
This function is used to search for
something for the bot to shoot at
void SearchForEnemy (client_t *client)
{//for a normal game
	edict_t	*bot = client->edict;
	edict_t	*nmy = bot->bot.enemy;					
	vec3_t	eyes1, eyes2, test;
	int		num;

	if (nmy != bot			&&	// If he has an enemy that aint himself
		nmy->v.health > 0)		// and has some health
		VectorAdd (nmy->v.origin, nmy->v.view_ofs, eyes1);	// We want the origin of the enemies eyes
		VectorAdd (bot->v.origin, bot->v.view_ofs, eyes2);	// We want the origin of the bots eyes

		if (IsInView(eyes1, eyes2, bot, nmy, 120, test)) // test if its in view
			VectorCopy (test, bot->v.angles);			// Then turn towards the enemy
			AttackMoveBot (client, true, true, true, nmy);	// and start running and shooting
			return;										// We are done here now...

	// Guess we had no enemy or couldnt see him anymore

	bot->bot.enemy = bot;				// Set enemy to the bot himself again
	nmy	= Nextent(globot.world);		// Prepare to loop through clients
	num	= 0;

	//save up to 31 calculations
	VectorAdd (bot->v.origin, bot->v.view_ofs, eyes2);	// We want the origin of the bots eyes

	while (num < globot.MaxClients)		// Keep looping as long as there are clients
		if (nmy->bot.Active		&&		// Enemy is playing 
			nmy != bot			&&		// and is not the bot himself
			nmy->v.health > 0)//	&&		// and is alive
			//nmy->v.team != bot->v.team)	// and in another team

			VectorAdd (nmy->v.origin, nmy->v.view_ofs, eyes1);	// We want the origin of the clients eyes

			if (IsInView(eyes1, eyes2, bot, nmy, 120, test)) // test if its in view
				bot->bot.enemy = nmy;				// Then set him as the enemy
				VectorCopy (test, bot->v.angles);	// Then turn to the enemy
				AttackMoveBot (client, true, true, true, nmy);		// and start running, jumping and shooting
				return;								// We are done here now...
		nmy = Nextent(nmy);	// If the client wasn't visible then continue the loop with the next client

	// Guess we found no enemies

	bot->v.angles[0] = 0;
	bot->v.angles[2] = 0;
	bot->v.button0 = 0;		// So why waste ammo?
	void WorldInternal::Culling(const Matrix44& cameraProjMat, bool isOpenGL)
#ifdef _WIN32
		if (_finite(cameraProjMat.Values[2][2]) != 0 &&
			cameraProjMat.Values[0][0] != 0.0f &&
			cameraProjMat.Values[1][1] != 0.0f)
		if (isfinite(cameraProjMat.Values[2][2]) != 0 &&
			cameraProjMat.Values[0][0] != 0.0f &&
			cameraProjMat.Values[1][1] != 0.0f)
			Matrix44 cameraProjMatInv = cameraProjMat;

			float maxx = 1.0f;
			float minx = -1.0f;

			float maxy = 1.0f;
			float miny = -1.0f;

			float maxz = 1.0f;
			float minz = 0.0f;
			if (isOpenGL) minz = -1.0f;

			Vector3DF eyebox[8];

			eyebox[0 + 0] = Vector3DF(minx, miny, maxz);
			eyebox[1 + 0] = Vector3DF(maxx, miny, maxz);
			eyebox[2 + 0] = Vector3DF(minx, maxy, maxz);
			eyebox[3 + 0] = Vector3DF(maxx, maxy, maxz);

			eyebox[0 + 4] = Vector3DF(minx, miny, minz);
			eyebox[1 + 4] = Vector3DF(maxx, miny, minz);
			eyebox[2 + 4] = Vector3DF(minx, maxy, minz);
			eyebox[3 + 4] = Vector3DF(maxx, maxy, minz);

			for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				eyebox[i] = cameraProjMatInv.Transform3D(eyebox[i]);

			// 0-right 1-left 2-top 3-bottom 4-front 5-back
			Vector3DF facePositions[6];
			facePositions[0] = eyebox[5];
			facePositions[1] = eyebox[4];
			facePositions[2] = eyebox[6];
			facePositions[3] = eyebox[4];
			facePositions[4] = eyebox[4];
			facePositions[5] = eyebox[0];

			Vector3DF faceDir[6];
			faceDir[0] = Vector3DF::Cross(eyebox[1] - eyebox[5], eyebox[7] - eyebox[5]);
			faceDir[1] = Vector3DF::Cross(eyebox[6] - eyebox[4], eyebox[0] - eyebox[4]);

			faceDir[2] = Vector3DF::Cross(eyebox[7] - eyebox[6], eyebox[2] - eyebox[6]);
			faceDir[3] = Vector3DF::Cross(eyebox[0] - eyebox[4], eyebox[5] - eyebox[4]);

			faceDir[4] = Vector3DF::Cross(eyebox[5] - eyebox[4], eyebox[6] - eyebox[4]);
			faceDir[5] = Vector3DF::Cross(eyebox[2] - eyebox[0], eyebox[1] - eyebox[5]);

