文件: db.hpp 项目: xieguotian/caffe
  virtual void SeekToFirstKey() {
	  if (key_index_list.size() == 0)

	  key_pos = 0;
unsigned int Lockable::Lock()

	unsigned int next_key;

		next_key = NextKey();
	catch (...)

	keymap.insert(pair<unsigned int, Lockable*>(next_key, this));



	if (debug)
		debug->PrintFormat("%08X (%s) has been locked with key %08X", true, this, typeid(*this).name(), next_key);


	return next_key;
unsigned int Lockable::Share(const shared_ptr<Lockable>& share)

	unsigned int next_key;

		next_key = NextKey();
	catch (...)

	sharemap.insert(pair<unsigned int, weak_ptr<Lockable>>(next_key, weak_ptr<Lockable>(share)));
	keymap.insert(pair<unsigned int, Lockable*>(next_key, share.get()));



	if (debug)
		debug->PrintFormat("%08X (%s) has been shared with key %08X", true, share.get(), typeid(*(share.get())).name(), next_key);


	return next_key;
文件: ShipMap.cpp 项目: IcyX/bote
CShipMap::iterator CShipMap::Add(const boost::shared_ptr<CShips>& ship) {
	//if(MT::CMyTrace::IsLoggingEnabledFor("ships")) {
	//	CString s;
	//	s.Format("CShipMap: adding ship %s", ship.GetName());
	//	MYTRACE("ships")(MT::LEVEL_INFO, s);

	const unsigned key = NextKey();
	//no duplicates
	for(const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
		AssertBotE(it->second != ship);
	CShipMap::iterator result = m_Ships.insert(end(), std::make_pair(key, ship));
		const CPoint& co = result->second->GetCo();
		m_Systems->at(CoordsToIndex(co.x, co.y)).AddShip(result->second);
	if(GetSize() == 1)
		m_CurrentShip = result;
		m_FleetShip = result;
	CShipMap::iterator temp = result;
	m_bMapTile ? result->second->SetMapTileKey(key) : result->second->SetKey(key);
	AssertBotE(temp == end());
	return result;
    HRESULT EnumerateNext(LPITEMIDLIST* ppidl)
        if (!m_values)
            HRESULT hr = NextKey(ppidl);
            if (hr != S_FALSE)
                return hr;

            // switch to values.
            m_values = TRUE;
            m_idx = 0;

        return NextValue(ppidl);
文件: commands.cpp 项目: Akscan/QtWeb
QString MenuCommands::Get(int ind, What w) const
    int cur = 0;

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? FileKey() : (w == Title? FileTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? NewWinKey() : (w == Title? NewWinTitle() : GetStr(NewWinShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? OpenFileKey() : (w == Title? OpenFileTitle() : GetStr(OpenFileShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? OpenLocKey() : (w == Title? OpenLocTitle() : GetStr(OpenLocShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? SaveAsKey() : (w == Title? SaveAsTitle() : GetStr(SaveAsShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? SavePdfKey() : (w == Title? SavePdfTitle() : GetStr(SavePdfShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ImportKey() : (w == Title? ImportTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ImportIEKey() : (w == Title? ImportIETitle() : GetStr(ImportIEShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ImportFFKey() : (w == Title? ImportFFTitle() : GetStr(ImportFFShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ImportHtmlKey() : (w == Title? ImportHtmlTitle() : GetStr(ImportHtmlShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ImportXmlKey() : (w == Title? ImportXmlTitle() : GetStr(ImportXmlShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ExportKey() : (w == Title? ExportTitle() : GetStr(ExportShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PrintKey() : (w == Title? PrintTitle() : GetStr(PrintShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PreviewKey() : (w == Title? PreviewTitle() : GetStr(PreviewShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? QuitKey() : (w == Title? QuitTitle() : GetStr(QuitShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? EditKey() : (w == Title? EditTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? UndoKey() : (w == Title? UndoTitle() : GetStr(UndoShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? RedoKey() : (w == Title? RedoTitle() : GetStr(RedoShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CutKey() : (w == Title? CutTitle() : GetStr(CutShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CopyKey() : (w == Title? CopyTitle() : GetStr(CopyShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PasteKey() : (w == Title? PasteTitle() : GetStr(PasteShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? FindKey() : (w == Title? FindTitle() : GetStr(FindShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? NextKey() : (w == Title? NextTitle() : GetStr(NextShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PrevKey() : (w == Title? PrevTitle() : GetStr(PrevShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PrefsKey() : (w == Title? PrefsTitle() : GetStr(PrefsShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ViewKey() : (w == Title? ViewTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? AppStylesKey() : (w == Title? AppStylesTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? StatusKey() : (w == Title? StatusTitle() : GetStr(StatusShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? MenuKey() : (w == Title? MenuTitle() : GetStr(MenuShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? TabKey() : (w == Title? TabTitle() : GetStr(TabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? NavKey() : (w == Title? NavTitle() : GetStr(NavShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? BooksKey() : (w == Title? BooksTitle() : GetStr(BooksShortcuts())));

