void ArmResetStateMachine() {
//    switch(armResetState) {
 //       case STOP_PID:
//            armResetState = LOWER_ARM;
//            break;
//        case LOWER_ARM:
                && GetJoystickDigital (1, 7, 2)){
//            armResetState = START_PID;
//            break;
//        case START_PID:
            PresetIntegratedMotorEncoder(armR, 0);
            PresetIntegratedMotorEncoder(armL, 0);
            StartIntegratedMotorEncoderPID(armR, 0); 
            StartIntegratedMotorEncoderPID(armL, 0);
//            armResetState = DONE;
//            break;
//        case DONE:
//            break;
//    }
int MotorCompliance(void)
	int StopSwitch = 0;
	int ForLoop = 1;
	int ArmEmergencyRelease = 0;
	unsigned int LetsGo = 0;

	/* Bring the motor down at first powerup so the robot is compliant. */
	while(ForLoop) // This is the same while loop as in the main program,
	{              // but is using a variable set that starts set to 1

		/* Get digital input from the switch mounted to the tower.
		 * GetDigitalInput is weird - 1 is unpressed, 0 is pressed */
		StopSwitch = GetDigitalInput(7);
		if(StopSwitch == 1)
			/* Button on the joypad to press in case the above DI doesn't trigger.
			 * Same button as the arm unlock button. */
			ArmEmergencyRelease = GetJoystickDigital(1,5,2);
			if(ArmEmergencyRelease == 1)
				ForLoop = 0;

			/* Set various motors and servos to a compliant position */
			LetsGo = GetJoystickAnalog(1,3);
			if(LetsGo) //Move Raisy in any position where it won't be set to 0
				SetServo(6,0); //Set Tilty to the straight position
				ForLoop = 0; //Exit the while loop
				SetMotor(2,-40); // Keep Raisy down to the base until the joystick is moved

	/* Return 1 when this function is called. We need this set to 1 so this init function only runs
	 * once. MotorBringDown gets set to 1 and thus fails the if check when we do this. */
	return 1; 
void print_gd_debug_inf()
      int i;
      int ja[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // joystick analog 1-4
      unsigned char j5[2] = {0, 0}; // u, d
      unsigned char j6[2] = {0, 0}; // u, d
      unsigned char j7[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // u, d, l, r
      unsigned char j8[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // u, d, l, r
      int j_accelerometer[2] = {0, 0}; // x, y
      for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ja[i] = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , i+1 ) ;}
      j5[0] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 5 , 2 ) ;
      j5[1] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 5 , 1 ) ;
      j6[0] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 6 , 2 ) ;
      j6[1] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 6 , 1 ) ;
      j7[0] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 2 ) ;
      j7[1] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 1 ) ;
      j7[2] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 3 ) ;
      j7[3] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 4 ) ;
      j8[0] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 2 ) ;
      j8[1] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 1 ) ;
      j8[2] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 3 ) ;
      j8[3] = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 4 ) ;
      j_accelerometer[0] = GetJoystickAccelerometer( 1 , 1 ) ;
      j_accelerometer[1] = GetJoystickAccelerometer( 1 , 2 ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 2 , 3 , 8388608 , "Channel 1 = %4d\n" , ja[0] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 3 , 3 , 8388608 , "Channel 2 = %4d\n" , ja[1] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 4 , 3 , 8388608 , "Channel 3 = %4d\n" , ja[2] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 5 , 3 , 8388608 , "Channel 4 = %4d\n" , ja[3] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 9 , 3 , 16384 , "Channel 5: Up = %d; Down = %d\n" , j5[0], j5[1] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 10 , 3 , 16384 , "Channel 6: Up = %d; Down = %d\n" , j6[0], j6[1] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 15 , 3 , 16744448 , "Channel 7: Up = %d; Down = %d; Left = %d; Right = %d\n" , j7[0], j7[1], j7[2], j7[3] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 16 , 3 , 16744448 , "Channel 8: Up = %d; Down = %d; Left = %d; Right = %d\n" , j8[0], j8[1], j8[2], j8[3] ) ;
      PrintTextToGD ( 20 , 3 , 255 , "Gamepad Accelerometer: AxisX = %4d; AxisY = %4d\n" , j_accelerometer[0], j_accelerometer[1] ) ;

void main(void)
	int Servo1 = 0;
	int ServoFlagBits = 0;
	int Servo2Test = 0;
	int Openy1 = 0;
	int Openy2 = 0;
	int Openy3 = 0;
	int Tilty1 = 0;
	int Tilty2 = 0;
	int Tilty3 = 0;
	int Tilty4 = 0;
	int Flippy1 = 0;
	int Flippy2 = 0;
	int Flippy3 = 0;
	int Flippy4 = 0;
	int MotorStop = 0;
	int ProgramGo = 0;
	int MotorBringDown = 0;
	unsigned int ServoCount = 0;
	unsigned int MotorPos = 0;

		/* Call the function that brings the arm down for compliance. */
		if(MotorBringDown == 0) /* Run if variable is 0 (false) */
			/* This call runs the function and puts the return value (1) into a variable. 
			 * Since the above if statement checks if MotorBringDown is equal to 0 and we
			 * set it to 1, this call never runs again. */
			MotorBringDown = MotorCompliance(); 

		/* Motor Lock buttons
		 * Any GetJoystickDigital calls return 1 if pressed or 0 if not pressed. */		 
		ProgramGo = GetJoystickDigital(1,5,1); //Channel 5, Button 1 (DOWN)
		if(ProgramGo == 1)
			MotorStop = 1; //Block all Raisy activity until this is set to 0

		if(MotorStop == 1)
			/* Run the motor at a small negative value so it stays in place.
			 * this works because of how the arm was balanced in 2013 */

