int main(int argc, char** argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc,argv); AmbProperty speed; double totalLatency=0; int numSamples=0; QObject::connect(&speed, &AmbProperty::signalChanged,[&](QVariant val) { double t1 = speed.time(); double t2 = amb::currentTime(); double latency = (t2-t1)*1000.0; DebugOut(0)<<"latency: "<<latency<<std::endl; totalLatency+=latency; numSamples++; DebugOut(0)<<"Average: "<<totalLatency / numSamples<<std::endl; }); speed.setPropertyName("VehicleSpeed"); speed.connect(); return app.exec(); }
bool TextureShader::CreateShaders(ID3D11Device *device) { HRESULT hr; // create vertex shader object from compiled shader code hr = device->CreateVertexShader(m_vsBlob->GetBufferPointer(), m_vsBlob->GetBufferSize(), nullptr, &m_VertexShader); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugOut("ID3D11Device::CreateVertexShader failed!\n"); m_vsBlob->Release(); m_psBlob = nullptr; return false; } // create pixel shader hr = device->CreatePixelShader(m_psBlob->GetBufferPointer(), m_psBlob->GetBufferSize(), nullptr, &m_PixelShader); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugOut("ID3D11Device::CreatePixelShader failed!\n"); m_psBlob->Release(); m_psBlob = nullptr; return false; } return true; };
TestPlugin::TestPlugin(AbstractRoutingEngine *re, map<string, string> config) : AbstractSource(re, config) { DebugOut() << "Testing MapPropertyType... " << endl; MapPropertyType<BasicPropertyType<Zone::Type>,BasicPropertyType<Door::Status>> propmap("something"); MapPropertyType<BasicPropertyType<Zone::Type>,BasicPropertyType<Door::Status>> propmaptwo("something"); propmap.append(Zone::RearLeft,Door::Ajar); GVariant *var = propmap.toVariant(); gsize dictsize = g_variant_n_children(var); //DebugOut() << var << endl; propmaptwo.fromVariant(var); g_assert(propmaptwo.toString() == propmap.toString()); DebugOut() << "Testing ListPropertyType... " << endl; VehicleProperty::TripMetersType* tfirst = new VehicleProperty::TripMetersType(); VehicleProperty::TripMetersType* tsecond = new VehicleProperty::TripMetersType(); BasicPropertyType<uint16_t> v1(0); BasicPropertyType<uint16_t> v2(5); BasicPropertyType<uint16_t> v3(10); tfirst->append(&v1); tfirst->append(&v2); tfirst->append(&v3); tsecond->fromVariant(tfirst->toVariant()); g_assert (tfirst->toString() == tsecond->toString()); testBooleanToStringFromString(); g_assert (testCoreUpdateSupported()); DebugOut() << "Exiting..." << endl; exit(-1); }
bool gioPollingFunc(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { DebugOut(5) << "Polling..." << condition << endl; if(condition & G_IO_ERR) { DebugOut(0)<< __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ <<" websocketsink polling error."<<endl; } if (condition & G_IO_HUP) { //Hang up. Returning false closes out the GIOChannel. //printf("Callback on G_IO_HUP\n"); DebugOut(0)<<"socket hangup event..."<<endl; return false; } //This is the polling function. If it return false, glib will stop polling this FD. //printf("Polling...%i\n",condition); lws_tokens token; struct pollfd pollstruct; int newfd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(source); pollstruct.fd = newfd; = condition; pollstruct.revents = condition; libwebsocket_service_fd(context,&pollstruct); return true; }
void CCmdAlphaWeightModulate::UnExecute() { CCmd::UnExecute(); CTerrainMesh * pTerrain = CMapEditApp::GetInstance()->GetTerrainMesh(); for ( std::vector<SVertex>::iterator iter = m_vecDiffs.begin(); iter != m_vecDiffs.end(); ++iter ) { pTerrain->SetAlphaWeightAlpha(iter->dwVertexIndex, iter->weightColor); } DebugOut("UnExecute Test %d, %d", m_processParams.dwBrushSizeInX, m_processParams.dwBrushSizeInZ); int width = 0, depth = 0; width = m_processParams.dwBrushSizeInX; depth = m_processParams.dwBrushSizeInZ; if ( width != pTerrain->GetWidth() ) width *= 2; if ( depth != pTerrain->GetDepth() ) depth *= 2; DebugOut("FillBlendTexture %d, %d", width, depth); pTerrain->FillBlendTexture(m_vecDiffs[0].dwVertexIndex , width, depth ) ; }
