static void springfield_set_i(springfield_t *r, char *key, uint8_t *val, uint32_t vlen) { int klen = strlen(key) + 1; assert(klen < MAX_KLEN); assert(vlen < MAX_VLEN); uint32_t step = HEADER_SIZE + klen + vlen; springfield_header_v1 h = {0}; h.klen = klen; h.vlen = vlen; h.version = 1; if (r->in_rewrite) { springfield_key_t *kobj = NULL; HASH_FIND(hh, r->rewrite_keys, key, klen, kobj); if (!kobj) { kobj = calloc(1, sizeof(springfield_key_t)); kobj->key = strdup(key); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, r->rewrite_keys, key, klen, kobj); } } if (r->eof + step > r->mmap_alloc) { msync(r->map, r->mmap_alloc, MS_SYNC); int s = munmap(r->map, r->mmap_alloc); assert(!s); uint64_t new_size = r->mmap_alloc + ((r->eof + step) * 2); r->mmap_alloc = new_size; s = ftruncate(r->mapfd, (off_t)r->mmap_alloc); assert(!s); r->map = (uint8_t *)mmap( NULL, r->mmap_alloc, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, r->mapfd, 0); /* TODO mremap() on linux */ s = madvise(r->map, r->mmap_alloc, MADV_RANDOM); assert(!s); } h.last = springfield_index_keyval(r, key, r->eof); uint8_t *p = &r->map[r->eof]; springfield_header_v1 *ph = (springfield_header_v1 *)p; *ph = h; memmove(p + HEADER_SIZE, key, klen); if (vlen) memmove(p + HEADER_SIZE + klen, val, vlen); ph->crc = crc32(0, p + 4, HEADER_SIZE_MINUS_CRC + klen + vlen); r->eof += step; }
void symbol_insert(const char* name, LLVMValueRef val, int isArg) { struct symbol_info *si; if (head==NULL) return; si = (struct symbol_info*) malloc(sizeof(struct symbol_info)); si->name = (char*)name; si->isArg = isArg; si->val = val; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR( hh, head->map, name, strlen(name), si ); }
STATIC UByte PancakeAuthenticationNameConfiguration(UByte step, config_setting_t *setting, PancakeConfigurationScope **scope) { PancakeAuthenticationConfiguration *config = (PancakeAuthenticationConfiguration*) setting->parent->hook; if(step == PANCAKE_CONFIGURATION_INIT) { config->name.value = setting->value.sval; config->name.length = strlen(setting->value.sval); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, PancakeAuthenticationConfigurations, config->name.value, config->name.length, config); } else { HASH_DEL(PancakeAuthenticationConfigurations, config); } return 1; }
static void listen_device_if_not_present(const char *devnode) { struct hash_element *same_elem = NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(fdhash, devnode, same_elem); if (same_elem) { return; } struct hash_element *elem = hash_element_from_devnode(devnode); if (!elem) { return; } HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, fdhash, elem->devnode, strlen(elem->devnode), elem); FD_SET(elem->fd, &evdevfds); }
olsr_db_ns_tuple_t* olsr_db_ns_gcneigh(uint8_t neighbor_main_addr[ETH_ALEN]) { olsr_db_ns_tuple_t* tuple; HASH_FIND(hh, neighbor_set, neighbor_main_addr, ETH_ALEN, tuple); if(tuple == NULL) { if(ntuple_create(&tuple, neighbor_main_addr) == false) { return false; } HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, neighbor_set, tuple->neighbor_main_addr, ETH_ALEN, tuple); } return tuple; }
static FcitxHandlerKey* fcitx_handler_table_key_struct(FcitxHandlerTable *table, size_t keysize, const void *key, boolean create) { FcitxHandlerKey *key_struct = NULL; HASH_FIND(hh, table->keys, key, keysize, key_struct); if (key_struct || !create) return key_struct; key_struct = malloc(sizeof(FcitxHandlerKey) + keysize); key_struct->first = key_struct->last = FCITX_OBJECT_POOL_INVALID_ID; memcpy(key_struct + 1, key, keysize); key = key_struct + 1; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, table->keys, key, keysize, key_struct); return key_struct; }
struct document_frequencies_hash* frequencies_hash_to_bins(struct score_hash *scores) { struct score_hash *s; struct document_frequencies_hash *tmp, *bins_hash = NULL; int bin_index = 0; HASH_SORT(scores, ascending_score_sort); for(s=scores; s != NULL; s = s-> { if (s->score >= 10.5) { break; } // Filter >4 frequent words tmp = (struct document_frequencies_hash*)malloc(sizeof(struct document_frequencies_hash)); tmp->word = strdup(s->word); tmp->count = ++bin_index; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR( hh, bins_hash, tmp->word, strlen(tmp->word), tmp ); } fprintf(stderr, "Total bins: %d\n",bin_index); return bins_hash; }
