/** Destroy a DetectorStateSeries (and set it to NULL) */
LALDestroyDetectorStateSeries (LALStatus *status,		/**< pointer to LALStatus structure */
			       DetectorStateSeries **detStates ) /**< pointer to vector to be destroyed */


  XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries ( (*detStates) );

  (*detStates) = NULL;

  RETURN (status);
} /* LALDestroyDetectorStateSeries() */
 * Helper function to get rid of a multi-IFO DetectorStateSeries
 * Note, this is "NULL-robust" in the sense that it will not crash
 * on NULL-entries anywhere in this struct, so it can be used
 * for failure-cleanup even on incomplete structs.
XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries ( MultiDetectorStateSeries *mdetStates )
  UINT4 X, numDet;

  if ( !mdetStates )

  numDet = mdetStates->length;
  if ( mdetStates->data )
      for ( X=0; X < numDet ; X ++ )
	XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries ( mdetStates->data[X] );

      LALFree ( mdetStates->data );

  LALFree ( mdetStates );


} /* XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries() */
 * Get the 'detector state' (ie detector-tensor, position, velocity, etc) for the given
 * vector of timestamps, shifted by a common time-shift \a tOffset.
 * This function just calls XLALBarycenterEarth() and XLALBarycenter() for the
 * given vector of timestamps (shifted by tOffset) and returns the positions,
 * velocities and LMSTs of the detector, stored in a DetectorStateSeries.
 * There is also an entry containing the EarthState at each timestamp, which
 * can be used as input for subsequent calls to XLALBarycenter().
 * \a tOffset allows one to easily use the midpoints of SFT-timestamps, for example.
DetectorStateSeries *
XLALGetDetectorStates ( const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps,	/**< array of GPS timestamps t_i */
                        const LALDetector *detector,		/**< detector info */
                        const EphemerisData *edat,		/**< ephemeris file data */
                        REAL8 tOffset				/**< compute detector states at timestamps SHIFTED by tOffset */
  /* check input consistency */
  if ( !timestamps || !detector || !edat ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: invalid NULL input, timestamps=%p, detector=%p, edat=%p\n", __func__, timestamps, detector, edat );

  /* prepare return vector */
  UINT4 numSteps = timestamps->length;
  DetectorStateSeries *ret = NULL;
  if ( ( ret = XLALCreateDetectorStateSeries ( numSteps )) == NULL ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALCreateDetectorStateSeries(%d) failed.\n", __func__, numSteps );

  /* enter detector-info into the head of the state-vector */
  ret->detector = (*detector);

  /* set 'time-span' associated with each timestamp */
  ret->deltaT = timestamps->deltaT;

  /* set SSB coordinate system used: EQUATORIAL for Earth-based, ECLIPTIC for LISA */
  if ( detector->frDetector.prefix[0] == 'Z' )	/* LISA */
  else	/* Earth-based */

  /* now fill all the vector-entries corresponding to different timestamps */
  UINT4 i;
  for ( i=0; i < numSteps; i++ )
      BarycenterInput baryinput;
      EmissionTime emit;
      DetectorState *state = &(ret->data[i]);
      EarthState *earth = &(state->earthState);
      LIGOTimeGPS tgps;

      /* shift timestamp by tOffset */
      tgps = timestamps->data[i];
      XLALGPSAdd(&tgps, tOffset);

      /*----- first get earth-state */
      if ( XLALBarycenterEarth ( earth, &tgps, edat ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
        XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries ( ret );
        XLALPrintError("%s: XLALBarycenterEarth() failed with xlalErrno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      /*----- then get detector-specific info */
      baryinput.tgps = tgps;
      baryinput.site = (*detector);
      baryinput.site.location[0] /= LAL_C_SI;
      baryinput.site.location[1] /= LAL_C_SI;
      baryinput.site.location[2] /= LAL_C_SI;
      baryinput.alpha = baryinput.delta = 0;	/* irrelevant */
      baryinput.dInv = 0;

      if ( XLALBarycenter ( &emit, &baryinput, earth) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
	XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries( ret );
        XLALPrintError("%s: XLALBarycenterEarth() failed with xlalErrno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      /*----- extract the output-data from this */
      UINT4 j;
      for (j=0; j < 3; j++)	/* copy detector's position and velocity */
	  state->rDetector[j] = emit.rDetector[j];
	  state->vDetector[j] = emit.vDetector[j];
	} /* for j < 3 */

