void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])                
 int img, orient, c; 
 mxArray *f;  
 c = 0; 
 numImage = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));
 allSizex = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);
 allSizey = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);
 numOrient = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));   
 locationShiftLimit = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));    
 orientShiftLimit = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));  
 subsample = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));
 SUM1map = mxCalloc(numImage*numOrient, sizeof(float*));   
 for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
     for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
       f = mxGetCell(prhs[c], orient*numImage+img); 
       SUM1map[orient*numImage+img] = mxGetPr(f);       
 MAX1map = mxCalloc(numImage*numOrient, sizeof(float*));   
 for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
     for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
       f = mxGetCell(prhs[c], orient*numImage+img); 
       MAX1map[orient*numImage+img] = mxGetPr(f);         
 for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
 sizex = ROUND(allSizex[img]); 
 sizey = ROUND(allSizey[img]); 
 sizexSubsample = floor((double)sizex/subsample); 
 sizeySubsample = floor((double)sizey/subsample); 
 free_matrix(xShift, numOrient, numShift); 
 free_matrix(yShift, numOrient, numShift); 
 free_matrix(orientShifted, numOrient, numShift);
/* entry point */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])                
    int ind, i, x, y, o, dataDim, j, bytes_to_copy, nGaborFilter;
    const mxArray *f;
    const mxArray *pAS1Map;
    mxArray *outPA;
    mwSize ndim;
    const mwSize* dims;
    mwSize dimsOutput[2];
    void* start_of_pr;
    mxClassID datatype;

	 * input variable 0: nGaborOri
	nGaborOri = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);
	 * input variable 1: S1 maps
    pAS1Map = prhs[1];
    dims = mxGetDimensions(pAS1Map);
    nGaborFilter = dims[0] * dims[1];
    nGaborScale = nGaborFilter / nGaborOri;
    S1Map = (const float**)mxCalloc( nGaborFilter, sizeof(*S1Map) );   /* SUM1 maps */
    for (i=0; i<nGaborFilter; ++i)
        f = mxGetCell(pAS1Map, i);
        datatype = mxGetClassID(f);
        if (datatype != mxSINGLE_CLASS)
            mexErrMsgTxt("warning !! single precision required.");
        S1Map[i] = (const float*)mxGetPr(f);    /* get the pointer to cell content */
        height = mxGetM(f);    /* overwriting is ok, since it is constant */
        width = mxGetN(f);
     * input variable 2: location shift radius
    locationPerturb = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
     * input variable 3: orientation shift radius
    orientationPerturb = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
     * input variable 4: sub sample step length
    subsample = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

