score[i-start] = g*corr[i-start];

    /* Extract best scores */
    for (i=start; i<=end; i++)
        if (score[i-start]>best_score[N-1])
            for (j=0; j<N; j++)
                if (score[i-start] > best_score[j])
                    for (k=N-1; k>j; k--)

    /* Compute open-loop gain */
    if (gain)
        for (j=0; j<N; j++)
            spx_word16_t g;
            g = DIV32(corr[i-start], 10+SHR32(MULT16_16(spx_sqrt(e0),spx_sqrt(energy[i-start])),6));
            /* FIXME: g = max(g,corr/energy) */
            if (g<0)
                g = 0;
void comb_filter(
spx_sig_t *exc,          /*decoded excitation*/
spx_sig_t *new_exc,      /*enhanced excitation*/
spx_coef_t *ak,           /*LPC filter coefs*/
int p,               /*LPC order*/
int nsf,             /*sub-frame size*/
int pitch,           /*pitch period*/
spx_word16_t *pitch_gain,   /*pitch gain (3-tap)*/
spx_word16_t  comb_gain,    /*gain of comb filter*/
CombFilterMem *mem
   int i;
   spx_word16_t exc_energy=0, new_exc_energy=0;
   spx_word16_t gain;
   spx_word16_t step;
   spx_word16_t fact;

   /*Compute excitation amplitude prior to enhancement*/
   exc_energy = compute_rms(exc, nsf);
   /*for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)

   /*Some gain adjustment if pitch is too high or if unvoiced*/
      spx_word16_t g = gain_3tap_to_1tap(pitch_gain)+gain_3tap_to_1tap(mem->last_pitch_gain);
      if (g > 166)
         comb_gain = MULT16_16_Q15(DIV32_16(SHL(165,15),g), comb_gain);
      if (g < 64)
         comb_gain = MULT16_16_Q15(SHL(g, 9), comb_gain);
      float g=0;
      g = GAIN_SCALING_1*.5*(gain_3tap_to_1tap(pitch_gain)+gain_3tap_to_1tap(mem->last_pitch_gain));
      if (g>1.3)
      if (g<.5)
   step = DIV32(COMB_STEP, nsf);

   /*Apply pitch comb-filter (filter out noise between pitch harmonics)*/
   for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
      spx_word32_t exc1, exc2;

      fact += step;
      exc1 = SHL(MULT16_32_Q15(SHL(pitch_gain[0],7),exc[i-pitch+1]) +
                 MULT16_32_Q15(SHL(pitch_gain[1],7),exc[i-pitch]) +
                 MULT16_32_Q15(SHL(pitch_gain[2],7),exc[i-pitch-1]) , 2);
      exc2 = SHL(MULT16_32_Q15(SHL(mem->last_pitch_gain[0],7),exc[i-mem->last_pitch+1]) +
                 MULT16_32_Q15(SHL(mem->last_pitch_gain[1],7),exc[i-mem->last_pitch]) +

      new_exc[i] = exc[i] + MULT16_32_Q15(comb_gain,MULT16_32_Q15(fact,exc1)  + MULT16_32_Q15(SUB16(COMB_STEP,fact), exc2));

   mem->last_pitch_gain[0] = pitch_gain[0];
   mem->last_pitch_gain[1] = pitch_gain[1];
   mem->last_pitch_gain[2] = pitch_gain[2];
   mem->last_pitch = pitch;

   /*Amplitude after enhancement*/
   new_exc_energy = compute_rms(new_exc, nsf);

   if (exc_energy > new_exc_energy)
      exc_energy = new_exc_energy;
   gain = DIV32_16(SHL(exc_energy,15),1+new_exc_energy);

   if (gain < 16384)
      gain = 16384;
   if (gain < .5)

   for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
      mem->smooth_gain = MULT16_16_Q15(31457,mem->smooth_gain) + MULT16_16_Q15(1311,gain);
      new_exc[i] = MULT16_32_Q15(mem->smooth_gain, new_exc[i]);
   for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
      mem->smooth_gain = .96*mem->smooth_gain + .04*gain;
      new_exc[i] *= mem->smooth_gain;
EXPORT void speex_encode_stereo_int(spx_int16_t *data, int frame_size, SpeexBits *bits)
   int i, tmp;
   spx_word32_t e_left=0, e_right=0, e_tot=0;
   spx_word32_t balance, e_ratio;
   spx_word32_t largest, smallest;
   int balance_id;
   int shift;
   /* In band marker */
   speex_bits_pack(bits, 14, 5);
   /* Stereo marker */
   speex_bits_pack(bits, SPEEX_INBAND_STEREO, 4);

   for (i=0;i<frame_size;i++)
      e_left  += SHR32(MULT16_16(data[2*i],data[2*i]),8);
      e_right += SHR32(MULT16_16(data[2*i+1],data[2*i+1]),8);
      /* I think this is actually unbiased */
      data[i] =  SHR16(data[2*i],1)+PSHR16(data[2*i+1],1);
      data[i] =  .5*(((float)data[2*i])+data[2*i+1]);
      e_tot   += SHR32(MULT16_16(data[i],data[i]),8);
   if (e_left > e_right)
      speex_bits_pack(bits, 0, 1);
      largest = e_left;
      smallest = e_right;
   } else {
      speex_bits_pack(bits, 1, 1);
      largest = e_right;
      smallest = e_left;