      /* local mean sidereal time = GMST + longitude */
      state->LMST = earth->gmstRad + detector->frDetector.vertexLongitudeRadians;
      state->LMST = fmod (state->LMST, LAL_TWOPI );	/* normalize */

      /* insert timestamp */
      state->tGPS = tgps;

      /* compute the detector-tensor at this time-stamp in SSB-fixed Cartesian coordinates
       * [EQUATORIAL for Earth-based, ECLIPTIC for LISA]
      if ( XLALFillDetectorTensor ( state, detector ) != 0 ) {
	XLALPrintError ( "%s: XLALFillDetectorTensor() failed ... errno = %d\n\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

    } /* for i < numSteps */

  /* return result */
  return ret;

} /* XLALGetDetectorStates() */
 * Very simple test: pick random skyposition, compute a_i, b_i using
 * once LALComputeAM() and once LALNewGetAMCoeffs(), and look at the errors
 * sum_i (a_i - a_i')^2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);
  int              opt;             /* Command-line option. */

  LIGOTimeGPS startTime = {714180733, 0};
  REAL8 duration = 180000;	/* 50 hours */
  REAL8 Tsft = 1800;		/* assume 30min SFTs */
  LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps = NULL;
  DetectorStateSeries *detStates = NULL;
  SkyPosition XLAL_INIT_DECL(skypos);
  EphemerisData XLAL_INIT_DECL(edat);
  BarycenterInput XLAL_INIT_DECL(baryinput);
  LALDetector *det = NULL;
  AMCoeffs XLAL_INIT_DECL(AMnew1);
  AMCoeffs XLAL_INIT_DECL(AMnew2);
  REAL8 alpha, delta;
  AMCoeffsParams XLAL_INIT_DECL(amParams);
  EarthState earth;
  UINT4 i;
  REAL8 maxerr01, maxerr02, maxerr12, averr01, averr02, averr12;
  REAL8 tolerance = 1e-2;	/* be generous: allow 1% error */
  struct tms buf;

  const CHAR *sites[]   = {"H1", "L1", "V2", "G1", "T1" };
  REAL8 sinzeta;	/* zeta = IFO opening angle */
  UINT4 pickedSite;
  BOOLEAN ignoreErrors = 0; /* Don't fail if tolerance exceeded */
  UINT4 numChecks = 1; /* Number of times to check */

  char earthEphem[] = TEST_DATA_DIR "earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz";
  char sunEphem[]   = TEST_DATA_DIR "sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz";

  /* ----- old testing code to use 9 degree earth rotations ----- */
  /* startTime.gpsSeconds = 714275242;
  duration = 86164;
  Tsft = 2154.1; */

  while ((opt = LALgetopt( argc, argv, "n:qv:" )) != -1) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'v': /* set lalDebugLevel */
    case 'q': /* don't fail if tolerance exceeded */
      ignoreErrors = 1;
    case 'n': /* number of times to check */
      numChecks = atoi( LALoptarg );

  /* init random-generator */
  srand ( times(&buf) );

  /* ----- init ephemeris ----- */
  edat.ephiles.earthEphemeris = earthEphem;
  edat.ephiles.sunEphemeris = sunEphem;
  SUB ( LALInitBarycenter(&status, &edat), &status);

  /* ----- get timestamps ----- */
  SUB ( LALMakeTimestamps ( &status, &timestamps, startTime, duration, Tsft ), &status );

  /* ----- allocate memory for AM-coeffs ----- */
  AMold.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMold.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMnew1.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMnew1.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMnew2.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMnew2.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );

  while ( numChecks-- )

  /* ----- pick detector-site at random ----- */
  pickedSite = floor( 5 * (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) ) );  /* int in [0,5) */

  /* NOTE: contrary to ComputeAM() and LALGetAMCoffs(), the new function LALNewGetAMCoeffs()
   * computes 'a * sinzeta' and 'b * sinzeta': for the comparison we therefore need to correct
   * for GEO's opening-angle of 94.33degrees [JKS98]: */
  if ( ! strcmp ( sites[pickedSite], "G1" ) )
    sinzeta = 0.997146;
    sinzeta = 1;

  if ( ( det = XLALGetSiteInfo ( sites[pickedSite] )) == NULL )
      XLALPrintError ("\nCall to XLALGetSiteInfo() has failed for site = '%s'... \n\n",

