FARPROC CRemoteLoader::GetRemoteProcAddress( PCHAR Module, SHORT Function )
	HMODULE hKernel32 = LoadLibraryA( "Kernel32.dll" );

	if( hKernel32 == NULL ) return NULL;

	DWORD GetProcAddressOffset = ( DWORD ) GetProcAddress - ( DWORD ) hKernel32;

	HMODULE hRemoteKernel32 = GetRemoteModuleHandleA( "Kernel32.dll" );

	if( hRemoteKernel32 == NULL ) return NULL;
	HMODULE hRemoteModule = GetRemoteModuleHandleA( Module );

	if( hRemoteModule == NULL ) return NULL;
	PVOID ReturnPointerValue = RemoteAllocateMemory( sizeof( DWORD ) );

	PushInt( ( INT ) hRemoteModule ); // HACKHACK: Why is this an int?
	PushInt( ( INT ) Function );
	PushCall( CCONV_STDCALL, ( FARPROC )( ( DWORD_PTR ) hRemoteKernel32 + ( DWORD_PTR ) GetProcAddressOffset ) );

	//mov ptr, eax
	AddByteToBuffer( 0xA3 );
	AddLongToBuffer( ( DWORD ) ReturnPointerValue );

	//xor eax, eax
	AddByteToBuffer( 0x33 );
	AddByteToBuffer( 0xC0 );

	//retn 4
	AddByteToBuffer( 0xC2 );
	AddByteToBuffer( 0x04 );
	AddByteToBuffer( 0x00 );

	if( ExecuteRemoteThreadBuffer( m_CurrentRemoteThreadBuffer, true ) == false )
		RemoteFreeMemory( ReturnPointerValue, sizeof( DWORD ) );

		return NULL;

	DWORD ProcAddressRemote = 0;

	if( ReadProcessMemory( GetProcess(), ReturnPointerValue, &ProcAddressRemote, sizeof( DWORD ), NULL ) == TRUE )
		RemoteFreeMemory( ReturnPointerValue, sizeof( DWORD ) );

		return ( FARPROC ) ProcAddressRemote;
	RemoteFreeMemory( ReturnPointerValue, sizeof( DWORD ) );

	return NULL;
void* CRemoteCode::CommitMemory( void *data, size_t size_of_data )
	void *pPointer = RemoteAllocateMemory((unsigned long)size_of_data);

	if( data != NULL )
		WriteProcessMemory( m_hProcess, pPointer, data, size_of_data, NULL );

	return pPointer;
bool CRemoteCode::ExecuteRemoteThreadBuffer( remote_thread_buffer_t thread_data, bool async )
	unsigned long ulMemorySize = ( unsigned long )thread_data.size();

	void *vRemoteMemory = RemoteAllocateMemory( ulMemorySize );

	if( vRemoteMemory == NULL )
		return false;

	unsigned char *newBuffer = new unsigned char[ thread_data.size() ];

	for( int i = 0; i < (int)thread_data.size(); i++ )
		memcpy( &newBuffer[i], &thread_data[i], sizeof( unsigned char ) );

	BOOL bWriteProcess = WriteProcessMemory( m_hProcess, vRemoteMemory, newBuffer, thread_data.size(), NULL );

	if( bWriteProcess == FALSE )
		return false;

	DebugShout( "Memory written to process" );

	HANDLE hThreadHandle = CreateRemoteThreadInProcess( ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE )vRemoteMemory, NULL );

	if( hThreadHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		return false;

	DebugShout( "Remote Buffer Executed in process 0x%X", m_hProcess );

	if( async == true )
		WaitForSingleObject( hThreadHandle, INFINITE );

	RemoteFreeMemory( vRemoteMemory, ulMemorySize );

	memset( &m_CurrentInvokeInfo, 0, sizeof( m_CurrentInvokeInfo ) );


	return true;
HMODULE CRemoteLoader::LoadLibraryByPathW( PWCHAR Path )
	if( Path == NULL )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryByPathW] szString is NULL" );

		return NULL;

	FARPROC RemoteLoadLibraryW = GetRemoteProcAddress( "kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryW" );

	if( RemoteLoadLibraryW == NULL )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryByPathW] LoadLibraryW Resolve Failure" );

		return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryByPathW] LoadLibraryW = 0x%X", RemoteLoadLibraryW );

	PVOID ReturnPointerValue = RemoteAllocateMemory( sizeof( DWORD ) );

	PushUNICODEString( Path );

	PushCall( CCONV_STDCALL, RemoteLoadLibraryW );

	//mov ptr, eax
	AddByteToBuffer( 0xA3 );
	AddLongToBuffer( ( DWORD ) ReturnPointerValue );

	//xor eax, eax
	AddByteToBuffer( 0x33 );
	AddByteToBuffer( 0xC0 );

	//retn 4
	AddByteToBuffer( 0xC2 );
	AddByteToBuffer( 0x04 );
	AddByteToBuffer( 0x00 );

	if( ExecuteRemoteThreadBuffer( m_CurrentRemoteThreadBuffer, true ) == false )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryByPathW] ExecuteRemoteThreadBuffer failed" );

		RemoteFreeMemory( ReturnPointerValue, sizeof( DWORD ) );

		return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadModuleByNameW] ExecuteRemoteThreadBuffer succeeded" );

	DWORD RemoteModuleHandle = 0;

	if( ReadProcessMemory( GetProcess(), ReturnPointerValue, &RemoteModuleHandle, sizeof( DWORD ), NULL ) == TRUE )
		RemoteFreeMemory( ReturnPointerValue, sizeof( DWORD ) );
		RemoteFreeMemory( ReturnPointerValue, sizeof( DWORD ) );

		if( RemoteModuleHandle == 0 )
			RemoteModuleHandle = ( DWORD ) GetRemoteModuleHandleW( Path );

	return ( HMODULE ) RemoteModuleHandle;
HMODULE CRemoteLoader::LoadLibraryFromMemory( PVOID BaseAddress, DWORD SizeOfModule, BOOL PEHeader, PCHAR OptionalPath )
	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] BaseAddress (0x%X) - SizeOfModule (0x%X)", BaseAddress, SizeOfModule );

	IMAGE_NT_HEADERS* ImageNtHeaders = ToNts( BaseAddress );

	if( ImageNtHeaders == NULL )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Invalid Image: No IMAGE_NT_HEADERS" );

		return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] SizeOfImage (0x%X)", ImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage );

	if( ImageNtHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections == 0 )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Invalid Image: No Sections" );

		return NULL;

	if( ( ImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase % 4096 ) != 0 )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Invalid Image: Not Page Aligned" );
		return NULL;

	if( ImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[ IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR ].Size )
		if( ImageDirectoryEntryToData( BaseAddress, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR ) )
			DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] This method is not supported for Managed executables!" );

			return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] No COM/CLR data found!" );

	// SizeOfImage NOT the same as module size M**********R
	// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pele5vptVgc

	PVOID AllocatedRemoteMemory = RemoteAllocateMemory( ImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage );

	if( AllocatedRemoteMemory == NULL )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Failed to allocate remote memory for module!" );

		return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Allocated remote module at [0x%X]!", AllocatedRemoteMemory );

	if( ProcessImportTable( BaseAddress, AllocatedRemoteMemory, OptionalPath ) == FALSE )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Failed to fix imports!" );

		return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Fixed Imports!" );

	if( ProcessRelocations( BaseAddress, AllocatedRemoteMemory ) == FALSE )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Failed to process relocations!" );

		RemoteFreeMemory( AllocatedRemoteMemory, SizeOfModule );

		return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Fixed Relocations!" );

	if( ProcessSections( BaseAddress, AllocatedRemoteMemory, PEHeader ) == FALSE )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Failed to process sections!" );

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryFromMemory] Processed sections!" );

	if( ProcessTlsEntries( BaseAddress, AllocatedRemoteMemory ) == FALSE )
		DebugShout( "[LoadModuleFromMemory] ProcessTlsEntries Failed!" );

		// we can also choose to continue here..

		return NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadModuleFromMemory] Processed Tls Entries!" );

	if( ImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint )
		FARPROC DllEntryPoint = MakePtr( FARPROC, AllocatedRemoteMemory, ImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint );

		DebugShout( "[LoadModuleFromMemory] DllEntrypoint = 0x%X", DllEntryPoint );

		if( CallEntryPoint( AllocatedRemoteMemory, DllEntryPoint ) == false )
			DebugShout( "[LoadModuleFromMemory] Failed to execute remote thread buffer" );
			DebugShout( "[LoadModuleFromMemory] Executed the remote thread buffer successfully [0x%X]", DllEntryPoint );
		DebugShout( "[LoadModuleFromMemory] AddressOfEntryPoint is NULL" );

	DebugShout( "[LoadModuleFromMemory] Returning Pointer (0x%X)", AllocatedRemoteMemory );

	return ( HMODULE ) AllocatedRemoteMemory;