task main () {
  long encA  = 0;
  long encB  = 0;
  long encC  = 0;

  ubyte motorStatus = 0;
  string motorAstatus;
  string motorBstatus;
  string motorCstatus;


  // Initialise all the internal variables

  // Reset the encoders.  This can be done individually or all at once.
  // You should do this at the start of your program.

  // You can specify the type of braking that should be used when the motors
  // are sent the stop command.  The default is to use brake.

  // Specify a target for the motors to run to.  This can be number of
  // rotations, seconds or degrees (encoder count).  Rotations and seconds
  // may be specified in increments of 0.01.
  HDMMotorSetRotationTarget(mmotor_S1_1, 4.50);
  HDMMotorSetTimeTarget(mmotor_S1_2, 2.50);
  HDMMotorSetEncoderTarget(mmotor_S1_3, 1000);

  // Tell the motors to start moving.
  HDMMotor(mmotor_S1_1, 50);
  HDMMotor(mmotor_S1_2, 50);
  HDMMotor(mmotor_S1_3, 50);

  while (true) {
    // Retrieve the motor-MUX's status info and encoder counts
		HDMMUXreadStatus(HDMMUX, motorStatus, encA, encB, encC);

		// Use the HDMMotorBusy() function to see if a motor is busy or idle.
		motorAstatus = HDMMotorBusy(mmotor_S1_1) ? "busy" : "idle";
	  motorBstatus = HDMMotorBusy(mmotor_S1_2) ? "busy" : "idle";
		motorCstatus = HDMMotorBusy(mmotor_S1_3) ? "busy" : "idle";

		// Display the info.
		nxtDisplayTextLine(5, "A: %5d (%s)", encA, motorAstatus);
		nxtDisplayTextLine(6, "B: %5d (%s)", encB, motorBstatus);
		nxtDisplayTextLine(7, "C: %5d (%s)", encC, motorCstatus);
task main () {
  long encA  = 0;
  long encB  = 0;
  long encC  = 0;

  long timer = 0;

  ubyte motorStatus = 0;
  string motorAstatus;
  bool done = false;


  // Initialise all the internal variables

  // Reset the encoders.  This can be done individually or all at once.
  // You should do this at the start of your program.

  // You can specify the type of braking that should be used when the motors
  // are sent the stop command.  The default is to use brake.

  // Specify a motor 1 to run for 2.5 seconds.
  HDMMotorSetTimeTarget(mmotor_S1_1, 2.50);

  // Tell the motors to start moving.
  HDMMotor(mmotor_S1_1, 50);

  // Reset the timer
  time1[T1] = 0;
  // Give the motor time to get started
  while (!done) {
    // Retrieve the motor-MUX's status info and encoder counts
		HDMMUXreadStatus(HDMMUX, motorStatus, encA, encB, encC);

		// Use the HDMMotorBusy() function to see if a motor is busy or idle.
	  motorAstatus = HDMMotorBusy(mmotor_S1_1) ? "busy" : "idle";
		if (!HDMMotorBusy(mmotor_S1_1) && timer == 0) {
		  timer = time1[T1];
		  nxtDisplayTextLine(0,"Time: %dms", timer);
		  done = true;

		// Display the info.
		nxtDisplayTextLine(6, "B: %5d (%s)", encB, motorAstatus);