  /* ----- pick skyposition at random ----- */
  alpha = LAL_TWOPI * (1.0 * rand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );  /* uniform in [0, 2pi) */
  delta = LAL_PI_2 - acos ( 1 - 2.0 * rand()/RAND_MAX );	/* sin(delta) uniform in [-1,1] */
  /* ----- old testing code to put source overhead ----- */
  /*  alpha = det->frDetector.vertexLongitudeRadians;
      delta = det->frDetector.vertexLatitudeRadians; */

  /* ===== compute AM-coeffs the 'old way': ===== */
  baryinput.site.location[0] = det->location[0]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[1] = det->location[1]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[2] = det->location[2]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.alpha = alpha;
  baryinput.delta = delta;
  baryinput.dInv = 0.e0;

  /* amParams structure to compute a(t) and b(t) */
  amParams.das = (LALDetAndSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALDetAndSource));
  amParams.das->pSource = (LALSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALSource));
  amParams.baryinput = &baryinput;
  amParams.earth = &earth;
  amParams.edat = &edat;
  amParams.das->pDetector = det;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.longitude = alpha;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.latitude = delta;
  amParams.das->pSource->orientation = 0.0;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL;
  amParams.polAngle = 0;

  SUB (LALComputeAM ( &status, &AMold, timestamps->data, &amParams), &status);

  /* ===== compute AM-coeffs the 'new way' using LALNewGetAMCoeffs() */

  /* ----- get detector-state series ----- */
  SUB ( LALGetDetectorStates (&status, &detStates, timestamps, det, &edat, 0 ), &status );

  skypos.longitude = alpha;
  skypos.latitude = delta;

  /* the 'new' and the 'newer' way ... */
  SUB ( LALGetAMCoeffs ( &status, &AMnew1, detStates, skypos ), &status );	/* 'new1' */
  SUB ( LALNewGetAMCoeffs ( &status, &AMnew2, detStates, skypos ), &status );	/* 'new2' */

  /* ===== analyse relative errors ===== */
  maxerr01 = maxerr02 = maxerr12 = 0; /* errors between 0='old', 1='new1', 2='new2' */
  averr01 = averr02 = averr12 = 0;
  for ( i=0; i < timestamps->length; i ++ )
      /*      printf("GPS time: %d s %d ns; GMST in radians: %f\n",
	     printf("Old AM coeffs: a=%f, b=%f\nNew AM coeffs: a=%f, b=%f\nNEWER AM coeffs: a=%f b=%f",
	     AMold.a->data[i], AMold.b->data[i],
	     AMnew.a->data[i], AMnew.b->data[i],
	     AMnewer.a->data[i], AMnewer.b->data[i]); */
      REAL8 thisErr;
      /* compare 0-1 */
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMold.a->data[i] -  AMnew1.a->data[i] ) / AMold.A );
      averr01 += thisErr;
      maxerr01 = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr01 );
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMold.b->data[i] -  AMnew1.b->data[i] ) / AMold.B );
      averr01 += thisErr;
      maxerr01 = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr01 );

      /* compare 0-2 */
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMold.a->data[i] -  AMnew2.a->data[i]/sinzeta ) / AMold.A );
      averr02 += thisErr;
      maxerr02 = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr02 );
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMold.b->data[i] -  AMnew2.b->data[i]/sinzeta ) / AMold.B );
      averr02 += thisErr;
      maxerr02 = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr02 );

      /* compare 1-2 */
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMnew1.a->data[i] -  AMnew2.a->data[i]/sinzeta ) / AMold.A );
      averr12 += thisErr;
      maxerr12 = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr12 );
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMnew1.b->data[i] -  AMnew2.b->data[i]/sinzeta ) / AMold.B );
      averr12 += thisErr;
      maxerr12 = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr12 );

  averr01 /= 2.0 * timestamps->length;
  averr02 /= 2.0 * timestamps->length;
  averr12 /= 2.0 * timestamps->length;

  if ( lalDebugLevel )
      printf ("Parameters: IFO = %s, skypos = [%g, %g]\n", sites[pickedSite], alpha, delta );
      printf ("Maximal relative errors: maxerr(0-1) = %g %%, maxerr(0-2) = %g %% maxerr(1-2) = %g %%\n",
	      100.0 * maxerr01, 100.0 * maxerr02, 100.0 * maxerr12 );
      printf ("Average relative errors: averr(0-1)  = %g %%, averr(0-2)  = %g %% averr(1-2)  = %g %%\n",
	      100.0 * averr01, 100.0 * averr02, 100.0 * averr12 );
    printf ("%d %g %g \t %g %g %g \t %g %g %g\n", pickedSite, alpha, delta, averr01, averr02, averr12, maxerr01, maxerr02, maxerr12);

  if ( (averr01 > tolerance) || (averr02 > tolerance) || (averr12 > tolerance)
       || (maxerr01 > tolerance) ||(maxerr02 > tolerance) || (maxerr12 > tolerance) )
      XLALPrintError ("Maximal error-tolerance of %g %% was exceeded!\n", 100.0 * tolerance );
      if (!ignoreErrors)
	return 1;

  if ( lalDebugLevel )
    printf("%d checks left\n", numChecks);

