void demo_test(){
    char c=0;
        if (BatteryCharged()){
//            if (ReadInitFlag()==0){                             //check if its first initialisation of device
//                GSM_ON();                                       //turn on GSM module
//                SIM900_SEND(2);                                 //send a configuration request message to server
//                SetInitFlag();                                  //set initcheck flag
//            }
            for (char d=0; d<TRANSMIT_FREQ; d++){
                days++;                                         //increment days
                for (int i=0; i<tempcounter; i++){
                    getTempHum();                               //get temperature and humidity sensor
                    while ((TEMP_INT==0)&&(c<=3)){              //check DHT11 sensor 3 times for reading if no data received
                    delay_1s(3);                               //wait 30 seconds between each temperature readings
                avgTempHum();                                   //calculate average temperature and humidity
                minmaxTempHum();                                //calculate minimum and maximum temperature and humidity
                getWaterLevel();                                //get water level from ultrasonic sensor
                ShiftData();                                    //shift gathered data by offset
                if ((WaterLevel-OFFSET) >= WATER_THRESHOLD){    //check if water level is too low
                    SMS_data[0]=WARNING_PREFIX;                 //initiate message with warning char
                    SMS_data[1]=WaterLevel;                     //put water level in text message
                    SMS_data[2]=DATA_SUFFIX;                    //end message with suffix

                    GSM_ON();                                   //turn on sim900
                    delay_1s(5);                               //wait for GSM to connect to network
                    SIM900_SEND(1);                             //Send data message to server
                    GSM_OFF();                                  //turn off sim900
                SaveData();                                     //Sava sensor readings to memory
        if (!BatteryCharged()){
    SMS_data[0]=DATA_PREFIX;                            //start message with prefix
    gatherData();                                       //read data from memory
    getCheckByte();                                     //calculate check byte
    GSM_ON();                                           //turn on sim900
    delay_1s(10);                                       //wait for GSM to connect to network
    SIM900_SEND(1);                                     //Send data message to server
   //} //solarpanel check
文件: nsTArray.cpp 项目: isleon/Jaxer
nsTArray_base::InsertSlotsAt(index_type index, size_type count,
                             size_type elementSize) {
  NS_ASSERTION(index <= Length(), "Bogus insertion index");
  size_type newLen = Length() + count;

  EnsureCapacity(newLen, elementSize);

  // Check for out of memory conditions
  if (Capacity() < newLen)
    return PR_FALSE;

  // Move the existing elements as needed.  Note that this will
  // change our mLength, so no need to call IncrementLength.
  ShiftData(index, 0, count, elementSize);
  return PR_TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  From class CMMFCodec.
//  This function is used to encode the given source and fill the destination
//  buffer with the encode data.
//  The buffers can be of any size.  Since the buffers can be of any size
//  there is no guarantee that all the source buffer can be processed to fill
//  the destination buffer or that the all the source buffer may be processed
//  before the destination is full.  Therefore the ProcessL needs to return a
//  TCodecProcessResult returing the number of source bytes processed and the
//  number of destination bytes processed along with a process result code
//  defined thus:
//  - EProcessComplete: the codec processed all the source data into the
//    sink buffer
//  - EProcessIncomplete: the codec filled sink buffer before all the source
//    buffer
//    was processed
//  - EDstNotFilled: the codec processed the source buffer but the sink
//    buffer was not filled
//  - EEndOfData: the codec detected the end data - all source data is
//    processed but sink may not be full
//  - EProcessError: the codec process error condition
//  The ProcessL should start processing the source buffer from the iPosition
//  data member of the source data and start filling the destination buffer
//  from its iPosition.
//  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCodecProcessResult CAriAacLCEncMmfCodec::ProcessL( const CMMFBuffer& aSrc,
                                                        CMMFBuffer& aDst )

    // total decoded bytes added to the dst buffer
    TInt totalDstBytesAdded = 0;
    // total src bytes added to the internal src buffer
    TInt totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
    TInt internalInputBufferLen = 0;
    // temporary variable to use for copying the sorce or destination data
    TInt numberOfBytesCopied;

