/** * @brief Actor has been wounded/treated * @param[in] ent The actor whose wound status has changed * @note This event is sent to the player this actor belongs to */ void G_EventActorWound (const edict_t *ent, const int bodyPart) { const int mask = G_PlayerToPM(G_PLAYER_FROM_ENT(ent)); G_EventAdd(mask, EV_ACTOR_WOUND, ent->number); gi.WriteByte(bodyPart); gi.WriteByte(ent->chr.wounds.woundLevel[bodyPart]); gi.WriteByte(ent->chr.wounds.treatmentLevel[bodyPart]); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventActorStats (const edict_t* ent, int playerMask) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_ACTOR_STATS, ent->number); gi.WriteByte(ent->TU); gi.WriteShort(ent->HP); gi.WriteByte(ent->STUN); gi.WriteByte(ent->morale); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Start the shooting event for hidden actors * @param visMask the vis mask to determine the clients from this event is send to * @param fd The firedefinition to use for the shoot * @param firstShoot Is this the first shoot */ void G_EventShootHidden (vismask_t visMask, const fireDef_t* fd, bool firstShoot) { G_EventAdd(~G_VisToPM(visMask), EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN, -1); gi.WriteByte(firstShoot); gi.WriteShort(fd->obj->idx); gi.WriteByte(fd->weapFdsIdx); gi.WriteByte(fd->fdIdx); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Send info about an actor's wounds to the client. * @param[in] ent The actor whose wound status we are sending. * @param[in] bodyPart The body part index we are sending wound info about. * @note This event is sent to the player this actor belongs to */ void G_EventActorWound (const Edict& ent, const int bodyPart) { const int mask = G_PlayerToPM(ent.getPlayer()); G_EventAdd(mask, EV_ACTOR_WOUND, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(bodyPart); const woundInfo_t& wounds = ent.chr.wounds; gi.WriteByte(wounds.woundLevel[bodyPart]); gi.WriteByte(wounds.treatmentLevel[bodyPart]); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Spawn a new particle for the client * @param[in] playerMask A bit mask. One bit for each affected player * @param[in] name The id of the particle (see ptl_*.ufo script files in base/ufos) * @param[in] levelFlags Show at which levels * @param[in] s starting/location vector * @param[in] v velocity vector * @param[in] a acceleration vector */ void G_EventParticleSpawn (playermask_t playerMask, const char* name, int levelFlags, const vec3_t s, const vec3_t v, const vec3_t a) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_PARTICLE_SPAWN, -1); gi.WriteByte(levelFlags); gi.WritePos(s); gi.WritePos(v); gi.WritePos(a); gi.WriteString(name); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventInventoryReload (const Edict& ent, playermask_t playerMask, const Item* item, const invDef_t* invDef, const Item* ic) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_INV_RELOAD, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(item->def()->ammo); gi.WriteByte(item->ammoDef()->idx); gi.WriteByte(invDef->id); gi.WriteByte(ic->getX()); gi.WriteByte(ic->getY()); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Informs the client that an interaction with the world is possible * @note It's assumed that the clientAction is already set * @param[in] ent The edict that can execute the action (an actor) */ void G_EventSetClientAction (const Edict& ent) { assert(ent.clientAction); assert(ent.clientAction->flags & FL_CLIENTACTION); /* tell the hud to show the door buttons */ G_EventAdd(G_TeamToPM(ent.team), EV_CLIENT_ACTION, ent.number); gi.WriteShort(ent.clientAction->number); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Will inform the player about the real TU reservation * @param ent The actors edict. */ void G_EventActorSendReservations (const Edict& ent) { G_EventAdd(G_PlayerToPM(ent.getPlayer()), EV_ACTOR_RESERVATIONCHANGE, ent.number); const chrReservations_t& reservedTUs = ent.chr.reservedTus; gi.WriteShort(reservedTUs.reaction); gi.WriteShort(reservedTUs.shot); gi.WriteShort(reservedTUs.crouch); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventInventoryReload (const edict_t* ent, int playerMask, const item_t* item, const invDef_t* invDef, const invList_t* ic) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_INV_RELOAD, ent->number); gi.WriteByte(item->item->ammo); gi.WriteByte(item->ammo->idx); gi.WriteByte(invDef->id); gi.WriteByte(ic->x); gi.WriteByte(ic->y); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventReactionFireChange (const edict_t* ent) { const objDef_t *od = ent->chr.RFmode.weapon; G_EventAdd(G_PlayerToPM(G_PLAYER_FROM_ENT(ent)), EV_ACTOR_REACTIONFIRECHANGE, ent->number); gi.WriteByte(ent->chr.RFmode.fmIdx); gi.WriteByte(ent->chr.RFmode.getHand()); gi.WriteShort(od ? od->idx : NONE); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Send an appear event to the client. * @param playerMask The players to send the event to * @param ent The camera that should appear to the players included in the given mask. */ void G_EventCameraAppear (unsigned int playerMask, const edict_t *ent) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_CAMERA_APPEAR, ent->number); gi.WritePos(ent->origin); gi.WriteByte(ent->team); gi.WriteByte(ent->dir); gi.WriteByte(ent->camera.cameraType); /* strip the higher bits - only send levelflags */ gi.WriteByte(ent->spawnflags & 0xFF); gi.WriteByte(ent->camera.rotate); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventActorFall (const Edict& ent) { G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(ent.visflags), EV_ACTOR_MOVE, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(1); gi.WriteByte(ent.pos[0]); gi.WriteByte(ent.pos[1]); gi.WriteByte(ent.pos[2]); gi.WriteByte(makeDV(DIRECTION_FALL, ent.pos[2])); gi.WriteShort(GRAVITY); gi.WriteShort(0); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Send an appear event to the client. * @param playerMask The players to send the event to * @param ent The camera that should appear to the players included in the given mask. */ void G_EventCameraAppear (playermask_t playerMask, const Edict& ent) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_CAMERA_APPEAR, ent.number); gi.WritePos(ent.origin); gi.WriteByte(ent.team); gi.WriteByte(ent.dir); gi.WriteByte(ent.camera.cameraType); /* strip the higher bits - only send levelflags */ gi.WriteByte(ent.spawnflags & 0xFF); gi.WriteByte(ent.camera.rotate); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventReactionFireChange (const Edict& ent) { const FiremodeSettings& fireMode = ent.chr.RFmode; const objDef_t* od = fireMode.getWeapon(); G_EventAdd(G_PlayerToPM(ent.getPlayer()), EV_ACTOR_REACTIONFIRECHANGE, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(fireMode.getFmIdx()); gi.WriteByte(fireMode.getHand()); gi.WriteShort(od ? od->idx : NONE); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @param[in] teamMask the vis mask to determine the clients from this event is send to * @param[in] fd The firedefinition to use * @param[in] dt Delta time * @param[in] flags bitmask of the following values: @c SF_BODY, @c SF_IMPACT, @c SF_BOUNCING and @c SF_BOUNCED * @param[in] position The current position * @param[in] velocity The velocity of the throw */ void G_EventThrow (teammask_t teamMask, const fireDef_t* fd, float dt, byte flags, const vec3_t position, const vec3_t velocity) { G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(teamMask), EV_ACTOR_THROW, -1); gi.WriteShort(dt * 1000); gi.WriteShort(fd->obj->idx); gi.WriteByte(fd->weapFdsIdx); gi.WriteByte(fd->fdIdx); gi.WriteByte(flags); gi.WritePos(position); gi.WritePos(velocity); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @sa CL_ActorAdd */ void G_EventActorAdd (unsigned int playerMask, const edict_t *ent) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_ACTOR_ADD, ent->number); gi.WriteByte(ent->team); gi.WriteByte(ent->chr.teamDef ? ent->chr.teamDef->idx : NONE); gi.WriteByte(ent->chr.gender); gi.WriteByte(ent->pnum); gi.WriteGPos(ent->pos); gi.WriteShort(ent->state & STATE_PUBLIC); gi.WriteByte(ent->fieldSize); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @sa CL_ActorAdd */ void G_EventActorAdd (playermask_t playerMask, const Edict& ent) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_ACTOR_ADD, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(ent.team); gi.WriteByte(ent.chr.teamDef ? ent.chr.teamDef->idx : NONE); gi.WriteByte(ent.chr.gender); gi.WriteByte(ent.pnum); gi.WriteGPos(ent.pos); gi.WriteShort(ent.state & STATE_PUBLIC); gi.WriteByte(ent.fieldSize); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Change the amount of available ammo for the given entity * @param ent The entity to change the amount of ammo for * @param ammo The ammo to change * @param amount The new amount of the left ammo * @param shootType The shooting type to determine which container to use */ void G_EventInventoryAmmo (const Edict& ent, const objDef_t* ammo, int amount, shoot_types_t shootType) { G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(ent.visflags), EV_INV_AMMO, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(amount); gi.WriteByte(ammo->idx); if (IS_SHOT_RIGHT(shootType)) gi.WriteByte(CID_RIGHT); else gi.WriteByte(CID_LEFT); /* x and y value */ gi.WriteByte(0); gi.WriteByte(0); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventAddBrushModel (unsigned int playerMask, const edict_t *ent) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL, ent->number); gi.WriteByte(ent->type); gi.WriteShort(ent->modelindex); /* strip