// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        gsTextureUnitMonitor::setActiveTexureUnit
// Description: Sets my render context active texture unit.
// Arguments:   newTexUnit - The texture unit that will become the active texture unit.
//              currentTexUnit - Will get current active texture unit.
// Return Val:  bool - Success / failure.
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Date:        18/4/2005
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool gsTextureUnitMonitor::setActiveTexureUnit(GLuint newTexUnit, GLuint& currentTexUnit)
    bool retVal = false;

#define _glActiveTexture gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glActiveTexture

    // If multi textures are supported:
    if (_glActiveTexture != NULL)
        // Get the currently active texture unit:
        GLint currentTextureUnit = 0;
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glGetIntegerv(GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &currentTextureUnit);
        currentTexUnit = currentTextureUnit;

        // Set the active texture unit to the input texture unit:

        retVal = true;

#undef _glActiveTexture

    return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        gsTextureUnitMonitor::applyForcedStubTextureObjects
// Description: Applies the "Forces stub textures" mode.
// Arguments:   stub1DTexName, stub2DTexName, stub3DTexName, stubCubeMapTexName,
//              stubRectangleTexName - The stub texture names (or 0 if they does not exist).
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Date:        18/4/2005
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void gsTextureUnitMonitor::applyForcedStubTextureObjects(GLuint stub1DTexName, GLuint stub2DTexName,
        GLuint stub3DTexName, GLuint stubCubeMapTexName,
        GLuint stubRectangleTexName)
    // Set the active texture unit to be the texture unit that this class monitors:
    GLuint curActiveTextureUnit = 0;
    setActiveTexureUnit(_textureUnitName, curActiveTextureUnit);


    // Replace currently bind textures (if exists) with the stub textures:
    if (_bind1DTextureName != 0)
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, stub1DTexName);

    if (_bind2DTextureName != 0)
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, stub2DTexName);

    if ((_bind3DTextureName != 0) && (stub3DTexName != 0))
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, stub3DTexName);

    if ((_bindCubeMapTextureName != 0) && (stubCubeMapTexName != 0))
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, stubCubeMapTexName);

    if ((_bindTextureRectangleName != 0) && (stubRectangleTexName != 0))
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, stubRectangleTexName);


    // Restore the active texture unit:
    GLuint ignored = 0;
    setActiveTexureUnit(curActiveTextureUnit, ignored);

    // Test for OpenGL error:
    GLenum error = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glGetError();

    if (error != GL_NO_ERROR)
        GT_ASSERT_EX(false, L"Error");

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        gsVertexArrayDrawer::drawArrays
// Description: Draws vertex array. If needed, performs data migrations.
// Arguments: mode - The kind of primitives to render (GL_POINTS, GL_LINE_STRIP, etc).
//            first - The starting index in the array.
//            count - Number of indices to be rendered.
// Return Val: bool  - Success / failure.
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Date:        1/3/2006
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool gsVertexArrayDrawer::drawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count)
    bool retVal = false;

    // Perform required data migrations:
    bool rc = performDataMigrations(first, count);

    if (rc)
        // Draw the vertex array:
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glDrawArrays(mode, 0, count);

    return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        gsVertexArrayDrawer::drawElements
// Description: Draws vertex array elements. If needed, performs data migrations.
// Arguments: mode - The kind of primitives to render (GL_POINTS, GL_LINE_STRIP, etc).
//            count - Number of elements to be rendered.
//            type - type of the values in indices (GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE / GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT / etc).
//            indices - Pointer to indices array.
// Return Val: bool  - Success / failure.
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Date:        1/3/2006
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool gsVertexArrayDrawer::drawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid* indices)
    bool retVal = false;

    // Perform required data migrations:
    bool rc = performIndexedDataMigrations(count, type, indices);

    if (rc)
        // Draw the vertex array elements:
        // (During the data migration we transformed all enabled arrays from indexed to non indexed data):
        gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glDrawArrays(mode, 0, count);

    return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        gsVertexArrayDrawer::performDataMigrations
// Description: Performs required arrays data migrations to match the current
//              hardware capabilities.
// Arguments: first - The first array index to be converted.
//            count - Number of array items to be converted.
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Date:        1/3/2006
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool gsVertexArrayDrawer::performDataMigrations(GLint first, GLsizei count)
    bool retVal = true;

