LevelAABBTree::LevelAABBTree(FLevelLocals *lev)
	Level = lev;
	// Calculate the center of all lines
	TArray<FVector2> centroids;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Level->lines.Size(); i++)
		FVector2 v1 = { (float)Level->lines[i].v1->fX(), (float)Level->lines[i].v1->fY() };
		FVector2 v2 = { (float)Level->lines[i].v2->fX(), (float)Level->lines[i].v2->fY() };
		centroids.Push((v1 + v2) * 0.5f);

	// Create the static subtree
	if (!GenerateTree(&centroids[0], false))

	int staticroot = nodes.Size() - 1;

	dynamicStartNode = nodes.Size();
	dynamicStartLine = treelines.Size();

	// Create the dynamic subtree
	if (GenerateTree(&centroids[0], true))
		int dynamicroot = nodes.Size() - 1;

		// Create a shared root node
		FVector2 aabb_min, aabb_max;
		const auto &left = nodes[staticroot];
		const auto &right = nodes[dynamicroot];
		aabb_min.X = MIN(left.aabb_left, right.aabb_left);
		aabb_min.Y = MIN(left.aabb_top, right.aabb_top);
		aabb_max.X = MAX(left.aabb_right, right.aabb_right);
		aabb_max.Y = MAX(left.aabb_bottom, right.aabb_bottom);
		nodes.Push({ aabb_min, aabb_max, staticroot, dynamicroot });

	// Add the lines referenced by the leaf nodes
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mapLines.Size(); i++)
		const auto &line = Level->lines[mapLines[i]];
		auto &treeline = treelines[i];

		treeline.x = (float)line.v1->fX();
		treeline.y = (float)line.v1->fY();
		treeline.dx = (float)line.v2->fX() - treeline.x;
		treeline.dy = (float)line.v2->fY() - treeline.y;
文件: ipa2_3.c 项目: LukeWalsh/ipa2_3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if (CheckArgCount(argc) == 0) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* Open the input file */
	FILE* fptr = NULL;
	if ((fptr = OpenFile(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
   /* Generate the huffman tree from the header of the file */
	LEAF* head = NULL;
	int charactersInData;
	if ((head = GenerateTree(fptr, &charactersInData)) == NULL) {	/* After this call fptr is pointing to the data */
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* Open the output file */
	FILE* outfptr = NULL;
	if ((outfptr = OpenFile(argv[2], "w+")) == NULL) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* Print the data to the output file */
	DecodeUsingTree(fptr, outfptr, head, charactersInData);	/* When we make this call fptr is pointing directly to the data */
// 	PostOrderWalk(head);
ExpressionNode *GenerateTree(const mtlChars &expr)
    ExpressionNode *tree = NULL;
    if (!GenerateTree(tree, expr)) {
        if (tree != NULL) {
            delete tree;
            tree = NULL;
    return tree;
文件: ipa2_2.c 项目: LukeWalsh/ipa2_2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if (CheckArgCount(argc) == 0) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	FILE* fptr = NULL;
	if ((fptr = OpenFile(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	LEAF* head = NULL;
	if ((head = GenerateTree(fptr)) == NULL) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
bool AssignVar(CompileInstance &inst, const mtlChars &name, const mtlChars &expr)
    mtlChars base_name = GetBaseName(name);
    Definition *type = GetType(inst, base_name);
    if (type == NULL) {
        AddError(inst, "Undeclared variable", name);
        return false;
    if (type->mut != Mutable) {
        AddError(inst, "Modifying a constant", name);
        return false;

    ExpressionNode *tree = GenerateTree(expr);
    if (tree == NULL) {
        AddError(inst, "Malformed expression", expr);
        return false;

    mtlChars          base_mem = GetBaseMembers(name);
    bool              result = true;
    Parser            parser;
    mtlList<mtlChars> ops;
    mtlList<mtlChars> m;
    mtlString         order_str;
    const int         num_lanes = (base_mem.GetSize() > 0) ? base_mem.GetSize() : type->type.size;

    for (int lane = 0; lane < num_lanes; ++lane) {

        const int stack_size = tree->Evaluate(name, order_str, lane, 0);

        PushStack(inst, stack_size);

        order_str.SplitByChar(ops, ';');
        mtlItem<mtlChars> *op = ops.GetFirst();

        while (op != NULL && op->GetItem().GetSize() > 0) {


            switch (parser.MatchPart("%s+=%s%|%s-=%s%|%s*=%s%|%s/=%s%|%s=%s", m, NULL)) {
            case 0:
                EmitInstruction(inst, swsl::FLT_ADD_MM);
            case 1:
                EmitInstruction(inst, swsl::FLT_SUB_MM);
            case 2:
                EmitInstruction(inst, swsl::FLT_MUL_MM);
            case 3:
                EmitInstruction(inst, swsl::FLT_DIV_MM);
            case 4:
                EmitInstruction(inst, swsl::FLT_SET_MM);
                AddError(inst, "Invalid syntax", op->GetItem());
                return false;

            mtlItem<swsl::Instruction> *instr_item = inst.program.GetLast();

            const mtlChars dst = m.GetFirst()->GetItem();
            const mtlChars src = m.GetFirst()->GetNext()->GetItem();

