void CGUIWindowFullScreen::FreeResources(bool forceUnload)
  // No need to unload these here, as they're preloaded by our app
void    pfGameGUIMgr::UnloadDialog( const char *name )
    int     i;

    for( i = 0; i < fDialogs.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( stricmp( fDialogs[ i ]->GetName(), name ) == 0 )
            UnloadDialog( fDialogs[ i ] );
    int     i;

    // the GUIMgr is dead!
    fInstance = nil;

    for( i = 0; i < fDialogs.GetCount(); i++ )
        UnloadDialog( fDialogs[ i ] );

    for( i = 0; i < fDialogToSetKeyOf.GetCount(); i++ )
        delete fDialogToSetKeyOf[i];

    if( fActivated )
        IActivateGUI( false );

    delete fInputConfig;
void CGenPropertyPage::OnAddItem(CDialog & dlg) 

  // load dialog with default values
  InitDialog (&dlg);

  // display dialog, exit if cancelled
  if (dlg.DoModal () != IDOK)

  // create the object's lookup name (label converted to lower case, or generated)
 CObject * pItem;
 CString strObjectName;

  strObjectName = GetObjectName (&dlg);
  if (strObjectName.IsEmpty ())
    strObjectName.Format ("*%s%s",       // e.g. *trigger100
                            (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                            (LPCTSTR) App.GetUniqueString ());

  // if already there (presumably not possible with un-named objects),
  // then abort the add
  if (m_ObjectMap->Lookup (strObjectName, pItem))
    CString strMsg;

    strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" is already in the %s list",
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                  (LPCTSTR) GetObjectName (&dlg),
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

  // add new object to map
  m_ObjectMap->SetAt (strObjectName, pItem = MakeNewObject ());

  // unload from dialog into object's properties
  UnloadDialog (&dlg, pItem);

  // They can no longer cancel the property sheet, the document has changed
  CancelToClose ();
  if (!CheckIfTemporary (pItem))
    m_doc->SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);

  // create a CString for lookup purposes
  CString * pstrObjectName = new CString (strObjectName);

  // add this item to the list view
  add_item (pItem, pstrObjectName, 0, TRUE);

  SetInternalName (pItem, strObjectName);  // set name so we can delete one-shot items

  // resort the list
  t_gen_sort_param sort_param (m_ObjectMap, m_last_col, m_reverse, m_CompareObjects);
  m_ctlList->SortItems (CompareFunc, (LPARAM) &sort_param); 

  // redraw the list
  if (GetFilterFlag ())
    LoadList ();       // full reload because it may have changed filter requirements

// get dispatch id from the script and put it into the item

  if (m_doc->m_ScriptEngine)
    CString strMessage;
    SetDispatchID (pItem, m_doc->GetProcedureDispid (GetScriptName (pItem),
                                                     GetLabel (pItem),
    if (!strMessage.IsEmpty ())
      ::UMessageBox (strMessage, MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}    // end of CGenPropertyPage::OnAddItem
void CGenPropertyPage::OnChangeItem(CDialog & dlg) 
CString strMsg;

// iterate through list in case we implement multiple selection one day
for (int nItem = -1;
      (nItem = m_ctlList->GetNextItem(nItem, LVNI_SELECTED)) != -1;)

  // get the lower-case name of this item's object
  CString * pstrObjectName = (CString *) m_ctlList->GetItemData (nItem);

  ASSERT (pstrObjectName != NULL);

  CObject * pItem;

  // check object is still there (it might have gone while we looked at the list box)
  if (!m_ObjectMap->Lookup (*pstrObjectName, pItem))
    m_ctlList->DeleteItem (nItem);    // it's gone, so delete it from the list view
    m_ctlList->RedrawItems (0, m_ctlList->GetItemCount () - 1);    // redraw the list

    // in the case of one-shot timers, unnamed items might be removed from the list
    if (pstrObjectName->Left (1) == "*")
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s you selected is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);