   /* Balance quantization */
   shift = spx_ilog2(largest)-15;
   largest = VSHR32(largest, shift-4);
   smallest = VSHR32(smallest, shift);
   balance = DIV32(largest, ADD32(smallest, 1));
   if (balance > 32767)
      balance = 32767;
   balance_id = scal_quant(EXTRACT16(balance), balance_bounds, 32);
   if (balance_id>30)
   speex_bits_pack(bits, balance_id, 5);
   /* "coherence" quantisation */
   shift = spx_ilog2(e_tot);
   e_tot = VSHR32(e_tot, shift-25);
   e_left = VSHR32(e_left, shift-10);
   e_right = VSHR32(e_right, shift-10);
   e_ratio = DIV32(e_tot, e_left+e_right+1);
   e_ratio = e_tot/(1.+e_left+e_right);
   tmp=scal_quant(EXTRACT16(e_ratio), e_ratio_quant_bounds, 4);
   /*fprintf (stderr, "%d %d %d %d\n", largest, smallest, balance_id, e_ratio);*/
   speex_bits_pack(bits, tmp, 2);
文件: ltp.c 项目: gabrieldelsaint/UIM
void open_loop_nbest_pitch(spx_word16_t *sw, int start, int end, int len, int *pitch, spx_word16_t *gain, int N, char *stack)
   int i,j,k;
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *best_score);
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *best_ener);
   spx_word32_t e0;
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *corr);
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *energy);

   ALLOC(best_score, N, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(best_ener, N, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(corr, end-start+1, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(energy, end-start+2, spx_word32_t);

   for (i=0;i<N;i++)

   energy[0]=inner_prod(sw-start, sw-start, len);
   e0=inner_prod(sw, sw, len);
   for (i=start;i<end;i++)
      /* Update energy for next pitch*/
      energy[i-start+1] = SUB32(ADD32(energy[i-start],SHR32(MULT16_16(sw[-i-1],sw[-i-1]),6)), SHR32(MULT16_16(sw[-i+len-1],sw[-i+len-1]),6));
      if (energy[i-start+1] < 0)
         energy[i-start+1] = 0;

   pitch_xcorr(sw, sw-end, corr, len, end-start+1, stack);

   /* FIXME: Fixed-point and floating-point code should be merged */
      VARDECL(spx_word16_t *corr16);
      VARDECL(spx_word16_t *ener16);
      ALLOC(corr16, end-start+1, spx_word16_t);
      ALLOC(ener16, end-start+1, spx_word16_t);
      /* Normalize to 180 so we can square it and it still fits in 16 bits */
      normalize16(corr, corr16, 180, end-start+1);
      normalize16(energy, ener16, 180, end-start+1);

      for (i=start;i<=end;i++)
         spx_word16_t tmp = MULT16_16_16(corr16[i-start],corr16[i-start]);
         /* Instead of dividing the tmp by the energy, we multiply on the other side */
         if (MULT16_16(tmp,best_ener[N-1])>MULT16_16(best_score[N-1],ADD16(1,ener16[i-start])))
            /* We can safely put it last and then check */
            /* Check if it comes in front of others */
            for (j=0;j<N-1;j++)
               if (MULT16_16(tmp,best_ener[j])>MULT16_16(best_score[j],ADD16(1,ener16[i-start])))
                  for (k=N-1;k>j;k--)
   for (i=start;i<=end;i++)
      float tmp = corr[i-start]*corr[i-start];
      if (tmp*best_ener[N-1]>best_score[N-1]*(1+energy[i-start]))
         for (j=0;j<N;j++)
            if (tmp*best_ener[j]>best_score[j]*(1+energy[i-start]))
               for (k=N-1;k>j;k--)

   /* Compute open-loop gain */
   if (gain)
       for (j=0;j<N;j++)
          spx_word16_t g;
          g = DIV32(corr[i-start], 10+SHR32(MULT16_16(spx_sqrt(e0),spx_sqrt(energy[i-start])),6));
          /* FIXME: g = max(g,corr/energy) */
                   if (g<0)
                   g = 0;
EXPORT SpeexEchoState *speex_echo_state_init_mc(int frame_size, int filter_length, int nb_mic, int nb_speakers)
   int i,N,M, C, K;
   SpeexEchoState *st = (SpeexEchoState *)speex_alloc(sizeof(SpeexEchoState));

