 * Name: vc_cec_get_topology
 * Arguments:
 *       pointer to topology struct
 * Description
 *       Get the topology
 * Returns: if the command is successful (zero) or not (non-zero)
 *         If successful, the topology will be set, otherwise it is unchanged
 *         A topology with 1 device (us) means CEC is not supported
 *         If there is no topology available, this also returns a failure.
VCHPRE_ int VCHPOST_ vc_cec_get_topology( VC_CEC_TOPOLOGY_T* topology) {
   int32_t success = cecservice_send_command( VC_CEC_GET_TOPOLOGY, NULL, 0, 1);
   if(success == 0) {
      success = cecservice_wait_for_bulk_receive(cecservice_client.topology, sizeof(VC_CEC_TOPOLOGY_T));
   if(success == 0) {
      int i;
      cecservice_client.topology->active_mask = VC_VTOH16(cecservice_client.topology->active_mask);
      cecservice_client.topology->num_devices = VC_VTOH16(cecservice_client.topology->num_devices);
      for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
         cecservice_client.topology->device_attr[i] = VC_VTOH32(cecservice_client.topology->device_attr[i]);
      memcpy(topology, cecservice_client.topology, sizeof(VC_CEC_TOPOLOGY_T));
   return success;
文件: vciface.c 项目: kzlin129/tt-gpl
int read_header (void) {
   // Read up to vin_int_req.
   int status;
   unsigned int i;
   int offset = (uint32_t)&vc_sharedmem_header.vin_int_req - (uint32_t)&vc_sharedmem_header;
   status = vc_host_read_consecutive(&vc_sharedmem_header, vc_interface_base, offset, 0);
   vc_assert(status == 0);
   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vc_sharedmem_header.iface)/sizeof(uint16_t); i++)
      vc_sharedmem_header.iface[i] = VC_VTOH16(vc_sharedmem_header.iface[i]);
   return status;
void CB_AudioFrameReceived( FRMFWD_FRAME_T *fwdFrame, unsigned int lengthinbyte, int streamNum )
   int i, available_space;
   short * datap, *dstp;
   int flag = 0;

   int numpair = fwdFrame->info.data_len / 4;
   int spaceRequired = numpair;

   if( needStereoComb == 0 )
      spaceRequired = numpair * 2;

   /* senity check */
   if( fwdFrame != (FRMFWD_FRAME_T *)pktbufp )
      printk("the incoming ptr 0x%x doesn't match the local copy 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)fwdFrame, (unsigned int)pktbufp );
   if( startplay == 0 )
      printk("start play not received yet, why are we receiving data %d?\n", numpair);
   datap = (short *)&fwdFrame->data[0];

   for( i=0; i < numpair; i++ )
      datap[0] = testData[tempdataIndex];
      datap[1] = testData[tempdataIndex];
      if( tempdataIndex >= 48 )
         tempdataIndex = 0;
      datap+= 2;
   datap = (short *)&fwdFrame->data[0];
   dstp = &samplebufp[audio_writeIdx];

   /* check if we have enought space to receive the message */
   if( audio_writeIdx < audio_readIdx )
      available_space = audio_readIdx - audio_writeIdx;
      available_space = ( ((MAX_NUM_SAMPLE_PAIRS*2) - audio_writeIdx) + audio_readIdx );
   if( available_space < spaceRequired )
      printk("not enough space for incoming packets: ava %d, asked %d\n", 
            available_space, spaceRequired );
      /* convert from stereo to mono and write it so pcm playout buffer */
      int first_part = ((MAX_NUM_SAMPLE_PAIRS*2) - audio_writeIdx);
      int second_part = 0;
      if( first_part > spaceRequired )
         first_part = spaceRequired;
         second_part = spaceRequired - first_part;
      if( needStereoComb )
         for( i = 0; i < first_part; i++ )
            dstp[i] = (short)(( (int)((short)VC_VTOH16(datap[0])) + (int)((short)VC_VTOH16(datap[1])) )/ 2);
            flag |= dstp[i];
            datap += 2;
         if( second_part > 0 )
            dstp = samplebufp;
            for( i = 0; i < second_part; i++ )
               dstp[i] = (short)(( (int)((short)VC_VTOH16(datap[0])) + (int)((short)VC_VTOH16(datap[1])) )/ 2);
               flag |= dstp[i];
               datap += 2;
         /* playing out stereo samples, do not have to combine the left and right channel input */
         for( i=0; i < first_part; i++ )
            dstp[i] = (short)(VC_VTOH16(datap[i]));
         datap+= first_part;
         if( second_part > 0 )
            dstp = samplebufp;
            for( i=0; i < second_part; i++ )
               dstp[i] = (short)(VC_VTOH16(datap[i]));
      /* take care of buffer wrap around */
      audio_writeIdx += spaceRequired;
      if( audio_writeIdx >= (MAX_NUM_SAMPLE_PAIRS*2) )
         audio_writeIdx = second_part;

   /* release the packet for next incoming packet */
   pktused = 0;
文件: vciface.c 项目: kzlin129/tt-gpl

   int vc_interface_init()
   Initialise the host side of the interface. Return non-zero for failure.

int vc_interface_init (void) {

   int status;
   uint32_t regval;
   int      i, initcount;
   uint32_t hostportcfg;

