void	MDIOWinTop_Init (BOOL pmStopUserClose)
    char	myButtonBarWindowClassName [256];
    int		myResult;
    WNDCLASSEX	myWindowClass;

    stStopUserClose = pmStopUserClose;
    // Get the background brush
    stBackgroundBrush = CreateSolidBrush (GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNFACE));
    if (stBackgroundBrush == NULL)	  
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_CREATEBRUSHFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
		    	       GetLastError ());
    // Get the class name
    EdInt_LoadString (IDS_MIOWINDOWTOP_WINDOW_NAME, myButtonBarWindowClassName, 
	sizeof (myButtonBarWindowClassName));
    // Register the status window class
    myWindowClass.cbSize = 	  sizeof (myWindowClass);
    // Set window class to redraw when window size changes
    myWindowClass.style = 	  CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
    // Procedure to be called with messages for this window class
    myWindowClass.lpfnWndProc =   MyButtonBarWindowProcedure;
    // The extra space in class struct
    myWindowClass.cbClsExtra = 	  0;
    // The extra space in window struct for the pointer to text data
    // and editor window
    myWindowClass.cbWndExtra = 	  WINDOW_EXTRA_MEMORY;
    // The application's handle
    myWindowClass.hInstance = 	  MIO_applicationInstance;
    // Set the icon for this window class
    myWindowClass.hIcon = 	  NULL;
    // Set the cursor for this window class
    myWindowClass.hCursor = 	  LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    // Set the background colour for this window
    myWindowClass.hbrBackground = stBackgroundBrush;
    // Set the menu for this window class
    myWindowClass.lpszMenuName =  NULL;
    // Name of the window class
    myWindowClass.lpszClassName = myButtonBarWindowClassName; 
    // Set the icon for this class.
    myWindowClass.hIconSm = 	  NULL;
    myResult = RegisterClassEx (&myWindowClass);
    if (myResult == 0)
	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_REGISTERCLASSFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
			       GetLastError ());
} // MDIOWinTop_Init
static BOOL	MySetDialogFont (HWND pmButtonBarWindow)
    char	myFontName [256];
    HDC		myDisplayContext;
    TEXTMETRIC	myTextMetrics;
    // Get the font name
    EdInt_LoadString (IDS_MIO_DIALOG_FONT_NAME, myFontName, sizeof (myFontName));

    // Delete any previously existing font
    if (stButtonFont != NULL)
    	DeleteObject (stButtonFont);
    // Create the new font
    stButtonFont = EdInt_CreateFont (pmButtonBarWindow, myFontName,
        stProperties.dialogFontSize, NO_BOLD, NO_ITALIC);
    if (stButtonFont == NULL)
	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_CREATEFONTFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
	    		       GetLastError ());
    	return FALSE;

    myDisplayContext = GetDC (pmButtonBarWindow);
    SelectFont (myDisplayContext, stButtonFont);
    GetTextMetrics (myDisplayContext, &myTextMetrics);
    stButtonFontCharHeight = myTextMetrics.tmHeight;
    stButtonFontCharWidth = myTextMetrics.tmAveCharWidth;
    ReleaseDC (pmButtonBarWindow, myDisplayContext);
    return TRUE;
} // MySetDialogFont
void	MIOFile_SetExecutionDirectory (const char *pmExecutionDir)
    int		myPathType;
    if (!MyConvertToTuringPath (pmExecutionDir, stExecutionDir, &myPathType))
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 201);
    if ((myPathType & ABSOLUTE_PATH) == 0)
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 202);
    if (stExecutionDir [strlen (stExecutionDir) - 1] != PATH_SEP)
        strcat (stExecutionDir, PATH_SEP_STR);
} // MIOFile_SetCurrentDirectory
static ButtonBarWindowInfoPtr	MyGetButtonBarWindowInfo (
						HWND pmButtonBarWindow)
    int				myWindowType;
    ButtonBarWindowInfoPtr	myInfo;
    myWindowType = GetWindowLong (pmButtonBarWindow, WINDOW_MEM_WINDOW_TYPE);
    if (myWindowType != WINDOW_TYPE_BEGINNER_TOP)
	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_BADWINDOWTYPE, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0,
			       myWindowType, WINDOW_TYPE_BEGINNER_TOP);
    myInfo = (ButtonBarWindowInfoPtr) GetWindowLong (pmButtonBarWindow, 
    if (myInfo == NULL)
	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_GETWINDOWLONGFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__,
	    		       GetLastError (), WINDOW_MEM_WINDOW_INFO);
    return myInfo;
} // MyGetButtonBarWindowInfo
void	MIOFile_Init (int pmOS, const char *pmOOTDir, const char *pmHomeDir)
    int		myPathType;
    stOS = pmOS;
#if 0    
    if (!MyConvertToTuringPath (pmOOTDir, stOOTDir, &myPathType))
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL_1, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 101,
    			       pmOOTDir, stOOTDir, myPathType);
    if ((myPathType & ABSOLUTE_PATH) == 0)
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL_1, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 102,
    			       pmOOTDir, stOOTDir, myPathType);
    if (stOOTDir [strlen (stOOTDir) - 1] != PATH_SEP)
        strcat (stOOTDir, PATH_SEP_STR);