    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

    delete pstrObjectName;                 // and get rid of its name string

  ASSERT( pItem->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CObject ) ) );

  // load dialog with values from the found item
  LoadDialog (&dlg, pItem);

  // put up the dialog, give up if they cancel
  if (dlg.DoModal () != IDOK)

  // lookup this object, to make sure it still exists
  if (!m_ObjectMap->Lookup (*pstrObjectName, pItem))
    m_ctlList->DeleteItem (nItem);    // it's gone, so delete it from the list view
    m_ctlList->RedrawItems (0, m_ctlList->GetItemCount () - 1);    // redraw the list
    // in the case of one-shot timers, unnamed items might be removed from the list
    if (pstrObjectName->Left (1) == "*")
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s you selected is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" is no longer in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);

    delete pstrObjectName;                 // and get rid of its name string
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

  ASSERT( pItem->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CObject ) ) );

  if (CheckIfIncluded (pItem))
    strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" has been included from an include file. You cannot modify it here.",
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                  (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName);
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);
    return; // can't modify included items

  // check object still has the same modification number
  // (it might have been modified while we looked at the list box)
  if (GetModificationNumber (pItem) != m_nUpdateNumber)
    strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" has already been modified by a script subroutine",
                  (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                  (LPCTSTR) *pstrObjectName);
    ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

  // check for name change 
  CString strObjectName = GetObjectName (&dlg);
  if (strObjectName.IsEmpty ())
    strObjectName.Format ("*%s%s", 
                          (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                          (LPCTSTR) App.GetUniqueString ());
    strObjectName.MakeLower ();
  if (strObjectName != *pstrObjectName)     // has name changed?
    // here if label has changed
    CObject * new_pItem;
    if (m_ObjectMap->Lookup (strObjectName, new_pItem))
      strMsg = TFormat ("The %s named \"%s\" already exists in the %s list",
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType,
                    (LPCTSTR) strObjectName,
                    (LPCTSTR) m_strObjectType);
      ::UMessageBox (strMsg);

    // remove old entry and re-add under new name
    m_ObjectMap->RemoveKey (*pstrObjectName);     // remove old entry
    m_ObjectMap->SetAt (strObjectName, pItem);   // insert under new name

    // delete old name in the list
    delete pstrObjectName;

    // create a new CString for lookup purposes
    pstrObjectName = new CString (strObjectName);

    // record item's new name as the list object data
    m_ctlList->SetItemData(nItem, (DWORD) pstrObjectName);
    }   // end of label changing

  // see if the user changed anything, anyway
  if (CheckIfChanged (&dlg, pItem))

    // unload from dialog into object's properties
    UnloadDialog (&dlg, pItem);

    // They can no longer cancel the property sheet, the document has changed
    CancelToClose ();
    if (!CheckIfTemporary (pItem))
      m_doc->SetModifiedFlag (TRUE);

    // re-setup list with amended details
    int nNewItem = add_item (pItem, pstrObjectName, nItem, FALSE);

    m_ctlList->RedrawItems (nNewItem, nNewItem);

    }   // end of item changing

// Get dispatch id from the script and put it into the item.
// We do this even if nothing has changed, so that we can force re-evaluation
// of the dispatch ID, by just getting the item and pressing OK.

  if (m_doc->m_ScriptEngine)
    CString strMessage;
    SetDispatchID (pItem, m_doc->GetProcedureDispid (GetScriptName (pItem),
                                                     GetLabel (pItem),
    if (!strMessage.IsEmpty ())
      ::UMessageBox (strMessage, MB_ICONINFORMATION);

  }   // end of dealing with each selected item

  // redraw the list
  if (GetFilterFlag ())
    LoadList ();       // full reload because it may have changed filter requirements

  // resort the list
  t_gen_sort_param sort_param (m_ObjectMap, m_last_col, m_reverse, m_CompareObjects);
  m_ctlList->SortItems (CompareFunc, (LPARAM) &sort_param); 

}   // end of CGenPropertyPage::OnChangeItem