int PMI2_Info_GetSize(int *size) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_ERROR; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; PMI2_CHECK(); if (NULL == size) { return PMI2_ERR_INVALID_ARGS; } /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&myproc, PMIX_LOCAL_SIZE, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(size, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
/* KVS_Fence */ int PMI2_KVS_Fence(void) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; PMI2_CHECK(); pmix_output_verbose(3, pmix_globals.debug_output, "PMI2_KVS_Fence"); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Commit())) { return convert_err(rc); } /* we want all data to be collected upon completion */ { pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_data = 1; /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_COLLECT_DATA - meet legacy PMI2 requirement */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_COLLECT_DATA, &val_data, PMIX_BOOL); rc = PMIx_Fence(NULL, 0, &info[0], 1); PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); } return convert_err(rc); }
PMIX_EXPORT int PMI_Init(int *spawned) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_proc_t proc; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Init(&myproc, NULL, 0))) { /* if we didn't see a PMIx server (e.g., missing envar), * then allow us to run as a singleton */ if (PMIX_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE == rc) { if (NULL != spawned) { *spawned = 0; } pmi_singleton = true; (void)strncpy(myproc.nspace, "1234", PMIX_MAX_NSLEN); myproc.rank = 0; pmi_init = 1; return PMI_SUCCESS; } return PMI_ERR_INIT; } /* getting internal key requires special rank value */ memcpy(&proc, &myproc, sizeof(myproc)); proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_UNDEF; /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); if (NULL != spawned) { /* get the spawned flag */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_SPAWNED, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(spawned, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { goto error; } } else { /* if not found, default to not spawned */ *spawned = 0; } } pmi_init = 1; rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; error: PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
PMIX_EXPORT int PMI2_Info_GetNodeAttr(const char name[], char value[], int valuelen, int *found, int waitfor) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; pmix_proc_t proc = myproc; proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_UNDEF; PMI2_CHECK(); if ((NULL == name) || (NULL == value) || (NULL == found)) { return PMI2_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } if (pmi2_singleton) { return PMI2_FAIL; } /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); *found = 0; /* TODO: does PMI2's "name" makes sense to PMIx? */ rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, name, info, 1, &val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc && NULL != val) { if (PMIX_STRING != val->type) { rc = PMIX_ERROR; } else if (NULL != val->data.string) { (void)strncpy(value, val->data.string, valuelen); *found = 1; } PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } else if (PMIX_ERR_NOT_FOUND == rc) { rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; } PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
int PMI2_Info_GetJobAttr(const char name[], char value[], int valuelen, int *found) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_proc_t proc; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; PMI2_CHECK(); if ((NULL == name) || (NULL == value) || (NULL == found)) { return PMI2_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } /* getting internal key requires special rank value */ memcpy(&proc, &myproc, sizeof(myproc)); proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_UNDEF; /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); *found = 0; rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, name, info, 1, &val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc && NULL != val) { if (PMIX_STRING != val->type) { rc = PMIX_ERROR; } else if (NULL != val->data.string) { (void)strncpy(value, val->data.string, valuelen); *found = 1; } PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } else if (PMIX_ERR_NOT_FOUND == rc) { rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; } PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
PMIX_EXPORT int PMI_Get_appnum(int *appnum) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; pmix_proc_t proc = myproc; proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD; PMI_CHECK(); if (NULL == appnum) { return PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } if (pmi_singleton) { *appnum = 0; return PMI_SUCCESS; } /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_APPNUM, info, 1, &val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc) { rc = convert_int(appnum, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } else if( PMIX_ERR_NOT_FOUND == rc ){ /* this is optional value, set to 0 */ *appnum = 0; rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; } PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