    * Process the dst buffer, update the dstBufferPos and check
    * whether dst buffer is NULL or not.
    CMMFDataBuffer* dst = static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aDst );
    const TInt dstMaxLen = dst->Data().MaxLength();
    TUint8* dstPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( dst->Data().Ptr() );
    TInt dstBufferPos = dst->Position();

    * Process the src buffer, update srcbuffer length, position and
    * flag for last frame. check whether src buffer is NULL or not
    * and check src buffer contains any data
    const CMMFDataBuffer* src = static_cast<const CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aSrc );
    TUint8* srcPtr = const_cast <TUint8*>( src->Data().Ptr() );
    TInt srcBufferLen = src->Data().Length();
    TInt srcBufferPos = src->Position();
    TBool lastFrame = src->LastBuffer();

    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Src Buffer Pos: %d",srcBufferPos ) );
    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Dst Buffer Pos: %d",dstBufferPos ) );
    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Residue in internal output buffer: %d",
            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos ) );
    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Residue in internal input buffer: %d",
                iInternalInputBufferResidueLen ) );

    TInt srcBufferRemainingBytes = 0;
    srcBufferRemainingBytes = srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos -
    TInt totRemainingSrc = srcBufferRemainingBytes +
    if ( ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos == 0 )
            && ( totRemainingSrc < iSrclenToProcess ) && ( lastFrame ) )
        totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

    * if any destination bytes from internal destination buffer is not
    * given to the dst buffer from the previous call, give it to the
    * dst buffer. After this block, it ensures that no bytes are remaining
    * in the internal destination buffer.
    if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );

        if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )

            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            if ( lastFrame && ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos == 0 ) &&
                                    ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 ) )
                totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                            totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
    TInt dstBufferRemainingBytes = 0;
    dstBufferRemainingBytes = dstMaxLen - dstBufferPos - totalDstBytesAdded;
    if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes == 0 )
        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

    //generate header for ADIF and Raw encoded formats
    if ( !iHeaderGenerated )
        if ( ( iParam.iOutputFormat == EFormatADIF ) ||
                                    ( iParam.iOutputFormat == EFormatRaw ) )
            TInt retval = KErrNone;
            TInt headerLen = KMinDstLen;
            retval = iCodec->GetHeader( iInternalOutputBuffer,headerLen );

            * Fill Destination Buffer

            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = headerLen;
            numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
            dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

            iHeaderGenerated = ETrue;
            if ( ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen -
                            iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 ) ||
                                            dstBufferRemainingBytes == 0 )
                totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                return Result(
                            totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            iHeaderGenerated = ETrue;

    TInt newSrcCopied = 0;
    * copy the src buffer data into the internal buffer till internal buffer
    * holds minimum bytes to process i.e KMinBytesInput. After this block, it
    * ensures that internal source buffer holds KMinBytesInput.
    * if it is a last frame, treat remaining residual buffer as internal
    * buffer.
    if ( ( iSrclenToProcess - iInternalInputBufferResidueLen > 0 ) &&
                                        ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos > 0 ) )
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src, totalSrcBytesCopied );
        newSrcCopied = numberOfBytesCopied;

    if ( iSrclenToProcess > iInternalInputBufferResidueLen )
        if ( !lastFrame )
            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
                   srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos, totalDstBytesAdded );
            totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
            iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
            iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                        totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

    srcBufferRemainingBytes = srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos -

    if ( lastFrame && ( ( iSrclenToProcess > iInternalInputBufferResidueLen )
            && ( iSrclenToProcess > srcBufferRemainingBytes ) )
            && ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen -
                                        iInternalOutputBufferPos == 0 ) )
        totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

    if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos == 0 )
        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
     * process the src buffer till destination buffer or source buffer or
     * both buffers are exhausted.

        srcBufferRemainingBytes = srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos -
        dstBufferRemainingBytes = dstMaxLen - dstBufferPos -
        TInt internalInputBufferPos = 0;