the higher bits - only send levelflags */ gi.WriteByte(ent->spawnflags & 0xFF); gi.WritePos(ent->origin); gi.WritePos(ent->angles); gi.WriteShort(ent->speed); gi.WriteByte(ent->angle); gi.WriteByte(ent->dir); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Change the amount of available ammo for the given entity * @param ent The entity to change the amount of ammo for * @param ammo The ammo to change * @param amount The new amount of the left ammo * @param shootType The shooting type to determine which container to use */ void G_EventInventoryAmmo (const edict_t* ent, const objDef_t* ammo, int amount, shoot_types_t shootType) { G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(ent->visflags), EV_INV_AMMO, ent->number); gi.WriteByte(amount); gi.WriteByte(ammo->idx); if (IS_SHOT_RIGHT(shootType)) gi.WriteByte(gi.csi->idRight); else gi.WriteByte(gi.csi->idLeft); /* x and y value */ gi.WriteByte(0); gi.WriteByte(0); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventAddBrushModel (playermask_t playerMask, const Edict& ent) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_ADD_BRUSH_MODEL, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(ent.type); gi.WriteShort(ent.modelindex); /* strip the higher bits - only send levelflags */ gi.WriteByte(ent.spawnflags & 0xFF); gi.WritePos(ent.origin); gi.WritePos(ent.angles); gi.WriteShort(ent.speed); gi.WriteByte(ent.angle); gi.WriteByte(ent.dir); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventActorAppear (playermask_t playerMask, const Edict& check, const Edict* ent) { const int mask = G_TeamToPM(check.team) & playerMask; /* parsed in CL_ActorAppear */ G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_ACTOR_APPEAR, check.number); gi.WriteShort(ent && ent->number > 0 ? ent->number : SKIP_LOCAL_ENTITY); gi.WriteByte(check.team); gi.WriteByte(check.chr.teamDef ? check.chr.teamDef->idx : NONE); gi.WriteByte(check.chr.gender); gi.WriteShort(check.chr.ucn); gi.WriteByte(check.pnum); gi.WriteGPos(check.pos); gi.WriteByte(check.dir); if (check.getRightHandItem()) { gi.WriteShort(check.getRightHandItem()->def()->idx); } else { gi.WriteShort(NONE); } if (check.getLeftHandItem()) { gi.WriteShort(check.getLeftHandItem()->def()->idx); } else { gi.WriteShort(NONE); } if (check.body == 0 || check.head == 0) { gi.Error("invalid body and/or head model indices"); } gi.WriteShort(check.body); gi.WriteShort(check.head); gi.WriteByte(check.chr.bodySkin); gi.WriteByte(check.chr.headSkin); /* strip the server private states */ gi.WriteShort(check.state & STATE_PUBLIC); gi.WriteByte(check.fieldSize); /* get the max values for TU and morale */ gi.WriteByte(G_ActorCalculateMaxTU(&check)); gi.WriteByte(std::min(MAX_SKILL, GET_MORALE(check.chr.score.skills[ABILITY_MIND]))); gi.WriteShort(check.chr.maxHP); G_EventEnd(); if (mask) { G_EventActorStateChange(mask, check); G_SendInventory(mask, check); } }
/** * @brief Spawns a sound (that will be spatialized on the client side) * @param ent The edict that is causing the sound * @param origin The origin of the sound * @param sound The sound file, path relative to sounds/. If there is a + at the end the client will * choose a random sound. See the event function for more information. * of the path, a random sound will be taken. */ void G_EventSpawnSound (unsigned int playerMask, bool instant, const edict_t* ent, const vec3_t origin, const char *sound) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_SOUND | (instant ? EVENT_INSTANTLY : 0), ent->number); /* use the entity origin unless it is a bmodel or explicitly specified */ if (!origin) { if (ent->solid == SOLID_BSP) { vec3_t origin_v; VectorCenterFromMinsMaxs(ent->mins, ent->maxs, origin_v); VectorAdd(ent->origin, origin_v, origin_v); gi.WritePos(origin); } else { gi.WritePos(vec3_origin); } } else { gi.WritePos(origin); } gi.WriteString(sound); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Do the shooting * @param ent The entity that is doing the shooting * @param visMask the vis mask to determine the clients from this event is send to * @param fd The firedefinition to use for the shoot * @param firstShoot Is this the first shoot * @param shootType The type of the shoot * @param flags Define some flags in a bitmask: @c SF_BODY, @c SF_IMPACT, @c SF_BOUNCING and @c SF_BOUNCING * @param trace The trace what was used to determine whether this shot has hit something * @param from The position the entity shoots from * @param impact The impact world vector for the shot */ void G_EventShoot (const edict_t* ent, vismask_t visMask, const fireDef_t* fd, bool firstShoot, shoot_types_t shootType, int flags, const trace_t* trace, const vec3_t from, const vec3_t impact) { const edict_t *targetEdict = trace->ent; G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(visMask), EV_ACTOR_SHOOT, ent->number); if (targetEdict && G_IsBreakable(targetEdict)) gi.WriteShort(targetEdict->number); else gi.WriteShort(SKIP_LOCAL_ENTITY); gi.WriteByte(firstShoot ? 