bool CPhilipsHue::GetLights(const Json::Value &root)
	if (root["lights"].empty())
		return false;

	for (Json::Value::const_iterator iLight = root["lights"].begin(); iLight != root["lights"].end(); ++iLight)
		Json::Value light = *iLight;
		if (light.isObject())
			std::string szLID = iLight.key().asString();
			int lID = atoi(szLID.c_str());
			_tHueLight tlight;
			tlight.level = 0;
			tlight.sat = 0; // Philips 0- 254, should be corrected to 0 - 255 ?
			tlight.hue = 0; // Philips 0 - 65535, should be converted to 0 - 255 ?
			tlight.on = light["state"]["on"].asBool();
			bool bDoSend = true;
			_eHueLightType LType = HLTYPE_NORMAL;
			if (!light["state"]["bri"].empty())
				//Lamp with brightness control
				LType = HLTYPE_DIM;
				int tbri = light["state"]["bri"].asInt();
				if ((tbri != 0) && (tbri != 255))
					tbri += 1; //hue reports 255 as 254
				tlight.level = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
			if ((!light["state"]["sat"].empty()) && (!light["state"]["hue"].empty()))
				//Lamp with hue/sat control
				LType = HLTYPE_RGBW;
				tlight.sat = light["state"]["sat"].asInt();
				tlight.hue = light["state"]["hue"].asInt();
			if (m_lights.find(lID) != m_lights.end())
				_tHueLight alight = m_lights[lID];
				if (
					(alight.on == tlight.on) &&
					(alight.level == tlight.level) &&
					(alight.sat == tlight.sat) &&
					(alight.hue == tlight.hue)
					bDoSend = false;
			m_lights[lID] = tlight;
			if (bDoSend)
				//_log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "HueBridge state change: tbri = %d, level = %d", tbri, tlight.level);
				InsertUpdateSwitch(lID, LType, tlight.on, tlight.level, tlight.sat, tlight.hue, light["name"].asString(), "");
	return true;
bool CPhilipsHue::GetScenes(const Json::Value &root)
	if (root["scenes"].empty())
		return false;

	int ii=0;
	for (Json::Value::iterator iScene = root["scenes"].begin(); iScene != root["scenes"].end(); ++iScene)
		Json::Value scene = *iScene;
		if (scene.isObject())
			_tHueScene hscene;
			hscene.id = iScene.key().asString();;
			hscene.name = scene["name"].asString();
			hscene.lastupdated = scene["lastupdated"].asString();

			//Strip some info
			size_t tpos = hscene.name.find(" from ");
			if (tpos != std::string::npos)
				hscene.name = hscene.name.substr(0, tpos);

			int sID = ii + 1;
			bool bDoSend = true;
			if (m_scenes.find(hscene.id) != m_scenes.end())
				_tHueScene ascene = m_scenes[hscene.id];
				if (ascene.lastupdated == hscene.lastupdated)
					bDoSend = false;
			m_scenes[hscene.id] = hscene;
			if (bDoSend)
				std::string Name = "Scene " + hscene.name;
				InsertUpdateSwitch(2000 + sID, HLTYPE_SCENE, false, 1000, 0, 0, Name, hscene.id);
	return true;
bool CPhilipsHue::GetGroups(const Json::Value &root)
	//Groups (0=All)

	if (root["groups"].empty())
		return false;

	for (Json::Value::iterator iGroup = root["groups"].begin(); iGroup != root["groups"].end(); ++iGroup)
		Json::Value group = *iGroup;
		if (group.isObject())
			std::string szGID = iGroup.key().asString();
			int gID = atoi(szGID.c_str());
			bool bIsOn = false;
			int tbri = 255;
			int tsat = 255;
			int thue = 255;