        * initialize the variables like srcUsed and dstLen accordingly.
        * call Encode.
        TInt srcUsed = iSrclenToProcess;
        TInt dstLen  = KMinDstLen;
        TInt16* tempIn = NULL;
        tempIn = ( TInt16* ) ( ( iInternalInputBuffer +
                                                internalInputBufferPos ) );
        TInt error = iCodec->Encode( tempIn, srcUsed, iInternalOutputBuffer,
                                                                    dstLen );
        if ( error != KErrNone )
            iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
            totalSrcBytesCopied = srcBufferLen;
            PRINT_ERR( error );
            return Result(
                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded + dstBufferPos );

         * Fill Destination Buffer
        PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "dstLen: %d",dstLen ) );
        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = dstLen;
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
        dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

        * Fill Source Buffer if FillBuffer flag is true
        internalInputBufferPos += srcUsed ;
        ShiftData( internalInputBufferPos, 0 );

        if ( iFillBuffer )
            numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src,
                                                        totalSrcBytesCopied );
            srcBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

        * check four conditions if else for src and if else for dst
        // src has available bytes
        TInt totSrcUsed = 0;
        if ( ( iSrclenToProcess > srcBufferRemainingBytes ) &&
                    ( iSrclenToProcess > iInternalInputBufferResidueLen ) &&
                                                    ( lastFrame ) )
            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
            iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
            iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

        if ( srcBufferRemainingBytes > 0 || iInternalInputBufferResidueLen >=
                                                            iSrclenToProcess )
            if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes > 0 )
                if ( !iFillBuffer )
                    totSrcUsed = srcBufferPos + srcUsed;
                    totalSrcBytesCopied = newSrcCopied;
                    return Result(
                            totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                return Result(
                            totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

            if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes > 0 )
                if ( lastFrame )
                    if ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen >= iSrclenToProcess )
                        if ( !iFillBuffer )
                            totSrcUsed = srcBufferPos + srcUsed;
                            totalSrcBytesCopied = newSrcCopied;
                            return Result(
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                        iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                        iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                                totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
                                totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen -
                                                iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                    if( lastFrame && (iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 ) )

                        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                        iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                        iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                                totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                        return Result(
                               totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
        }while ( 1 );
// From class CMMFCodec.
// This function is used to decode the given source and fill the destination
// buffer with the decode data.
// The buffers can be of any size.  Since the buffers can be of any size there
// is no guarantee that all the source buffer can be processed to fill the
// destination buffer or that the all the source buffer may be processed
// before the destination is full.  Therefore the ProcessL needs to return a
// TCodecProcessResult returing the number of source bytes processed and the
// number of destination bytes processed along with a process result code
// defined thus:
// - EProcessComplete: the codec processed all the source data into the sink
//	 buffer
// - EProcessIncomplete: the codec filled sink buffer before all the source
//   buffer was processed
// - EDstNotFilled: the codec processed the source buffer but the sink buffer
//   was not filled
// - EEndOfData: the codec detected the end data - all source data in
//   processed but sink may not be full
// - EProcessError: the codec process error condition
// The ProcessL should start processing the source buffer from the iPosition
// data member of the source data and start filling the destination buffer
// from its iPosition.
TCodecProcessResult CAriAmrNbDecMmfCodec::ProcessL( const CMMFBuffer& aSrc,
													CMMFBuffer& aDst )
	// total decoded bytes added to the dst buffer
	TInt totalDstBytesAdded = 0;
	// total src bytes added to the internal src buffer
	TInt totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
	// temporary variable to use for copying the sorce or destination data
	TInt numberOfBytesCopied;
	// Flag for finding valid sync
	TBool syncFound = EFalse;

	* Process the dst buffer, update the dstBufferPos and check
	* whether dst buffer is NULL or not.
	CMMFDataBuffer* dst = static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aDst );

	const TInt dstMaxLen = dst->Data().MaxLength();
	TUint8* dstPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( dst->Data().Ptr() );
	TInt dstBufferPos = dst->Position();