			for (int32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)

			for (int32_t z = 0; z < viewCullingZDiv; z++)
				for (int32_t y = 0; y < viewCullingYDiv; y++)
					for (int32_t x = 0; x < viewCullingXDiv; x++)
						Vector3DF eyebox_[8];

						float xsize = 1.0f / (float) viewCullingXDiv;
						float ysize = 1.0f / (float) viewCullingYDiv;
						float zsize = 1.0f / (float) viewCullingZDiv;

						for (int32_t e = 0; e < 8; e++)
							float x_, y_, z_;
							if (e == 0){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * z; }
							if (e == 1){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * z; }
							if (e == 2){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * z; }
							if (e == 3){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * z; }
							if (e == 4){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }
							if (e == 5){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }
							if (e == 6){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }
							if (e == 7){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }

							Vector3DF yzMid[4];
							yzMid[0] = eyebox[0] * x_ + eyebox[1] * (1.0f - x_);
							yzMid[1] = eyebox[2] * x_ + eyebox[3] * (1.0f - x_);
							yzMid[2] = eyebox[4] * x_ + eyebox[5] * (1.0f - x_);
							yzMid[3] = eyebox[6] * x_ + eyebox[7] * (1.0f - x_);

							Vector3DF zMid[2];
							zMid[0] = yzMid[0] * y_ + yzMid[1] * (1.0f - y_);
							zMid[1] = yzMid[2] * y_ + yzMid[3] * (1.0f - y_);

							eyebox_[e] = zMid[0] * z_ + zMid[1] * (1.0f - z_);

						Vector3DF max_(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
						Vector3DF min_(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);

						for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
							if (eyebox_[i].X > max_.X) max_.X = eyebox_[i].X;
							if (eyebox_[i].Y > max_.Y) max_.Y = eyebox_[i].Y;
							if (eyebox_[i].Z > max_.Z) max_.Z = eyebox_[i].Z;

							if (eyebox_[i].X < min_.X) min_.X = eyebox_[i].X;
							if (eyebox_[i].Y < min_.Y) min_.Y = eyebox_[i].Y;
							if (eyebox_[i].Z < min_.Z) min_.Z = eyebox_[i].Z;

						/* 範囲内に含まれるグリッドを取得 */
						for (size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++)
							layers[i]->AddGrids(max_, min_, grids);

			/* 外領域追加 */

			/* グリッドからオブジェクト取得 */
			for (size_t i = 0; i < grids.size(); i++)
				for (size_t j = 0; j < grids[i]->GetObjects().size(); j++)
					Object* o = grids[i]->GetObjects()[j];
					ObjectInternal* o_ = (ObjectInternal*) o;

					if (
						o_->GetNextStatus().Type == OBJECT_SHAPE_TYPE_ALL ||
						IsInView(o_->GetPosition(), o_->GetNextStatus().CalcRadius(), facePositions, faceDir))

			/* 取得したグリッドを破棄 */
			for (size_t i = 0; i < grids.size(); i++)
				grids[i]->IsScanned = false;


			/* グリッドからオブジェクト取得 */
			for (size_t i = 0; i < grids.size(); i++)
				for (size_t j = 0; j < grids[i]->GetObjects().size(); j++)
					Object* o = grids[i]->GetObjects()[j];
					ObjectInternal* o_ = (ObjectInternal*) o;

					if (o_->GetNextStatus().Type == OBJECT_SHAPE_TYPE_ALL)

			/* 取得したグリッドを破棄 */
			for (size_t i = 0; i < grids.size(); i++)
				grids[i]->IsScanned = false;


	bool WorldInternal::Reassign()
		/* 数が少ない */
		if (outofLayers.GetObjects().size() < 10) return false;


		for (size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++)
			delete layers[i];


		outofLayers.IsScanned = false;
		allLayers.IsScanned = false;

		for (auto& it : containedObjects)
			auto o = (ObjectInternal*) (it);
			o->ObjectIndex = -1;

		float xmin = FLT_MAX;
		float xmax = -FLT_MAX;
		float ymin = FLT_MAX;
		float ymax = -FLT_MAX;
		float zmin = FLT_MAX;
		float zmax = -FLT_MAX;

		for (auto& it : containedObjects)
			ObjectInternal* o_ = (ObjectInternal*) it;
			if (o_->GetNextStatus().Type == OBJECT_SHAPE_TYPE_ALL) continue;

			if (xmin > o_->GetNextStatus().Position.X) xmin = o_->GetNextStatus().Position.X;
			if (xmax < o_->GetNextStatus().Position.X) xmax = o_->GetNextStatus().Position.X;
			if (ymin > o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Y) ymin = o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Y;
			if (ymax < o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Y) ymax = o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Y;
			if (zmin > o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Z) zmin = o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Z;
			if (zmax < o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Z) zmax = o_->GetNextStatus().Position.Z;


		auto xlen = Max(abs(xmax), abs(xmin)) * 2.0f;
		auto ylen = Max(abs(ymax), abs(ymin)) * 2.0f;
		auto zlen = Max(abs(zmax), abs(zmin)) * 2.0f;