   st->K = nb_speakers;
   st->C = nb_mic;
   if (rFile || pFile || oFile)
      speex_fatal("Opening dump files twice");
   rFile = fopen("aec_rec.sw", "wb");
   pFile = fopen("aec_play.sw", "wb");
   oFile = fopen("aec_out.sw", "wb");
   st->frame_size = frame_size;
   st->window_size = 2*frame_size;
   N = st->window_size;
   M = st->M = (filter_length+st->frame_size-1)/frame_size;
   st->sum_adapt = 0;
   st->saturated = 0;
   st->screwed_up = 0;
   /* This is the default sampling rate */
   st->sampling_rate = 8000;
   st->spec_average = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 15), st->sampling_rate);
   st->beta0 = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 16), st->sampling_rate);
   st->beta_max = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->frame_size), 14), st->sampling_rate);
   st->beta0 = (2.0f*st->frame_size)/st->sampling_rate;
   st->beta_max = (.5f*st->frame_size)/st->sampling_rate;
   st->leak_estimate = 0;

   st->fft_table = spx_fft_init(N);
   st->e = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->x = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(K*N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->input = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*st->frame_size*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->y = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->last_y = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->Yf = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc((st->frame_size+1)*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
   st->Rf = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc((st->frame_size+1)*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
   st->Xf = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc((st->frame_size+1)*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
   st->Yh = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc((st->frame_size+1)*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
   st->Eh = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc((st->frame_size+1)*sizeof(spx_word32_t));

   st->X = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(K*(M+1)*N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->Y = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->E = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->W = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc(C*K*M*N*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
#ifdef TWO_PATH
   st->foreground = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(M*N*C*K*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->PHI = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc(N*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
   st->power = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc((frame_size+1)*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
   st->power_1 = (spx_float_t*)speex_alloc((frame_size+1)*sizeof(spx_float_t));
   st->window = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->prop = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(M*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->wtmp = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->wtmp2 = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(N*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   for (i=0;i<N>>1;i++)
      st->window[i] = (16383-SHL16(spx_cos(DIV32_16(MULT16_16(25736,i<<1),N)),1));
      st->window[N-i-1] = st->window[i];
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
      st->window[i] = .5-.5*cos(2*M_PI*i/N);
   for (i=0;i<=st->frame_size;i++)
      st->power_1[i] = FLOAT_ONE;
   for (i=0;i<N*M*K*C;i++)
      st->W[i] = 0;
      spx_word32_t sum = 0;
      /* Ratio of ~10 between adaptation rate of first and last block */
      spx_word16_t decay = SHR32(spx_exp(NEG16(DIV32_16(QCONST16(2.4,11),M))),1);
      st->prop[0] = QCONST16(.7, 15);
      sum = EXTEND32(st->prop[0]);
      for (i=1;i<M;i++)
         st->prop[i] = MULT16_16_Q15(st->prop[i-1], decay);
         sum = ADD32(sum, EXTEND32(st->prop[i]));
      for (i=M-1;i>=0;i--)
         st->prop[i] = DIV32(MULT16_16(QCONST16(.8f,15), st->prop[i]),sum);
   st->memX = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(K*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->memD = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->memE = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc(C*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->preemph = QCONST16(.9,15);
   if (st->sampling_rate<12000)
      st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.9, 15);
   else if (st->sampling_rate<24000)
      st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.982, 15);
      st->notch_radius = QCONST16(.992, 15);

   st->notch_mem = (spx_mem_t*)speex_alloc(2*C*sizeof(spx_mem_t));
   st->adapted = 0;
   st->Pey = st->Pyy = FLOAT_ONE;
#ifdef TWO_PATH
   st->Davg1 = st->Davg2 = 0;
   st->Dvar1 = st->Dvar2 = FLOAT_ZERO;
   st->play_buf = (spx_int16_t*)speex_alloc(K*(PLAYBACK_DELAY+1)*st->frame_size*sizeof(spx_int16_t));
   st->play_buf_pos = PLAYBACK_DELAY*st->frame_size;
   st->play_buf_started = 0;
   return st;
文件: sb_celp.c 项目: 03050903/godot
void *sb_encoder_init(const SpeexMode *m)
   int i;
   spx_int32_t tmp;
   SBEncState *st;
   const SpeexSBMode *mode;

   st = (SBEncState*)speex_alloc(sizeof(SBEncState));
   if (!st)
      return NULL;
   st->mode = m;
   mode = (const SpeexSBMode*)m->mode;

   st->st_low = speex_encoder_init(mode->nb_mode);
#if defined(VAR_ARRAYS) || defined (USE_ALLOCA)
   st->stack = NULL;
   /*st->stack = (char*)speex_alloc_scratch(SB_ENC_STACK);*/
   speex_encoder_ctl(st->st_low, SPEEX_GET_STACK, &st->stack);

   st->full_frame_size = 2*mode->frameSize;
   st->frame_size = mode->frameSize;
   st->subframeSize = mode->subframeSize;
   st->nbSubframes = mode->frameSize/mode->subframeSize;
   st->windowSize = st->frame_size+st->subframeSize;

   st->encode_submode = 1;
   st->submodeSelect = st->submodeID=mode->defaultSubmode;
   speex_encoder_ctl(st->st_low, SPEEX_SET_QUALITY, &tmp);
   speex_encoder_ctl(st->st_low, SPEEX_SET_WIDEBAND, &tmp);