void OBD2Source::getPropertyAsync(AsyncPropertyReply *reply) { DebugOut(5) << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "getPropertyAsync requested for " << reply->property << endl; VehicleProperty::Property property = reply->property; if(!ListPlusPlus<VehicleProperty::Property>(&m_supportedProperties).contains(property)) { DebugOut(0)<<"obd plugin does not support: "<<property<<endl; return; } if(reply->property == Obd2Connected) { reply->success = true; reply->value = &obd2Connected; reply->completed(reply); return; } propertyReplyMap[reply->property] = reply; ObdPid* requ = obd2AmbInstance->createPidforProperty(property); g_async_queue_push(singleShotQueue,requ); CommandRequest *req = new CommandRequest(); req->req = "connectifnot"; g_async_queue_push(commandQueue,req); }
void Matrix34::WriteToDebugStream() { DebugOut("%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", r.x, r.y, r.z); DebugOut("%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", u.x, u.y, u.z); DebugOut("%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", f.x, f.y, f.z); DebugOut("%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); }
void SimpleAction::OnActivate() { auto gameObject = _gameObject.lock(); auto gameWorld = gameObject->GetGameWorld(); if (!_actionComplete) { //_actionComplete = true; switch(_type) { case SimpleAction::Type::PlaySound: // Play sound DebugOut("PLAY SOUND: %S",_data.c_str()); gameWorld->GetDeviceContext().audioDevice->PlayClip(Quake2Game::GetContentCache()->GetAudioClip(_data)); break; case SimpleAction::Type::PrintText: // Print text to window // _data is the text to output DebugOut("TEXT MESSAGE: %S",_data.c_str()); break; default: break; } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { DebugOut::setDebugThreshhold(7); DebugOut::setThrowErr(true); DebugOut::setThrowWarn(false); DebugOut(0) << "Testing AMB json server/client" << endl; QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); DomainSocket socket;; if(!socket.getSocket()->waitForConnected()) { DebugOut("Could not connect"); return -1; } DebugOut(0) << "We are connected!" << endl; amb::AmbRemoteClient client(&socket); runTest(&client); app.exec(); }
void WebSocketSinkManager::removePoll(int fd) { g_io_channel_shutdown(m_ioChannelMap[fd],false,0); //printf("Shutting down IO Channel\n"); DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Shutting down IO Channel\n"; g_source_remove(m_ioSourceMap[fd]); //Since the watch owns the GIOChannel, this should unref it enough to dissapear. //for (map<int,guint>::const_iterator i=m_ioSourceMap.cbegin();i!=m_ioSourceMap.cend();i++) for (map<int,guint>::iterator i=m_ioSourceMap.begin();i!=m_ioSourceMap.end();i++) { if((*i).first == fd) { //printf("Erasing source\n"); DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Erasing source\n"; m_ioSourceMap.erase(i); i--; } } //for (map<int,GIOChannel*>::const_iterator i=m_ioChannelMap.cbegin();i!=m_ioChannelMap.cend();i++) for (map<int,GIOChannel*>::iterator i=m_ioChannelMap.begin();i!=m_ioChannelMap.end();i++) { if((*i).first == fd) { //printf("Erasing channel\n"); DebugOut() << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << "Erasing channel\n"; m_ioChannelMap.erase(i); i--; } } }
void DspTempo::AdjustTempo() { if (m_tempo != m_ftempo) { assert(m_tempo != m_ftempo1); assert(m_tempo != m_ftempo2); double ratio21 = std::abs((m_tempo - m_ftempo1) / (m_tempo - m_ftempo2)); if (m_ftempo != m_ftempo2 && m_outSamples1 * ratio21 - m_outSamples2 > 60 * m_rate) { DebugOut(ClassName(this), "adjusting for float/double imprecision (2), ratio", ratio21); m_ftempo = m_ftempo2; m_stouch.setTempo(m_ftempo); } else if (m_ftempo != m_ftempo1 && m_outSamples2 - m_outSamples1 * ratio21 > 60 * m_rate) { DebugOut(ClassName(this), "adjusting for float/double imprecision (1), ratio", ratio21); m_ftempo = m_ftempo1; m_stouch.setTempo(m_ftempo); } } }
DWORD WINAPI ServiceCtrlHandlerEx(DWORD dwOpcode, DWORD dwEventType, LPVOID lpEventData, LPVOID /*lpContext*/) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; switch (dwOpcode) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: DebugOut("SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP\n"); if (hDevNotify) UnregisterDeviceNotification(hDevNotify); ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; if (gpSid) free(gpSid); dwRes = NO_ERROR; break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: DebugOut("SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE\n"); dwRes = NO_ERROR; break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT: DebugOut("SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT"); DeviceEventNotify(dwEventType, lpEventData); dwRes = NO_ERROR; break; } if (!SetServiceStatus(hServiceStatus, &ServiceStatus)) { // Send current status. DebugOut("SetServiceStatus failed! (LastError=0x%x)\n", GetLastError()); } return dwRes; }
