mozTXTToHTMLConv::CompleteAbbreviatedURL(const PRUnichar * aInString, PRInt32 aInLength, 
                                         const PRUint32 pos, nsString& aOutString)
  NS_ASSERTION(PRInt32(pos) < aInLength, "bad args to CompleteAbbreviatedURL, see bug #190851");
  if (PRInt32(pos) >= aInLength)

  if (aInString[pos] == '@')
    // only pre-pend a mailto url if the string contains a .domain in it..
    //i.e. we want to linkify [email protected] but not "let's meet @8pm"
    nsDependentString inString(aInString, aInLength);
    if (inString.FindChar('.', pos) != kNotFound) // if we have a '.' after the @ sign....
      aOutString += aInString;
  else if (aInString[pos] == '.')
    if (ItMatchesDelimited(aInString, aInLength,
                           NS_LITERAL_STRING("www.").get(), 4, LT_IGNORE, LT_IGNORE))
      aOutString += aInString;
    else if (ItMatchesDelimited(aInString,aInLength, NS_LITERAL_STRING("ftp.").get(), 4, LT_IGNORE, LT_IGNORE))
      aOutString += aInString;
// NOTE: the converted html for the phrase is appended to aOutString
// tagHTML and attributeHTML are plain ASCII (literal strings, in fact)
mozTXTToHTMLConv::StructPhraseHit(const PRUnichar * aInString, PRInt32 aInStringLength, bool col0,
     const PRUnichar* tagTXT, PRInt32 aTagTXTLen, 
     const char* tagHTML, const char* attributeHTML,
     nsString& aOutString, PRUint32& openTags)
  /* We're searching for the following pattern:
     LT_DELIMITER - "*" - ALPHA -
     [ some text (maybe more "*"-pairs) - ALPHA ] "*" - LT_DELIMITER.
     <strong> is only inserted, if existence of a pair could be verified
     We use the first opening/closing tag, if we can choose */

  const PRUnichar * newOffset = aInString;
  PRInt32 newLength = aInStringLength;
  if (!col0) // skip the first element?
    newOffset = &aInString[1];
    newLength = aInStringLength - 1;

  // opening tag
      ItMatchesDelimited(aInString, aInStringLength, tagTXT, aTagTXTLen, 
           (col0 ? LT_IGNORE : LT_DELIMITER), LT_ALPHA) // is opening tag
        && NumberOfMatches(newOffset, newLength, tagTXT, aTagTXTLen, 
              LT_ALPHA, LT_DELIMITER)  // remaining closing tags
              > openTags
    aOutString.Append(PRUnichar(' '));
    aOutString.AppendLiteral("><span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">");
    return true;

  // closing tag
  else if (openTags > 0
       && ItMatchesDelimited(aInString, aInStringLength, tagTXT, aTagTXTLen, LT_ALPHA, LT_DELIMITER))
    aOutString.AppendLiteral("<span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">");
    return true;

  return false;
mozTXTToHTMLConv::SmilyHit(const PRUnichar * aInString, PRInt32 aLength, bool col0,
         const char* tagTXT, const char* imageName,
         nsString& outputHTML, PRInt32& glyphTextLen)
  if ( !aInString || !tagTXT || !imageName )
      return false;

  PRInt32 tagLen = strlen(tagTXT);
  PRUint32 delim = (col0 ? 0 : 1) + tagLen;

      (col0 || IsSpace(aInString[0]))
          aLength <= PRInt32(delim) ||
          IsSpace(aInString[delim]) ||
          (aLength > PRInt32(delim + 1)
              aInString[delim] == '.' ||
              aInString[delim] == ',' ||
              aInString[delim] == ';' ||
              aInString[delim] == '8' ||
              aInString[delim] == '>' ||
              aInString[delim] == '!' ||
              aInString[delim] == '?'
            && IsSpace(aInString[delim + 1]))
        && ItMatchesDelimited(aInString, aLength, NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(tagTXT).get(), tagLen, 
                              col0 ? LT_IGNORE : LT_DELIMITER, LT_IGNORE)
	        // Note: tests at different pos for LT_IGNORE and LT_DELIMITER
    if (!col0)
      outputHTML.Append(PRUnichar(' '));

    outputHTML.AppendLiteral("<span class=\""); // <span class="
    AppendASCIItoUTF16(imageName, outputHTML);  // e.g. smiley-frown
    outputHTML.AppendLiteral("\" title=\"");    // " title="     
    AppendASCIItoUTF16(tagTXT, outputHTML);     // smiley tooltip
    outputHTML.AppendLiteral("\"><span>");      // "><span>      
    AppendASCIItoUTF16(tagTXT, outputHTML);     // original text 
    outputHTML.AppendLiteral("</span></span>"); // </span></span>
    glyphTextLen = (col0 ? 0 : 1) + tagLen;
    return true;

  return false;
mozTXTToHTMLConv::NumberOfMatches(const PRUnichar * aInString, PRInt32 aInStringLength, 
     const PRUnichar* rep, PRInt32 aRepLen, LIMTYPE before, LIMTYPE after)
  PRUint32 result = 0;

