// Make mpi point to buffer, assuming MMAL_ENCODING_I420.
// buffer can be NULL.
// Return the required buffer space.
static size_t layout_buffer(struct mp_image *mpi, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer,
                            struct mp_image_params *params)
    assert(params->imgfmt == IMGFMT_420P);
    mp_image_set_params(mpi, params);
    int w = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->w, ALIGN_W);
    int h = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->h, ALIGN_H);
    uint8_t *cur = buffer ? buffer->data : NULL;
    size_t size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        int div = i ? 2 : 1;
        mpi->planes[i] = cur;
        mpi->stride[i] = w / div;
        size_t plane_size = h / div * mpi->stride[i];
        if (cur)
            cur += plane_size;
        size += plane_size;
    return size;
文件: sd_lavc.c 项目: EDEYUAN/mpv
// Initialize sub from sub->avsub.
static void read_sub_bitmaps(struct sd *sd, struct sub *sub)
    struct MPOpts *opts = sd->opts;
    struct sd_lavc_priv *priv = sd->priv;
    AVSubtitle *avsub = &sub->avsub;

    MP_TARRAY_GROW(priv, sub->inbitmaps, avsub->num_rects);

    packer_set_size(priv->packer, avsub->num_rects);

    // If we blur, we want a transparent region around the bitmap data to
    // avoid "cut off" artifacts on the borders.
    bool apply_blur = opts->sub_gauss != 0.0f;
    int extend = apply_blur ? 5 : 0;
    // Assume consumers may use bilinear scaling on it (2x2 filter)
    int padding = 1 + extend;

    priv->packer->padding = padding;

    // For the sake of libswscale, which in some cases takes sub-rects as
    // source images, and wants 16 byte start pointer and stride alignment.
    int align = 4;

    for (int i = 0; i < avsub->num_rects; i++) {
        struct AVSubtitleRect *r = avsub->rects[i];
        struct sub_bitmap *b = &sub->inbitmaps[sub->count];

        if (r->type != SUBTITLE_BITMAP) {
            MP_ERR(sd, "unsupported subtitle type from libavcodec\n");
        if (!(r->flags & AV_SUBTITLE_FLAG_FORCED) && opts->forced_subs_only)
        if (r->w <= 0 || r->h <= 0)

        b->bitmap = r; // save for later (dumb hack to avoid more complexity)

        priv->packer->in[sub->count] = (struct pos){r->w + (align - 1), r->h};

    priv->packer->count = sub->count;

    if (packer_pack(priv->packer) < 0) {
        MP_ERR(sd, "Unable to pack subtitle bitmaps.\n");
        sub->count = 0;

    if (!sub->count)

    struct pos bb[2];
    packer_get_bb(priv->packer, bb);

    sub->bound_w = bb[1].x;
    sub->bound_h = bb[1].y;

    if (!sub->data || sub->data->w < sub->bound_w || sub->data->h < sub->bound_h) {
        sub->data = mp_image_alloc(IMGFMT_BGRA, priv->packer->w, priv->packer->h);
        if (!sub->data) {
            sub->count = 0;
        talloc_steal(priv, sub->data);

    for (int i = 0; i < sub->count; i++) {
        struct sub_bitmap *b = &sub->inbitmaps[i];
        struct pos pos = priv->packer->result[i];
        struct AVSubtitleRect *r = b->bitmap;
        uint8_t **data = r->data;
        int *linesize = r->linesize;
        uint8_t **data = r->pict.data;
        int *linesize = r->pict.linesize;
        b->w = r->w;
        b->h = r->h;
        b->x = r->x;
        b->y = r->y;

