 * CreateRemoteSession
 * DESC:
 *     Creates a remote context 
 * ARGS:
 *     server - IP or host to connect to
 *     domain - domain within the host (empty string for none)
 *     username - username within the domain
 *     password - password for above user
 *     Set the domain, user, and password to NULL for current user
 *     Note: This just creates the session context. A connection
 *     is not actually made until we attempt to use the context
EVT_HANDLE CreateRemoteSession(LPWSTR server, LPWSTR domain, LPWSTR username, LPWSTR password)
    EVT_RPC_LOGIN rpcLogin;

	// Allocate required memory for our credentials buffer
    RtlZeroMemory(&rpcLogin, sizeof(EVT_RPC_LOGIN));

	// Initialize our credentials with the supplied machine, username and password
	rpcLogin.Domain = domain; 
	rpcLogin.User = username; 
    rpcLogin.Password = password; 
	rpcLogin.Server = server;
    rpcLogin.Flags = EvtRpcLoginAuthNegotiate; 

    // Create session context for remote machine
    EVT_HANDLE hRemote = EvtOpenSession(EvtRpcLogin, &rpcLogin, 0, 0);

	// Release memory used for our credentails buffer as it's no longer required
    SecureZeroMemory(&rpcLogin, sizeof(EVT_RPC_LOGIN));

	// Return the session context handle
    return hRemote;
CperOpenWheaLogQuery (
    __in_opt PWSTR ComputerName,
    __in_opt PWSTR UserName,
    __in_opt PWSTR Domain,
    __in_opt PWSTR Password,
    __in_opt PWSTR FileName,
    __out EVT_HANDLE *Session


Routine Description:

    This routine will initialize an event log query that may be used to
    enumerate any WHEA error records contained in the WHEA event log.


    ComputerName - Supplies an optional computer name for remote queries. This
        should be NULL for the local event log query or if an exported event log
        is to be queried.

    UserName - Supplies the username to be used to authenticate to the remote

    Domain - Supplies the username to be used to authenticate to the remote

    Password - Supplies the password to be used to authenticate to the remote

    FileName - Supplies an optional filename for an exported event log. This
        should be NULL for a live (local or remote) event log query.

    Session - Supplies a variable in which a handle to the session is returned,
        but only if the query is for events on a remote computer.

Return Value:

    A handle to the ETW query if successful, NULL otherwise.



    DWORD Error;
    DWORD Flags;
    EVT_RPC_LOGIN Login;
    PCWSTR Path;
    EVT_HANDLE QueryHandle;
    EVT_HANDLE SessionHandle;

    QueryHandle = NULL;
    SessionHandle = NULL;
    Error = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // If a computer name is specified, then an event log session to that
    // computer must be opened. It is invalid to specify a remote computer as
    // well as a filename.

    if (ComputerName != NULL) {
        if (FileName != NULL) {
            Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
            goto OpenWheaLogQueryEnd;

        RtlZeroMemory(&Login, sizeof(EVT_RPC_LOGIN));
        Login.Server = ComputerName;
        Login.User = UserName;
        Login.Domain = Domain;
        Login.Password = Password;
        Login.Flags = EvtRpcLoginAuthDefault;
        SessionHandle = EvtOpenSession(EvtRpcLogin, &Login, 0, 0);
        if (SessionHandle == NULL) {
            Error = GetLastError();
            goto OpenWheaLogQueryEnd;

    if (FileName == NULL) {
        Path = WHEA_CHANNEL;
        Flags = EvtQueryChannelPath | EvtQueryForwardDirection;

    } else {
        Path = (PCWSTR)FileName;
        Flags = EvtQueryFilePath | EvtQueryForwardDirection;

    // Open the query. If this is not a file query and the open fails, try the
    // legacy log name.

    QueryHandle = EvtQuery(SessionHandle, Path, WHEA_LOG_QUERY, Flags);
    if (QueryHandle == NULL) {
        Error = GetLastError();
        if (FileName == NULL) {
            Path = WHEA_CHANNEL_LEGACY;
            QueryHandle = EvtQuery(SessionHandle, Path, WHEA_LOG_QUERY, Flags);
            if (QueryHandle == NULL) {
                Error = GetLastError();
                goto OpenWheaLogQueryEnd;

    *Session = SessionHandle;

    if (QueryHandle == NULL) {
        if (SessionHandle != NULL) {


    return QueryHandle;