/* The purpose of "select_hrec" is to apply the selection criteria based on
 * the command arguments and defaults and return a flag indicating whether
 * this record should be remembered for printing.
static int
select_hrec (struct hrec *hr)
    char **cpp, *cp, *cp2;
    struct file_list_str *fl;
    int count;

    /* basic validity checking */
    if (!hr->type || !hr->user || !hr->dir || !hr->repos || !hr->rev ||
	!hr->file || !hr->end)
	error (0, 0, "warning: history line %ld invalid", hr->idx);
	return 0;

    /* "Since" checking:  The argument parser guarantees that only one of the
     *			  following four choices is set:
     * 1. If "since_date" is set, it contains the date specified on the
     *    command line. hr->date fields earlier than "since_date" are ignored.
     * 2. If "since_rev" is set, it contains either an RCS "dotted" revision
     *    number (which is of limited use) or a symbolic TAG.  Each RCS file
     *    is examined and the date on the specified revision (or the revision
     *    corresponding to the TAG) in the RCS file (CVSROOT/repos/file) is
     *    compared against hr->date as in 1. above.
     * 3. If "since_tag" is set, matching tag records are saved.  The field
     *    "last_since_tag" is set to the last one of these.  Since we don't
     *    know where the last one will be, all records are saved from the
     *    first occurrence of the TAG.  Later, at the end of "select_hrec"
     *    records before the last occurrence of "since_tag" are skipped.
     * 4. If "backto" is set, all records with a module name or file name
     *    matching "backto" are saved.  In addition, all records with a
     *    repository field with a *prefix* matching "backto" are saved.
     *    The field "last_backto" is set to the last one of these.  As in
     *    3. above, "select_hrec" adjusts to include the last one later on.
    if (since_date)
	char *ourdate = date_from_time_t (hr->date);
	count = RCS_datecmp (ourdate, since_date);
	free (ourdate);
	if (count < 0)
	    return 0;
    else if (*since_rev)
	Vers_TS *vers;
	time_t t;
	struct file_info finfo;

	memset (&finfo, 0, sizeof finfo);
	finfo.file = hr->file;
	/* Not used, so don't worry about it.  */
	finfo.update_dir = NULL;
	finfo.fullname = finfo.file;
	finfo.repository = hr->repos;
	finfo.entries = NULL;
	finfo.rcs = NULL;

	vers = Version_TS (&finfo, NULL, since_rev, NULL, 1, 0);
	if (vers->vn_rcs)
	    if ((t = RCS_getrevtime (vers->srcfile, vers->vn_rcs, NULL, 0))
		!= (time_t) 0)
		if (hr->date < t)
		    freevers_ts (&vers);
		    return 0;
	freevers_ts (&vers);
    else if (*since_tag)
	if (*(hr->type) == 'T')
	     * A 'T'ag record, the "rev" field holds the tag to be set,
	     * while the "repos" field holds "D"elete, "A"dd or a rev.
	    if (within (since_tag, hr->rev))
		last_since_tag = hr;
		return 1;
		return 0;
	if (!last_since_tag)
	    return 0;
    else if (*backto)
	if (within (backto, hr->file) || within (backto, hr->mod) ||
	    within (backto, hr->repos))
	    last_backto = hr;
	    return 0;

    /* User checking:
     * Run down "user_list", match username ("" matches anything)
     * If "" is not there and actual username is not there, return failure.
    if (user_list && hr->user)
	for (cpp = user_list, count = user_count; count; cpp++, count--)
	    if (!**cpp)
		break;			/* null user == accept */
	    if (!strcmp (hr->user, *cpp))	/* found listed user */
	if (!count)
	    return 0;			/* Not this user */