			/* Checking here to see if we need to unlock Raisy */
			ProgramGo = GetJoystickDigital(1,5,2);
			if(ProgramGo == 1) //If so...
				MotorStop = 0; //...unlock it
			/* Get the value of Joystick channel 3 and return it to an unsigned
			 * int since the joysticks range from -127 to 127 */
			MotorPos = GetJoystickAnalog(1,3); 
			if(MotorPos > 10) 
				if(MotorPos < 50)
					SetMotor(2,30); //Slow down the motor if MotorPos is greater than 50
					SetMotor(2,MotorPos); //Set the motor speed to whatever is in MotorPos
				SetMotor(2,-30); //Freeze Raisy if MotorPos is less than 10

		/* Extendy. Plain and simple. */

		/* Code for Openy */
		Openy1 = GetJoystickDigital(1,6,1);
		Openy3 = GetJoystickDigital(1,6,2);

		if(Openy1 == 1)
			Openy2 = 1;
			if(Openy2 == 1 && Openy3 == 1)
				Openy2 = 0;

		/* Code for Tilty */
		Tilty1 = GetJoystickDigital(1,7,2);
		Tilty2 = GetJoystickDigital(1,7,3);
		Tilty3 = GetJoystickDigital(1,7,4);

		if(Tilty1 == 1)
			Tilty4 = 0;
		else if(Tilty2 == 1)
			Tilty4 = 1;
		else if(Tilty3 == 1)
			Tilty4 = 1;


		/* Code for Flippy */
		Flippy1 = GetJoystickDigital(1,8,2);
		Flippy2 = GetJoystickDigital(1,8,3);
		Flippy3 = GetJoystickDigital(1,8,4);

		if(Flippy1 == 1)
			Flippy4 = 1;
		else if(Flippy2 == 1)
			Flippy4 = 1;
		else if(Flippy3 == 1)
			Flippy4 = 1;

		/* Unfinished test code. Do not use. */
		//Servo1 = GetJoystickDigital(1,8,2);
		if(ServoFlagBits == 0)
			if(Servo1 == 1)
				for(ServoCount = 0; ServoCount < 128; ServoCount++)
				//ServoFlagBits = 1;

		//Servo2Test = GetJoystickDigital(1,8,1);
		if(ServoFlagBits == 1)
			if(Servo2Test == 1)
				 * for(ServoCount = 128; ServoCount --> 0;)
				 * {
				 *	 SetServo(9,ServoCount);
				 * }
				 * ServoFlagBits = 0;
	//Servo1 = 0;
void mainConvert(void){

 yaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 3 ) ;
 xaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 4 ) ;
 axaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 1 ) ;
 ayaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 2 ) ;
 lt = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 5 , 2 ) ;
 ls = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 5 , 1 ) ;
 rt = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 6 , 2 ) ;
 rs = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 6 , 1 ) ;
 tu = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 2 ) ;
 td = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 1 ) ;
 tl = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 3 ) ;
 tr = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 4 ) ;
 b1 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 1 ) ;
 b2 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 3 ) ;
 b3 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 2 ) ;
 b4 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 4 ) ;
 bateryV = GetMainBattery ( ) ; 
 rotation = GetQuadEncoder ( 5 , 6 ) ;  
 gyro = GetGyroAngle ( 1 ) ; 

if(cal == 0){

if(gyro < 1408){
SetMotor ( 6 , 120 ) ; 
Wait ( 1600 ) ;

SetMotor ( 6 , 20 ) ;


cal = 1;

scal = 1;
if(scal == 1){
StartQuadEncoder ( 5 , 6 , 0 ) ;
scal =0;

if(b4 == 1){
shift = 3;
shift = 1;

if(bateryV >= 7.5){
SetDigitalOutput ( 10 , 1 ) ;
SetDigitalOutput ( 12 , 0 ) ; 
//dis = GetUltrasonic ( 8 , 9 ) ;  
//PrintToScreen ( "%d\n" , dis ) ; 
//PrintToScreen ( "%d\n" , gyro ) ;
//PrintToScreen ( "%d\n" , rotation) ;
//Wait ( 500 ) ; 
if(axaxis <= 20 && axaxis >= -20){
Arcade4 ( 1 , 3 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; 
SetDigitalOutput ( 12 , 1 ) ;

if(axaxis >= 20 || axaxis <= -20){
SetDigitalOutput ( 12 , 1 ) ;

SetMotor ( 2 , axaxis ) ;
SetMotor ( 3 , axaxis ) ;
SetMotor ( 4 , axaxis * -1) ;
SetMotor ( 5 , axaxis * -1) ;
// input1 + input2 = xplimit
// imput1 - input2 = xnlimit
if(rs == 1){
SetMotor ( 6 , 127/shift) ;
//gyroP = gyro;
rotationP = rotation;
else if(rt == 1){
SetMotor ( 6 , -127/shift) ;
//gyroP = gyro;
rotationP = rotation;
SetMotor ( 6 , 0) ;

if(ls == 1){
SetMotor ( 7 , 127) ;
close = 0;
else if(lt == 1){
SetMotor ( 7 , -127) ;
close = 1;
else if(close == 1){
SetMotor ( 7 , -50) ;
SetMotor ( 7 , 0) ;

if(rs == 0 && rt == 0){

if(rotation < rotationP){
SetMotor ( 6 , -20) ;
}else if(rotation > rotationP){
SetMotor ( 6 , 20) ;


文件: libvex.c 项目: karimsa/libvex
 * get pressed state of the button
 * @param joystick the joystick number
 * @param button the constant representing the button
 * @return 1=Pressed, 0=Idle
int getJSDigital(int joystick, LV_BUTTON *button) {
    return GetJoystickDigital(joystick, button->channel, button->number);