static void pkg_update_increment_item_new(struct pkg_increment_task_item **head, const char *origin, const char *digest, long offset) { struct pkg_increment_task_item *item; item = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pkg_increment_task_item)); item->origin = strdup(origin); if (digest == NULL) digest = ""; item->digest = strdup(digest); item->offset = offset; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, *head, item->origin, strlen(item->origin), item); }
Texture* getTextureID(char* path) { Texture *s; HASH_FIND_STR( pathToTexTable, path, s ); /* s: output pointer */ if(s == NULL) { s = (Texture*)malloc(sizeof(Texture)); s->path = (char*)malloc(strlen(path)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(s->path, path); s->textureID = ilutGLLoadImage(path); s->width = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH); s->height = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR( hh, pathToTexTable, s->path, strlen(s->path), s ); } return s; }
Module load_module(char *mn) { char *modname = malloc(sizeof(char)*768); snprintf(modname, 767, "%s/", DPATH "/modules", mn); int (*mod_init)(); void *modhand; struct loaded_module *mod = malloc(sizeof(struct loaded_module)); modhand = mod->hand = dlopen(modname, RTLD_LAZY); mod->name = strdup(mn); if (modhand == NULL) exit(64); mod_init = (int (*)())dlsym(modhand, "mod_init"); if (mod_init) (*mod_init)(); else exit(65); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, mods, mod->name, strlen(mod->name), mod); return mod; };
static void pkg_repo_overwrite(struct pkg_repo *r, const char *name, const char *url, const char *type) { free(r->name); r->name = strdup(name); if (url != NULL) { free(r->url); r->url = strdup(url); } r->ops = pkg_repo_find_type(type); HASH_DEL(repos, r); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, repos, r->name, strlen(r->name), r); }
/** * 加载标点词典 * @param void * @return void * @note 文件中数据的格式为: 对应的英文符号 中文标点 <中文标点> * 加载标点词典。标点词典定义了一组标点转换,如输入‘.’就直接转换成‘。’ */ boolean LoadPuncDict(FcitxPuncState* puncState) { FcitxStringHashSet* puncfiles = FcitxXDGGetFiles("data", PUNC_DICT_FILENAME "." , NULL); FcitxStringHashSet *curpuncfile = puncfiles; FcitxPunc* punc; while (curpuncfile) { punc = LoadPuncFile(curpuncfile->name); if (punc) HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, puncState->puncSet, punc->langCode, strlen(punc->langCode), punc); curpuncfile = curpuncfile->; } fcitx_utils_free_string_hash_set(puncfiles); return true; }
SkinImage* LoadImage(FcitxSkin* sc, const char* name, boolean fallback) { cairo_surface_t *png = NULL; SkinImage *image = NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(sc->imageTable, name, image); if (image != NULL) { return image; } if (strlen(name) > 0 && strcmp(name , "NONE") != 0) { char *skintype = strdup(*sc->skinType); char *filename; while (true) { char* buf = NULL; asprintf(&buf, "skin/%s", skintype); FILE* fp = FcitxXDGGetFileWithPrefix(buf, name, "r", &filename); free(buf); Bool flagNoFile = (fp == NULL); if (fp) { fclose(fp); png = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(filename); break; } if (flagNoFile && (!fallback || strcmp(skintype, "default") == 0)) { png = NULL; break; } free(filename); free(skintype); skintype = strdup("default"); } free(filename); free(skintype); } if (png != NULL) { image = fcitx_utils_malloc0(sizeof(SkinImage)); image->name = strdup(name); image->image = png; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, sc->imageTable, image->name, strlen(image->name), image); return image; } return NULL; }