    /* Record type checking:
     * 1. If Record type is not in rec_types field, skip it.
     * 2. If mod_list is null, keep everything.  Otherwise keep only modules
     *    on mod_list.
     * 3. If neither a 'T', 'F' nor 'O' record, run through "file_list".  If
     *    file_list is null, keep everything.  Otherwise, keep only files on
     *    file_list, matched appropriately.
    if (!strchr (rec_types, *(hr->type)))
	return 0;
    if (!strchr ("TFOE", *(hr->type)))	/* Don't bother with "file" if "TFOE" */
	if (file_list)			/* If file_list is null, accept all */
	    for (fl = file_list, count = file_count; count; fl++, count--)
		/* 1. If file_list entry starts with '*', skip the '*' and
		 *    compare it against the repository in the hrec.
		 * 2. If file_list entry has a '/' in it, compare it against
		 *    the concatenation of the repository and file from hrec.
		 * 3. Else compare the file_list entry against the hrec file.
		char *cmpfile = NULL;

		if (*(cp = fl->l_file) == '*')
		    /* if argument to -p is a prefix of repository */
		    if (!strncmp (cp, hr->repos, strlen (cp)))
			hr->mod = fl->l_module;
		    if (strchr (cp, '/'))
			cmpfile = Xasprintf ("%s/%s", hr->repos, hr->file);
			cp2 = cmpfile;
			cp2 = hr->file;

		    /* if requested file is found within {repos}/file fields */
		    if (within (cp, cp2))
			hr->mod = fl->l_module;
			if (cmpfile != NULL)
			    free (cmpfile);
		    if (cmpfile != NULL)
			free (cmpfile);
	    if (!count)
		return 0;		/* String specified and no match */
    if (mod_list)
	for (cpp = mod_list, count = mod_count; count; cpp++, count--)
	    if (hr->mod && !strcmp (hr->mod, *cpp))	/* found module */
	if (!count)
	    return 0;	/* Module specified & this record is not one of them. */

    return 1;		/* Select this record unless rejected above. */
/* Fill in and return a Vers_TS structure for the file FINFO.
 *   finfo		struct file_info data about the file to be examined.
 *   options		Keyword expansion options, I think generally from the
 *			command line.  Can be either NULL or "" to indicate
 *			none are specified here.
 *   tag		Tag specified by user on the command line (via -r).
 *   date		Date specified by user on the command line (via -D).
 *   force_tag_match	If set and TAG is specified, will only set RET->vn_rcs
 *   			based on TAG.  Otherwise, if TAG is specified and does
 *   			not exist in the file, RET->vn_rcs will be set to the
 *   			head revision.
 *   set_time		If set, set the last modification time of the user file
 *			specified by FINFO to the checkin time of RET->vn_rcs.
 *   Vers_TS structure for FINFO.
Vers_TS *
Version_TS (struct file_info *finfo, char *options, char *tag, char *date,
            int force_tag_match, int set_time)
    Node *p;
    RCSNode *rcsdata;
    Vers_TS *vers_ts;
    struct stickydirtag *sdtp;
    Entnode *entdata;
    char *rcsexpand = NULL;

    /* get a new Vers_TS struct */

    vers_ts = xmalloc (sizeof (Vers_TS));
    memset (vers_ts, 0, sizeof (*vers_ts));

     * look up the entries file entry and fill in the version and timestamp
     * if entries is NULL, there is no entries file so don't bother trying to
     * look it up (used by checkout -P)
    if (finfo->entries == NULL)
	sdtp = NULL;
	p = NULL;
	p = findnode_fn (finfo->entries, finfo->file);
	sdtp = finfo->entries->list->data; /* list-private */

    if (p == NULL)
	entdata = NULL;
	entdata = p->data;