			if (!group["action"]["on"].empty())
				bIsOn = group["action"]["on"].asBool();
			if (!group["action"]["bri"].empty())
				tbri = group["action"]["bri"].asInt();
			if (!group["action"]["sat"].empty())
				tsat = group["action"]["sat"].asInt();
			if (!group["action"]["hue"].empty())
				thue = group["action"]["hue"].asInt();
			if ((tbri != 0) && (tbri != 255))
				tbri += 1; //hue reports 255 as 254
			int BrightnessLevel = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
			_tHueLight tstate;
			if (bIsOn)
				tstate.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? Limitless_SetBrightnessLevel : Limitless_LedOn;
				tstate.cmd = Limitless_LedOff;
			tstate.level = BrightnessLevel;
			tstate.sat = tsat;
			tstate.hue = thue;
			bool bDoSend = true;
			if (m_groups.find(gID) != m_groups.end())
				_tHueGroup agroup = m_groups[gID];
				if (
					(agroup.gstate.cmd == tstate.cmd) &&
					(agroup.gstate.level == tstate.level) &&
					(agroup.gstate.sat == tstate.sat) &&
					(agroup.gstate.hue == tstate.hue)
					bDoSend = false;
			m_groups[gID].gstate = tstate;
			if (bDoSend)
				std::string Name = "Group " + group["name"].asString();
				InsertUpdateSwitch(1000 + gID, HLTYPE_RGBW, bIsOn, BrightnessLevel, tsat, thue, Name, "");
	//Special Request for Group0 (All Lights)
	std::stringstream sstr2;
	sstr2 << "http://" << m_IPAddress
		<< ":" << m_Port
		<< "/api/" << m_UserName
		<< "/groups/0";
	std::string sResult;
	std::vector<std::string> ExtraHeaders;
	if (!HTTPClient::GET(sstr2.str(), ExtraHeaders, sResult))
		//No group all(0)
		return true;
	Json::Reader jReader;
	Json::Value root2;
	bool ret = jReader.parse(sResult, root2);
	ret = jReader.parse(sResult, root2);
	if (!ret)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Philips Hue: Invalid data received, or invalid IPAddress/Username!");
		return false;

	if (sResult.find("\"error\":") != std::string::npos)
		//We had an error
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Philips Hue: Error received: %s", root2[0]["error"]["description"].asString().c_str());
		return false;

	if (sResult.find("lights") == std::string::npos)
		return false;
	bool bIsOn = false;
	int tbri = 255;
	int tsat = 255;
	int thue = 255;

	if (!root2["action"]["on"].empty())
		bIsOn = root2["action"]["on"].asBool();
	if (!root2["action"]["bri"].empty())
		tbri = root2["action"]["bri"].asInt();
	if (!root2["action"]["sat"].empty())
		tsat = root2["action"]["sat"].asInt();
	if (!root2["action"]["hue"].empty())
		thue = root2["action"]["hue"].asInt();
	if ((tbri != 0) && (tbri != 255))
		tbri += 1; //hue reports 255 as 254
	int BrightnessLevel = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
	_tHueLight tstate;
	if (bIsOn)
		tstate.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? Limitless_SetBrightnessLevel : Limitless_LedOn;
		tstate.cmd = Limitless_LedOff;
	tstate.level = BrightnessLevel;
	tstate.sat = tsat;
	tstate.hue = thue;
	bool bDoSend = true;
	int gID = 0;
	if (m_groups.find(gID) != m_groups.end())
		_tHueGroup agroup = m_groups[gID];
		if (
			(agroup.gstate.cmd == tstate.cmd) &&
			(agroup.gstate.level == tstate.level) &&
			(agroup.gstate.sat == tstate.sat) &&
			(agroup.gstate.hue == tstate.hue)
			bDoSend = false;
	m_groups[gID].gstate = tstate;
	if (bDoSend)
		std::string Name = "Group All Lights";
		InsertUpdateSwitch(1000 + gID, HLTYPE_RGBW, bIsOn, BrightnessLevel, tsat, thue, Name,"");
	return true;
bool CPhilipsHue::GetLights(const Json::Value &root)
	if (root["lights"].empty())
		return false;

	for (Json::Value::iterator iLight = root["lights"].begin(); iLight != root["lights"].end(); ++iLight)
		Json::Value light = *iLight;
		if (light.isObject())
			std::string szLID = iLight.key().asString();
			int lID = atoi(szLID.c_str());
			_tHueLight tlight;
			int BrightnessLevel = 0;
			tlight.level = 0;
			tlight.sat = 0;
			tlight.hue = 0;
			int tbri = 0;
			bool bIsOn = light["state"]["on"].asBool();
			bool bDoSend = true;
			_eHueLightType LType = HLTYPE_NORMAL;
			if (bIsOn)
				tlight.cmd = light2_sOn;
				tlight.cmd = light2_sOff;
			if (!light["state"]["bri"].empty())
				//Lamp with brightness control
				LType = HLTYPE_DIM;
				tbri = light["state"]["bri"].asInt();
				if ((tbri != 0) && (tbri != 255))
					tbri += 1; //hue reports 255 as 254
				tlight.level = tbri;
				BrightnessLevel = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
				if (bIsOn)
					tlight.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? light2_sSetLevel : light2_sOn;
					tlight.cmd = light2_sOff;
			if ((!light["state"]["sat"].empty()) && (!light["state"]["hue"].empty()))
				//Lamp with hue/sat control
				LType = HLTYPE_RGBW;
				tlight.sat = light["state"]["sat"].asInt();
				tlight.hue = light["state"]["hue"].asInt();
				if (bIsOn)
					tlight.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? Limitless_SetBrightnessLevel : Limitless_LedOn;
					tlight.cmd = Limitless_LedOff;
			if (m_lights.find(lID) != m_lights.end())
				_tHueLight alight = m_lights[lID];
				if (
					(alight.cmd == tlight.cmd) &&
					(alight.level == tlight.level) &&
					(alight.sat == tlight.sat) &&
					(alight.hue == tlight.hue)
					bDoSend = false;
			m_lights[lID] = tlight;
			if (bDoSend)
				InsertUpdateSwitch(lID, LType, bIsOn, BrightnessLevel, tlight.sat, tlight.hue, light["name"].asString(), "");
	return true;
bool CPhilipsHue::GetScenes(const Json::Value &root)
	if (root["scenes"].empty())
		return false;