    if (!MyConvertToTuringPath (pmHomeDir, stHomeDir, &myPathType))
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL_1, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 103,
    			       pmHomeDir, stHomeDir, myPathType);
    if ((myPathType & ABSOLUTE_PATH) == 0)
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL_1, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 104,
    			       pmHomeDir, stHomeDir, myPathType);
    if (stHomeDir [strlen (stHomeDir) - 1] != PATH_SEP)
        strcat (stHomeDir, PATH_SEP_STR);
} // MIOFile_Init
BOOL	MIOFile_ConvertPath (const char *pmMDUserPath, char *pmAbsolutePath, 
			     char *pmMDAbsolutePath, BOOL pmAllowTrailingSlash)
    char	myTuringUserPath [4096];
    int		myPathType;
    char	myPath [4096], myAbsolutePath [4096];
    char	*myPtr, *myStart, *myDestPtr;

    // Note that a Turing Path is UNIX like
    if (!MyConvertToTuringPath (pmMDUserPath, myTuringUserPath, &myPathType))
	return FALSE;

    if ((stOS != OS_WINDOWS) && (myPathType & WINDOWS_TYPE_PATH))
		    "Attempt to use a Windows style pathname (%s) on a "
		    "non-Windows system", pmMDUserPath);
	return FALSE;		    
    if ((stOS != OS_MACOS) && (myPathType & MACOS_TYPE_PATH))
		    "Attempt to use a Macintosh style pathname (%s) on a "
		    "non-Macintosh system", pmMDUserPath);
	return FALSE;		    

    // There are a number of different file types possible at this point,
    // each with different flags:
    // RELATIVE_PATH 			"a/b/c"
    // ABSOLUTE_PATH			"%oot/a/b/c"
    // ABSOLUTE_NO_VOL_PATH	   	"/a/b/c"  (Win/Mac assume default vol)
    // ABSOLUTE_PATH [WINDOWS]		"x:/a/b/c"
    // ABSOLUTE_PATH [WINDOWS]		"//server/a/b/c"
    // ABSOLUTE_PATH [MACOS]		"volume:/a/b/c"
    // ABSOLUTE_NO_DIR_PATH [WINDOWS]  	"x:" (Win assume default directory)
    if (myPathType & RELATIVE_PATH)
    	// RELATIVE_PATH 	"a/b/c"
    	strcpy (myPath, stExecutionDir);
    	// Add the relative directory
    	strcat (myPath, myTuringUserPath);
    	if ((strncmp (myTuringUserPath, "%oot", 4) == 0) ||
    	    (strncmp (myTuringUserPath, "%home", 5) == 0))
	    // ABSOLUTE_PATH	"%oot/a/b/c"
    	    if (strcmp (myTuringUserPath, "%oot") == 0)
    	    	strcpy (myPath, stOOTDir);
    	    else if (strcmp (myTuringUserPath, "%home") == 0)
    	    	strcpy (myPath, stHomeDir);
    	    else if (strncmp (myTuringUserPath, "%oot/", 5) == 0)
    	    	strcpy (myPath, stOOTDir);
    	    	strcat (myPath, &myTuringUserPath [5]);
    	    else if (strncmp (myTuringUserPath, "%home/", 6) == 0)
    	    	strcpy (myPath, stHomeDir);
    	    	strcat (myPath, &myTuringUserPath [6]);
	    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
	    			       0, 401);
	else if (myPathType & ABSOLUTE_NO_VOL_PATH)
	    // ABSOLUTE_NO_VOL_PATH	   	"/a/b/c"  (Win/Mac assume default vol)
	    if (stOS == OS_UNIXLIKE)
	    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
	    			       0, 402);
	    // Copy the volume name from the execution directory
	    strcpy (myPath, stExecutionDir);
	    myPtr = myPath;
	    while ((*myPtr != ':') && (*myPtr != 0))
	    if (*myPtr == 0)
	    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
	    			       0, 403);
	    // Copy the user path after the execution directory volume
	    strcpy (myPtr, myTuringUserPath);
	else if (myPathType & ABSOLUTE_NO_DIR_PATH)
	    // ABSOLUTE_NO_DIR_PATH [WINDOWS]  	"x:" (Win assume default directory)
	    if (stOS != OS_WINDOWS)
	    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
	    			       0, 404);
	    if (!MDIOFile_GetDefaultPathForWindowsVolume (myTuringUserPath [0],
		// Error message is set by MDIOFile_GetDefault...
		return FALSE;
	    // We don't actually have to do any additional work for the 
	    // following.
	    // ABSOLUTE_PATH [WINDOWS]		"x:/a/b/c"
	    // ABSOLUTE_PATH [WINDOWS]		"//server/a/b/c"
	    // ABSOLUTE_PATH [MACOS]		"volume:/a/b/c"
	    strcpy (myPath, myTuringUserPath);