static void signalCallback( GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *sender_name, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, const gchar *signal_name, GVariant *parameters, gpointer user_data) { AutomotiveManager* manager = static_cast<AutomotiveManager*>(user_data); if(!manager) { DebugOut(DebugOut::Error)<<"Bad user_data"<<endl; return; } gchar* name=nullptr; gchar* newOwner=nullptr; gchar* oldOwner = nullptr; g_variant_get(parameters,"(sss)",&name, &oldOwner, &newOwner); std::list<AbstractDBusInterface*> toRemove; if(std::string(newOwner) == "") { for(auto &i : manager->subscribedProcesses) { AbstractDBusInterface* iface = i.first; for(auto itr = i.second.begin(); itr != i.second.end(); itr++) { std::string n = *itr; if(n == name) { DebugOut()<<"unreferencing "<<n<<" from the subscription of "<<iface->objectPath()<<endl; itr = manager->subscribedProcesses[iface].erase(itr); DebugOut()<<"new ref count: "<<manager->subscribedProcesses[iface].size()<<endl; } } if(manager->subscribedProcesses[iface].empty()) { DebugOut()<<"No more subscribers. Unregistering: "<<iface->objectPath()<<endl; ///Defer removal to not screw up the list toRemove.push_back(iface); iface->unregisterObject(); } } for(auto & i : toRemove) { manager->subscribedProcesses.erase(i); } } g_free(name); g_free(newOwner); g_free(oldOwner); }
int main() { std::string name = "bob"; int age = 25; DebugOut(L"HI"); DebugOut("my name is %s", name.c_str()); DebugOut() << name << " is age " << age; return 0; }
void WebSocketSinkManager::addSingleShotSink(libwebsocket* socket, VehicleProperty::Property property, Zone::Type zone, string id) { AsyncPropertyRequest request; PropertyList foo = VehicleProperty::capabilities(); if (ListPlusPlus<VehicleProperty::Property>(&foo).contains(property)) { = property; } else { DebugOut(0)<<"websocketsink: Invalid property requested: "<<property; return; } request.zoneFilter = zone; request.completed = [socket,id,property](AsyncPropertyReply* reply) { DebugOut()<<"Got property: "<<reply->property.c_str()<<endl; if(!reply->success || !reply->value) { DebugOut()<<"Property value is null"<<endl; delete reply; return; } QVariantMap data; data["property"] = property.c_str(); data["zone"] = reply->value->zone; data["value"] = reply->value->toString().c_str(); data["timestamp"] = reply->value->timestamp; data["sequence"] = reply->value->sequence; QVariantMap replyvar; replyvar["type"]="methodReply"; replyvar["name"]="get"; replyvar["data"]= data; replyvar["transactionid"]=id.c_str(); QByteArray replystr; if(doBinary) replystr = QJsonDocument::fromVariant(replyvar).toBinaryData(); else { replystr = QJsonDocument::fromVariant(replyvar).toJson(); cleanJson(replystr); } lwsWrite(socket, replystr, replystr.length()); delete reply; }; AsyncPropertyReply* reply = routingEngine->getPropertyAsync(request); }
std::shared_ptr<AbstractPropertyType> amb::jsonToProperty(const picojson::value &json) { std::string name = json.get("name").to_str(); std::string type = json.get("type").to_str(); auto t = VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(name); if(!t) { bool ret = VehicleProperty::registerProperty(name, [name, type]() -> AbstractPropertyType* { if(type == amb::BasicTypes::UInt16Str) { return new BasicPropertyType<uint16_t>(name, 0); } else if(type == amb::BasicTypes::Int16Str) { return new BasicPropertyType<int16_t>(name, 0); } else if(type == amb::BasicTypes::UInt32Str) { return new BasicPropertyType<uint32_t>(name, 0); } else if(type == amb::BasicTypes::Int32Str) { return new BasicPropertyType<int32_t>(name, 0); } else if(type == amb::BasicTypes::StringStr) { return new StringPropertyType(name); } else if(type == amb::BasicTypes::DoubleStr) { return new BasicPropertyType<double>(name, 0); } else if(type == amb::BasicTypes::BooleanStr) { return new BasicPropertyType<bool>(name, false); } DebugOut(DebugOut::Warning) << "Unknown or unsupported type: " << type << endl; return nullptr; }); if(!ret) { DebugOut(DebugOut::Error) << "failed to register property: " << name << endl; return nullptr; } t = VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(name); } t->fromJson(json); return std::shared_ptr<AbstractPropertyType>(t); }