   st->lpc_floor = mode->lpc_floor;



   st->window= lpc_window;

   st->lagWindow = lag_window;

   st->old_lsp = (spx_lsp_t*)speex_alloc(st->lpcSize*sizeof(spx_lsp_t));
   st->old_qlsp = (spx_lsp_t*)speex_alloc(st->lpcSize*sizeof(spx_lsp_t));
   st->interp_qlpc = (spx_coef_t*)speex_alloc(st->lpcSize*sizeof(spx_coef_t));
   st->pi_gain = (spx_word32_t*)speex_alloc((st->nbSubframes)*sizeof(spx_word32_t));
   st->exc_rms = (spx_word16_t*)speex_alloc((st->nbSubframes)*sizeof(spx_word16_t));
   st->innov_rms_save = NULL;
   st->mem_sp = (spx_mem_t*)speex_alloc((st->lpcSize)*sizeof(spx_mem_t));
   st->mem_sp2 = (spx_mem_t*)speex_alloc((st->lpcSize)*sizeof(spx_mem_t));
   st->mem_sw = (spx_mem_t*)speex_alloc((st->lpcSize)*sizeof(spx_mem_t));

   for (i=0;i<st->lpcSize;i++)
      st->old_lsp[i]= DIV32(MULT16_16(QCONST16(3.1415927f, LSP_SHIFT), i+1), st->lpcSize+1);

   st->vbr_quality = 8;
   st->vbr_enabled = 0;
   st->vbr_max = 0;
   st->vbr_max_high = 20000;  /* We just need a big value here */
   st->vad_enabled = 0;
   st->abr_enabled = 0;
#endif /* #ifndef DISABLE_VBR */

   speex_encoder_ctl(st->st_low, SPEEX_GET_SAMPLING_RATE, &st->sampling_rate);
   VALGRIND_MAKE_READABLE(st, (st->stack-(char*)st));
   return st;
void postFilter(bcg729DecoderChannelContextStruct *decoderChannelContext, word16_t *LPCoefficients, word16_t *reconstructedSpeech, int16_t intPitchDelay, int subframeIndex,
		word16_t *postFilteredSignal)
	int i,j;

	/* Long Term Post Filter                                            */
	/*** Compute LPGammaN and LPGammaD coefficients : LPGamma[0] = LP[0]*Gamma^(i+1) (i=0..9) ***/
	word16_t LPGammaNCoefficients[NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* in Q12 */
	/* GAMMA_XX constants are in Q15 */
	LPGammaNCoefficients[0] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[0], GAMMA_N1);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[1] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[1], GAMMA_N2);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[2] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[2], GAMMA_N3);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[3] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[3], GAMMA_N4);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[4] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[4], GAMMA_N5);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[5] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[5], GAMMA_N6);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[6] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[6], GAMMA_N7);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[7] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[7], GAMMA_N8);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[8] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[8], GAMMA_N9);
	LPGammaNCoefficients[9] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[9], GAMMA_N10);

	/*** Compute the residual signal as described in spec 4.2.1 eq79 ***/
	/* Compute also a scaled residual signal: shift right by 2 to avoid overflows on 32 bits when computing correlation and energy */
	/* pointers to current subframe beginning */
	word16_t *residualSignal = &(decoderChannelContext->residualSignalBuffer[MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY+subframeIndex]);
	word16_t *scaledResidualSignal = &(decoderChannelContext->scaledResidualSignalBuffer[MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY+subframeIndex]);

	for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
		word32_t acc = SHL((word32_t)reconstructedSpeech[i], 12); /* reconstructedSpeech in Q0 shifted to set acc in Q12 */
		for (j=0; j<NB_LSP_COEFF; j++) {
			acc = MAC16_16(acc, LPGammaNCoefficients[j],reconstructedSpeech[i-j-1]); /* LPGammaNCoefficients in Q12, reconstructedSpeech in Q0 -> acc in Q12 */
		residualSignal[i] = (word16_t)SATURATE(PSHR(acc, 12), MAXINT16); /* shift back acc to Q0 and saturate it to avoid overflow when going back to 16 bits */
		scaledResidualSignal[i] = PSHR(residualSignal[i], 2); /* shift acc to Q-2 and saturate it to get the scaled version of the signal */

	/*** Compute the maximum correlation on scaledResidualSignal delayed by intPitchDelay +/- 3 to get the best delay. Spec 4.2.1 eq80 ***/
	/* using a scaled(Q-2) signals gives correlation in Q-4. */
	word32_t correlationMax = (word32_t)MININT32;
	int16_t intPitchDelayMax = intPitchDelay+3; /* intPitchDelayMax shall be < MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY(143) */
	int16_t bestIntPitchDelay = 0;
	word16_t *delayedResidualSignal;
	if (intPitchDelayMax>MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY) {

	for (i=intPitchDelay-3; i<=intPitchDelayMax; i++) {
		word32_t correlation = 0;
		delayedResidualSignal = &(scaledResidualSignal[-i]); /* delayedResidualSignal points to scaledResidualSignal[-i] */
		/* compute correlation: ∑r(n)*rk(n) */
		for (j=0; j<L_SUBFRAME; j++) {
			correlation = MAC16_16(correlation, delayedResidualSignal[j], scaledResidualSignal[j]);
		/* if we have a maximum correlation */
		if (correlation>correlationMax) {
			correlationMax = correlation;
			bestIntPitchDelay = i; /* get the intPitchDelay */