	if (entdata->type == ENT_SUBDIR)
	    /* According to cvs.texinfo, the various fields in the Entries
	       file for a directory (other than the name) do not have a
	       defined meaning.  We need to pass them along without getting
	       confused based on what is in them.  Therefore we make sure
	       not to set vn_user and the like from Entries, add.c and
	       perhaps other code will expect these fields to be NULL for
	       a directory.  */
	    vers_ts->entdata = entdata;
	/* An entries line with "D" in the timestamp indicates that the
	   client sent Is-modified without sending Entry.  So we want to
	   use the entries line for the sole purpose of telling
	   time_stamp_server what is up; we don't want the rest of CVS
	   to think there is an entries line.  */
	if (strcmp (entdata->timestamp, "D") != 0)
	    vers_ts->vn_user = xstrdup (entdata->version);
	    vers_ts->ts_rcs = xstrdup (entdata->timestamp);
	    vers_ts->ts_conflict = xstrdup (entdata->conflict);
	    if (!(tag || date) && !(sdtp && sdtp->aflag))
		vers_ts->tag = xstrdup (entdata->tag);
		vers_ts->date = xstrdup (entdata->date);
	    vers_ts->entdata = entdata;
	/* Even if we don't have an "entries line" as such
	   (vers_ts->entdata), we want to pick up options which could
	   have been from a Kopt protocol request.  */
	if (!options || *options == '\0')
	    if (!(sdtp && sdtp->aflag))
		vers_ts->options = xstrdup (entdata->options);

    /* Always look up the RCS keyword mode when we have an RCS archive.  It
     * will either be needed as a default or to avoid allowing the -k options
     * specified on the command line from overriding binary mode (-kb).
    if (finfo->rcs != NULL)
	rcsexpand = RCS_getexpand (finfo->rcs);

     * -k options specified on the command line override (and overwrite)
     * options stored in the entries file and default options from the RCS
     * archive, except for binary mode (-kb).
    if (options && *options != '\0')
	if (vers_ts->options != NULL)
	    free (vers_ts->options);
	if (rcsexpand != NULL && strcmp (rcsexpand, "b") == 0)
	    vers_ts->options = xstrdup ("-kb");
	    vers_ts->options = xstrdup (options);
    else if ((!vers_ts->options || *vers_ts->options == '\0')
             && rcsexpand != NULL)
	/* If no keyword expansion was specified on command line,
	   use whatever was in the rcs file (if there is one).  This
	   is how we, if we are the server, tell the client whether
	   a file is binary.  */
	if (vers_ts->options != NULL)
	    free (vers_ts->options);
	vers_ts->options = xmalloc (strlen (rcsexpand) + 3);
	strcpy (vers_ts->options, "-k");
	strcat (vers_ts->options, rcsexpand);
    if (!vers_ts->options)
	vers_ts->options = xstrdup ("");

     * if tags were specified on the command line, they override what is in
     * the Entries file
    if (tag || date)
	vers_ts->tag = xstrdup (tag);
	vers_ts->date = xstrdup (date);
    else if (!vers_ts->entdata && (sdtp && sdtp->aflag == 0))
	if (!vers_ts->tag)
	    vers_ts->tag = xstrdup (sdtp->tag);
	    vers_ts->nonbranch = sdtp->nonbranch;
	if (!vers_ts->date)
	    vers_ts->date = xstrdup (sdtp->date);

    /* Now look up the info on the source controlled file */
    if (finfo->rcs != NULL)
	rcsdata = finfo->rcs;
    else if (finfo->repository != NULL)
	rcsdata = RCS_parse (finfo->file, finfo->repository);
	rcsdata = NULL;

    if (rcsdata != NULL)
	/* squirrel away the rcsdata pointer for others */
	vers_ts->srcfile = rcsdata;

	if (vers_ts->tag && strcmp (vers_ts->tag, TAG_BASE) == 0)
	    vers_ts->vn_rcs = xstrdup (vers_ts->vn_user);
	    vers_ts->vn_tag = xstrdup (vers_ts->vn_user);
	    int simple;

	    vers_ts->vn_rcs = RCS_getversion (rcsdata, vers_ts->tag,
					      vers_ts->date, force_tag_match,
	    if (vers_ts->vn_rcs == NULL)
		vers_ts->vn_tag = NULL;
	    else if (simple)
		vers_ts->vn_tag = xstrdup (vers_ts->tag);
		vers_ts->vn_tag = xstrdup (vers_ts->vn_rcs);

