static int DoIfDef (int skip, int flag)
/* Process #ifdef if flag == 1, or #ifndef if flag == 0. */
    ident Ident;

    SkipWhitespace (0);
    if (MacName (Ident) == 0) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return PushIf (skip, flag, IsMacro(Ident));
TagEntryPtr TagEntry::ReplaceSimpleMacro()
    if(IsMacro()) {
        PPToken tok = TagsManagerST::Get()->GetDatabase()->GetMacro(GetName());
        if(tok.flags & PPToken::IsValid && !(tok.flags & PPToken::IsFunctionLike)) {
            std::vector<TagEntryPtr> tags;
            TagsManagerST::Get()->FindByNameAndScope(tok.replacement, GetScopeName(), tags);
            if(tags.size() == 1) {
                // replace the current tag content with the new match
                return tags.at(0);
    return NULL;
static unsigned Pass1 (StrBuf* Source, StrBuf* Target)
/* Preprocessor pass 1. Remove whitespace. Handle old and new style comments
 * and the "defined" operator.
    unsigned    IdentCount;
    ident       Ident;
    int         HaveParen;

    /* Switch to the new input source */
    StrBuf* OldSource = InitLine (Source);

    /* Loop removing ws and comments */
    IdentCount = 0;
    while (CurC != '\0') {
        if (SkipWhitespace (0)) {
            /* Squeeze runs of blanks */
            if (!IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (Target))) {
                SB_AppendChar (Target, ' ');
        } else if (IsSym (Ident)) {
            if (Preprocessing && strcmp (Ident, "defined") == 0) {
                /* Handle the "defined" operator */
                SkipWhitespace (0);
                HaveParen = 0;
                if (CurC == '(') {
                    HaveParen = 1;
                    NextChar ();
                    SkipWhitespace (0);
                if (IsSym (Ident)) {
                    SB_AppendChar (Target, IsMacro (Ident)? '1' : '0');
                    if (HaveParen) {
                        SkipWhitespace (0);
                        if (CurC != ')') {
                            PPError ("`)' expected");
                        } else {
                            NextChar ();
                } else {
                    PPError ("Identifier expected");
                    SB_AppendChar (Target, '0');
            } else {
                SB_AppendStr (Target, Ident);
        } else if (IsQuote (CurC)) {
            CopyQuotedString (Target);
        } else if (CurC == '/' && NextC == '*') {
            if (!IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (Target))) {
                SB_AppendChar (Target, ' ');
            OldStyleComment ();
        } else if (IS_Get (&Standard) >= STD_C99 && CurC == '/' && NextC == '/') {
            if (!IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (Target))) {
                SB_AppendChar (Target, ' ');
            NewStyleComment ();
        } else {
            SB_AppendChar (Target, CurC);
            NextChar ();

    /* Switch back to the old source */
    InitLine (OldSource);

    /* Return the number of identifiers found in the line */
    return IdentCount;
wxString TagEntry::FormatComment()
    if(m_isCommentForamtted) return m_formattedComment;
    m_isCommentForamtted = true;
    // Send the plugins an event requesting tooltip for this tag
    if(IsMethod()) {

            m_formattedComment << wxT("<b>[Constructor]</b>\n");

        else if(IsDestructor())
            m_formattedComment << wxT("<b>[Destructor]</b>\n");

        TagEntryPtr p(new TagEntry(*this));
        m_formattedComment << wxT("<code>")
               << TagsManagerST::Get()->FormatFunction(p, FunctionFormat_WithVirtual | FunctionFormat_Arg_Per_Line)
               << wxT("</code>\n");
        m_formattedComment.Replace(GetName(), wxT("<b>") + GetName() + wxT("</b>"));
    } else if(IsClass()) {

        m_formattedComment << wxT("<b>Kind:</b> ");
        m_formattedComment << GetKind() << "\n";

        if(GetInheritsAsString().IsEmpty() == false) {
            m_formattedComment << wxT("<b>Inherits:</b> ");
            m_formattedComment << GetInheritsAsString() << wxT("\n");

    } else if(IsMacro() || IsTypedef() || IsContainer() || GetKind() == wxT("member") ||
              GetKind() == wxT("variable")) {

        m_formattedComment << wxT("<b>Kind:</b> ");
        m_formattedComment << GetKind() << "\n";

        m_formattedComment << wxT("<b>Match Pattern:</b> ");