	* Process the src buffer, update srcbuffer length, position and
	* flag for last frame. check whether src buffer is NULL or not
	* and check src buffer contains any data
	const CMMFDataBuffer* src = static_cast<const CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aSrc );

	TUint8* srcPtr = const_cast <TUint8*>( src->Data().Ptr() );
	TInt srcBufferLen = src->Data().Length();
	TInt srcBufferPos = src->Position();
	TBool lastFrame = src->LastBuffer();

	if ( srcBufferLen == 0 && iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 )
		PRINT_ERR( "source buffer length is zero" );
		User::Leave( KErrArgument );

	* if any destination bytes from internal destination buffer is not
	* given to the dst buffer from the previous call, give it to the
	* dst buffer. After this block, it ensures that no bytes are remaining
	* in the internal destination buffer.
	if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
		numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );

		if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
			return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
							totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
			if ( ( lastFrame ) && ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos == 0 )&&
								( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 ) )
				iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
				iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
				iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
				return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
								totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
			iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
			iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;

	* copy the src buffer data into the internal buffer till internal buffer
	* holds minimum bytes to process i.e KMinBytesInput. After this block, it
	* ensures that internal source buffer holds KMinBytesInput.
	* if it is a last frame, treat remaining residual buffer as internal
	* buffer.
	if ( ( KAMRNBMinOutBufLength - iInternalInputBufferResidueLen > 0 )
							&& ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos > 0 ) )
		numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src, totalSrcBytesCopied );

	if ( ( KAMRNBMinOutBufLength > iInternalInputBufferResidueLen )
														&& ( !lastFrame ) )
		return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
						srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos, totalDstBytesAdded );

	* process the src buffer till destination buffer or source buffer
	* or both buffers are exhausted.
		TInt srcBufferRemainingBytes = srcBufferLen
									  - srcBufferPos
									  - totalSrcBytesCopied;
		TInt dstBufferRemainingBytes = dstMaxLen
									   - dstBufferPos
									   - totalDstBytesAdded;
		TInt internalInputBufferPos = 0;

		* initialize the variables like srcUsed and dstLen accordingly.
		* call Decode.

		TInt srcUsed = iInternalInputBufferResidueLen
						- internalInputBufferPos;
		TInt dstLen  = KAMRNBMinOutBufLength;

		TInt error =
		iCodec->Decode( &iInternalInputBuffer[internalInputBufferPos],
						srcUsed, ( TInt* )iInternalOutputBuffer, dstLen );

		if ( KErrNone != error )
			iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
			PRINT_ERR( "Amr Nb Decoder decodes fails" );
			return Result(
					totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

		* Fill Destination Buffer

		iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = dstLen;
		numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
		dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

		* Fill Sorce Buffer

		internalInputBufferPos += srcUsed ;
		ShiftData( internalInputBufferPos, 0 );
		numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src, totalSrcBytesCopied );
		srcBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;
		internalInputBufferPos = 0;

		* check four conditions if else for src and if else for dst

		// src buffer has available bytes to decode
		if ( srcBufferRemainingBytes > 0 )
			if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes == 0 )
				return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
						totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

			// dst buffer has availabe space for decoded bytes
			if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes > 0 )
				// last frame of the input stream
				if ( lastFrame )
					if ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 )
						return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
								totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
					return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
							totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
				 *internal output buffer has decoded bytes which is not
				 *given to dst buffer.
				if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen
									- iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
					return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
									totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
				// last frame of the input stream
				else if ( lastFrame )
					// if internal buffer has available bytes to decode
					if ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen > 0 )
						return Result(
								totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
						iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
						return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
									totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
					return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete,
									totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
	}while ( 1 );
TCodecProcessResult CAriMp3DecMmfCodec::ProcessL( const CMMFBuffer& aSrc,
        CMMFBuffer& aDst )
    // total decoded bytes added to the dst buffer
    TInt totalDstBytesAdded = 0;
    // total src bytes added to the internal src buffer
    TInt totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
    // temporary variable to use for copying the sorce or destination data
    TInt numberOfBytesCopied;
    // Flag for finding valid sync
    TBool syncFound = EFalse;