	for (Json::Value::const_iterator iScene = root["scenes"].begin(); iScene != root["scenes"].end(); ++iScene)
		Json::Value scene = *iScene;
		if (scene.isObject())
			_tHueScene hscene;
			hscene.id = iScene.key().asString();;
			hscene.name = scene["name"].asString();
			hscene.lastupdated = scene["lastupdated"].asString();
			if (hscene.lastupdated.empty())
				continue; //old scene/legacy scene
			//Strip some info
			size_t tpos = hscene.name.find(" from ");
			if (tpos != std::string::npos)
				hscene.name = hscene.name.substr(0, tpos);

			bool bDoSend = true;
			if (m_scenes.find(hscene.id) != m_scenes.end())
				_tHueScene ascene = m_scenes[hscene.id];
				if (ascene.lastupdated == hscene.lastupdated)
					bDoSend = false;
			m_scenes[hscene.id] = hscene;

			if (bDoSend)
				int sID = -1;
				std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > result;
				result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT ID FROM WOLNodes WHERE (HardwareID==%d) AND (MacAddress=='%q')", m_HwdID, hscene.id.c_str());
				if (!result.empty())
					//existing scene
					sID = atoi(result[0][0].c_str());
					//New scene
					m_sql.safe_query("INSERT INTO WOLNodes (HardwareID, Name, MacAddress) VALUES (%d, '%q', '%q')", m_HwdID, hscene.name.c_str(), hscene.id.c_str());
					result = m_sql.safe_query("SELECT ID FROM WOLNodes WHERE (HardwareID==%d) AND (MacAddress=='%q')", m_HwdID, hscene.id.c_str());
					if (result.empty())
						_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Philips Hue: Problem adding new Scene!!");
						return false;
					sID = atoi(result[0][0].c_str());
				std::string Name = "Scene " + hscene.name;
				InsertUpdateSwitch(2000 + sID, HLTYPE_SCENE, false, 100, 0, 0, Name, hscene.id);
	return true;
bool CPhilipsHue::GetLights(const Json::Value &root)
	if (root["lights"].empty())
		return false;

	for (Json::Value::iterator iLight = root["lights"].begin(); iLight != root["lights"].end(); ++iLight)
		Json::Value light = *iLight;
		if (light.isObject())
			std::string szLID = iLight.key().asString();
			int lID = atoi(szLID.c_str());
			std::string ltype = light["type"].asString();
			if (
				(ltype == "Dimmable plug-in unit") ||
				(ltype == "Dimmable light") ||
				(ltype == "Color temperature light")
				//Normal light (with dim option)
				bool bIsOn = light["state"]["on"].asBool();
				int tbri = light["state"]["bri"].asInt();
				if ((tbri != 0) && (tbri != 255))
					tbri += 1; //hue reports 255 as 254
				int BrightnessLevel = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
				_tHueLight tlight;
				if (bIsOn)
					tlight.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? light2_sSetLevel : light2_sOn;
					tlight.cmd = light2_sOff;
				tlight.level = BrightnessLevel;
				tlight.sat = 0;
				tlight.hue = 0;
				bool bDoSend = true;
				if (m_lights.find(lID) != m_lights.end())
					_tHueLight alight = m_lights[lID];
					if (
						(alight.cmd == tlight.cmd) &&
						(alight.level == tlight.level)
						bDoSend = false;
				m_lights[lID] = tlight;
				if (bDoSend)
					InsertUpdateSwitch(lID, HLTYPE_DIM, bIsOn, BrightnessLevel, 0, 0, light["name"].asString(), "");
			else if (
				(ltype == "Extended color light") ||
				(ltype == "Color light")
				//RGBW type
				bool bIsOn = light["state"]["on"].asBool();
				int tbri = light["state"]["bri"].asInt();
				int tsat = light["state"]["sat"].asInt();
				int thue = light["state"]["hue"].asInt();
				if ((tbri != 0) && (tbri != 255))
					tbri += 1; //hue reports 255 as 254
				int BrightnessLevel = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
				_tHueLight tlight;
				if (bIsOn)
					tlight.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? Limitless_SetBrightnessLevel : Limitless_LedOn;
					tlight.cmd = Limitless_LedOff;
				tlight.level = BrightnessLevel;
				tlight.sat = tsat;
				tlight.hue = thue;
				bool bDoSend = true;
				if (m_lights.find(lID) != m_lights.end())
					_tHueLight alight = m_lights[lID];
					if (
						(alight.cmd == tlight.cmd) &&
						(alight.level == tlight.level) &&
						(alight.sat == tlight.sat) &&
						(alight.hue == tlight.hue)
						bDoSend = false;
				m_lights[lID] = tlight;
				if (bDoSend)
					InsertUpdateSwitch(lID, HLTYPE_RGBW, bIsOn, BrightnessLevel, tsat, thue, light["name"].asString(), "");
	return true;
bool CPhilipsHue::GetLightStates()
	std::vector<std::string> ExtraHeaders;
	std::string sResult;