   // Read address of interface area.
   printk(KERN_INFO "Detecting VC03 VMCS .");

   hostportcfg = HW_VC03_HOSTBUS_CFG00;
   initcount = 50;
   regval = 0;

   regval = vc_host_read32(VC_APP_ADDRESS, 0);
   regval = vc_host_read32(VC_SHAREDPTR_ADDR, 0);
   regval = vc_host_read32(VC_APP_ADDRESS, 0);
   regval = vc_host_read32(VC_SHAREDPTR_ADDR, 0);
   regval = vc_host_read32(VC_APP_ADDRESS, 0);
   regval = vc_host_read32(VC_SHAREDPTR_ADDR, 0);
	   status = vchost_portinit(&hostportcfg);
	   if(status == 0)
	       regval = vc_host_read32(VC_APP_ADDRESS, 0);
	       if(regval == 1)
		   // Read from VC_SHAREDPTR_ADDR - VMCS sets this to 1
		   printk(" OK  VC03 VMCS is running.\n");
		   //printk( "vc_interface_init: read address of intf area failed\n" );
	   if(initcount < 1)
		   printk( "VC03 driver error: VMCS is not running.\n");
		   return 1;   // VMCS is not running

   vc_interface_base = vc_host_read32(VC_SHAREDPTR_ADDR, 0);

   VC_DEBUG(Trace, "vc_interface_base = 0x%08x\n", vc_interface_base );

   if ((vc_interface_base == 0) || ((vc_interface_base & 3) != 0))
       printk( KERN_ERR "invalid vc_interface_base: 0x%08X\n", vc_interface_base);
       return 1;   // Sanity check - pointer must be non-null and aligned to a 4-byte address

   // Read shared memory header.
   status = read_header();
   if ( status != 0 )
       printk( "vc_interface_init: read_header failed\n" );
       return status;

   // Probably advisable to have a lock to protect multiple threads trying to
   // set interface bits at once. We protect reads too, just to be sure another
   // thread doesn't use half updated values.
   if (interface_lock == NULL)
      interface_lock = vc_lock_create();

   // Start us off in polling mode. The host can put us into interrupt mode once
   // they have done enough work to set up and process the interrupts.
   // (NOTE: I think this now does nothing. DAP.)

   // Very hookey hack. Write some bytes into the dummy values after the vin_int_ack
   // so we can use them to tell if we're doing something valid.

      int offset = (uint32_t)&vc_sharedmem_header.vin_int_req - (uint32_t)&vc_sharedmem_header;

      vc_host_read_consecutive(&vc_sharedmem_header.vin_int_req, vc_interface_base + offset, sizeof(VC_SHAREDMEM_HEADER_T) - offset, 0);

      memcpy( vc_sharedmem_header.dummy1, testPattern, sizeof( testPattern ));
      memcpy( vc_sharedmem_header.dummy2, testPattern, sizeof( testPattern ));

      vc_host_write_consecutive( vc_interface_base + offset, &vc_sharedmem_header.vin_int_req, sizeof(VC_SHAREDMEM_HEADER_T) - offset, 0);

   // Do not set this as we get reinitialised after being powered down and up again
   // and we do not expect services to recreate their events.
   //num_reg_events = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < VC_NUM_INTERFACES; i++)
       char *stypeStr;
       if ( vc_sharedmem_header.iface[i] == 0 )
           VC_DEBUG( Verbose, "iface[%d] not present\n", i);
           vc_host_read_consecutive(&intf, vc_interface_base + vc_sharedmem_header.iface[i], sizeof(VC_GENERIC_INTERFACE_T), 0);
           intf.stype = VC_VTOH16(intf.stype);
	     case VC_STYPE_GENCMD:        stypeStr = "gencmd ";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_DISPMAN:       stypeStr = "dispman";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_TOUCHSCREEN:   stypeStr = "touch  ";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_DATASERVICE:   stypeStr = "dataSvc";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_FILESERVICE:   stypeStr = "fileSvc";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_HOSTREQ:       stypeStr = "hostReq";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_FRMFWD:        stypeStr = "frmfwd ";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_ILCS:          stypeStr = "ilcs   ";   break;
	     case VC_STYPE_OGLESSVC:      stypeStr = "ogles  ";   break;
	     default:                     stypeStr = "*******";   break;
           if ( intf.itype == VC_ITYPE_MSGFIFO )
	       VC_MSGFIFO_INTERFACE_T   msgFifo;	       
	       VC_HOST_READ_BYTESWAPPED_16( &msgFifo, vc_interface_base + vc_sharedmem_header.iface[i], sizeof(VC_MSGFIFO_INTERFACE_T), 0);
	       VC_DEBUG( Trace, "iface[%d]: 0x%04x stype:%03d '%s' msgFifo %d bytes (to-vc) %d bytes (from-vc)\n",
			 i, vc_sharedmem_header.iface[i], intf.stype, stypeStr,
			 msgFifo.vin_fmax  - msgFifo.vin_fmin  - VC_INTERFACE_BLOCK_SIZE,
			 msgFifo.vout_fmax - msgFifo.vout_fmin - VC_INTERFACE_BLOCK_SIZE );
	       VC_DEBUG( Trace, "iface[%d]: 0x%04x stype:%03d '%s'\n",
			 i, vc_sharedmem_header.iface[i], intf.stype, stypeStr );
   return 0;