SkinImage* LoadImageWithText(FcitxClassicUI* classicui, FcitxSkin* sc, const char* name, const char* text, int w, int h, boolean active) { if (!text || *text == '\0') return NULL; UnloadSingleImage(sc, name); int len = fcitx_utf8_char_len(text); if (len == 1 && text[len] && fcitx_utf8_char_len(text + len) == 1) len = 2; char* iconText = strndup(text, len); FcitxLog(DEBUG, "%s", iconText); cairo_surface_t* newsurface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h); cairo_t* c = cairo_create(newsurface); int min = w > h? h: w; min = min * 0.8; cairo_set_operator(c, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); cairo_set_source_rgba(c ,1, 1, 1, 0.0); cairo_paint(c); FcitxConfigColor color; if (sc->skinMainBar.bUseCustomTextIconColor) { if (active) color = sc->skinMainBar.textIconColor[0]; else color = sc->skinMainBar.textIconColor[1]; } else color = sc->skinFont.menuFontColor[1]; int textw, texth; StringSizeStrict(iconText, classicui->font, min, false, &textw, &texth); OutputString(c, iconText, classicui->font, min, false, (w - textw) * 0.5, 0, &color); cairo_destroy(c); SkinImage* image = fcitx_utils_malloc0(sizeof(SkinImage)); image->name = strdup(name); image->image = newsurface; image->textIcon = true; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, sc->imageTable, image->name, strlen(image->name), image); return image; }
void loadFile( FILE *fp ) { char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char *token; const char *delimeter_chars = " \n"; frequencyListNode *ptr = NULL; hashNode *curr_hashNode = (hashNode *)malloc( sizeof( hashNode ) ); while ( fgets( buf, BUFFER_SIZE, fp ) != NULL ) { token = strtok( buf, delimeter_chars ); /* Stores the first <list> */ while ( token != NULL ) { if ( strcmp( token, "<list>" ) == 0 ) { token = strtok( NULL, delimeter_chars ); /* Stores the word in reference of the list */ curr_hashNode->word = (char *)malloc( sizeof( char ) * strlen( token ) + 1 ); strcpy( curr_hashNode->word, token ); } else if ( strcmp( token, "</list>" ) == 0 ) { /* Add the built list to the hashtable */ HASH_ADD_KEYPTR( hh, inverted_index, curr_hashNode->word, strlen( curr_hashNode->word ), curr_hashNode ); curr_hashNode = (hashNode *)malloc( sizeof( hashNode ) ); } else { ptr = (frequencyListNode *)malloc( sizeof( frequencyListNode ) ); ptr->file_path = (char *)malloc( sizeof( char ) * strlen( token ) + 1 ); strcpy( ptr->file_path, token ); token = strtok( NULL, delimeter_chars ); /*Now holds the frequency of the word in previous file */ ptr->frequency = 0; ptr->next = curr_hashNode->head; curr_hashNode->head = ptr; } token = strtok( NULL, delimeter_chars ); } } free( curr_hashNode ); }
static struct pkg_repo * pkg_repo_new(const char *name, const char *url) { struct pkg_repo *r; r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pkg_repo)); r->type = REPO_BINARY_PKGS; r->update = repo_update_binary_pkgs; r->url = strdup(url); r->signature_type = SIG_NONE; r->mirror_type = NOMIRROR; r->enable = true; asprintf(&r->name, REPO_NAME_PREFIX"%s", name); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, repos, r->name, strlen(r->name), r); return (r); }
struct mod_function *add_cb(char *mod, char *cbn, char *cbsym) { Module modu = NULL; ModFunc modf = malloc(sizeof(struct mod_function)); HASH_FIND_STR(mods, mod, modu); if (modu != NULL) { int (*func)() = dlsym(modu->hand, cbsym); if (!func) return NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(modu->funcs, cbn, modf); if (modf == NULL) { modf->cb = cbn; modf->func = &func; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, modu->funcs, modf->cb, strlen(modf->cb), modf); return modf; } } return NULL; };
static struct pkg_repo * pkg_repo_new(const char *name, const char *url, const char *type) { struct pkg_repo *r; r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pkg_repo)); r->ops = pkg_repo_find_type(type); r->url = strdup(url); r->signature_type = SIG_NONE; r->mirror_type = NOMIRROR; r->enable = true; r->meta = pkg_repo_meta_default(); r->name = strdup(name); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, repos, r->name, strlen(r->name), r); return (r); }
static void pkg_repo_binary_update_item_new(struct pkg_increment_task_item **head, const char *origin, const char *digest, long offset, long length, const char *checksum) { struct pkg_increment_task_item *item; item = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pkg_increment_task_item)); item->origin = strdup(origin); if (digest == NULL) digest = ""; item->digest = strdup(digest); item->offset = offset; item->length = length; if (checksum) item->checksum = strdup(checksum); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, *head, item->origin, strlen(item->origin), item); }