PMIX_EXPORT int PMI_Get_clique_size(int *size) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; pmix_proc_t proc = myproc; proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD; PMI_CHECK(); if (NULL == size) { return PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } if (pmi_singleton) { *size = 1; return PMI_SUCCESS; } /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_LOCAL_SIZE, info, 1, &val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc) { rc = convert_int(size, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
/* Barrier only applies to our own nspace, and we want all * data to be collected upon completion */ PMIX_EXPORT int PMI_Barrier(void) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_info_t buf; int ninfo = 0; pmix_info_t *info = NULL; bool val = 1; PMI_CHECK(); if (pmi_singleton) { return PMI_SUCCESS; } info = &buf; PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(info); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(info, PMIX_COLLECT_DATA, &val, PMIX_BOOL); ninfo = 1; rc = PMIx_Fence(NULL, 0, info, ninfo); PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(info); return convert_err(rc); }
static void tdes(pmix_test_info_t *p) { PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&p->data); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc; pmix_value_t value; pmix_value_t *val = &value; char *tmp; pmix_proc_t proc; uint32_t nprocs, n; int cnt, j; bool doabort = false; volatile bool active; pmix_info_t info, *iptr; size_t ninfo; pmix_status_t code; if (1 < argc) { if (0 == strcmp("-abort", argv[1])) { doabort = true; } } /* init us and declare we are a test programming model */ PMIX_INFO_CREATE(iptr, 2); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&iptr[0], PMIX_PROGRAMMING_MODEL, "TEST", PMIX_STRING); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&iptr[1], PMIX_MODEL_LIBRARY_NAME, "PMIX", PMIX_STRING); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Init(&myproc, iptr, 2))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Init failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); exit(rc); } PMIX_INFO_FREE(iptr, 2); pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: Running", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); /* test something */ (void)strncpy(proc.nspace, myproc.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN); proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_JOB_SIZE, NULL, 0, &val))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Get failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); exit(rc); } PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); /* test something */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Get(&myproc, PMIX_SERVER_URI, NULL, 0, &val))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Get failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); exit(rc); } pmix_output(0, "CLIENT SERVER URI: %s", val->data.string); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); /* register a handler specifically for when models declare */ active = true; ninfo = 1; PMIX_INFO_CREATE(iptr, ninfo); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&iptr[0], PMIX_EVENT_HDLR_NAME, "SIMPCLIENT-MODEL", PMIX_STRING); code = PMIX_MODEL_DECLARED; PMIx_Register_event_handler(&code, 1, iptr, ninfo, model_callback, model_registration_callback, (void*)&active); while (active) { usleep(10); } PMIX_INFO_FREE(iptr, ninfo); /* register our errhandler */ active = true; PMIx_Register_event_handler(NULL, 0, NULL, 0, notification_fn, errhandler_reg_callbk, (void*)&active); while (active) { usleep(10); } /* get our universe size */ (void)strncpy(proc.nspace, myproc.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN); proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_UNIV_SIZE, NULL, 0, &val))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Get universe size failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); goto done; } nprocs = val->data.uint32; PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); pmix_output(0, "Client %s:%d universe size %d", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, nprocs); /* put a few values */ (void)asprintf(&tmp, "%s-%d-internal", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); value.type = PMIX_UINT32; = 1234; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Store_internal(&myproc, tmp, &value))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Store_internal failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); goto done; } for (cnt=0; cnt < MAXCNT; cnt++) { (void)asprintf(&tmp, "%s-%d-local-%d", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, cnt); value.type = PMIX_UINT64; = 1234; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Put(PMIX_LOCAL, tmp, &value))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Put internal failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); goto done; } (void)asprintf(&tmp, "%s-%d-remote-%d", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, cnt); value.type = PMIX_STRING; = "1234"; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Put(PMIX_REMOTE, tmp, &value))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Put internal failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); goto done; } if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Commit())) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Commit failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, cnt, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); goto done; } /* call fence to ensure the data is received */ PMIX_PROC_CONSTRUCT(&proc); (void)strncpy(proc.nspace, myproc.