 * Calculates all sun-related important times
 * depending on time of year and location
 * @param Location Location to be used in calculation
 * @param Basic NMEA_INFO for current date
 * @param Calculated DERIVED_INFO (not yet used)
 * @param TimeZone The timezone
 * @return Sunset time
SunEphemeris::CalcSunTimes(const GeoPoint &Location,
                           const BrokenDateTime &date_time,
                           const fixed TimeZone)
  fixed DaysToJ2000 = FNday(date_time);

  Angle L = GetMeanSunLongitude(DaysToJ2000);

  // Use GetEclipticLongitude to find the ecliptic longitude of the Sun
  Angle Lambda = GetEclipticLongitude(DaysToJ2000, L);

  // Obliquity of the ecliptic
  Angle Obliquity = Angle::degrees(fixed(23.439) - fixed(.0000004) * DaysToJ2000);

  // Find the RA and DEC of the Sun
  Angle Alpha = Angle::radians(atan2(Obliquity.cos() * Lambda.sin(), Lambda.cos()));
  Angle Delta = Angle::radians(asin(Obliquity.sin() * Lambda.sin()));

  // Find the Equation of Time in minutes
  // Correction suggested by David Smith
  fixed LL = (L - Alpha).value_radians();
  if (L.value_radians() < fixed_pi)
    LL += fixed_two_pi;

  fixed equation = fixed(1440) * (fixed_one - LL / fixed_two_pi);

  Angle HourAngle = GetHourAngle(Location.Latitude, Delta);
  Angle HourAngleTwilight = GetHourAngleTwilight(Location.Latitude, Delta);

  // length of twilight in hours
  fixed TwilightHours = (HourAngleTwilight - HourAngle).value_hours();

  // Conversion of angle to hours and minutes
  DayLength = HourAngle.value_hours() * fixed_two;

  if (DayLength < fixed(0.0001))
    // arctic winter
    DayLength = fixed_zero;

  TimeOfSunRise = fixed(12) - HourAngle.value_hours() + TimeZone
    - Location.Longitude.value_degrees() / 15 + equation / 60;

  if (TimeOfSunRise > fixed(24))
    TimeOfSunRise -= fixed(24);

  TimeOfSunSet = TimeOfSunRise + DayLength;
  TimeOfNoon = TimeOfSunRise + HourAngle.value_hours();

  // morning twilight begin
  MorningTwilight = TimeOfSunRise - TwilightHours;
  // evening twilight end
  EveningTwilight = TimeOfSunSet + TwilightHours;
// 黄道座標から時角を取得.
IZ_FLOAT CEphemeris::GetHourAngleByEliptic(
    const SUniversalTime& ut,
    IZ_FLOAT longitude,
    const SPolarCoord& eliptic)
    izanagi::math::SVector4 equatorial;
    ConvertElipticToEquatorial(eliptic, equatorial);

    SPolarCoord polarEquatorial;
    ConvertRectangularToPolar(equatorial, polarEquatorial);

    IZ_FLOAT hourAngle = GetHourAngle(ut, longitude, polarEquatorial.longitude);
    return hourAngle;
文件: sclock.cpp 项目: FuckGOV/soui
void SClock::OnPaint(SOUI::IRenderTarget * pRT)

	CRect rcClient;

	CPoint center = rcClient.CenterPoint();

	// 计算矩形
	// 35 * 16
	CRect rcDraw(center, SOUI::CPoint(center.x + 200, center.y + 32));
	rcDraw.OffsetRect(-35, -16);
	CRect rcSrc(0, 0, 200, 32);

    SYSTEMTIME last_refresh_time;

        double angle = GetHourAngle(last_refresh_time.wHour,last_refresh_time.wMinute);
        SMatrix form = InitMatrix(angle,  center);
        pRT->SetTransform(&form, NULL);
        pRT->DrawBitmapEx(rcDraw, pointer_hour, &rcSrc, EM_STRETCH, 255);

        double angle = GetMinuteSecondAngle(last_refresh_time.wMinute);
        SMatrix form = InitMatrix(angle, center);
        pRT->SetTransform(&form, NULL);
        pRT->DrawBitmapEx(rcDraw, pointer_minute, &rcSrc, EM_STRETCH, 255);

        double angle = GetMinuteSecondAngle(last_refresh_time.wSecond);
        SMatrix form = InitMatrix(angle, center);
        pRT->SetTransform(&form, NULL);
        pRT->DrawBitmapEx(rcDraw, pointer_second, &rcSrc, EM_STRETCH, 255);
SunEphemeris::CalcSunTimes(const GeoPoint &location,
                           const BrokenDateTime &date_time,
                           const fixed time_zone)
  Result result;


  fixed days_to_j2000 = FNday(date_time);

  Angle l = GetMeanSunLongitude(days_to_j2000);

  // Use GetEclipticLongitude to find the ecliptic longitude of the Sun
  Angle lambda = GetEclipticLongitude(days_to_j2000, l);

  // Obliquity of the ecliptic
  Angle obliquity = Angle::Degrees(fixed(23.439) - fixed(.0000004) * days_to_j2000);

  // Find the RA and DEC of the Sun
  Angle alpha = Angle::FromXY(lambda.cos(), obliquity.cos() * lambda.sin());
  Angle delta = Angle::asin(obliquity.sin() * lambda.sin());

  // Find the Equation of Time in minutes
  // Correction suggested by David Smith
  fixed ll = (l - alpha).Radians();
  if (l.Radians() < fixed_pi)
    ll += fixed_two_pi;

  fixed equation = fixed(1440) * (fixed(1) - ll / fixed_two_pi);

  Angle hour_angle = GetHourAngle(location.latitude, delta);
  Angle hour_angle_twilight = GetHourAngleTwilight(location.latitude, delta);

  result.azimuth = CalculateAzimuth(location, date_time, time_zone, delta);

  // length of twilight in hours
  fixed twilight_hours = (hour_angle_twilight - hour_angle).Hours();

  // Conversion of angle to hours and minutes
  result.day_length = Double(hour_angle.Hours());

  if (result.day_length < fixed(0.0001))
    // arctic winter
    result.day_length = fixed(0);

  result.time_of_sunrise = fixed(12) - hour_angle.Hours() + time_zone
    - location.longitude.Degrees() / 15 + equation / 60;

  if (result.time_of_sunrise > fixed(24))
    result.time_of_sunrise -= fixed(24);

  result.time_of_sunset = result.time_of_sunrise + result.day_length;
  result.time_of_noon = result.time_of_sunrise + hour_angle.Hours();

  // morning twilight begin
  result.morning_twilight = result.time_of_sunrise - twilight_hours;
  // evening twilight end
  result.evening_twilight = result.time_of_sunset + twilight_hours;

  return result;