    * Process the dst buffer, update the dstBufferPos and check
    * whether dst buffer is NULL or not.
    CMMFDataBuffer* dst = static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aDst );

    const TInt dstMaxLen = dst->Data().MaxLength();
    TUint8* dstPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( dst->Data().Ptr() );
    TInt dstBufferPos = dst->Position();

    * Process the src buffer, update srcbuffer length, position and
    * flag for last frame. check whether src buffer is NULL or not
    * and check src buffer contains any data
    const CMMFDataBuffer* src = static_cast<const CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aSrc );

    TUint8* srcPtr = const_cast <TUint8*>( src->Data().Ptr() );
    TInt srcBufferLen = src->Data().Length();
    TInt srcBufferPos = src->Position();
    TBool lastFrame = src->LastBuffer();

    if ( srcBufferLen == 0 && iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 )
        PRINT_ERR( "source buffer length is zero" );
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    * if any destination bytes from internal destination buffer is not
    * given to the dst buffer from the previous call, give it to the
    * dst buffer. After this block, it ensures that no bytes are remaining
    * in the internal destination buffer.
    if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );

        if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                           totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            if ( ( lastFrame ) && ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos == 0 )&&
                    ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 ) )
                iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                               totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;

    * copy the src buffer data into the internal buffer till internal buffer
    * holds minimum bytes to process i.e KMinBytesInput. After this block, it
    * ensures that internal source buffer holds KMinBytesInput.
    * if it is a last frame, treat remaining residual buffer as internal
    * buffer.
    if ( ( KMinBytesInput - iInternalInputBufferResidueLen > 0 )
            && ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos > 0 ) )
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src, totalSrcBytesCopied );

    if ( ( KMinBytesInput > iInternalInputBufferResidueLen )
            && ( !lastFrame ) )
        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
                       srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos, totalDstBytesAdded );

    * process the src buffer till destination buffer or source buffer
    * or both buffers are exhausted.
        * call seeksync to find the valid fram start offset i.e syncpos.
        * update internal buffer position to that offset position if it is
        * success.if it is failed then there is no valid frame start in
        * the available buffer. Go for new src buffer. all bytes present
        * in the internal buffer are discarded.
        TInt syncpos;
        TInt srcBufferRemainingBytes = srcBufferLen
                                       - srcBufferPos
                                       - totalSrcBytesCopied;
        TInt dstBufferRemainingBytes = dstMaxLen
                                       - dstBufferPos
                                       - totalDstBytesAdded;
        TInt internalInputBufferPos = 0;

        if ( KErrNone != iCodec->SeekSync(
                    ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen - internalInputBufferPos ),
                    syncpos ) )
            TCodecProcessResult result = GetNewData( src, totalSrcBytesCopied,
                                         totalDstBytesAdded );

            if ( result.iStatus == TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled ||
                    result.iStatus == TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData )
                return result;
            syncFound = ETrue;
            internalInputBufferPos += syncpos;
        * call GetFrameInfo to find whether valid frame is present in the
        * availabel buffer.if it is success and framelength is 0 then
        * there is no valid frame is present,  discard the present buffer
        * till sync position and add new buffer.
        if ( syncFound )
            TInt frameLen;
            TMp3FrameInfo frameInfo;
            if ( KErrNone != iCodec->GetFrameInfo(
                        ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen - internalInputBufferPos ),
                        frameLen, frameInfo ) )
                PRINT_ERR( "Decoder Getframeinfo failed" );
                User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
            if ( frameLen == 0 )
                TCodecProcessResult result = GetNewData( src,
                                             totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

                if ( result.iStatus == TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled ||
                        result.iStatus == TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData )
                    return result;

            * if the buffer has less than framelen then fill the internal
            * sorce buffer with KMinBytesInput bytes.
            if ( frameLen   > ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen
                                - internalInputBufferPos ) )
                if( lastFrame )
                    iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                    iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                    iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                    return Result(
                               totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

                ShiftData( internalInputBufferPos, 0 );
                numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src,
                                      totalSrcBytesCopied );
                internalInputBufferPos = 0;

                if ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen < KMinBytesInput )
                    return Result(
                               totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

            * initialize the variables like srcUsed and dstLen accordingly.
            * call Decode.