    // Get the arrays data:
    const gsArrayPointer& verticesArrayData = _vertexArrayData._verticesArray;
    const gsArrayPointer& normalsArrayData = _vertexArrayData._normalsArray;
    const gsArrayPointer& textureCoordinatesArrayData = _vertexArrayData._textureCoordinatesArray;
    const gsArrayPointer& colorArrayData = _vertexArrayData._colorsArray;

    // If we need to migrate the vertices data:
    if (_vertexArrayData._isVerticesArrayEnabled)
        // Migrate the vertices data to floats:
        bool rc = migrateArrayDataToFloatData(verticesArrayData, false, first, count, _convertedVerticesData);

        if (rc)
            // Set the OpenGL vertex pointer to point the converted data array:
                                                         GL_FLOAT, 0,
            retVal = false;

    // If we need to migrate the normals data:
    if (_vertexArrayData._isNormalsArrayEnabled)
        // Migrate the vertices data to floats:
        bool rc = migrateArrayDataToFloatData(normalsArrayData, false, first, count, _convertedNormalsData);

        if (rc)
            // Set the OpenGL normal pointer to point the converted data array:
            gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, &(_convertedNormalsData.rawData()));
            retVal = false;

    // If we need to migrate the texture coordinates data:
    if (_vertexArrayData._isTextureCoorinatesArrayEnabled)
        // Migrate the texture data to floats:
        bool rc = migrateArrayDataToFloatData(textureCoordinatesArrayData, false, first, count, _convertedTextureCoordinatesData);

        if (rc)
            // Set the OpenGL texture coordinates pointer to point the converted data array:
                                                           GL_FLOAT, 0,
            retVal = false;

    // If we need to migrate the colors data:
    if (_vertexArrayData._isColorsArrayEnabled)
        // We assume all color data types (except float) to be [0,255] data:
        bool is0To255Data = true;

        if (colorArrayData._dataType == GL_FLOAT)
            is0To255Data = false;

        // Migrate the vertices data to floats:
        bool rc = migrateArrayDataToFloatData(colorArrayData, is0To255Data, first, count, _convertedColorData);

        if (rc)
            // Set the OpenGL color pointer to point the converted data array:
                                                        GL_FLOAT, 0,
            retVal = false;

    return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        gsTexturesMonitor::updateContextDataSnapshot
// Description: Updates the enabled texturing mode (_enabledTexturingMode).
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Implementation notes:
//   If more than one texture bind target is enabled, OpenGL acts according to
//   priorities. From lowest priority to highest priority: GL_TEXTURE_1D,
//   For more details see:
//   a. The OpenGL red book - Chapter 9: Texture mapping -> Steps in texture mapping ->
//      Enable texture mapping, pages 365, 366
//   b. GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension specification - Issue 10: How are rectangular
//      textures enabled?
// Date:        17/1/2005
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void gsTextureUnitMonitor::updateContextDataSnapshot(int callingContextId, const int callingContextOGLVersion[2])
    _enabledTexturingMode = AP_UNKNOWN_TEXTURE_TYPE;

    // Set the active texture unit to be the texture unit that this class monitors:
    GLuint curActiveTextureUnit = 0;
    setActiveTexureUnit(_textureUnitName, curActiveTextureUnit);

