PETSC_EXTERN void PETSC_STDCALL pcshellsetview_(PC *pc,void (PETSC_STDCALL *view)(void*,PetscViewer*,PetscErrorCode*),PetscErrorCode *ierr)
  ((PetscObject)*pc)->fortran_func_pointers[8] = (PetscVoidFunction)view;

  *ierr = PCShellSetView(*pc,ourshellview);
void SolverLinearPetsc<T>::init ()
    // Initialize the data structures if not done so already.
    if ( !this->initialized() )
        this->setInitialized(  true );

        int ierr=0;

        // 2.1.x & earlier style

        // Create the linear solver context
        ierr = SLESCreate ( this->worldComm().globalComm(), &M_sles );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // Create the Krylov subspace & preconditioner contexts
        ierr = SLESGetKSP       ( M_sles, &M_ksp );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );
        ierr = SLESGetPC        ( M_sles, &M_pc );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // Have the Krylov subspace method use our good initial guess rather than 0
        ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero ( M_ksp, PETSC_TRUE );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // Set user-specified  solver and preconditioner types

        // Set the options from user-input
        // Set runtime options, e.g.,
        //      -ksp_type <type> -pc_type <type> -ksp_monitor -ksp_rtol <rtol>
        //  These options will override those specified above as long as
        //  SLESSetFromOptions() is called _after_ any other customization
        //  routines.

        ierr = SLESSetFromOptions ( M_sles );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // 2.2.0 & newer style

        // Create the linear solver context
        ierr = KSPCreate ( this->worldComm().globalComm(), &M_ksp );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // Create the preconditioner context
        ierr = KSPGetPC        ( M_ksp, &M_pc );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // Have the Krylov subspace method use our good initial guess rather than 0
        ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero ( M_ksp, PETSC_TRUE );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        // Set user-specified  solver and preconditioner types

        // Set the options from user-input
        // Set runtime options, e.g.,
        //      -ksp_type <type> -pc_type <type> -ksp_monitor -ksp_rtol <rtol>
        //  These options will override those specified above as long as
        //  KSPSetFromOptions() is called _after_ any other customization
        //  routines.
        //ierr = PCSetFromOptions ( M_pc );
        //CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );
        ierr = KSPSetFromOptions ( M_ksp );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );


        // Have the Krylov subspace method use our good initial guess
        // rather than 0, unless the user requested a KSPType of
        // preonly, which complains if asked to use initial guesses.
        KSPType ksp_type;
        const KSPType ksp_type;
        KSPType ksp_type;

        ierr = KSPGetType ( M_ksp, &ksp_type );
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        if ( std::string((char*)ksp_type) == std::string( ( char* )KSPPREONLY ) )
            ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero ( M_ksp, PETSC_FALSE );
            CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        if ( std::string((char*)ksp_type) == std::string( ( char* )KSPGMRES ) )
            int nRestartGMRES = option(_name="gmres-restart", _prefix=this->prefix() ).template as<int>();
            ierr = KSPGMRESSetRestart( M_ksp, nRestartGMRES );
            CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );
        // Notify PETSc of location to store residual history.
        // This needs to be called before any solves, since
        // it sets the residual history length to zero.  The default
        // behavior is for PETSc to allocate (internally) an array
        // of size 1000 to hold the residual norm history.
        ierr = KSPSetResidualHistory( M_ksp,
                                      PETSC_NULL,   // pointer to the array which holds the history
                                      PETSC_DECIDE, // size of the array holding the history
                                      PETSC_TRUE ); // Whether or not to reset the history for each solve.
        CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

        //If there is a preconditioner object we need to set the internal setup and apply routines
        if ( this->M_preconditioner )
            VLOG(2) << "preconditioner: "  << this->M_preconditioner << "\n";

            PCSetType(M_pc, PCSHELL);
            PCShellSetName( M_pc, this->M_preconditioner->name().c_str() );
            PCShellSetContext( M_pc,( void* )this->M_preconditioner.get() );
            PCShellSetSetUp( M_pc,__feel_petsc_preconditioner_setup );
            PCShellSetApply( M_pc,__feel_petsc_preconditioner_apply );
            PCShellSetView( M_pc,__feel_petsc_preconditioner_view );
            const PCType pc_type;
            PCType pc_type;
            ierr = PCGetType ( M_pc, &pc_type );
            CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

            VLOG(2) << "preconditioner set as "  << pc_type << "\n";
            // sets the software that is used to perform the factorization
            PetscPCFactorSetMatSolverPackage( M_pc,this->matSolverPackageType() );

        if ( Environment::vm(_name="ksp-monitor",_prefix=this->prefix()).template as<bool>() )
            KSPMonitorSet( M_ksp,KSPMonitorDefault,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL );
