static void warnDepricatedSerialFlag(ArgumentState* arg_state, char* unused) {
  if (fSerial) {
    USR_WARN("--serial is currently not fully supported and may be deprecated in future releases");
  } else {
    USR_WARN("the --no-serial flag may be deprecated in future releases");
static void postStackCheck() {
  if (!fNoStackChecks && fUserSetStackChecks) {
    if (strcmp(CHPL_TASKS, "massivethreads") == 0) {
      USR_WARN("CHPL_TASKS=%s cannot do stack checks.", CHPL_TASKS);
static void postTaskTracking() {
  if (fEnableTaskTracking) {
    if (strcmp(CHPL_TASKS, "fifo") != 0) {
      USR_WARN("Enabling task tracking with CHPL_TASKS=%s has no effect other than to slow down compilation", CHPL_TASKS);
// Mark the variables listed in 'with' clauses, if any, with tiMark markers.
// Same as markOuterVarsWithIntents() in implementForallIntents.cpp,
// except uses byrefVars instead of forallIntents.
static void markOuterVarsWithIntents(CallExpr* byrefVars, SymbolMap& uses) {
  if (!byrefVars) return;
  Symbol* marker = NULL;

  // Keep in sync with setupForallIntents() - the actuals alternate:
  //  (tiMark arg | reduce opExpr), task-intent variable [, repeat]
  for_actuals(actual, byrefVars) {
    SymExpr* se = toSymExpr(actual);
    INT_ASSERT(se); // comes as an UnresolvedSymExpr from the parser,
                    // should have been resolved in ScopeResolve
                    // or it is a SymExpr over a tiMark ArgSymbol
                    //                 or over chpl__reduceGlob
    Symbol* var = se->symbol();
    if (marker) {
      SymbolMapElem* elem = uses.get_record(var);
      if (elem) {
        elem->value = marker;
      } else {
        if (isVarSymbol(marker)) {
          // this is a globalOp created in setupOneReduceIntent()
          INT_ASSERT(!strcmp(marker->name, "chpl__reduceGlob"));
          USR_WARN(byrefVars, "the variable '%s' is given a reduce intent and not mentioned in the loop body - it will have the unit value after the loop", var->name);
      marker = NULL;
    } else {
      marker = var;
      INT_ASSERT(marker);  // otherwise the alternation logic will not work
static void setPrintPassesFile(const ArgumentDescription* desc, const char* fileName) {
  printPassesFile = fopen(fileName, "w");

  if (printPassesFile == NULL) {
    USR_WARN("Error opening printPassesFile: %s.", fileName);
static void checkTargetArch() {
  if (specializeCCode && (strcmp(CHPL_TARGET_ARCH, "unknown") == 0)) {
    USR_WARN("--specialize was set, but CHPL_TARGET_ARCH is 'unknown'. If "
              "you want any specialization to occur please set CHPL_TARGET_ARCH "
              "to a proper value.");
static void checkIncrementalAndOptimized() {
  std::size_t optimizationsEnabled = ccflags.find("-O");
  if(fIncrementalCompilation && ( optimizeCCode ||
      optimizationsEnabled!=std::string::npos ))
    USR_WARN("Compiling with --incremental along with optimizations enabled"
              " may lead to a slower execution time compared to --fast or"
              " using -O optimizations directly.");
static void postStaticLink() {
  if (fLinkStyle == LS_STATIC) {
    if (strcmp(CHPL_TARGET_PLATFORM, "darwin") == 0) {
      USR_WARN("Static compilation is not supported on OS X, ignoring flag.");
      fLinkStyle = LS_DEFAULT;
文件: driver.cpp 项目: tzakian/chapel
static void setStaticLink(const ArgumentState* state, const char* arg_unused) {
  if (strcmp(CHPL_TARGET_PLATFORM, "darwin") == 0) {
    USR_WARN("Static compilation is not supported on OS X, ignoring flag.");
    fLinkStyle = LS_DEFAULT;
  } else {
    fLinkStyle = LS_STATIC;
文件: driver.cpp 项目: tzakian/chapel
static void setupDependentVars(void) {
  if (developer && !userSetCppLineno) {
    printCppLineno = false;
#ifndef HAVE_LLVM
  if (llvmCodegen)
    USR_FATAL("This compiler was built without LLVM support");

  if (specializeCCode && (strcmp(CHPL_TARGET_ARCH, "unknown") == 0)) {
    USR_WARN("--specialize was set, but CHPL_TARGET_ARCH is 'unknown'. If "
              "you want any specialization to occur please set CHPL_TARGET_ARCH "
              "to a proper value.");
static void setupChplHome(const char* argv0) {
  const char* chpl_home = getenv("CHPL_HOME");
  char* guess = NULL;

  // Get the executable path.
  guess = findProgramPath(argv0);
  if (guess) {
    // Determine CHPL_HOME based on the exe path.
    // Determined exe path, but don't have a env var set
    // Look for ../../../util/chplenv
    // Remove the /bin/some-platform/chpl part
    // from the path.
    if( guess[0] ) {
      int j = strlen(guess) - 5; // /bin and '\0'
      for( ; j >= 0; j-- ) {
        if( guess[j] == '/' &&
            guess[j+1] == 'b' &&
            guess[j+2] == 'i' &&
            guess[j+3] == 'n' ) {
          guess[j] = '\0';

    if( isMaybeChplHome(guess) ) {
      // OK!
    } else {
      // Maybe we are in e.g. /usr/bin.
      guess = NULL;

  if( chpl_home ) {
    if( strlen(chpl_home) > FILENAME_MAX )
      USR_FATAL("$CHPL_HOME=%s path too long", chpl_home);

    if( guess == NULL ) {
      // Could not find exe path, but have a env var set
      strncpy(CHPL_HOME, chpl_home, FILENAME_MAX);
    } else {
      // We have env var and found exe path.
      // Check that they match and emit a warning if not.

      if( ! isSameFile(chpl_home, guess) ) {
        // Not the same. Emit warning.
        USR_WARN("$CHPL_HOME=%s mismatched with executable home=%s",
                 chpl_home, guess);
      // Since we have an enviro var, always use that.
      strncpy(CHPL_HOME, chpl_home, FILENAME_MAX);
  } else {
    if( guess == NULL ) {
      // Could not find enviro var, and could not
      // guess at exe's path name.
      USR_FATAL("$CHPL_HOME must be set to run chpl");
    } else {
      int rc;
      if( strlen(guess) > FILENAME_MAX )
        USR_FATAL("chpl guessed home %s too long", guess);

      // Determined exe path, but don't have a env var set
      strncpy(CHPL_HOME, guess, FILENAME_MAX);
      // Also need to setenv in this case.
      rc = setenv("CHPL_HOME", guess, 0);
      if( rc ) USR_FATAL("Could not setenv CHPL_HOME");

  // Check that the resulting path is a Chapel distribution.
  if( ! isMaybeChplHome(CHPL_HOME) ) {
    // Bad enviro var.
    USR_WARN("CHPL_HOME=%s is not a Chapel distribution", CHPL_HOME);

  if( guess ) free(guess);

  parseCmdLineConfig("CHPL_HOME", astr("\"", CHPL_HOME, "\""));
void WhileStmt::checkConstWhileLoop()
  if (loopBodyHasExits() == false)
    USR_WARN(this, "A while loop with a constant condition");
文件: driver.cpp 项目: tzakian/chapel
static void handleStackCheck(const ArgumentState* state, const char* unused) {
  if (!fNoStackChecks && strcmp(CHPL_TASKS, "massivethreads") == 0) {
    USR_WARN("CHPL_TASKS=%s cannot do stack checks.", CHPL_TASKS);
文件: symbol.cpp 项目: rlugojr/chapel
void VarSymbol::codegenGlobalDef(bool isHeader) {
  GenInfo* info = gGenInfo;

  if( id == breakOnCodegenID ||
      (breakOnCodegenCname[0] &&
       0 == strcmp(cname, breakOnCodegenCname)) ) {

  if( info->cfile ) {
    codegenDefC(/*global=*/true, isHeader);
  } else {
#ifdef HAVE_LLVM
    if(type == dtVoid || !isHeader) {

    if( this->hasFlag(FLAG_EXTERN) ) {
      // Make sure that it already exists in the layered value table.
      if( isType() ) {
        llvm::Type* t = info->lvt->getType(cname);
        if( ! t ) {
          // TODO should be USR_FATAL
          USR_WARN(this, "Could not find extern def of type %s", cname);
      } else {
        GenRet v = info->lvt->getValue(cname);
        if( ! v.val ) {
          // TODO should be USR_FATAL
          // Commenting out to prevent problems with S_IRWXU and friends
          // USR_WARN(this, "Could not find extern def of %s", cname);
    } else {
      bool existing;

      existing = (info->module->getNamedValue(cname) != NULL);

      if( existing )
        INT_FATAL(this, "Redefinition of a global variable %s", cname);

      // Now, create a global variable with appropriate linkage.
      llvm::Type* llTy = type->codegen().type;

      llvm::GlobalVariable *gVar =
        new llvm::GlobalVariable(
            false, /* is constant */
            hasFlag(FLAG_EXPORT) ? llvm::GlobalVariable::ExternalLinkage
                                 : llvm::GlobalVariable::InternalLinkage,
            llvm::Constant::getNullValue(llTy), /* initializer, */
      info->lvt->addGlobalValue(cname, gVar, GEN_PTR, ! is_signed(type) );

文件: driver.cpp 项目: cathieO/chapel
static void handleTaskTracking(const ArgumentState* state, const char* unused) {
  if (fEnableTaskTracking && strcmp(CHPL_TASKS, "fifo") != 0) {
    USR_WARN("Enabling task tracking with CHPL_TASKS=%s has no effect other than to slow down compilation", CHPL_TASKS);