  for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < aInStringLength; i++)
    const PRUnichar * indexIntoString = &aInString[i];
    if (ItMatchesDelimited(indexIntoString, aInStringLength - i, rep, aRepLen, before, after))
  return result;
mozTXTToHTMLConv::NumberOfMatches(const char16_t * aInString, int32_t aInStringLength, 
     const char16_t* rep, int32_t aRepLen, LIMTYPE before, LIMTYPE after)
  uint32_t result = 0;

  for (int32_t i = 0; i < aInStringLength; i++)
    const char16_t * indexIntoString = &aInString[i];
    if (ItMatchesDelimited(indexIntoString, aInStringLength - i, rep, aRepLen, before, after))
  return result;
// the glyph is appended to aOutputString instead of the original string...
mozTXTToHTMLConv::GlyphHit(const PRUnichar * aInString, PRInt32 aInLength, bool col0,
         nsString& aOutputString, PRInt32& glyphTextLen)
  PRUnichar text0 = aInString[0]; 
  PRUnichar text1 = aInString[1];
  PRUnichar firstChar = (col0 ? text0 : text1);

  // temporary variable used to store the glyph html text
  nsAutoString outputHTML;
  bool bTestSmilie;
  bool bArg = false;
  int i;

  // refactor some of this mess to avoid code duplication and speed execution a bit
  // there are two cases that need to be tried one after another. To avoid a lot of
  // duplicate code, rolling into a loop

  i = 0;
  while ( i < 2 )
    bTestSmilie = false;
    if ( !i && (firstChar == ':' || firstChar == ';' || firstChar == '=' || firstChar == '>' || firstChar == '8' || firstChar == 'O'))
        // first test passed

        bTestSmilie = true;
        bArg = col0;
    if ( i && col0 && ( text1 == ':' || text1 == ';' || text1 == '=' || text1 == '>' || text1 == '8' || text1 == 'O' ) )
        // second test passed

        bTestSmilie = true;
        bArg = false;
    if ( bTestSmilie && (
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s1", // smile
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s1", // smile
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s5", // laughing
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s2", // frown
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s2", // frown
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s6", // embarassed
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s3", // wink
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||

          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, col0,
                   "moz-smiley-s3", // wink
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s7", // undecided
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s4", // tongue
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s4", // tongue
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||  
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s8", // surprise
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s9", // kiss
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s10", // yell
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s10", // yell
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s11", // cool
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s12", // money
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s13", // foot
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s14", // innocent
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s15", // cry
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) ||
          SmilyHit(aInString, aInLength, bArg,
                   "moz-smiley-s16", // sealed
                   outputHTML, glyphTextLen) 
        return true;
  if (text0 == '\f')
      aOutputString.AppendLiteral("<span class='moz-txt-formfeed'></span>");
      glyphTextLen = 1;
      return true;
  if (text0 == '+' || text1 == '+')
    if (ItMatchesDelimited(aInString, aInLength,
                           NS_LITERAL_STRING(" +/-").get(), 4,
                           LT_IGNORE, LT_IGNORE))
      aOutputString.AppendLiteral(" &plusmn;");
      glyphTextLen = 4;
      return true;
    if (col0 && ItMatchesDelimited(aInString, aInLength,
                                   NS_LITERAL_STRING("+/-").get(), 3,
                                   LT_IGNORE, LT_IGNORE))
      glyphTextLen = 3;
      return true;

  // x^2  =>  x<sup>2</sup>,   also handle powers x^-2,  x^0.5
  // implement regular expression /[\dA-Za-z\)\]}]\^-?\d+(\.\d+)*[^\dA-Za-z]/
      text1 == '^'
        nsCRT::IsAsciiDigit(text0) || nsCRT::IsAsciiAlpha(text0) || 
        text0 == ')' || text0 == ']' || text0 == '}'
        (2 < aInLength && nsCRT::IsAsciiDigit(aInString[2])) ||
        (3 < aInLength && aInString[2] == '-' && nsCRT::IsAsciiDigit(aInString[3]))
    // Find first non-digit
    PRInt32 delimPos = 3;  // skip "^" and first digit (or '-')
    for (; delimPos < aInLength
             nsCRT::IsAsciiDigit(aInString[delimPos]) || 
             (aInString[delimPos] == '.' && delimPos + 1 < aInLength &&
               nsCRT::IsAsciiDigit(aInString[delimPos + 1]))

    if (delimPos < aInLength && nsCRT::IsAsciiAlpha(aInString[delimPos]))
      return false;

    outputHTML += text0;
      "<sup class=\"moz-txt-sup\">"
      "<span style=\"display:inline-block;width:0;height:0;overflow:hidden\">"

    aOutputString.Append(&aInString[2], delimPos - 2);

    glyphTextLen = delimPos /* - 1 + 1 */ ;
    return true;
   The following strings are not substituted:
   |TXT   |HTML     |Reason
    ->     &larr;    Bug #454
    =>     &lArr;    dito
    <-     &rarr;    dito
    <=     &rArr;    dito
    (tm)   &trade;   dito
    1/4    &frac14;  is triggered by 1/4 Part 1, 2/4 Part 2, ...
    3/4    &frac34;  dito
    1/2    &frac12;  similar
  return false;