            TInt srcUsed = iInternalInputBufferResidueLen
                           - internalInputBufferPos;
            TInt dstLen  = iOutFrameSize;

            TInt error = iCodec->Decode(
                             srcUsed, iInternalOutputBuffer, dstLen );

            if ( KErrNone != error )
                iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                PRINT_ERR( error );
                return Result(
                           totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

            * Fill Destination Buffer

            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = dstLen;
            numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
            dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

            * Fill Sorce Buffer

            internalInputBufferPos += srcUsed ;
            ShiftData( internalInputBufferPos, 0 );
            numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src,
                                  totalSrcBytesCopied );
            srcBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;
            internalInputBufferPos = 0;

            * check four conditions if else for src and if else for dst

            // src buffer has available bytes to decode
            if ( srcBufferRemainingBytes > 0 )
                if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes == 0 )
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                   totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

                // dst buffer has availabe space for decoded bytes
                if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes > 0 )
                    // last frame of the input stream
                    if ( lastFrame )
                        if ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 )
                            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                                           totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
                                       totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                     *internal output buffer has decoded bytes which is not
                     *given to dst buffer.
                    if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen
                            - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
                        return Result(
                                   totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                    // last frame of the input stream
                    else if ( lastFrame )
                        // if internal buffer has available bytes to decode
                        if ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen > 0 )
                            return Result(
                                       totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                            iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                            return Result(
                                       totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                        return Result(
                                   totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
    } while ( 1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  From class CMMFCodec.
//  This function is used to decode the given source and fill the destination
//  buffer with the decode data.
//  The buffers can be of any size.  Since the buffers can be of any size
//  there is no guarantee that all the source buffer can be processed to fill
//  the destination buffer or that the all the source buffer may be processed
//  before the destination is full.  Therefore the ProcessL needs to return a
//  TCodecProcessResult returing the number of source bytes processed and the
//  number of destination bytes processed along with a process result code
//  defined thus:
//  - EProcessComplete: the codec processed all the source data into the sink
//    buffer
//  - EProcessIncomplete: the codec filled sink buffer before all the source
//    buffer was processed
//  - EDstNotFilled: the codec processed the source buffer but the sink buffer
//    was not filled
//  - EEndOfData: the codec detected the end data - all source data in
//    processed but sink may not be full
//  - EProcessError: the codec process error condition
//  The ProcessL should start processing the source buffer from the iPosition
//  data member of the source data and start filling the destination buffer
//  from its iPosition.
//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCodecProcessResult CAriHeAacDecMmfCodec::ProcessL( const CMMFBuffer& aSrc,
                                                CMMFBuffer& aDst )

    if ( !iConfigured )
        PRINT_ERR( "Decoder not yet configured" );
        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
    // total decoded bytes added to the dst buffer
    TInt totalDstBytesAdded = 0;
    // total src bytes added to the internal src buffer
    TInt totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
    // temporary variable to use for copying the sorce or destination data
    TInt numberOfBytesCopied = 0;
    TInt dstBufferRemainingBytes = 0;

     * Process the dst buffer, update the dstBufferPos and check
     * whether dst buffer is NULL or not.
    CMMFDataBuffer* dst = static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aDst );
    const TInt dstMaxLen = dst->Data().MaxLength();
    TUint8* dstPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( dst->Data().Ptr() );
    TInt dstBufferPos = dst->Position();