	/* saturate correlation to a positive integer */
	if (correlationMax<0) {
		correlationMax = 0;

	/*** Compute the signal energy ∑r(n)*r(n) and delayed signal energy ∑rk(n)*rk(n) which shall be used to compute gl spec 4.2.1 eq81, eq 82 and eq83 ***/
	word32_t residualSignalEnergy = 0; /* in Q-4 */
	word32_t delayedResidualSignalEnergy = 0; /* in Q-4 */
	delayedResidualSignal = &(scaledResidualSignal[-bestIntPitchDelay]); /* in Q-2, points to the residual signal delayed to give the higher correlation: rk(n) */ 
	for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
		residualSignalEnergy = MAC16_16(residualSignalEnergy, scaledResidualSignal[i], scaledResidualSignal[i]);
		delayedResidualSignalEnergy = MAC16_16(delayedResidualSignalEnergy, delayedResidualSignal[i], delayedResidualSignal[i]);

	/*** Scale correlationMax, residualSignalEnergy and delayedResidualSignalEnergy to the best fit on 16 bits ***/
	/* these variables must fit on 16bits for the following computation, to avoid loosing information, scale them */
	/* at best fit: scale the higher of three to get the value over 2^14 and shift the other two from the same amount */
	/* Note: all three value are >= 0 */
	word32_t maximumThree = correlationMax;
	if (maximumThree<residualSignalEnergy) {
		maximumThree = residualSignalEnergy;
	if (maximumThree<delayedResidualSignalEnergy) {
		maximumThree = delayedResidualSignalEnergy;

	int16_t leadingZeros = 0;
	word16_t correlationMaxWord16 = 0;
	word16_t residualSignalEnergyWord16 = 0;
	word16_t delayedResidualSignalEnergyWord16 = 0;

	if (maximumThree>0) { /* if all of them a null, just do nothing otherwise shift right to get the max number in range [0x4000,0x8000[ */
		leadingZeros = countLeadingZeros(maximumThree);
		if (leadingZeros<16) {
			correlationMaxWord16 = (word16_t)SHR32(correlationMax, 16-leadingZeros);
			residualSignalEnergyWord16 = (word16_t)SHR32(residualSignalEnergy, 16-leadingZeros);
			delayedResidualSignalEnergyWord16 = (word16_t)SHR32(delayedResidualSignalEnergy, 16-leadingZeros);
		} else { /* if the values already fit on 16 bits, no need to shift */
			correlationMaxWord16 = (word16_t)correlationMax;
			residualSignalEnergyWord16 = (word16_t)residualSignalEnergy;
			delayedResidualSignalEnergyWord16 = (word16_t)delayedResidualSignalEnergy;

	/* eq78: Hp(z)=(1 + γp*gl*z(−T))/(1 + γp*gl) -> (with g=γp*gl) Hp(z)=1/(1+g) + (g/(1+g))*z(-T) = g0 + g1*z(-T) */
	/* g = gl/2 (as γp=0.5)= (eq83) correlationMax/(2*delayedResidualSignalEnergy) */
	/* compute g0 = 1/(1+g)=  delayedResidualSignalEnergy/(delayedResidualSignalEnergy+correlationMax/2) = 1-g1*/
	/* compute g1 = g/(1+g) = correlationMax/(2*delayedResidualSignalEnergy+correlationMax) = 1-g0 */

	/*** eq82 -> (correlationMax^2)/(residualSignalEnergy*delayedResidualSignalEnergy)<0.5 ***/
	/* (correlationMax^2) < (residualSignalEnergy*delayedResidualSignalEnergy)*0.5 */
	if ((MULT16_16(correlationMaxWord16, correlationMaxWord16) < SHR(MULT16_16(residualSignalEnergyWord16, delayedResidualSignalEnergyWord16), 1)) /* eq82 */
		|| ((correlationMaxWord16==0) && (delayedResidualSignalEnergyWord16==0))) { /* correlationMax and delayedResidualSignalEnergy values are 0 -> unable to compute g0 and g1 -> disable filter */
		/* long term post filter disabled */
		for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
			decoderChannelContext->longTermFilteredResidualSignal[i] = residualSignal[i];
	} else { /* eq82 gives long term filter enabled, */
		word16_t g0, g1;
		/* eq83: gl = correlationMax/delayedResidualSignalEnergy bounded in ]0,1] */
		/* check if gl > 1 -> gl=1 -> g=1/2 -> g0=2/3 and g1=1/3 */
		if (correlationMax > delayedResidualSignalEnergy) {
			g0 = 21845; /* 2/3 in Q15 */
			g1 = 10923; /* 1/3 in Q15 */
		} else {
			/* g1 = correlationMax/(2*delayedResidualSignalEnergy+correlationMax) */
			g1 = DIV32((word32_t)SHL32(correlationMaxWord16,15),(word32_t)ADD32(SHL32(delayedResidualSignalEnergyWord16,1), correlationMaxWord16)); /* g1 in Q15 */
			g0 = SUB16(32767, g1); /* g0 = 1 - g1 in Q15 */
		/* longTermFilteredResidualSignal[i] = g0*residualSignal[i] + g1*delayedResidualSignal[i]*/
		delayedResidualSignal = &(residualSignal[-bestIntPitchDelay]);
		for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
			decoderChannelContext->longTermFilteredResidualSignal[i] = (word16_t)SATURATE(PSHR(ADD32(MULT16_16(g0, residualSignal[i]), MULT16_16(g1, delayedResidualSignal[i])), 15), MAXINT16);
	/* Tilt Compensation Filter                                         */