//  if (cur++ == ind)
//      return (w == Key ? Key() : (w == Title? Title() : GetStr(Shortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? StopKey() : (w == Title? StopTitle() : GetStr(StopShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ReloadKey() : (w == Title? ReloadTitle() : GetStr(ReloadShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? LargerKey() : (w == Title? LargerTitle() : GetStr(LargerShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? NormalKey() : (w == Title? NormalTitle() : GetStr(NormalShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? SmallerKey() : (w == Title? SmallerTitle() : GetStr(SmallerShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? TextOnlyKey() : (w == Title? TextOnlyTitle() : GetStr(TextOnlyShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? EncodeKey() : (w == Title? EncodeTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? SourceKey() : (w == Title? SourceTitle() : GetStr(SourceShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? FullKey() : (w == Title? FullTitle() : GetStr(FullShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? HistoryKey() : (w == Title? HistoryTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? BackKey() : (w == Title? BackTitle() : GetStr(BackShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ForwKey() : (w == Title? ForwTitle() : GetStr(ForwShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? HomeKey() : (w == Title? HomeTitle() : GetStr(HomeShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? LastTabKey() : (w == Title? LastTabTitle() : GetStr(LastTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? LastTabsKey() : (w == Title? LastTabsTitle() : GetStr(LastTabsShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? SessionKey() : (w == Title? SessionTitle() : GetStr(SessionShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? AllHistKey() : (w == Title? AllHistTitle() : GetStr(AllHistShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ClearKey() : (w == Title? ClearTitle() : GetStr(ClearShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? BookmarksKey() : (w == Title? BookmarksTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? AllBooksKey() : (w == Title? AllBooksTitle() : GetStr(AllBooksShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? AddBookKey() : (w == Title? AddBookTitle() : GetStr(AddBookShortcuts())));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PrivacyKey() : (w == Title? PrivacyTitle() : ""));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PrivateKey() : (w == Title? PrivateTitle() : GetStr(PrivateShortcuts())));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? JavaScriptKey() : (w == Title? JavaScriptTitle() : GetStr(JavaScriptShortcuts())));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ImagesKey() : (w == Title? ImagesTitle() : GetStr(ImagesShortcuts())));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CookiesKey() : (w == Title? CookiesTitle() : GetStr(CookiesShortcuts())));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PlugInsKey() : (w == Title? PlugInsTitle() : GetStr(PlugInsShortcuts())));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? AgentKey() : (w == Title? AgentTitle() : GetStr(AgentShortcuts())));
    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PopUpsKey() : (w == Title? PopUpsTitle() : GetStr(PopUpsShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ProxyKey() : (w == Title? ProxyTitle() : GetStr(ProxyShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? EmptyKey() : (w == Title? EmptyTitle() : GetStr(EmptyShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ResetKey() : (w == Title? ResetTitle() : GetStr(ResetShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? FullResetKey() : (w == Title? FullResetTitle() : GetStr(FullResetShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ToolsKey() : (w == Title? ToolsTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CompatKey() : (w == Title? CompatTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? SearchKey() : (w == Title? SearchTitle() : GetStr(SearchShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? KeyboardKey() : (w == Title? KeyboardTitle() : GetStr(KeyboardShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? InspectorKey() : (w == Title? InspectorTitle() : GetStr(InspectorShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? InspectKey() : (w == Title? InspectTitle() : GetStr(InspectShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? OptionsKey() : (w == Title? OptionsTitle() : GetStr(OptionsShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? WindowKey() : (w == Title? WindowTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? NextTabKey() : (w == Title? NextTabTitle() : GetStr(NextTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? PrevTabKey() : (w == Title? PrevTabTitle() : GetStr(PrevTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? NewTabKey() : (w == Title? NewTabTitle() : GetStr(NewTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CloseTabKey() : (w == Title? CloseTabTitle() : GetStr(CloseTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CloseOtherKey() : (w == Title? CloseOtherTitle() : GetStr(CloseOtherShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CloneTabKey() : (w == Title? CloneTabTitle() : GetStr(CloneTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ReloadTabKey() : (w == Title? ReloadTabTitle() : GetStr(ReloadTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? ReloadAllKey() : (w == Title? ReloadAllTitle() : GetStr(ReloadAllShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? OpenNewTabKey() : (w == Title? OpenNewTabTitle() : GetStr(OpenNewTabShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? OpenAdBlockKey() : (w == Title? OpenAdBlockTitle() : GetStr(OpenAdBlockShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? SwapFocusKey() : (w == Title? SwapFocusTitle() : GetStr(SwapFocusShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? CopyAddrKey() : (w == Title? CopyAddrTitle() : ""));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? DownsKey() : (w == Title? DownsTitle() : GetStr(DownsShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? TorrentsKey() : (w == Title? TorrentsTitle() : GetStr(TorrentsShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? HelpKey() : (w == Title? HelpTitle() : GetStr(HelpShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? OnlineKey() : (w == Title? OnlineTitle() : GetStr(OnlineShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? UpdatesKey() : (w == Title? UpdatesTitle() : GetStr(UpdatesShortcuts())));

    if (cur++ == ind)
        return (w == Key ? AboutKey() : (w == Title? AboutTitle() : GetStr(AboutShortcuts())));

    return "";