            EmitOperand(inst, dst);
            if (src.IsFloat()) {
                *((int*)(&instr_item->GetItem().instr)) += 1;
            EmitOperand(inst, src);

            op = op->GetNext();

        PopStack(inst, stack_size);

    delete tree;

    return result;
bool GenerateTree(ExpressionNode *&node, mtlChars expr)
    static const char zero_str[] = "0";
    static const int OperationClasses = 2;
    static const char *Operations[OperationClasses] = {
        "+-", "*/" //,"|&"

    Parser p;
    mtlList<mtlChars> params;
    switch (p.Match("(%s)%|%s", params)) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
        expr = params.GetFirst()->GetItem();
        return false;

    if (expr.GetSize() == 0) {
        node = NULL;
        return false;

    bool retval = true;
    int opIndex = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < OperationClasses; ++i) {
        mtlChars ops = mtlChars::FromDynamic(Operations[i]);
        opIndex = FindOperation(ops, expr);
        if (opIndex != -1) {

    if (opIndex != -1) {

        OperationNode *op_node = new OperationNode;
        op_node->operation = expr[opIndex];
        op_node->left = NULL;
        op_node->right = NULL;

        mtlChars lexpr = mtlChars(expr, 0, opIndex);
        mtlChars rexpr = mtlChars(expr, opIndex + 1, expr.GetSize());

        if (expr[opIndex] == '-' && lexpr.GetSize() == 0) {
            lexpr = zero_str;

        retval = GenerateTree(op_node->left, lexpr) && GenerateTree(op_node->right, rexpr);

        node = op_node;
    } else { // STOPPING CONDITION

        ValueNode *val_node = new ValueNode;

        node = val_node;
    return retval;
文件: ProofAux.C 项目: gganis/proof
Bool_t ProofAux::Process(Long64_t entry)
   // The Process() function is called for each entry in the tree (or possibly
   // keyed object in the case of PROOF) to be processed. The entry argument
   // specifies which entry in the currently loaded tree is to be processed.
   // It can be passed to either ProofAux::GetEntry() or TBranch::GetEntry()
   // to read either all or the required parts of the data. When processing
   // keyed objects with PROOF, the object is already loaded and is available
   // via the fObject pointer.
   // This function should contain the "body" of the analysis. It can contain
   // simple or elaborate selection criteria, run algorithms on the data
   // of the event and typically fill histograms.
   // The processing can be stopped by calling Abort().
   // Use fStatus to set the return value of TTree::Process().
   // The return value is currently not used.

   // Nothing to do if the action if not defined
   if (fAction < 0) {
      Error("Process", "action not specified!");
      return kFALSE;

   // Link to current element, if any
   TDSetElement *fCurrent = 0;
   TPair *elemPair = 0;
   if (fInput && (elemPair = dynamic_cast<TPair *>(fInput->FindObject("PROOF_CurrentElement")))) {
      if ((fCurrent = dynamic_cast<TDSetElement *>(elemPair->Value()))) {
         Info("Process", "entry %lld: file: '%s'", entry, fCurrent->GetName());
      } else {
         Error("Process", "entry %lld: no file specified!", entry);
         return kFALSE;

   // Act now
   if (fAction == 0) {
      TString fnt;
      // Generate the TTree and save it in the specified file
      if (GenerateTree(fCurrent->GetName(), fNEvents, fnt) != 0) {
         Error("Process", "problems generating tree (%lld, %s, %lld)",
                          entry, fCurrent->GetName(), fNEvents);
         return kFALSE;
      // The output filename
      TString fnf(fnt);
      TString xf = gSystem->BaseName(fnf);
      fnf = gSystem->DirName(fnf);
      if (xf.Contains("tree")) {
         xf.ReplaceAll("tree", "friend");
      } else {
         if (xf.EndsWith(".root")) {
            xf.ReplaceAll(".root", "_friend.root");
         } else {
            xf += "_friend";
      fnf += TString::Format("/%s", xf.Data());
      // Generate the TTree friend and save it in the specified file
      if (GenerateFriend(fnt, fnf) != 0) {
         Error("Process", "problems generating friend tree for %s (%s)",
                          fCurrent->GetName(), fnt.Data());
         return kFALSE;
   } else if (fAction == 1) {
      TString fnt;
      // Generate the TTree and save it in the specified file
      if (GenerateTree(fCurrent->GetName(), fNEvents, fnt) != 0) {
         Error("Process", "problems generating tree (%lld, %s, %lld)",
                          entry, fCurrent->GetName(), fNEvents);
         return kFALSE;
      // Generate the TTree friend and save it in the specified file
      if (GenerateFriend(fnt) != 0) {
         Error("Process", "problems generating friend tree for %s (%s)",
                          fCurrent->GetName(), fnt.Data());
         return kFALSE;
   } else {
      // Unknown action
      Warning("Process", "do not know how to process action %d - do nothing", fAction);
      return kFALSE;

   return kTRUE;