     * Process the src buffer, update srcbuffer length, position and
     * flag for last frame. check whether src buffer is NULL or not
     * and check src buffer contains any data
    const CMMFDataBuffer* src = static_cast<const CMMFDataBuffer*>( &aSrc );
    TUint8* srcPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( src->Data().Ptr() );
    TInt srcBufferLen = src->Data().Length();
    TInt srcBufferPos = src->Position();
    TBool lastFrame = src->LastBuffer();

    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Src Buffer Pos: %d", srcBufferPos ) );
    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Dst Buffer Pos: %d", dstBufferPos ) );
    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Residue in internal output buffer: %d",
           iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos ) );
    PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Residue in internal input buffer: %d",
                                      iInternalInputBufferResidueLen ) );
     * if any destination bytes from internal destination buffer is not
     * given to the dst buffer from the previous call, give it to the
     * dst buffer. After this block, it ensures that no bytes are remaining
     * in the internal destination buffer.
    if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );

        if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen - iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                            totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            //Decode NULL frame to handle error concealment
            if ( lastFrame && ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos == 0 )&&
            ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 && !iLastFrameDecoded ) )
                dstBufferRemainingBytes = dstMaxLen - dstBufferPos -
                if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes == 0 )
                    iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                    iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                    totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

                TInt dstLen  = iOutFrameSize;
                iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = dstLen;

                numberOfBytesCopied =
                                CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
                totalDstBytesAdded += numberOfBytesCopied;
                dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

                if ( ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen -
                    iInternalOutputBufferPos == 0 ) && iLastFrameDecoded )
                    totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                    iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                    iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                    iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                                totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                    totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        if ( lastFrame && ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos == 0 )&&
            ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 && !iLastFrameDecoded ) )
            TInt dstLen  = iOutFrameSize;
            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = dstLen;

            numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
            totalDstBytesAdded += numberOfBytesCopied;
            dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

            if ( ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen -
                    iInternalOutputBufferPos == 0 ) && iLastFrameDecoded )
                totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                            totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

     * copy the src buffer data into the internal buffer till internal buffer
     * holds minimum bytes to process i.e KMinBytesInput. After this block,
     * it ensures that internal source buffer holds KMinBytesInput.
     * if it is a last frame, treat remaining residual buffer as internal
     * buffer.
    if ( ( KMinBytesInput - iInternalInputBufferResidueLen > 0 ) &&
                                ( srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos > 0 ) )
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src, totalSrcBytesCopied );

     * update the internal buffer length.
    if ( ( KMinBytesInput > iInternalInputBufferResidueLen ) &&
                                                        ( !lastFrame ) )
        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
                srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos, totalDstBytesAdded );

    if ( iLastFrameDecoded && iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 &&
                                    iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen == 0 )
        totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
        iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
        return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );

     * process the src buffer till destination buffer or source buffer or
     * both buffers are exhausted.
        TInt srcBufferRemainingBytes = srcBufferLen - srcBufferPos -
        dstBufferRemainingBytes = dstMaxLen - dstBufferPos -
        TInt internalInputBufferPos = 0;

         * initialize the variables like iSrcUsed and dstLen accordingly.
         * call Decode.
        iSrcUsed = iInternalInputBufferResidueLen - internalInputBufferPos;
        TInt dstLen  = iOutFrameSize;

        TInt error = iCodec->Decode(
                                iSrcUsed, iInternalOutputBuffer, dstLen );
        if ( error != 0 )
            iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
            totalSrcBytesCopied = srcBufferLen;
            PRINT_ERR( error );
            return Result(
                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded + dstBufferPos);
        PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "Frame: %d", iFrameNum ) );
        PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "iSrcUsed: %d", iSrcUsed ) );
        PRINT_MSG( LEVEL_HIGH, ( "dstLen: %d", dstLen ) );

         * Fill Destination Buffer
        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = dstLen;
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
        dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

         * Fill Source Buffer
        internalInputBufferPos += iSrcUsed ;
        ShiftData( internalInputBufferPos, 0 );
        numberOfBytesCopied = CopyFromSrcBuffer( src, totalSrcBytesCopied );
        srcBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