    // Check which of the optional (extension) texturing modes is supported:
#if defined (_GR_OPENGLES_IPHONE) || defined (_GR_OPENGLES_COMMON) || defined (_GR_OPENGLES_COMMON_LITE)
    // OpenGL ES 1.1 supports none of these, 2.0 supports only cube maps:
    bool is3DTexturingSupported = false;
    bool isCubeMapTexturingSupported = (callingContextOGLVersion[0] > 1);
    bool isTextureRectangleSupported = false;
    bool isArrayTexturingSupported = false;
    bool isMultiSampleTexutringSupported = false;
    bool isTextureBufferSupported = false;
#else // !(defined (_GR_OPENGLES_IPHONE) || defined (_GR_OPENGLES_COMMON) || defined (_GR_OPENGLES_COMMON_LITE))
    // Check for the extensions that enable each target, or the OpenGL version that started base support of them:
    // Uri, 31/12/09 - Note that as note below, OpenGL 3.1 and higher does not support the way we check in older
    // versions, so we do not include it in our calculations (commented out below).
    gsExtensionsManager& theExtensionsManager = gsExtensionsManager::instance();

    bool is3DTexturingSupported = theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_EXT_texture3D) ||
                                  ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] > 1) || ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 1) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] >= 2)));

    bool isCubeMapTexturingSupported = ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] > 1) || ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 1) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] >= 3))) ||
                                       theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_ARB_texture_cube_map);

    bool isTextureRectangleSupported = /*((callingContextOGLVersion[0] > 3) || ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 3) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] >= 1))) ||*/
        theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_NV_texture_rectangle) ||
        theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_ARB_texture_rectangle);

    bool isArrayTexturingSupported = /*(callingContextOGLVersion[0] >= 3) ||*/
        ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 3) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] == 0)) ||
        theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_EXT_texture_array);

    bool isMultiSampleTexutringSupported = /*((callingContextOGLVersion[0] > 3) || ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 3) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] >= 2))) ||*/
        theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_ARB_texture_multisample);

    bool isTextureBufferSupported = /*((callingContextOGLVersion[0] > 3) || ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 3) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] >= 1))) ||*/
        theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object) ||
        theExtensionsManager.isExtensionSupported(callingContextId, AP_GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object);
#endif // defined (_GR_OPENGLES_IPHONE) || defined (_GR_OPENGLES_COMMON) || defined (_GR_OPENGLES_COMMON_LITE)

    // Get the enables texturing modes:
    GLboolean is1DTexturingEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean is2DTexturingEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean is3DTexturingEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean isCubeMapTexturingEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean isTextureRectangleEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean is1DArrayTextureEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean is2DArrayTextureEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean isMultiSampleTextureEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean isMultiSampleArrayTextureEnabled = GL_FALSE;
    GLboolean isTextureBufferEnabled = GL_FALSE;

    if ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] > 3) || ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 3) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] >= 1)))
        // In OpenGL 3.1 and higher, glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_*) is not allowed as it is part of the fixed pipeline fragment processing.
        // Instead, a target is "enabled" if a texture is bound there:
        if (_bind1DTextureName > 0)
            is1DTexturingEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bind2DTextureName > 0)
            is2DTexturingEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bind3DTextureName > 0)
            is3DTexturingEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bindCubeMapTextureName > 0)
            isCubeMapTexturingEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bindTextureRectangleName > 0)
            isTextureRectangleEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bind1DArrayTextureName > 0)
            is1DArrayTextureEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bind2DArrayTextureName > 0)
            is2DArrayTextureEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bindMultiSampleTextureName > 0)
            isMultiSampleTextureEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bindMultiSampleArrayTextureName > 0)
            isMultiSampleArrayTextureEnabled = GL_TRUE;

        if (_bindTextureBufferName > 0)
            isTextureBufferEnabled = GL_TRUE;
    else // ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] < 3) || ((callingContextOGLVersion[0] == 3) && (callingContextOGLVersion[1] < 1)))
        is1DTexturingEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_1D);

        is2DTexturingEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_2D);

        if (is3DTexturingSupported)
            is3DTexturingEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_3D);

        if (isCubeMapTexturingSupported)
            isCubeMapTexturingEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP);

        if (isTextureRectangleSupported)
            isTextureRectangleEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE);

        if (isArrayTexturingSupported)
            is1DArrayTextureEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY);
            is2DArrayTextureEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY);

        if (isMultiSampleTexutringSupported)
            isMultiSampleTextureEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE);

            if (isArrayTexturingSupported)
                isMultiSampleArrayTextureEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY);

        if (isTextureBufferSupported)
            isTextureBufferEnabled = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER);