int lwsWrite(libwebsocket *lws, QByteArray d) { if(!lws) { DebugOut(DebugOut::Error)<<__FUNCTION__<<": libwebsockets is not valid. Perhaps it has not been initialized?" << endl; return -1; } DebugOut() << "Writing to websocket: " << d.constData() << endl; int retval = -1; QByteArray temp = d; int numframes = 1; int framesize = 5012; if(d.length() > framesize) { numframes = ceil((double)d.length() / double(framesize)); QVariantMap multiFrameMessage; multiFrameMessage["type"] = "multiframe"; multiFrameMessage["frames"] = numframes; lwsWriteVariant(lws, multiFrameMessage); } while(numframes--) { int range = 0; if(temp.length() > framesize) range = framesize; else range = temp.length(); QByteArray toWrite = temp.mid(0,range); const char* strToWrite =; temp = temp.mid(range); if(doBinary) { retval = libwebsocket_write(lws, (unsigned char*)strToWrite, toWrite.length(), LWS_WRITE_BINARY); } else { std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + toWrite.length() + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING]); char *buf = buffer.get() + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING; memcpy(buf, strToWrite, toWrite.length()); retval = libwebsocket_write(lws, (unsigned char*)strToWrite, toWrite.length(), LWS_WRITE_TEXT); } } return retval; }
void CLocalDriver::Disconnect(CBaseConn *id, EDisconnectReason reason) { if (g_TransportDebug > 0 || g_bLocalDebug) { if (m_pConnection) DebugOut( "CLocalDriver::Disconnect\n" ); else DebugOut( "CLocalDriver::Disconnect (not connected)\n" ); } m_pNetMgr->DisconnectNotify( id, reason ); Term(); }
//检查SocketFd是否为可写不可读状态 int HttpRequest::SocketFdCheck(const int iSockFd) { struct timeval timeout ; fd_set rset,wset; FD_ZERO(&rset); FD_ZERO(&wset); FD_SET(iSockFd, &rset); FD_SET(iSockFd, &wset); timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 500; int iRet = select(iSockFd+1, &rset, &wset, NULL, &timeout); if(iRet > 0) { //判断SocketFd是否为可写不可读状态 int iW = FD_ISSET(iSockFd,&wset); int iR = FD_ISSET(iSockFd,&rset); if(iW && !iR) { char error[4] = ""; socklen_t len = sizeof(error); int ret = getsockopt(iSockFd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_ERROR,error,&len); if(ret == 0) { if(!strcmp(error, "")) { return iRet;//表示已经准备好的描述符数 } else { DebugOut("%s %s %d\tgetsockopt error code:%d,error message:%s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, errno, strerror(errno)); } } else { DebugOut("%s %s %d\tgetsockopt failed. error code:%d,error message:%s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, errno, strerror(errno)); } } else { DebugOut("%s %s %d\tsockFd是否在可写字符集中:%d,是否在可读字符集中:%d\t(0表示不在)\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, iW, iR); } } else if(iRet == 0) { return 0;//表示超时 } else { return -1;//select出错,所有描述符集清0 } return -2;//其他错误 }
static int updateProperties( gpointer data) { OBD2Source* src = (OBD2Source*)data; while (gpointer retval = g_async_queue_try_pop(src->statusQueue)) { StatusMessage *reply = (StatusMessage*)retval; if (reply->statusStr == "disconnected") { OBD2Source::Obd2ConnectType val(Obd2Connected,false); src->updateProperty(Obd2Connected,&val); } else if (reply->statusStr == "connected") { OBD2Source::Obd2ConnectType val(Obd2Connected, true); src->updateProperty(Obd2Connected,&val); } else if (reply->statusStr == "error:nodata" || reply->statusStr == "error:timeout") { if (src->propertyReplyMap.find(reply->property) != src->propertyReplyMap.end()) { DebugOut(5) << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << reply->statusStr << " on property:" << reply->property << endl; src->propertyReplyMap[reply->property]->success = false; src->propertyReplyMap[reply->property]->error = AsyncPropertyReply::InvalidOperation; src->propertyReplyMap[reply->property]->completed(src->propertyReplyMap[reply->property]); src->propertyReplyMap.erase(reply->property); /// Remove support for this pid: PropertyList list = src->supported(); list.remove(reply->property); src->setSupported(list); } else { DebugOut(5) << __SMALLFILE__ <<":"<< __LINE__ << reply->statusStr << " on unrequested property:" << reply->property << endl; } } delete reply; } while(gpointer retval = g_async_queue_try_pop(src->responseQueue)) { ObdPid *reply = (ObdPid*)retval; AbstractPropertyType* value = VehicleProperty::getPropertyTypeForPropertyNameValue(reply->property, reply->value); src->updateProperty(reply->property, value); delete value; } return true; }
static void on_name_lost (GDBusConnection *connection, const gchar *name, gpointer user_data) { DebugOut(DebugOut::Error)<<"DBus: Lost bus name"<<endl; DBusInterfaceManager* iface = static_cast<DBusInterfaceManager*>(user_data); iface->setValue(iface->dbusConnected, false); if(!connection){ DebugOut(DebugOut::Error)<<"DBus: Connection could not be established."<<endl; throw std::runtime_error("Could not establish DBus connection."); } }
void QuadTree::printTree(int type){ DebugOut("==================== TREE ===================="); if(root != NULL){ switch(type) { case 0: root->printDetails(); break; case 1: root->printShortDetails(); break; } } DebugOut("=============================================="); }
void CGras::InitGras(int menge) { if (menge>MAXIMUM_GRAS_OBJECTS)menge=MAXIMUM_GRAS_OBJECTS; Invalidate(); Indices=new WORD[MAX_GRAS_PRO_VB*6]; for (int i=0;i<MAX_GRAS_PRO_VB*6;i+=6) { const int v1=i/6*4; Indices[i+0]=v1; Indices[i+1]=v1+1; Indices[i+2]=v1+2; Indices[i+3]=v1; Indices[i+4]=v1+2; Indices[i+5]=v1+3; } vertexbuffers=menge/MAX_GRAS_PRO_VB+1; lpVertices=new LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER7[vertexbuffers]; ZeroMemory(lpVertices,sizeof(LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER7)*vertexbuffers); vertexnum=new WORD[vertexbuffers]; #ifdef _DEBUG DebugOut("Initialisiere Gras:"); CHAR c[100]; sprintf(&c[0]," Graspartikel: %d",menge); DebugOut(&c[0]); sprintf(&c[0]," Grasvertices: %d",menge*4); DebugOut(&c[0]); sprintf(&c[0]," Vertexbuffer: %d",vertexbuffers); DebugOut(&c[0]); #endif for (int i=0;i<vertexbuffers;i++) { CreateGras(i,menge>MAX_GRAS_PRO_VB?MAX_GRAS_PRO_VB:menge); menge-=MAX_GRAS_PRO_VB; if (menge<=0) { vertexbuffers=i+1; break; } } return; }
void h_mfmt(struct context *ctx, char *arg) { char *t; struct stat st; struct tm tm; DebugIn(DEBUG_COMMAND); t = arg; while (*arg && !isspace((int) *arg)) arg++; if (!isspace((int) *arg)) { reply(ctx, MSG_500_arguments_required); DebugOut(DEBUG_COMMAND); return; } memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); *arg++ = 0; if (*arg && 6 == sscanf(t, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d", &tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday, &tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec)) { struct utimbuf ut; tm.tm_year -= 1900; tm.tm_mon--; ut.modtime = mktime(&tm); if ((t = buildpath(ctx, arg)) && (!pickystat(ctx, &st, t)) && (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) && st.st_uid == ctx->uid) { ut.actime = st.st_atime; if (utime(t, &ut)) reply(ctx, MSG_550_Permission_denied); else { struct stat sst; char u[40]; if (stat(t, &sst)) sst.st_mtime = ut.modtime; strftime(u, sizeof(u), "213 Modify=%Y%m%d%H%M%S; ", gmtime(&sst.st_mtime)); replyf(ctx, "%s%s\r\n", u, t); } } else reply(ctx, MSG_550_Permission_denied); } else reply(ctx, MSG_500_missing_filename); DebugOut(DEBUG_COMMAND); }
BOOL SetSecurityPrivilage(BOOL bEnablePrivilege) { LPCTSTR lpszPrivilege = L"SeSecurityPrivilege"; HANDLE hToken; // Open a handle to the access token for the calling process. That is this running program if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken)) { DebugOut("OpenProcessToken() error %u\n", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } // Call the user defined SetPrivilege() function to enable and set the needed privilege if (!SetPrivilege(hToken, lpszPrivilege, bEnablePrivilege)) { DebugOut("Failed to adjust Privilege\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