  /* ---- Clean up things that were created in this loop ---- */
  XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries ( detStates );
  detStates = NULL;
  LALFree ( det );
  LALFree ( amParams.das->pSource );
  LALFree ( amParams.das );


  /* ----- free memory ----- */
  XLALDestroyTimestampVector ( timestamps );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMold.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMold.b );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew1.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew1.b );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew2.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew2.b );



  return 0;	/* OK */

} /* main() */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  LALStatus status = blank_status;

  ConfigVariables XLAL_INIT_DECL(config);
  UserVariables_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);

  /* register user-variables */

  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALInitUserVars ( &uvar ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* read cmdline & cfgfile  */
  BOOLEAN should_exit = 0;
  XLAL_CHECK( XLALUserVarReadAllInput( &should_exit, argc, argv ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  if ( should_exit ) {

  if ( uvar.version )
      XLALOutputVersionString ( stdout, lalDebugLevel );

  /* basic setup and initializations */
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALInitCode( &config, &uvar, argv[0] ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* ----- allocate memory for AM-coeffs ----- */
  AMCoeffs AMold, AMnew1, AMnew2;	/**< containers holding AM-coefs computed by 3 different AM functions */
  AMold.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( 1 );
  AMold.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( 1 );
  AMnew1.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( 1 );
  AMnew1.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( 1 );
  AMnew2.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( 1 );
  AMnew2.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( 1 );

  XLAL_CHECK ( AMold.a && AMold.b && AMnew1.a && AMnew1.b && AMnew2.a && AMnew2.a, XLAL_ENOMEM, "Failed to XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( 1 )\n" );

  /* ----- get detector-state series ----- */
  DetectorStateSeries *detStates = NULL;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (detStates = XLALGetDetectorStates ( config.timestamps, config.det, config.edat, 0 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* ----- compute associated SSB timing info ----- */
  SSBtimes *tSSB = XLALGetSSBtimes ( detStates, config.skypos, config.timeGPS, SSBPREC_RELATIVISTIC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( tSSB != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetSSBtimes() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );

  /* ===== 1) compute AM-coeffs the 'old way': [used in CFSv1] ===== */
  BarycenterInput XLAL_INIT_DECL(baryinput);
  AMCoeffsParams XLAL_INIT_DECL(amParams);
  EarthState earth;

  baryinput.site.location[0] = config.det->location[0]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[1] = config.det->location[1]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[2] = config.det->location[2]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.alpha = config.skypos.longitude;
  baryinput.delta = config.skypos.latitude;
  baryinput.dInv = 0.e0;

  /* amParams structure to compute a(t) and b(t) */
  amParams.das = XLALMalloc(sizeof(*amParams.das));
  amParams.das->pSource = XLALMalloc(sizeof(*amParams.das->pSource));
  amParams.baryinput = &baryinput;
  amParams.earth = &earth;
  amParams.edat = config.edat;
  amParams.das->pDetector = config.det;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.longitude = config.skypos.longitude;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.latitude = config.skypos.latitude;
  amParams.das->pSource->orientation = 0.0;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL;
  amParams.polAngle = 0;

  LAL_CALL ( LALComputeAM ( &status, &AMold, config.timestamps->data, &amParams), &status);

  XLALFree ( amParams.das->pSource );
  XLALFree ( amParams.das );