        // Choose such that the extended start position is aligned.
        pos.x = MP_ALIGN_UP(pos.x - extend, align) + extend;

        b->src_x = pos.x;
        b->src_y = pos.y;
        b->stride = sub->data->stride[0];
        b->bitmap = sub->data->planes[0] + pos.y * b->stride + pos.x * 4;

        sub->src_w = FFMAX(sub->src_w, b->x + b->w);
        sub->src_h = FFMAX(sub->src_h, b->y + b->h);

        assert(r->nb_colors > 0);
        assert(r->nb_colors <= 256);
        uint32_t pal[256] = {0};
        memcpy(pal, data[1], r->nb_colors * 4);
        convert_pal(pal, 256, opts->sub_gray);

        for (int y = -padding; y < b->h + padding; y++) {
            uint32_t *out = (uint32_t*)((char*)b->bitmap + y * b->stride);
            int start = 0;
            for (int x = -padding; x < 0; x++)
                out[x] = 0;
            if (y >= 0 && y < b->h) {
                uint8_t *in = data[0] + y * linesize[0];
                for (int x = 0; x < b->w; x++)
                    *out++ = pal[*in++];
                start = b->w;
            for (int x = start; x < b->w + padding; x++)
                *out++ = 0;

        b->bitmap = (char*)b->bitmap - extend * b->stride - extend * 4;
        b->src_x -= extend;
        b->src_y -= extend;
        b->x -= extend;
        b->y -= extend;
        b->w += extend * 2;
        b->h += extend * 2;

        if (apply_blur)
            mp_blur_rgba_sub_bitmap(b, opts->sub_gauss);

static void decode(struct sd *sd, struct demux_packet *packet)
    struct MPOpts *opts = sd->opts;
    struct sd_lavc_priv *priv = sd->priv;
    AVCodecContext *ctx = priv->avctx;
    double pts = packet->pts;
    double endpts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
    double duration = packet->duration;
    AVSubtitle sub;
    AVPacket pkt;

    // libavformat sets duration==0, even if the duration is unknown. Some files
    // also have actually subtitle packets with duration explicitly set to 0
    // (yes, at least some of such mkv files were muxed by libavformat).
    // Assume there are no bitmap subs that actually use duration==0 for
    // hidden subtitle events.
    if (duration == 0)
        duration = -1;

    if (pts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
        MP_WARN(sd, "Subtitle with unknown start time.\n");

    mp_set_av_packet(&pkt, packet, &priv->pkt_timebase);
    int got_sub;
    int res = avcodec_decode_subtitle2(ctx, &sub, &got_sub, &pkt);
    if (res < 0 || !got_sub)

    if (sub.pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
        pts = sub.pts / (double)AV_TIME_BASE;

    if (pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        if (sub.end_display_time > sub.start_display_time &&
            sub.end_display_time != UINT32_MAX)
            duration = (sub.end_display_time - sub.start_display_time) / 1000.0;
        pts += sub.start_display_time / 1000.0;

        if (duration >= 0)
            endpts = pts + duration;

        // set end time of previous sub
        struct sub *prev = &priv->subs[0];
        if (prev->valid) {
            if (prev->endpts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE || prev->endpts > pts)
                prev->endpts = pts;

            if (opts->sub_fix_timing && pts - prev->endpts <= SUB_GAP_THRESHOLD)
                prev->endpts = pts;

            for (int n = 0; n < priv->num_seekpoints; n++) {
                if (priv->seekpoints[n].pts == prev->pts) {
                    priv->seekpoints[n].endpts = prev->endpts;

        // This subtitle packet only signals the end of subtitle display.
        if (!sub.num_rects) {

    struct sub *current = &priv->subs[0];

    current->valid = true;
    current->pts = pts;
    current->endpts = endpts;
    current->avsub = sub;

    read_sub_bitmaps(sd, current);

    if (pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        for (int n = 0; n < priv->num_seekpoints; n++) {
            if (priv->seekpoints[n].pts == pts)
                goto skip;
        // Set arbitrary limit as safe-guard against insane files.
        if (priv->num_seekpoints >= 10000)
            MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(priv->seekpoints, priv->num_seekpoints, 0);
        MP_TARRAY_APPEND(priv, priv->seekpoints, priv->num_seekpoints,
                         (struct seekpoint){.pts = pts, .endpts = endpts});
        skip: ;