    // myPath is now in one of the following forms:
    //		/a/b/c"  (UNIX only)			[/]
    // 		"x:/a/b/c" (WINDOWS only)		[x:/]
    // 		"//server/share/a/b/c" (WINDOWS only)	[//server/share/]
    // 		"volume:/a/b/c" (MACOS only)		[volume:/]
    // First, mark where the start of the path is
    if ((myPath [0] == PATH_SEP) && (myPath [1] == PATH_SEP))
    	myPtr = &myPath [2];	// myPtr now points at beginning of server name
    	// Skip over server name
    	while ((*myPtr != PATH_SEP) && (*myPtr != 0))
    	if (*myPtr == 0)
    	    EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
    	    			   0, 405);
    	// Skip over share name
	myPtr++;	// myPtr now points at beginning of share name
    	while ((*myPtr != PATH_SEP) && (*myPtr != 0))
    else if (myPath [0] == PATH_SEP)
    	myPtr = myPath;
    	myPtr = myPath;
    	// Skip over volume name
    	while ((*myPtr != ':') && (*myPtr != 0))
    	if (*myPtr == 0)
    	    EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
    	    			   0, 406);

    if (*myPtr == 0)
	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
	    0, 407);


    // myPtr is now pointing at ^ [//server/share/^ or d:/^]

    strncpy (myAbsolutePath, myPath, myPtr - myPath);
    myStart = &myAbsolutePath [myPtr - myPath];
    myDestPtr = myStart;
    // Now factor out the ".."'s
    while (*myPtr != 0)
    	if ((strncmp (myPtr, "../", 3) == 0) || (strcmp (myPtr, "..") == 0))
	    // Handle ".."
	    // Remove directory and last /
    	    if (myDestPtr == myStart)
		    "Attempt to move up ('..') in the root directory ('%s')",
		return FALSE;			
    	    	} while (*myDestPtr != PATH_SEP);
	    // Skip over '..'
    	    if (strncmp (myPtr, "../", 3) == 0)
    	    	myPtr += 3;
    	    	// Special case: if ".." at the end of the line, we don't want
    	    	// to end with a /, *unless* we're at the root.  *sigh*.
    	    	myPtr += 2;
    	    	if (myDestPtr != myStart)
    	else if ((strncmp (myPtr, "./", 2) == 0) || (strcmp (myPtr, ".") == 0))
	    // Handle "."
    	    if (strncmp (myPtr, "./", 2) == 0)
    	    	myPtr += 2;
    	    	// Special case: if "." at the end of the line, we don't want
    	    	// to end with a /, *unless* we're at the root.  *sigh*.
    	    	myPtr += 1;
    	    	if (myDestPtr != myStart)
	    // Handle path element
	    if (*myPtr == PATH_SEP)
			    "'//' not allowed in path name (%s)", myAbsolutePath);
		return FALSE;			
	    while ((*myPtr != PATH_SEP) && (*myPtr != 0))
	    	*myDestPtr++ = *myPtr++;
	if (*myPtr == PATH_SEP)
	    *myDestPtr++ = *myPtr++;
    } // while (*myPtr != 0)

    *myDestPtr = 0;
    // Remove any trailing "/" unless it's the root directory slash
    if ((*myDestPtr == PATH_SEP) && (myDestPtr > myStart))
	if (pmAllowTrailingSlash)
	    *myDestPtr = 0;
			"No trailing slash allowed in a file path name", 
	    return FALSE;			

    // At this point we have a Turing style absolute path in myAbsolutePath
    // Copy to pmAbsolutePath if necessary
    if (pmAbsolutePath != NULL)
    	strcpy (pmAbsolutePath, myAbsolutePath);
    // If we don't need an MD absolute path, exit.
    if (pmMDAbsolutePath == NULL)
    	return TRUE;
    if (stOS == OS_UNIXLIKE)
    	strcpy (pmMDAbsolutePath, myAbsolutePath);
    else if (stOS == OS_WINDOWS)
    	strcpy (pmMDAbsolutePath, myAbsolutePath);
    	myPtr = pmMDAbsolutePath;
    	while (*myPtr != 0)
    	    if (*myPtr == PATH_SEP)
    	    	*myPtr = '\\';
    else if (stOS == OS_MACOS)
    	// TW Work to do here
    	EdInt_HaltEnvironment (IDS_MIO_FILEFAIL, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, 301);
    return TRUE;
} // MIOFile_ConvertPath