  /* ===== 2) compute AM-coeffs the 'new way' using LALNewGetAMCoeffs() */
  LALGetAMCoeffs ( &status, &AMnew1, detStates, config.skypos );
  if ( status.statusCode ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: call to LALGetAMCoeffs() failed, status = %d\n\n", __func__, status.statusCode );
    XLAL_ERROR (  status.statusCode & XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* ===== 3) compute AM-coeffs the 'newer way' using LALNewGetAMCoeffs() [used in CFSv2] */
  LALNewGetAMCoeffs ( &status, &AMnew2, detStates, config.skypos );
  if ( status.statusCode ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: call to LALNewGetAMCoeffs() failed, status = %d\n\n", __func__, status.statusCode );
    XLAL_ERROR (  status.statusCode & XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* ===== 4) use standalone version of the above [used in FstatMetric_v2] */
  REAL8 a0,b0;
  if ( XLALComputeAntennaPatternCoeffs ( &a0, &b0, &config.skypos, &config.timeGPS, config.det, config.edat ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALComputeAntennaPatternCoeffs() failed.\n", __func__ );

  /* ==================== output the results ==================== */
  printf ("\n");
  printf ("----- Input parameters:\n");
  printf ("tGPS = { %d, %d }\n", config.timeGPS.gpsSeconds, config.timeGPS.gpsNanoSeconds );
  printf ("Detector = %s\n", config.det->frDetector.name );
  printf ("Sky position: longitude = %g rad, latitude = %g rad [equatorial coordinates]\n", config.skypos.longitude, config.skypos.latitude );
  printf ("\n");

  printf ("----- Antenna pattern functions (a,b):\n");
  printf ("LALComputeAM:                    ( %-12.8g, %-12.8g)  [REAL4]\n", AMold.a->data[0], AMold.b->data[0] );
  printf ("LALGetAMCoeffs:                  ( %-12.8g, %-12.8g)  [REAL4]\n", AMnew1.a->data[0], AMnew1.b->data[0] );
  printf ("LALNewGetAMCoeffs:               ( %-12.8g, %-12.8g)  [REAL4]\n", AMnew2.a->data[0]/config.sinzeta, AMnew2.b->data[0]/config.sinzeta );
  printf ("XLALComputeAntennaPatternCoeffs: ( %-12.8g, %-12.8g)  [REAL8]\n", a0/config.sinzeta, b0/config.sinzeta );
  printf ("\n");

  printf ("----- Detector & Earth state:\n");
  REAL8 *pos = detStates->data[0].rDetector;
  printf ("Detector position [ICRS J2000. Units=sec]: rDet = {%g, %g, %g}\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] );
  REAL8 *vel = detStates->data[0].vDetector;
  printf ("Detector velocity [ICRS J2000. Units=c]:   vDet = {%g, %g, %g}\n", vel[0], vel[1], vel[2] );
  printf ("Local mean sideral time: LMST = %g rad\n", detStates->data[0].LMST);
  printf ("\n");
  printf ("----- SSB timing data:\n");
  printf ("TOA difference tSSB - tDet = %g s\n", tSSB->DeltaT->data[0] );
  printf ("TOA rate of change dtSSB/dtDet - 1 = %g\n", tSSB->Tdot->data[0] - 1.0 );
  printf ("\n\n");

  /* ----- done: free all memory */
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALDestroyConfig( &config ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries ( detStates );

  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMold.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMold.b );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew1.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew1.b );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew2.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew2.b );

  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( tSSB->DeltaT );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( tSSB->Tdot );
  XLALFree (tSSB);


  return 0;
} /* main */
 * Very simple test: pick random skyposition, compute a_i, b_i using
 * once LALComputeAM() and once LALGetAMCoeffs(), and look at the errors
 * sum_i (a_i - a_i')^2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);

  LIGOTimeGPS startTime = {714180733, 0};
  REAL8 duration = 180000;	/* 50 hours */
  REAL8 Tsft = 1800;		/* assume 30min SFTs */
  LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps = NULL;
  DetectorStateSeries *detStates = NULL;
  SkyPosition XLAL_INIT_DECL(skypos);
  EphemerisData XLAL_INIT_DECL(edat);
  BarycenterInput XLAL_INIT_DECL(baryinput);
  LALDetector *det = NULL;
  REAL8 alpha, delta;
  AMCoeffsParams XLAL_INIT_DECL(amParams);
  EarthState earth;
  UINT4 i;
  REAL8 maxerr_a, maxerr_b, averr_a, averr_b;
  REAL8 tolerance = 1e-2;	/* be generous: allow 1% error */
  struct tms buf;

  const CHAR *sites[] = {"H1", "L1", "V2", "G1", "T1" };
  UINT4 pickedSite;

  char earthEphem[] = TEST_DATA_DIR "earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz";
  char sunEphem[]   = TEST_DATA_DIR "sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz";

  if ( argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-v1") )

  /* init random-generator */
  srand ( times(&buf) );