#ifdef DEBUG_PhilipsHue
	sResult= ReadFile("E:\\philipshue.jon");
	std::stringstream sstr2;
	sstr2 << "http://" << m_IPAddress
		<< ":" << m_Port
		<< "/api/" << m_UserName;
	//Get Data
	std::string sURL = sstr2.str();
	if (!HTTPClient::GET(sURL, ExtraHeaders, sResult))
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Philips Hue: Error getting Light States, (Check IPAddress/Username)");
		return false;
#ifdef DEBUG_PhilipsHue2
	SaveString2Disk(sResult, "E:\\philipshue.jon");

	Json::Value root;

	Json::Reader jReader;
	bool ret = jReader.parse(sResult, root);
	if (!ret)
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Philips Hue: Invalid data received, or invalid IPAddress/Username!");
		return false;

	if (sResult.find("error") != std::string::npos)
		//We had an error
		_log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Philips Hue: Error received: %s", root[0]["error"]["description"].asString().c_str());
		return false;

	if (sResult.find("lights") == std::string::npos)
		return false;

	int totLights = root["lights"].size();
	char szNode[10];
	for (int ii = 0; ii < 255; ii++)
		sprintf(szNode, "%d", ii + 1);
		if (root["lights"][szNode].empty())
		std::string ltype = root["lights"][szNode]["type"].asString();
		if (
			(ltype == "Dimmable plug-in unit") ||
			(ltype == "Dimmable light")
			//Normal light (with dim option)
			bool bIsOn = root["lights"][szNode]["state"]["on"].asBool();
			int tbri = root["lights"][szNode]["state"]["bri"].asInt();
			int BrightnessLevel = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
			_tHueLight tlight;
			if (bIsOn)
				tlight.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? light2_sSetLevel: light2_sOn;
				tlight.cmd = light2_sOff;
			tlight.level = BrightnessLevel;
			tlight.sat = 0;
			tlight.hue = 0;
			bool bDoSend = true;
			if (m_lights.find(ii + 1) != m_lights.end())
				_tHueLight alight = m_lights[ii + 1];
				if (
					(alight.cmd == tlight.cmd) &&
					(alight.level == tlight.level)
					bDoSend = false;
			m_lights[ii + 1] = tlight;
			if (bDoSend)
				InsertUpdateSwitch(ii + 1, HLTYPE_DIM, bIsOn, BrightnessLevel, 0, 0, root["lights"][szNode]["name"].asString());
		else if (
			(ltype == "Extended color light") ||
			(ltype == "Color light")
			//RGBW type
			bool bIsOn = root["lights"][szNode]["state"]["on"].asBool();
			int tbri = root["lights"][szNode]["state"]["bri"].asInt();
			int tsat = root["lights"][szNode]["state"]["sat"].asInt();
			int thue = root["lights"][szNode]["state"]["hue"].asInt();
			int BrightnessLevel = int((100.0f / 255.0f)*float(tbri));
			_tHueLight tlight;
			if (bIsOn)
				tlight.cmd = (BrightnessLevel != 0) ? Limitless_SetBrightnessLevel : Limitless_LedOn;
				tlight.cmd = Limitless_LedOff;
			tlight.level = BrightnessLevel;
			tlight.sat = tsat;
			tlight.hue = thue;
			bool bDoSend = true;
			if (m_lights.find(ii + 1) != m_lights.end())
				_tHueLight alight = m_lights[ii + 1];
				if (
					(alight.cmd == tlight.cmd) &&
					(alight.level == tlight.level)&&
					(alight.sat == tlight.sat)&&
					(alight.hue == tlight.hue)
					bDoSend = false;
			m_lights[ii + 1] = tlight;
			if (bDoSend)
				InsertUpdateSwitch(ii + 1, HLTYPE_RGBW, bIsOn, BrightnessLevel, tsat, thue, root["lights"][szNode]["name"].asString());
	return true;