    /* =============================================
     * Handle output variables.
     * ============================================= 
     * output variable 0: M1 map
    dimsOutput[0] = 1; dimsOutput[1] = nGaborScale * nGaborOri;
	plhs[0] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dimsOutput );
    dimsOutput[0] = sizexSubsample; dimsOutput[1] = sizeySubsample;
    for( i = 0; i < nGaborOri * nGaborScale; ++i )
        outPA = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dimsOutput, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
        /* populate the real part of the created array */
        start_of_pr = (float*)mxGetData(outPA);
        bytes_to_copy = dimsOutput[0] * dimsOutput[1] * mxGetElementSize(outPA);
        memcpy( start_of_pr, M1Map[i], bytes_to_copy );
        mxSetCell( plhs[0], i, outPA );
     * output variable 1: M1 trace
    dimsOutput[0] = 1; dimsOutput[1] = nGaborScale * nGaborOri;
	plhs[1] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dimsOutput );
    dimsOutput[0] = sizexSubsample; dimsOutput[1] = sizeySubsample;
    for( i = 0; i < nGaborOri * nGaborScale; ++i )
        outPA = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dimsOutput, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL );
        /* populate the real part of the created array */
        start_of_pr = (int*)mxGetData(outPA);
        bytes_to_copy = dimsOutput[0] * dimsOutput[1] * mxGetElementSize(outPA);
        memcpy( start_of_pr, M1Trace[i], bytes_to_copy );
        mxSetCell( plhs[1], i, outPA );
     * output variable 2: stored Gabor shifts : row shifts
    dimsOutput[0] = nGaborScale * nGaborOri; dimsOutput[1] = 1;
    plhs[2] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dimsOutput );
    for( i = 0; i < nGaborScale*nGaborOri; ++i )
        dimsOutput[0] = numShift; dimsOutput[1] = 1;
        outPA = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dimsOutput, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL );
        start_of_pr = (int*)mxGetData(outPA);
        bytes_to_copy = dimsOutput[0] * dimsOutput[1] * mxGetElementSize(outPA);
        memcpy( start_of_pr, rowShift[i], bytes_to_copy );
        mxSetCell( plhs[2], i, outPA );
     * output variable 3: stored Gabor shifts : col shifts
    dimsOutput[0] = nGaborScale * nGaborOri; dimsOutput[1] = 1;
    plhs[3] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dimsOutput );
    for( i = 0; i < nGaborScale*nGaborOri; ++i )
        dimsOutput[0] = numShift; dimsOutput[1] = 1;
        outPA = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dimsOutput, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL );
        start_of_pr = (int*)mxGetData(outPA);
        bytes_to_copy = dimsOutput[0] * dimsOutput[1] * mxGetElementSize(outPA);
        memcpy( start_of_pr, colShift[i], bytes_to_copy );
        mxSetCell( plhs[3], i, outPA );
     * output variable 4: stored Gabor shifts : orientation shifts
    dimsOutput[0] = nGaborScale * nGaborOri; dimsOutput[1] = 1;
    plhs[4] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dimsOutput );
    for( i = 0; i < nGaborScale*nGaborOri; ++i )
        dimsOutput[0] = numShift; dimsOutput[1] = 1;
        outPA = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dimsOutput, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL );
        start_of_pr = (int*)mxGetData(outPA);
        bytes_to_copy = dimsOutput[0] * dimsOutput[1] * mxGetElementSize(outPA);
        memcpy( start_of_pr, orientShift[i], bytes_to_copy );
        mxSetCell( plhs[4], i, outPA );
/* read in input variables and run the algorithm */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])                
 int orient, img, i, j, c, x, y; 
 mxArray *f;  
 c = 0; 
 /* about active basis */
 numOrient = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));  
 locationShiftLimit = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));    
 orientShiftLimit = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++])); 
 subsample = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));   
 numElement = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++])); 
 /* about input images */
 numImage = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++])); 
 sizex = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++])); 
 sizey = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));   
 SUM1map = mxCalloc(numImage*numOrient, sizeof(float*));  
 for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
     for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
       i = orient*numImage+img; 
       f = mxGetCell(prhs[c], i); 
       SUM1map[i] = mxGetPr(f);    
 /* about Gabor filters */
 halfFilterSize = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++]));     
 Correlation = mxCalloc(numOrient*numOrient, sizeof(double*));   
 for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
       for (j=0; j<numOrient; j++)
         f = mxGetCell(prhs[c], j*numOrient+orient); 
         Correlation[j*numOrient+orient] = mxGetPr(f); 
 allSymbol = mxCalloc(numOrient, sizeof(double*));    
 for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
       f = mxGetCell(prhs[c], orient); 
       allSymbol[orient] = mxGetPr(f);       
 /* about exponential model */ 
 numStoredPoint = ROUND(mxGetScalar(prhs[c++])); 
 storedlambda = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);   
 storedExpectation = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);   
 storedLogZ = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);  
 /* learned parameters of active basis */
 selectedOrient = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);                 
 selectedx = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);         
 selectedy = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);   
 selectedlambda = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);       
 selectedLogZ = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);

 /* templates of images */
 commonTemplate = mxGetPr(prhs[c++]);
 deformedTemplate = mxCalloc(numImage, sizeof(float*)); 
 for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
        f = mxGetCell(prhs[c], img);
        deformedTemplate[img] = mxGetPr(f);  
 for (x=1; x<=sizex; x++)
      for (y=1; y<=sizey; y++)
          commonTemplate[px(x, y, sizex, sizey)] = 0.; 
 for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
     for (x=1; x<=sizex; x++)
         for (y=1; y<=sizey; y++)
             deformedTemplate[img][px(x, y, sizex, sizey)] = 0.; 
 /* MAX1 maps are smaller than SUM1 maps */
 sizexSubsample = floor((double)sizex/subsample); 
 sizeySubsample = floor((double)sizey/subsample); 
 /* run the shared sketch algorithm */
 /* free matrices to avoid memory leak */  
 free_matrix(pooledMax1map, numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);  
 free_matrix(MAX1map, numImage*numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);  
 free_matrix(trackMap, numImage*numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);   
 free_matrix(xShift, numOrient, numShift); 
 free_matrix(yShift, numOrient, numShift); 
 free_matrix(orientShifted, numOrient, numShift);