	/* compute hf the truncated (to 22 coefficients) impulse response of the filter A(z/γn)/A(z/γd) described in spec 4.2.2 eq84 */
	/* hf(i) = LPGammaNCoeff[i] - ∑[j:0..9]LPGammaDCoeff[j]*hf[i-j-1]) */
	word16_t LPGammaDCoefficients[NB_LSP_COEFF]; /* in Q12 */
	/* GAMMA_XX constants are in Q15 */
	LPGammaDCoefficients[0] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[0], GAMMA_D1);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[1] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[1], GAMMA_D2);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[2] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[2], GAMMA_D3);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[3] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[3], GAMMA_D4);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[4] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[4], GAMMA_D5);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[5] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[5], GAMMA_D6);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[6] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[6], GAMMA_D7);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[7] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[7], GAMMA_D8);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[8] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[8], GAMMA_D9);
	LPGammaDCoefficients[9] = MULT16_16_P15(LPCoefficients[9], GAMMA_D10);

	word16_t hf[22]; /* the truncated impulse response to short term filter Hf in Q12 */
	hf[0] = 4096; /* 1 in Q12 as LPGammaNCoefficients and LPGammaDCoefficient doesn't contain the first element which is 1 and past values of hf are 0 */
	for (i=1; i<11; i++) {
		word32_t acc = (word32_t)SHL(LPGammaNCoefficients[i-1],12); /* LPGammaNCoefficients in Q12 -> acc in Q24 */
		for (j=0; j<NB_LSP_COEFF && j<i; j++) { /* j<i to avoid access to negative index of hf(past values are 0 anyway) */
			acc = MSU16_16(acc, LPGammaDCoefficients[j], hf[i-j-1]); /* LPGammaDCoefficient in Q12, hf in Q12 -> Q24 TODO: Possible overflow?? */
		hf[i] = (word16_t)SATURATE(PSHR(acc, 12), MAXINT16); /* get result back in Q12 and saturate on 16 bits */
	for (i=11; i<22; i++) {
		word32_t acc = 0;
		for (j=0; j<NB_LSP_COEFF; j++) { /* j<i to avoid access to negative index of hf(past values are 0 anyway) */
			acc = MSU16_16(acc, LPGammaDCoefficients[j], hf[i-j-1]); /* LPGammaDCoefficient in Q12, hf in Q12 -> Q24 TODO: Possible overflow?? */
		hf[i] = (word16_t)SATURATE(PSHR(acc, 12), MAXINT16); /* get result back in Q12 and saturate on 16 bits */

	/* hf is then used to compute k'1 spec 4.2.3 eq87: k'1 = -rh1/rh0 */
	/* rh0 = ∑[i:0..21]hf[i]*hf[i] */
	/* rh1 = ∑[i:0..20]hf[i]*hf[i+1] */
	word32_t rh1 = MULT16_16(hf[0], hf[1]);
	for (i=1; i<21; i++) {
		rh1 = MAC16_16(rh1, hf[i], hf[i+1]); /* rh1 in Q24 */

	/* tiltCompensationGain is set to 0 if k'1>0 -> rh1<0 (as rh0 is always>0) */
	word16_t tiltCompensatedSignal[L_SUBFRAME]; /* in Q0 */
	if (rh1<0) { /* tiltCompensationGain = 0 -> no gain filter is off, just copy the input */
		memcpy(tiltCompensatedSignal, decoderChannelContext->longTermFilteredResidualSignal, L_SUBFRAME*sizeof(word16_t));
	} else { /*compute tiltCompensationGain = k'1*γt */
		word32_t rh0 = MULT16_16(hf[0], hf[0]);
		for (i=1; i<22; i++) {
			rh0 = MAC16_16(rh0, hf[i], hf[i]); /* rh0 in Q24 */
		rh1 = MULT16_32_Q15(GAMMA_T, rh1); /* GAMMA_T in Q15, rh1 in Q24*/
		word16_t tiltCompensationGain = (word16_t)SATURATE((word32_t)(DIV32(rh1,PSHR(rh0,12))), MAXINT16); /* rh1 in Q24, PSHR(rh0,12) in Q12 -> tiltCompensationGain in Q12 */
		/* compute filter Ht (spec A.4.2.3 eqA14) = 1 + gain*z(-1) */
		for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
			tiltCompensatedSignal[i] = MSU16_16_Q12(decoderChannelContext->longTermFilteredResidualSignal[i], tiltCompensationGain, decoderChannelContext->longTermFilteredResidualSignal[i-1]);
	/* update memory word of longTermFilteredResidualSignal for next subframe */
	decoderChannelContext->longTermFilteredResidualSignal[-1] = decoderChannelContext->longTermFilteredResidualSignal[L_SUBFRAME-1];