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN); proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Fence(&proc, 1, NULL, 0))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Fence failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, cnt, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); goto done; } /* check the returned data */ (void)strncpy(proc.nspace, myproc.nspace, PMIX_MAX_NSLEN); for (j=0; j <= cnt; j++) { for (n=0; n < nprocs; n++) { proc.rank = n; (void)asprintf(&tmp, "%s-%d-local-%d", myproc.nspace, n, j); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, tmp, NULL, 0, &val))) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Get %s failed: %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, j, tmp, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); continue; } if (NULL == val) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: NULL value returned", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); break; } if (PMIX_UINT64 != val->type) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Get %s returned wrong type: %d", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, j, tmp, val->type); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); free(tmp); continue; } if (1234 != val->data.uint64) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Get %s returned wrong value: %d", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, j, tmp, (int)val->data.uint64); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); free(tmp); continue; } pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Get %s returned correct", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, j, tmp); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); free(tmp); if (n != myproc.rank) { (void)asprintf(&tmp, "%s-%d-remote-%d", proc.nspace, n, j); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, tmp, NULL, 0, &val))) { /* this data should _not_ be found as we are on the same node * and the data was "put" with a PMIX_REMOTE scope */ pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Get %s returned correct", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, j, tmp); continue; } pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d cnt %d: PMIx_Get %s returned remote data for a local proc", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, j, tmp); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); free(tmp); } } } } /* now get the data blob for myself */ pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d testing internal modex blob", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); if (PMIX_SUCCESS == (rc = PMIx_Get(&myproc, NULL, NULL, 0, &val))) { if (PMIX_DATA_ARRAY != val->type) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d did not return an array for its internal modex blob", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } else if (PMIX_INFO != val->data.darray->type) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d returned an internal modex array of type %s instead of PMIX_INFO", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Data_type_string(val->data.darray->type)); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } else if (0 == val->data.darray->size) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d returned an internal modex array of zero length", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } else { pmix_info_t *iptr = (pmix_info_t*)val->data.darray->array; for (n=0; n < val->data.darray->size; n++) { pmix_output(0, "\tKey: %s", iptr[n].key); } PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } } else { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d internal modex blob FAILED with error %s(%d)", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc), rc); } /* log something */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info, PMIX_LOG_STDERR, "test log msg", PMIX_STRING); active = true; rc = PMIx_Log_nb(&info, 1, NULL, 0, opcbfunc, (void*)&active); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d - log_nb returned %s", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); } else { while (active) { usleep(10); } } PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info); /* if requested and our rank is 0, call abort */ if (doabort) { if (0 == myproc.rank) { PMIx_Abort(PMIX_ERR_PROC_REQUESTED_ABORT, "CALLING ABORT", NULL, 0); } else { while(!completed) { usleep(10); } } } done: /* finalize us */ pmix_output(0, "Client ns %s rank %d: Finalizing", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Finalize(NULL, 0))) { fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d:PMIx_Finalize failed: %s\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, PMIx_Error_string(rc)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d:PMIx_Finalize successfully completed\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank); } fflush(stderr); return(rc); }