    // Calculate the active texturing mode:
    // (See "Implementation notes" in this function documentation):

    //.Is this the right place to add the array textures?
    if (is1DArrayTextureEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_1D_ARRAY_TEXTURE;
    else if (is2DArrayTextureEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_2D_ARRAY_TEXTURE;
    else if (isCubeMapTexturingEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE;
    else if (is3DTexturingEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_3D_TEXTURE;
    else if (isTextureRectangleEnabled)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE;
    else if (is2DTexturingEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_2D_TEXTURE;
    else if (is1DTexturingEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_1D_TEXTURE;
    else if (isTextureBufferEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_BUFFER_TEXTURE;
    else if (isMultiSampleTextureEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_2D_TEXTURE_MULTISAMPLE;
    else if (isMultiSampleArrayTextureEnabled == GL_TRUE)
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_2D_TEXTURE_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY;
        _enabledTexturingMode = AP_UNKNOWN_TEXTURE_TYPE;

    // Restore the active texture unit:
    GLuint ignored = 0;
    setActiveTexureUnit(curActiveTextureUnit, ignored);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name:        gsTextureUnitMonitor::cancelForcedStubTextureObjects
// Description: Cancels the "Forces stub textures" mode.
// Author:      Yaki Tebeka
// Date:        18/4/2005
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void gsTextureUnitMonitor::cancelForcedStubTextureObjects()
    // Set the active texture unit to be the texture unit that this class monitors:
    GLuint curActiveTextureUnit = 0;
    setActiveTexureUnit(_textureUnitName, curActiveTextureUnit);

    // Calculate the names of the "original" program textures:
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    GLuint resumedTex1D = _bind1DTextureName;
    GLuint resumedTex2D = _bind2DTextureName;
    GLuint resumedTex3D = _bind3DTextureName;
    GLuint resumedTexCubeMap = _bindCubeMapTextureName;
    GLuint resumedTexRectangle = _bindTextureRectangleName;
    GLuint resumedTexBuffer = _bindTextureBufferName;

    if (_bind1DTextureName != 0)
        // If the "original" bind texture is a default textures:
        if (apIsDefaultTextureName(resumedTex1D))
            resumedTex1D = 0;

    if (_bind2DTextureName != 0)
        // If the "original" bind texture is a default textures:
        if (apIsDefaultTextureName(resumedTex2D))
            resumedTex2D = 0;

    if (_bind3DTextureName != 0)
        // If the "original" bind texture is a default textures:
        if (apIsDefaultTextureName(resumedTex3D))
            resumedTex3D = 0;

    if (_bindCubeMapTextureName != 0)
        // If the "original" bind texture is a default textures:
        if (apIsDefaultTextureName(resumedTexCubeMap))
            resumedTexCubeMap = 0;

    if (_bindTextureRectangleName != 0)
        // If the "original" bind texture is a default textures:
        if (apIsDefaultTextureName(resumedTexRectangle))
            resumedTexRectangle = 0;

    if (_bindTextureBufferName != 0)
        // If the "original" bind texture is a default textures:
        if (apIsDefaultTextureName(resumedTexBuffer))
            resumedTexBuffer = 0;

    // Resume the "original" bind textures:
    gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, resumedTex2D);
    gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, resumedTex1D);
    gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, resumedTex2D);
    gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, resumedTex3D);
    gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, resumedTexCubeMap);
    gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, resumedTexRectangle);
    gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, resumedTexBuffer);

    // Test for OpenGL error:
    GLenum error = gs_stat_realFunctionPointers.glGetError();

    if (error != GL_NO_ERROR)
        GT_ASSERT_EX(false, L"Error");

    // Restore the active texture unit:
    GLuint ignored = 0;
    setActiveTexureUnit(curActiveTextureUnit, ignored);