		WorldInternal(xlen, ylen, zlen, this->layerCount);

		for (auto& it: containedObjects)
			ObjectInternal* o_ = (ObjectInternal*) (it);
		return true;

	void WorldInternal::Dump(const char* path, const Matrix44& cameraProjMat, bool isOpenGL)
		std::ofstream ofs(path);

		/* カメラ情報出力 */
		Matrix44 cameraProjMatInv = cameraProjMat;

		float maxx = 1.0f;
		float minx = -1.0f;

		float maxy = 1.0f;
		float miny = -1.0f;

		float maxz = 1.0f;
		float minz = 0.0f;
		if (isOpenGL) minz = -1.0f;

		Vector3DF eyebox[8];

		eyebox[0 + 0] = Vector3DF(minx, miny, maxz);
		eyebox[1 + 0] = Vector3DF(maxx, miny, maxz);
		eyebox[2 + 0] = Vector3DF(minx, maxy, maxz);
		eyebox[3 + 0] = Vector3DF(maxx, maxy, maxz);

		eyebox[0 + 4] = Vector3DF(minx, miny, minz);
		eyebox[1 + 4] = Vector3DF(maxx, miny, minz);
		eyebox[2 + 4] = Vector3DF(minx, maxy, minz);
		eyebox[3 + 4] = Vector3DF(maxx, maxy, minz);

		for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			eyebox[i] = cameraProjMatInv.Transform3D(eyebox[i]);

		ofs << viewCullingXDiv << "," << viewCullingYDiv << "," << viewCullingZDiv << std::endl;
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			ofs << eyebox[i].X << "," << eyebox[i].Y << "," << eyebox[i].Z << std::endl;
		ofs << std::endl;

		for (int32_t z = 0; z < viewCullingZDiv; z++)
			for (int32_t y = 0; y < viewCullingYDiv; y++)
				for (int32_t x = 0; x < viewCullingXDiv; x++)
					Vector3DF eyebox_[8];

					float xsize = 1.0f / (float) viewCullingXDiv;
					float ysize = 1.0f / (float) viewCullingYDiv;
					float zsize = 1.0f / (float) viewCullingZDiv;

					for (int32_t e = 0; e < 8; e++)
						float x_, y_, z_;
						if (e == 0){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * z; }
						if (e == 1){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * z; }
						if (e == 2){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * z; }
						if (e == 3){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * z; }
						if (e == 4){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }
						if (e == 5){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * y; z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }
						if (e == 6){ x_ = xsize * x; y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }
						if (e == 7){ x_ = xsize * (x + 1); y_ = ysize * (y + 1); z_ = zsize * (z + 1); }

						Vector3DF yzMid[4];
						yzMid[0] = eyebox[0] * x_ + eyebox[1] * (1.0f - x_);
						yzMid[1] = eyebox[2] * x_ + eyebox[3] * (1.0f - x_);
						yzMid[2] = eyebox[4] * x_ + eyebox[5] * (1.0f - x_);
						yzMid[3] = eyebox[6] * x_ + eyebox[7] * (1.0f - x_);

						Vector3DF zMid[2];
						zMid[0] = yzMid[0] * y_ + yzMid[1] * (1.0f - y_);
						zMid[1] = yzMid[2] * y_ + yzMid[3] * (1.0f - y_);

						eyebox_[e] = zMid[0] * z_ + zMid[1] * (1.0f - z_);

					Vector3DF max_(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
					Vector3DF min_(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);

					for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
						if (eyebox_[i].X > max_.X) max_.X = eyebox_[i].X;
						if (eyebox_[i].Y > max_.Y) max_.Y = eyebox_[i].Y;
						if (eyebox_[i].Z > max_.Z) max_.Z = eyebox_[i].Z;

						if (eyebox_[i].X < min_.X) min_.X = eyebox_[i].X;
						if (eyebox_[i].Y < min_.Y) min_.Y = eyebox_[i].Y;
						if (eyebox_[i].Z < min_.Z) min_.Z = eyebox_[i].Z;

					ofs << x << "," << y << "," << z << std::endl;
					for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
						ofs << eyebox_[i].X << "," << eyebox_[i].Y << "," << eyebox_[i].Z << std::endl;
					ofs << max_.X << "," << max_.Y << "," << max_.Z << std::endl;
					ofs << min_.X << "," << min_.Y << "," << min_.Z << std::endl;
					ofs << std::endl;

		ofs << std::endl;
		/* レイヤー情報 */
		ofs << layers.size() << std::endl;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++)
			auto& layer = layers[i];
			ofs << layer->GetGridXCount() << "," << layer->GetGridYCount() << "," << layer->GetGridZCount() 
				<< "," << layer->GetOffsetX() << "," << layer->GetOffsetY() << "," << layer->GetOffsetZ() << "," << layer->GetGridSize() << std::endl;
			for (size_t j = 0; j < layer->GetGrids().size(); j++)
				auto& grid = layer->GetGrids()[j];

				if (grid.GetObjects().size() > 0)
					ofs << j << "," << grid.GetObjects().size() << std::endl;

		Culling(cameraProjMat, isOpenGL);