        // Prettify the match pattern
        wxString matchPattern(GetPattern());

        if(matchPattern.StartsWith(wxT("/^"))) {
            matchPattern.Replace(wxT("/^"), wxT(""));

        if(matchPattern.EndsWith(wxT("$/"))) {
            matchPattern.Replace(wxT("$/"), wxT(""));

        matchPattern.Replace(wxT("\t"), wxT(" "));
        while(matchPattern.Replace(wxT("  "), wxT(" "))) {


        // BUG#3082954: limit the size of the 'match pattern' to a reasonable size (200 chars)
        matchPattern = TagsManagerST::Get()->WrapLines(matchPattern);
        matchPattern.Replace(GetName(), wxT("<b>") + GetName() + wxT("</b>"));
        m_formattedComment << wxT("<code>") << matchPattern << wxT("</code>\n");


    // Add comment section
    wxString tagComment;
    if(!GetFile().IsEmpty()) {
        CommentParseResult comments;
        ::ParseComments(GetFile().mb_str(wxConvUTF8).data(), comments);
        // search for comment in the current line, the line above it and 2 above it
        // use the first match we got
        for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            wxString comment = comments.getCommentForLine(GetLine()-i);
            if(!comment.IsEmpty()) {
    if(!GetComment().IsEmpty()) {
        wxString theComment;
        theComment = GetComment();

        theComment = TagsManagerST::Get()->WrapLines(theComment);
        wxString tagComment = wxString::Format(wxT("%s\n"), theComment.c_str());
        if(m_formattedComment.IsEmpty() == false) {
            m_formattedComment << wxT("\n<hr>");
        m_formattedComment << tagComment;

    // Update all "doxy" comments and surround them with <green> tags
    static wxRegEx reDoxyParam("([@\\\\]{1}param)[ \t]+([_a-z][a-z0-9_]*)?", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);
    static wxRegEx reDoxyBrief("([@\\\\]{1}(brief|details))[ \t]*", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);
    static wxRegEx reDoxyThrow("([@\\\\]{1}(throw|throws))[ \t]*", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);
    static wxRegEx reDoxyReturn("([@\\\\]{1}(return|retval|returns))[ \t]*", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);
    static wxRegEx reDoxyToDo("([@\\\\]{1}todo)[ \t]*", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);
    static wxRegEx reDoxyRemark("([@\\\\]{1}(remarks|remark))[ \t]*", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);
    static wxRegEx reDate("([@\\\\]{1}date)[ \t]*", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);
    static wxRegEx reFN("([@\\\\]{1}fn)[ \t]*", wxRE_DEFAULT | wxRE_ICASE);

    if(reDoxyParam.IsValid() && reDoxyParam.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        reDoxyParam.ReplaceAll(&m_formattedComment, "\n<b>Parameter</b>\n<i>\\2</i>");

    if(reDoxyBrief.IsValid() && reDoxyBrief.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        reDoxyBrief.ReplaceAll(&m_formattedComment, "");

    if(reDoxyThrow.IsValid() && reDoxyThrow.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        reDoxyThrow.ReplaceAll(&m_formattedComment, "\n<b>Throws</b>\n");

    if(reDoxyReturn.IsValid() && reDoxyReturn.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        reDoxyReturn.ReplaceAll(&m_formattedComment, "\n<b>Returns</b>\n");

    if(reDoxyToDo.IsValid() && reDoxyToDo.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        reDoxyToDo.ReplaceAll(&m_formattedComment, "\n<b>TODO</b>\n");

    if(reDoxyRemark.IsValid() && reDoxyRemark.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        reDoxyRemark.ReplaceAll(&m_formattedComment, "\n  ");

    if(reDate.IsValid() && reDate.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        reDate.ReplaceAll(&m_formattedComment, "<b>Date</b> ");

    if(reFN.IsValid() && reFN.Matches(m_formattedComment)) {
        size_t fnStart, fnLen, fnEnd;
        if(reFN.GetMatch(&fnStart, &fnLen)) {
            fnEnd = m_formattedComment.find('\n', fnStart);
            if(fnEnd != wxString::npos) {
                // remove the string from fnStart -> fnEnd (including ther terminating \n)
                m_formattedComment.Remove(fnStart, (fnEnd - fnStart) + 1);

    // if nothing to display skip this
    return m_formattedComment;