	/* synthesis filter 1/[Â(z /γd)] spec A.4.2.2                       */
	/*                                                                  */
	/*   Note: Â(z/γn) was done before when computing residual signal   */
	/* shortTermFilteredResidualSignal is accessed in range [-NB_LSP_COEFF,L_SUBFRAME[ */
	synthesisFilter(tiltCompensatedSignal, LPGammaDCoefficients, decoderChannelContext->shortTermFilteredResidualSignal);
	/* get the last NB_LSP_COEFF of shortTermFilteredResidualSignal and set them as memory for next subframe(they do not overlap so use memcpy) */
	memcpy(decoderChannelContext->shortTermFilteredResidualSignalBuffer, &(decoderChannelContext->shortTermFilteredResidualSignalBuffer[L_SUBFRAME]), NB_LSP_COEFF*sizeof(word16_t));

	/* Adaptive Gain Control spec A.4.2.4                               */
	/*                                                                  */

	/*** compute G(gain scaling factor) according to eqA15 : G = Sqrt((∑s(n)^2)/∑sf(n)^2 ) ***/
	word16_t gainScalingFactor; /* in Q12 */
	/* compute ∑sf(n)^2 scale the signal shifting left by 2 to avoid overflow on 32 bits sum */
	word32_t shortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum = 0;
	for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
		shortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum = MAC16_16_Q4(shortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum, decoderChannelContext->shortTermFilteredResidualSignal[i], decoderChannelContext->shortTermFilteredResidualSignal[i]);
	/* if the sum is null we can't compute gain -> output of postfiltering is the output of shortTermFilter and previousAdaptativeGain is set to 0 */
	/* the reset of previousAdaptativeGain is not mentionned in the spec but in ITU code only */
	if (shortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum == 0) {
		decoderChannelContext->previousAdaptativeGain = 0;
		for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
			postFilteredSignal[i] = decoderChannelContext->shortTermFilteredResidualSignal[i];
	} else { /* we can compute adaptativeGain and output signal */

		/* compute ∑s(n)^2 scale the signal shifting left by 2 to avoid overflow on 32 bits sum */
		word32_t reconstructedSpeechSquareSum = 0;
		for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
			reconstructedSpeechSquareSum = MAC16_16_Q4(reconstructedSpeechSquareSum, reconstructedSpeech[i], reconstructedSpeech[i]);
		if (reconstructedSpeechSquareSum==0) { /* numerator is null -> current gain is null */
			gainScalingFactor = 0;	
		} else {
			/* Compute ∑s(n)^2)/∑sf(n)^2  result shall be in Q10 */
			/* normalise the numerator on 32 bits */
			word16_t numeratorShift = countLeadingZeros(reconstructedSpeechSquareSum);
			reconstructedSpeechSquareSum = SHL(reconstructedSpeechSquareSum, numeratorShift); /* reconstructedSpeechSquareSum*2^numeratorShift */

			/* normalise denominator to get the result directly in Q10 if possible */
			word32_t fractionResult; /* stores  ∑s(n)^2)/∑sf(n)^2 */
			word32_t scaledShortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum = VSHR32(shortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum, 10-numeratorShift); /* shortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum*2^(numeratorShift-10)*/
			if (scaledShortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum==0) {/* shift might have sent to zero the denominator */
				fractionResult = DIV32(reconstructedSpeechSquareSum, shortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum); /* result in QnumeratorShift */
				fractionResult = VSHR32(fractionResult, numeratorShift-10); /* result in Q10 */
			} else { /* ok denominator is still > 0 */
				fractionResult = DIV32(reconstructedSpeechSquareSum, scaledShortTermFilteredResidualSignalSquareSum); /* result in Q10 */
			/* now compute current Gain =  Sqrt((∑s(n)^2)/∑sf(n)^2 ) */
			/* g729Sqrt_Q0Q7(Q0)->Q7, by giving a Q10 as input, output is in Q12 */
			gainScalingFactor = (word16_t)SATURATE(g729Sqrt_Q0Q7(fractionResult), MAXINT16);