/** * Adds a string to the cache of interned string. The string must not already be * interned. The internedStringsLock MUST be held when calling this function. */ static jboolean addInternedString(Env* env, const char* s, Object* string) { CacheEntry* cacheEntry = allocateMemoryOfKind(env, sizeof(CacheEntry), cacheEntryGCKind); if (!cacheEntry) { return FALSE; } cacheEntry->key = s; cacheEntry->string = string; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, internedStrings, cacheEntry->key, strlen(cacheEntry->key), cacheEntry); // prune the cache to MAX_CACHE_SIZE if (HASH_COUNT(internedStrings) >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { CacheEntry* tmpEntry; HASH_ITER(hh, internedStrings, cacheEntry, tmpEntry) { // prune the first entry (loop is based on insertion order so this deletes the oldest item) HASH_DELETE(hh, internedStrings, cacheEntry); break; }
CloudPinyinCache* CloudPinyinAddToCache(FcitxCloudPinyin* cloudpinyin, const char* pinyin, char* string) { CloudPinyinCache* cacheEntry = fcitx_utils_malloc0(sizeof(CloudPinyinCache)); cacheEntry->pinyin = strdup(pinyin); cacheEntry->str = strdup(string); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, cloudpinyin->cache, cacheEntry->pinyin, strlen(cacheEntry->pinyin), cacheEntry); /* if there is too much cached, remove the first one, though LRU might be a better algorithm */ if (HASH_COUNT(cloudpinyin->cache) > MAX_CACHE_ENTRY) { CloudPinyinCache* head = cloudpinyin->cache; HASH_DEL(cloudpinyin->cache, cloudpinyin->cache); free(head->pinyin); free(head->str); free(head); } return cacheEntry; }
static void kick_all_uniques(struct node *node, struct node **uniq) { struct node *search; while (HASH_COUNT(node->childs) == 1) { HASH_FIND_STR(*uniq, node->childs->word, search); if (search == NULL) { search = malloc(sizeof(*search)); search->childs = NULL; search->word = node->childs->word; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, *uniq, search->word, strlen(search->word), search); } node = node->childs; } }
LightUIImage* LoadImage(struct _FcitxLightUI* lightui, const char* name) { XImage* xpm = NULL, *mask = NULL; LightUIImage *image = NULL; HASH_FIND_STR(lightui->imageTable, name, image); if (image != NULL) return image; if ( strlen(name) > 0 ) { int i = 0; while (builtInImage[i].name != NULL) { if (strcmp(builtInImage[i].name, name) == 0) { XpmAttributes attrib; attrib.valuemask = 0; XpmCreateImageFromData (lightui->dpy, builtInImage[i].data , &xpm, &mask, &attrib); break; } i ++; } } if (xpm != NULL) { image = fcitx_malloc0(sizeof(LightUIImage)); image->name = strdup(name); image->image = xpm; image->mask = mask; image->pixmask = XCreatePixmap(lightui->dpy, DefaultRootWindow(lightui->dpy), mask->width, mask->height, mask->depth); GC gc = XCreateGC (lightui->dpy, image->pixmask, 0, NULL); XPutImage(lightui->dpy, image->pixmask, gc, image->mask, 0, 0, 0, 0, mask->width, mask->height); XFreeGC(lightui->dpy, gc); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, lightui->imageTable, image->name, strlen(image->name), image); return image; } return NULL; }
static luarest_status verify_application(application** apps, const char* appName, UT_string* path) { int ret; lua_State* ls = luaL_newstate(); application* app; luaL_openlibs(ls); luaopen_luarestlibs(ls); ret = luaL_loadfile(ls, utstring_body(path)); if (ret != 0) { printf("Couldn't load file: %s\n", lua_tostring(ls, -1)); lua_close(ls); return(LUAREST_ERROR); } ret = lua_pcall(ls, 0, 0, 0); if (ret != 0) { printf("Couldn't execute LUA Script %s\n", lua_tostring(ls, -1)); lua_close(ls); return(LUAREST_ERROR); } lua_getglobal(ls, "luarest_init"); if (lua_isfunction(ls, -1) == 0) { printf("Couln'd find 'luarest_init' table in LUA script!\n"); lua_close(ls); return(LUAREST_ERROR); } app = (application*)lua_newuserdata(ls, sizeof(application)); luaL_getmetatable(ls, LUA_USERDATA_APPLICATION); lua_setmetatable(ls, -2); app->s = NULL; utstring_new(app->name); utstring_printf(app->name, appName); if (lua_pcall(ls, 1, 0, 0) != 0) { printf("Error calling luarest_init: %s\n!", lua_tostring(ls, -1)); lua_close(ls); return(LUAREST_ERROR); } app->lua_state = ls; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, *apps, utstring_body(app->name), utstring_len(app->name), app); return(LUAREST_SUCCESS); }