         * check four conditions if else for src and if else for dst
         * src has available bytes
        if ( srcBufferRemainingBytes > 0  ||
                iInternalInputBufferResidueLen >= KMinBytesInput )
            if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes == 0 )
                return Result(
                        totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
            // dst buffer has availabe space for decoded bytes
            if ( dstBufferRemainingBytes > 0 )
                if ( lastFrame )
                    if ( iInternalInputBufferResidueLen == 0 )
                        TInt dstLen  = iOutFrameSize;
                        iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = dstLen;

                        numberOfBytesCopied =
                                CopyToDstBuffer( dst, totalDstBytesAdded );
                        totalDstBytesAdded += numberOfBytesCopied;
                        dstBufferRemainingBytes -= numberOfBytesCopied;

                        if ( ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen -
                                iInternalOutputBufferPos == 0 ) &&
                                iLastFrameDecoded )
                            totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                            iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                            iInternalInputBufferResidueLen = 0;
                            iInternalOutputBufferPos = 0;
                            return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EEndOfData,
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                            totalSrcBytesCopied = 0;
                            return Result(
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled,
                            totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                if ( iInternalOutputBufferResidueLen -
                                            iInternalOutputBufferPos > 0 )
                    return Result( TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete,
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                    if ( lastFrame )
                        return Result(
                                    totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
                        return Result(
                                totalSrcBytesCopied, totalDstBytesAdded );
        }while ( 1 );
void routine(){
        if(SolarStatus()==1){                                       //if solar-panel is on
            solarcounter = 0;

            while (BatteryCharged()){                               //if battery is charged
                if (ReadInitFlag()==0){                             //check if its first initialisation of device
                    GSM_ON();                                       //turn on GSM module
                    SIM900_SEND(2);                                 //send a configuration request message to server
                    SetInitFlag();                                  //set initcheck flag
                char c=0;
                while ((TEMP_INT==0)&&(c<=3)){                      //check DHT11 sensor 3 times for reading if no data received

                if (tempcounter==2){
                    days++;                                         //increment days
                    avgTempHum();                                   //calculate average temperature and humidity
                    minmaxTempHum();                                //calculate minimum and maximum temperature and humidity
                    getConductivity();                              //get conductivity value from sensor
                    getWaterLevel();                                //get water level from ultrasonic sensor

                    ShiftData();                                    //shift gathered data by offset
                    if ((WaterLevel-OFFSET) >= WATER_THRESHOLD){    //check if water level is too low
                        SMS_data[0]=WARNING_PREFIX;                 //initiate message with warning char
                        SMS_data[1]=WaterLevel;                     //put water level in text message
                        SMS_data[2]=DATA_SUFFIX;                    //end message with suffix

                        GSM_ON();                                   //turn on sim900
                        delay_1s(10);                               //wait for GSM to connect to network
                        SIM900_SEND(1);                             //Send data message to server
            if (!BatteryCharged()){
            if (SolarStatus()==0)                                  //if solar-panel is off
                goto OFF;
            goto START;

        else {                                                      //when solar-panel is off
            SaveData();                                             //Sava sensor readings to memory

            //check if data transmission frequency is met
            if (days >= TRANSMIT_FREQ){
                SMS_data[0]=DATA_PREFIX;                            //start message with prefix
                gatherData();                                       //read data from memory
                getCheckByte();                                     //calculate check byte
                GSM_ON();                                           //turn on sim900
                delay_1s(10);                                       //wait for GSM to connect to network
                SIM900_SEND(1);                                     //Send data message to server
            } //reset days counter only after successful tranmsission

            //sleep for 6h
            for (char z=0; z<3; z++){

            while (SolarStatus()==2){ //if solar-panel is off
                for (char z=0; z<5; z++){
                if (solarcounter > SOLAR_THRESHOLD){
                        //turn on Fault LED
                        goto START;