			/* multiply by 0.1 as described in spec A.4.2.4 */
			gainScalingFactor = MULT16_16_P15(gainScalingFactor, 3277); /* in Q12, 3277 = 0.1 in Q15*/
		/* Compute the signal according to eq89 (spec 4.2.4 and section A4.2.4) */
		/* currentGain = 0.9*previousGain + 0.1*gainScalingFactor the 0.1 factor has already been integrated in the variable gainScalingFactor */
		/* outputsignal = currentGain*shortTermFilteredResidualSignal */
		word16_t currentAdaptativeGain = decoderChannelContext->previousAdaptativeGain;
		for (i=0; i<L_SUBFRAME; i++) {
			currentAdaptativeGain = ADD16(gainScalingFactor, MULT16_16_P15(currentAdaptativeGain, 29491)); /* 29492 = 0.9 in Q15, result in Q12 */
			postFilteredSignal[i] = MULT16_16_Q12(currentAdaptativeGain, decoderChannelContext->shortTermFilteredResidualSignal[i]);
		decoderChannelContext->previousAdaptativeGain = currentAdaptativeGain;

	/* shift buffers if needed */
	if (subframeIndex>0) { /* only after 2nd subframe treatment */
		/* shift left by L_FRAME the residualSignal and scaledResidualSignal buffers */
		memmove(decoderChannelContext->residualSignalBuffer, &(decoderChannelContext->residualSignalBuffer[L_FRAME]), MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY*sizeof(word16_t));
		memmove(decoderChannelContext->scaledResidualSignalBuffer, &(decoderChannelContext->scaledResidualSignalBuffer[L_FRAME]), MAXIMUM_INT_PITCH_DELAY*sizeof(word16_t));
void open_loop_nbest_pitch(spx_word16_t *sw, int start, int end, int len, int *pitch, spx_word16_t *gain, int N, char *stack)
   int i,j,k;
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *best_score);
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *best_ener);
   spx_word32_t e0;
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *corr);
   /* In fixed-point, we need only one (temporary) array of 32-bit values and two (corr16, ener16) 
      arrays for (normalized) 16-bit values */
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *corr16);
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *ener16);
   spx_word32_t *energy;
   int cshift=0, eshift=0;
   int scaledown = 0;
   ALLOC(corr16, end-start+1, spx_word16_t);
   ALLOC(ener16, end-start+1, spx_word16_t);
   ALLOC(corr, end-start+1, spx_word32_t);
   energy = corr;
   /* In floating-point, we need to float arrays and no normalized copies */
   VARDECL(spx_word32_t *energy);
   spx_word16_t *corr16;
   spx_word16_t *ener16;
   ALLOC(energy, end-start+2, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(corr, end-start+1, spx_word32_t);
   corr16 = corr;
   ener16 = energy;
   ALLOC(best_score, N, spx_word32_t);
   ALLOC(best_ener, N, spx_word32_t);
   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
   for (i=-end;i<len;i++)
      if (ABS16(sw[i])>16383)
   /* If the weighted input is close to saturation, then we scale it down */
   if (scaledown)
      for (i=-end;i<len;i++)
   energy[0]=inner_prod(sw-start, sw-start, len);
   e0=inner_prod(sw, sw, len);
   for (i=start;i<end;i++)
      /* Update energy for next pitch*/
      energy[i-start+1] = SUB32(ADD32(energy[i-start],SHR32(MULT16_16(sw[-i-1],sw[-i-1]),6)), SHR32(MULT16_16(sw[-i+len-1],sw[-i+len-1]),6));
      if (energy[i-start+1] < 0)
         energy[i-start+1] = 0;
   eshift = normalize16(energy, ener16, 32766, end-start+1);
   /* In fixed-point, this actually overrites the energy array (aliased to corr) */
   pitch_xcorr(sw, sw-end, corr, len, end-start+1, stack);
   /* Normalize to 180 so we can square it and it still fits in 16 bits */
   cshift = normalize16(corr, corr16, 180, end-start+1);
   /* If we scaled weighted input down, we need to scale it up again (OK, so we've just lost the LSB, who cares?) */
   if (scaledown)
      for (i=-end;i<len;i++)

   /* Search for the best pitch prediction gain */
   for (i=start;i<=end;i++)
      spx_word16_t tmp = MULT16_16_16(corr16[i-start],corr16[i-start]);
      /* Instead of dividing the tmp by the energy, we multiply on the other side */
      if (MULT16_16(tmp,best_ener[N-1])>MULT16_16(best_score[N-1],ADD16(1,ener16[i-start])))
         /* We can safely put it last and then check */
         /* Check if it comes in front of others */
         for (j=0;j<N-1;j++)
            if (MULT16_16(tmp,best_ener[j])>MULT16_16(best_score[j],ADD16(1,ener16[i-start])))
               for (k=N-1;k>j;k--)
   /* Compute open-loop gain if necessary */
   if (gain)
      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
         spx_word16_t g;
         g = DIV32(SHL32(EXTEND32(corr16[i-start]),cshift), 10+SHR32(MULT16_16(spx_sqrt(e0),spx_sqrt(SHL32(EXTEND32(ener16[i-start]),eshift))),6));
         /* FIXME: g = max(g,corr/energy) */
         if (g<0)
            g = 0;