void Sinproc_socket_bound_add_conn(nitro_inproc_socket_t *b, nitro_inproc_socket_t *c) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&b->link_lock); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(bound_hh, b->registry, c->opt->ident, SOCKET_IDENT_LENGTH, c); CDL_PREPEND(b->links, c); ++b->num_links; if (!b->current) { b->current = c; } c->links = b; nitro_counted_buffer_incref(b->bind_counter); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&b->link_lock); }
int register_creature_type(const char *id, const char *name, const char *desc, enum sprite_ids sprite_id) { struct CreatureType *new_type; HASH_FIND(hh, creature_list, id, strlen(id), new_type); if (new_type == NULL) { DEBUG("registering new creature type with id %s\n", id); new_type = (struct CreatureType *)malloc(sizeof(struct CreatureType)); new_type->creature_type_id = strdup(id); new_type->description = strdup(desc); new_type->name = strdup(name); new_type->sprite_id = sprite_id; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, creature_list, id, strlen(id), new_type); } else { ERROR("Attempted to register duplicate creature type %s\n", id); return -1; } return 0; }
static int plugin_register(const char *key, prc_plugin_cmd_t *func) { plugin_ht_t *item, *_item; item = malloc(sizeof(plugin_ht_t)); item->func = func; _item = item; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, plugin_head, key, strlen(key), item); HASH_FIND(hh, plugin_head, key, strlen(key), item); if (!item) { free(_item); return -1; } return 0; }
void sol_event_listener_add(SolObject object, char* type, SolFunction callback) { listener_count++; struct sol_event_listener* new_listener; // check if already exists HASH_FIND_STR(object->listeners, type, new_listener); if (new_listener == NULL) { new_listener = malloc(sizeof(*new_listener)); new_listener->type = strdup(type); new_listener->listeners = NULL; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, object->listeners, new_listener->type, strlen(new_listener->type), new_listener); } if (new_listener->listeners == NULL) { new_listener->listeners = new_listener->listeners_end = malloc(sizeof(*new_listener->listeners_end)); } else { new_listener->listeners_end->next = malloc(sizeof(*new_listener->listeners_end)); new_listener->listeners_end = new_listener->listeners_end->next; } new_listener->listeners_end->callback = (SolFunction) sol_obj_retain((SolObject) callback); new_listener->listeners_end->next = NULL; }
void add_to_cache(char *key, char *value) { struct CacheEntry *entry, *tmp_entry; entry = malloc(sizeof(struct CacheEntry)); entry->key = strdup(key); entry->value = strdup(value); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, cache, entry->key, strlen(entry->key), entry); // prune the cache to MAX_CACHE_SIZE if (HASH_COUNT(cache) >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { while (HASH_ITER(hh, cache, entry, tmp_entry)) { // prune the first entry (loop is based on insertion order so this deletes the oldest item) HASH_DELETE(hh, cache, entry); free(entry->key); free(entry->value); free(entry); break; } } }
/** Send PANT for route maintenance * * Send a (Periodic) ANT if a packet was received from a dst the host has not sent a packet * to for ara_pant_interval seconds. */ int ara_maintainroute_pant(dessert_msg_t* msg, size_t len, dessert_msg_proc_t* proc, dessert_meshif_t* iface_in, dessert_frameid_t id) { ara_proc_t* ap = ara_proc_get(proc); assert(ap != 0); // a value of zero disables PANTs if(ara_pant_interval == 0 || !(ap->flags & proc->lflags & DESSERT_RX_FLAG_L25_DST)) { return DESSERT_MSG_KEEP; } struct timeval now; ara_usage_t* last; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ullock); HASH_FIND(hh, ut, &(ap->src), sizeof(ara_address_t), last); if(last == NULL) { last = malloc(sizeof(ara_usage_t)); memcpy(&(last->dst), &(ap->src), sizeof(ara_address_t)); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, ut, &(last->dst), sizeof(ara_address_t), last); last->t.tv_sec = 0; last->t.tv_usec = 0; } /* need to send pant ?*/ if((last->t.tv_sec) + ara_pant_interval < now.tv_sec) { last->t.tv_sec = now.tv_sec; last->t.tv_usec = now.tv_usec; _ara_sendbant(ap->src); dessert_info("the last BANT was a PANT"); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ullock); return DESSERT_MSG_KEEP; }