int FullSegmentInfo(ANT_DESK info, int segment, float mas, float heigh, float *pMas, int *pNum, ANT_INFO *antrop)
	int i = 0;
	float persent, norm;
	*antrop = SegmentInfo(mas, heigh, segment, info);
	if (fabs(antrop->mass) < 0.000001)
		return 0;

	if (segment >= UNI_SEGMENTS_NUM)


	ShiftDown(info.model, segment, i);
	while (fgetc(info.model) != ';');
	if (!fscanf(info.model, "%d", pNum))
		return 0;
	for (i = 0; i < *pNum; i++)
		if (fscanf(info.model,";%f;%f;%f;%f", pMas + 3*i, pMas + 3*i + 1, pMas + 3*i + 2, &persent) != 4)
			return 0;
		norm = sqrt(pMas[3*i]*pMas[3*i] + pMas[3*i + 1]*pMas[3*i + 1] + pMas[3*i + 2]*pMas[3*i + 2]);
		norm = (persent * antrop->length) / (norm * 100);
//        norm = (antrop->length) / (norm * 100);
		pMas[3*i] *= norm;
		pMas[3*i + 1] *= norm;
		pMas[3*i + 2] *= norm;
	return 1;
void SegmentInfos::read(Directory* directory)
    //Func - Reads segments file that resides in directory. 
    //Pre  - directory contains a valid reference
    //Post - The segments file has been read and for each segment found
    //       a SegmentsInfo intance has been created and stored.

    //Open an IndexInput to the segments file and check if valid
    IndexInput* input = directory->openInput(QLatin1String("segments"));
    if (input) {
        try {
            int32_t format = input->readInt();
            // file contains explicit format info
            if (format < 0) {
                // check that it is a format we can understand
                if (format < FORMAT) {
                    TCHAR err[30];
                    _sntprintf(err, 30, _T("Unknown format version: %d"), format);
                    _CLTHROWT(CL_ERR_Runtime, err);
                // read version
                version = input->readLong();
                // read counter
                counter = input->readInt();
            } else {
                // file is in old format without explicit format info
                counter = format;

            //Temporary variable for storing the name of the segment
            char aname[CL_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
            TCHAR tname[CL_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };

            //read segmentInfos
            for (int32_t i = input->readInt(); i > 0; --i) { 
                // read the name of the segment
                input->readString(tname, CL_MAX_PATH); 
                STRCPY_TtoA(aname, tname, CL_MAX_PATH);

                //Instantiate a new SegmentInfo Instance
                SegmentInfo* si = _CLNEW SegmentInfo(QLatin1String(aname),
                    input->readInt(), directory);

                //Condition check to see if si points to an instance
                CND_CONDITION(si != NULL, "Memory allocation for si failed")	;

                //store SegmentInfo si

            if (format >= 0) {
                // in old format the version number may be at the end of the file
                if (input->getFilePointer() >= input->length()) {
                    // old file format without version number
                    version = Misc::currentTimeMillis();
                } else {
                    // read version
                    version = input->readLong();
        } _CLFINALLY (
            //destroy the inputStream input. The destructor of IndexInput will 
            //also close the Inputstream input