VOID DeviceEventNotify(DWORD dwEventType, PVOID lpEventData) { PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR lpdb = (PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR)lpEventData; if (lpdb->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE) { PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE pInterface = (PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE)lpdb; switch (dwEventType) { case DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE: DebugOut("Device Removal \"%S\"\n", pInterface->dbcc_name); break; case DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL: DebugOut("Device Arrival \"%S\"\n", pInterface->dbcc_name); ScanApplyObjectsRules(); break; } } }
void CANGenPlugin::getValue(libwebsocket* socket, const std::string& property, int zone, const std::string& id) { AsyncPropertyRequest request; PropertyList foo = VehicleProperty::capabilities(); if (ListPlusPlus<VehicleProperty::Property>(&foo).contains(property)) { = property; } else { DebugOut(0)<<"websocketsink: Invalid property requested: "<<property; return; } request.zoneFilter = zone; request.completed = [socket,id,property](AsyncPropertyReply* reply) { DebugOut()<<"Got property: "<<reply->property.c_str()<<endl; if(!reply->value){ DebugOut()<<"Property value is null"<<endl; delete reply; return; } stringstream s; s.precision(15); s << "{\"type\":\"methodReply\",\"name\":\"get\",\"data\":{"; s << "\"property\":\"" << property << "\",\"zone\":\"" << reply->value->zone << "\",\"value\":\"" << reply->value->toString() << "\",\"timestamp\":\""<<reply->value->timestamp<<"\","; s <<"\"sequence\": \""<<reply->value->sequence<<"\"}"; s << ",\"transactionid\":\"" << id << "\"}"; string replystr = s.str(); //printf("Reply: %s\n",replystr.c_str()); LOG_MESSAGE("Reply:" << replystr << endl); //if(replystr.length() > 4096){ // WebSockets::Write(socket, replystr.substr(0,4096)); // WebSockets::Write(socket, replystr.substr(4096, 4096)); //} //else WebSockets::Write(socket, replystr); WebSockets::Write(socket, replystr); delete reply; }; routingEngine->getPropertyAsync(request); }
REFERENCE_TIME AudioDevicePush::Finish(CAMEvent* pFilledEvent) { if (m_error) throw E_FAIL; if (!m_endOfStream) { DebugOut(ClassName(this), "finish"); m_endOfStream = true; m_endOfStreamPos = GetEnd(); try { if (!m_thread.joinable()) { assert(!m_exit); m_thread = std::thread(std::bind(&AudioDevicePush::SilenceFeed, this)); } } catch (std::system_error&) { throw E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (pFilledEvent) pFilledEvent->Set(); return m_endOfStreamPos - GetPosition(); }
GVariant *amb::jsonToGVariant(const picojson::value & value, const std::string& type) { GVariant* v = nullptr; if (type == "i") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), (int32_t)value.get<double>()); } else if (type == "d") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), value.get<double>()); } else if (type == "q") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), (uint16_t)value.get<double>()); } else if (type == "n") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), (int16_t)value.get<double>()); } else if (type == "u") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), (uint32_t)value.get<double>()); } else if (type == "x") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), (int64_t)value.get<double>()); } else if (type == "t") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), (uint64_t)value.get<double>()); } else if (type == "b") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), value.get<bool>()); } else if (type == "s") { v = g_variant_new(type.c_str(), value.get<std::string>().c_str()); } else { DebugOut(DebugOut::Error) << "Unsupported type: " << type << endl; } return v; }
void h_user(struct context *ctx, char *arg) { char *host; DebugIn(DEBUG_COMMAND); if (ctx->state == ST_conn) { ctx->state = ST_user; host = strchr(arg, '@'); if (host) { *host++ = 0; strset(&ctx->vhost, host); } if (!strcasecmp(arg, "ftp") || !strcasecmp(arg, "anonymous")) { reply(ctx, MSG_331_anon); strset(&ctx->user, "ftp"); ctx->anonymous = 1; } else { reply(ctx, MSG_331_user); strset(&ctx->user, arg); ctx->anonymous = 0; } } else reply(ctx, MSG_503_Already_logged_in); DebugOut(DEBUG_COMMAND); }