int PMI2_Init(int *spawned, int *size, int *rank, int *appnum) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_proc_t proc; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != PMIx_Init(&myproc)) { return PMI2_ERR_INIT; } /* get the rank */ *rank = myproc.rank; /* getting internal key requires special rank value */ memcpy(&proc, &myproc, sizeof(myproc)); proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_UNDEF; /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); if (NULL != size) { /* get the universe size - this will likely pull * down all attributes assigned to the job, thus * making all subsequent "get" operations purely * local */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_UNIV_SIZE, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(size, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { goto error; } } else { /* cannot continue without this info */ rc = PMIX_ERR_INIT; goto error; } } if (NULL != spawned) { /* get the spawned flag */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_SPAWNED, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(spawned, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { goto error; } } else { /* if not found, default to not spawned */ *spawned = 0; } } if (NULL != appnum) { /* get our appnum */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_APPNUM, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(appnum, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { goto error; } } else { /* if not found, default to 0 */ *appnum = 0; } } pmi2_init = 1; rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; error: PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
PMIX_EXPORT int PMI2_Info_GetJobAttr(const char name[], char value[], int valuelen, int *found) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; pmix_proc_t proc = myproc; proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_UNDEF; PMI2_CHECK(); if ((NULL == name) || (NULL == value) || (NULL == found)) { return PMI2_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } if (pmi2_singleton) { return PMI2_FAIL; } /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); /* PMI-2 expects resource manager to set * process mapping in ANL notation. */ if (!strcmp(name, ANL_MAPPING)) { /* we are looking in the job-data. If there is nothing there * we don't want to look in rank's data, thus set rank to widcard */ proc = myproc; proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD; if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_ANL_MAP, NULL, 0, &val) && (NULL != val) && (PMIX_STRING == val->type)) { strncpy(value, val->data.string, valuelen); PMIX_VALUE_FREE(val, 1); *found = 1; return PMI2_SUCCESS; } else { /* artpol: * Some RM's (i.e. SLURM) already have ANL precomputed. The export it * through PMIX_ANL_MAP variable. * If we haven't found it we want to have our own packing functionality * since it's common. * Somebody else has to write it since I've already done that for * GPL'ed SLURM :) */ *found = 1; return PMI2_FAIL; } } *found = 0; rc = PMIx_Get(&proc, name, info, 1, &val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS == rc && NULL != val) { if (PMIX_STRING != val->type) { rc = PMIX_ERROR; } else if (NULL != val->data.string) { (void)strncpy(value, val->data.string, valuelen); *found = 1; } PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); } else if (PMIX_ERR_NOT_FOUND == rc) { rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; } PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }
PMIX_EXPORT int PMI2_Init(int *spawned, int *size, int *rank, int *appnum) { pmix_status_t rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; pmix_value_t *val; pmix_info_t info[1]; bool val_optinal = 1; pmix_proc_t proc = myproc; proc.rank = PMIX_RANK_WILDCARD; if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Init(&myproc, NULL, 0))) { /* if we didn't see a PMIx server (e.g., missing envar), * then allow us to run as a singleton */ if (PMIX_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE == rc) { if (NULL != spawned) { *spawned = 0; } if (NULL != size) { *size = 1; } if (NULL != rank) { *rank = 0; } if (NULL != appnum) { *appnum = 0; } pmi2_singleton = true; (void)strncpy(myproc.nspace, "1234", PMIX_MAX_NSLEN); myproc.rank = 0; pmi2_init = 1; return PMI2_SUCCESS; } return PMI2_ERR_INIT; } /* get the rank */ *rank = myproc.rank; /* set controlling parameters * PMIX_OPTIONAL - expect that these keys should be available on startup */ PMIX_INFO_CONSTRUCT(&info[0]); PMIX_INFO_LOAD(&info[0], PMIX_OPTIONAL, &val_optinal, PMIX_BOOL); if (NULL != size) { /* get the universe size - this will likely pull * down all attributes assigned to the job, thus * making all subsequent "get" operations purely * local */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_UNIV_SIZE, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(size, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { goto error; } } else { /* cannot continue without this info */ rc = PMIX_ERR_INIT; goto error; } } if (NULL != spawned) { /* get the spawned flag */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_SPAWNED, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(spawned, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { goto error; } } else { /* if not found, default to not spawned */ *spawned = 0; } } if (NULL != appnum) { /* get our appnum */ if (PMIX_SUCCESS == PMIx_Get(&proc, PMIX_APPNUM, info, 1, &val)) { rc = convert_int(appnum, val); PMIX_VALUE_RELEASE(val); if (PMIX_SUCCESS != rc) { goto error; } } else { /* if not found, default to 0 */ *appnum = 0; } } pmi2_init = 1; rc = PMIX_SUCCESS; error: PMIX_INFO_DESTRUCT(&info[0]); return convert_err(rc); }