	 * If the source control file exists and has the requested revision,
	 * get the Date the revision was checked in.  If "user" exists, set
	 * its mtime.
	if (set_time && vers_ts->vn_rcs != NULL)
	    if (server_active)
		server_modtime (finfo, vers_ts);
		struct utimbuf t;

		memset (&t, 0, sizeof (t));
		t.modtime = RCS_getrevtime (rcsdata, vers_ts->vn_rcs, 0, 0);
		if (t.modtime != (time_t) -1)
		    int change_it_back = 0;

		    (void) time (&t.actime);

		    if (!iswritable (finfo->file))
			xchmod (finfo->file, 1);
			change_it_back = 1;

		    /* This used to need to ignore existence_errors
		       (for cases like where update.c now clears
		       set_time if noexec, but didn't used to).  I
		       think maybe now it doesn't (server_modtime does
		       not like those kinds of cases).  */
		    (void) utime (finfo->file, &t);

		    if (change_it_back)
			xchmod (finfo->file, 0);

    /* get user file time-stamp in ts_user */
    if (finfo->entries != NULL)
	if (server_active)
	    time_stamp_server (finfo->file, vers_ts, entdata);
	    vers_ts->ts_user = time_stamp (finfo->file);

    return (vers_ts);
文件: ls.c 项目: gosudream/netbsd-src
static int
ls_fileproc (void *callerdat, struct file_info *finfo)
    Vers_TS *vers;
    char *regex_err;
    Node *p, *n;
    bool isdead;
    const char *filename;

    if (regexp_match)
	  re_set_syntax (REG_ICASE|RE_SYNTAX_EGREP);
	  re_set_syntax (RE_SYNTAX_EGREP);
	  if ((regex_err = re_comp (regexp_match)) != NULL)
	      error (1, 0, "bad regular expression passed to 'ls': %s",
	  if (re_exec (finfo->file) == 0)
	      return 0;				/* no match */

    vers = Version_TS (finfo, NULL, show_tag, show_date, 1, 0);
    /* Skip dead revisions unless specifically requested to do otherwise.
     * We also bother to check for long_format so we can print the state.
    if (vers->vn_rcs && (!show_dead_revs || long_format))
	isdead = RCS_isdead (finfo->rcs, vers->vn_rcs);
	isdead = false;
    if (!vers->vn_rcs || (!show_dead_revs && isdead))
        freevers_ts (&vers);
	return 0;

    p = findnode (callerdat, finfo->update_dir);
    if (!p)
	/* This only occurs when a complete path to a file is specified on the
	 * command line.  Put the file in the root list.
	filename = finfo->fullname;

	/* Add update_dir node.  */
	p = findnode (callerdat, ".");
	if (!p)
	    p = getnode ();
	    p->key = xstrdup (".");
	    p->data = getlist ();
	    p->delproc = ls_delproc;
	    addnode (callerdat, p);
	filename = finfo->file;

    n = getnode();
    if (entries_format)
	char *outdate = entries_time (RCS_getrevtime (finfo->rcs, vers->vn_rcs,
                                                      0, 0));
	n->data = Xasprintf ("/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s%s\n",
                             filename, vers->vn_rcs,
                             outdate, vers->options,
                             show_tag ? "T" : "", show_tag ? show_tag : "");
	free (outdate);
    else if (long_format)
	struct long_format_data *out =
		xmalloc (sizeof (struct long_format_data));
	out->header = Xasprintf ("%-5.5s",
                                 vers->options[0] != '\0' ? vers->options
                                                          : "----");
	/* FIXME: Do we want to mimc the real `ls' command's date format?  */
	out->time = gmformat_time_t (RCS_getrevtime (finfo->rcs, vers->vn_rcs,
                                                     0, 0));
	out->footer = Xasprintf (" %-9.9s%s %s%s", vers->vn_rcs,
                                 strlen (vers->vn_rcs) > 9 ? "+" : " ",
                                 show_dead_revs ? (isdead ? "dead " : "     ")
                                                : "",
	n->data = out;
	n->delproc = long_format_data_delproc;
	n->data = Xasprintf ("%s\n", filename);

    addnode (p->data, n);

    freevers_ts (&vers);
    return 0;