1 : 0); gi.WriteShort(fd->obj->idx); gi.WriteByte(fd->weapFdsIdx); gi.WriteByte(fd->fdIdx); gi.WriteByte(shootType); gi.WriteByte(flags); gi.WriteByte(trace->contentFlags); gi.WritePos(from); gi.WritePos(impact); gi.WriteDir(trace->plane.normal); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Do the shooting * @param ent The entity that is doing the shooting * @param teamMask the vis mask to determine the clients from this event is send to * @param fd The firedefinition to use for the shoot * @param firstShoot Is this the first shoot * @param shootType The type of the shoot * @param flags Define some flags in a bitmask: @c SF_BODY, @c SF_IMPACT, @c SF_BOUNCING and @c SF_BOUNCING * @param trace The trace what was used to determine whether this shot has hit something * @param from The position the entity shoots from * @param impact The impact world vector for the shot */ void G_EventShoot (const Edict& ent, teammask_t teamMask, const fireDef_t* fd, bool firstShoot, shoot_types_t shootType, int flags, const trace_t* trace, const vec3_t from, const vec3_t impact) { const Edict* targetEdict = G_EdictsGetByNum(trace->entNum); /* the ent possibly hit by the trace */ G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(teamMask), EV_ACTOR_SHOOT, ent.number); if (targetEdict && G_IsBreakable(targetEdict)) gi.WriteShort(targetEdict->number); else gi.WriteShort(SKIP_LOCAL_ENTITY); gi.WriteByte(firstShoot ? 1 : 0); gi.WriteShort(fd->obj->idx); gi.WriteByte(fd->weapFdsIdx); gi.WriteByte(fd->fdIdx); gi.WriteByte(shootType); gi.WriteByte(flags); gi.WriteByte(trace->contentFlags); gi.WritePos(from); gi.WritePos(impact); gi.WriteDir(trace->plane.normal); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Spawns a sound (that will be spatialized on the client side) * @param playerMask A bit mask. One bit for each affected player * @param ent The edict that is causing the sound * @param origin The origin of the sound * @param sound The sound file, path relative to sounds/. If there is a + at the end the client will * choose a random sound. See the event function for more information. * of the path, a random sound will be taken. */ void G_EventSpawnSound (playermask_t playerMask, const Edict& ent, const vec3_t origin, const char* sound) { G_EventAdd(playerMask, EV_SOUND, ent.number); /* use the entity origin unless it is a bmodel or explicitly specified */ if (!origin) { if (ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) { vec3_t origin_v; ent.entBox.getCenter(origin_v); VectorAdd(ent.origin, origin_v, origin_v); gi.WritePos(origin); } else { gi.WritePos(vec3_origin); } } else { gi.WritePos(origin); } gi.WriteByte(0xFF); gi.WriteString(sound); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Writes a step of the move event to the net * @param[in] ent Edict to move * @param[in] stepAmount Pointer to the amount of steps in this move-event * @param[in] dvec The direction vector for the step to be added * @param[in] contentFlags The material we are walking over */ static void G_WriteStep (edict_t* ent, byte** stepAmount, const int dvec, const int contentFlags) { /* write move header if not yet done */ if (gi.GetEvent() != EV_ACTOR_MOVE) { G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(ent->visflags), EV_ACTOR_MOVE, ent->number); } /* the moveinfo stuff is used inside the G_PhysicsStep think function */ if (ent->moveinfo.steps >= MAX_ROUTE) { ent->moveinfo.steps = 0; ent->moveinfo.currentStep = 0; } ent->moveinfo.contentFlags[ent->moveinfo.steps] = contentFlags; ent->moveinfo.visflags[ent->moveinfo.steps] = ent->visflags; ent->moveinfo.steps++; /* write move header and always one step after another - because the next step * might already be the last one due to some stop event */ gi.WriteShort(dvec); gi.WriteShort(ent->speed); gi.WriteShort(contentFlags); }
/** * @brief Send the turn event for the given entity * @param ent The entity to send the turn event for * @note Every player that can see this ent will reveive the turn event data * @note Make sure that the direction to turn into is already set */ void G_EventActorTurn (const Edict& ent) { G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(ent.visflags), EV_ACTOR_TURN, ent.number); gi.WriteByte(ent.dir); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventDoorClose (const Edict& door) { G_EventAdd(PM_ALL, EV_DOOR_CLOSE, door.number); G_EventEnd(); }
void G_EventDoorOpen (const Edict& door) { G_EventAdd(PM_ALL, EV_DOOR_OPEN, door.number); G_EventEnd(); }