  /* ----- init ephemeris ----- */
  edat.ephiles.earthEphemeris = earthEphem;
  edat.ephiles.sunEphemeris = sunEphem;
  SUB ( LALInitBarycenter(&status, &edat), &status);

  /* ----- get timestamps ----- */
  SUB ( LALMakeTimestamps ( &status, &timestamps, startTime, duration, Tsft ), &status );

  /* ----- allocate memory for AM-coeffs ----- */
  AMold.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMold.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMnew.a = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );
  AMnew.b = XLALCreateREAL4Vector ( timestamps->length );

  /* ----- pick detector-site at random ----- */
  pickedSite = floor( 5 * (1.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) ) );  /* int in [0,5) */
  if ( ( det = XLALGetSiteInfo ( sites[pickedSite] )) == NULL )
      XLALPrintError ("\nCall to XLALGetSiteInfo() has failed for site = '%s'... \n\n",

  /* ----- pick skyposition at random ----- */
  alpha = LAL_TWOPI * (1.0 * rand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );  /* uniform in [0, 2pi) */
  delta = LAL_PI_2 - acos ( 1 - 2.0 * rand()/RAND_MAX );	/* sin(delta) uniform in [-1,1] */

  /* ===== compute AM-coeffs the 'old way': ===== */
  baryinput.site.location[0] = det->location[0]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[1] = det->location[1]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[2] = det->location[2]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.alpha = alpha;
  baryinput.delta = delta;
  baryinput.dInv = 0.e0;

  /* amParams structure to compute a(t) and b(t) */
  amParams.das = (LALDetAndSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALDetAndSource));
  amParams.das->pSource = (LALSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALSource));
  amParams.baryinput = &baryinput;
  amParams.earth = &earth;
  amParams.edat = &edat;
  amParams.das->pDetector = det;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.longitude = alpha;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.latitude = delta;
  amParams.das->pSource->orientation = 0.0;
  amParams.das->pSource->equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL;
  amParams.polAngle = 0;

  SUB (LALComputeAM ( &status, &AMold, timestamps->data, &amParams), &status);

  /* ===== compute AM-coeffs the 'new way' using LALGetAMCoeffs() */

  /* ----- get detector-state series ----- */
  SUB ( LALGetDetectorStates (&status, &detStates, timestamps, det, &edat, 0 ), &status );

  skypos.longitude = alpha;
  skypos.latitude = delta;

  SUB ( LALGetAMCoeffs ( &status, &AMnew, detStates, skypos ), &status );

  /* ===== analyse relative error ===== */
  maxerr_a = maxerr_b = averr_a = averr_b = 0;
  for ( i=0; i < timestamps->length; i ++ )
      REAL8 thisErr;
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMold.a->data[i] -  AMnew.a->data[i] ) / AMold.A );
      averr_a += thisErr;
      maxerr_a = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr_a );
      thisErr = sqrt( SQ ( AMold.b->data[i] - AMnew.b->data[i] ) / AMold.B );
      averr_b += thisErr;
      maxerr_b = MYMAX( thisErr, maxerr_b );
  averr_a /= timestamps->length;
  averr_b /= timestamps->length;

  if ( lalDebugLevel )
      printf ("Parameters: IFO = %s, skypos = [%g, %g]\n", sites[pickedSite], alpha, delta );
      printf ("Maximal relative errors: maxerr(a) = %g %%, maxerr(b) = %g %% \n",
	      100.0 * maxerr_a, 100.0 * maxerr_b);
      printf ("Average relative errors: averr(a)  = %g %%, averr(b)  = %g %% \n",
	      100.0 * averr_a, 100.0 * averr_b );
    printf ("%d %g %g %g %g %g %g \n", pickedSite, alpha, delta, averr_a, averr_b, maxerr_a, maxerr_b);

  if ( (averr_a > tolerance) || (averr_b > tolerance) || (maxerr_a > tolerance) ||(maxerr_b > tolerance))
      XLALPrintError ("Maximal error-tolerance of %g %% was exceeded!\n", 100.0 * tolerance );
      return 1;

  /* ----- free memory ----- */
  XLALDestroyTimestampVector ( timestamps );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMold.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMold.b );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew.a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4Vector ( AMnew.b );
  LALFree ( det );
  XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries ( detStates );
  LALFree ( amParams.das->pSource );
  LALFree ( amParams.das );



  return 0;	/* OK */

} /* main() */
 * Simulate a pulsar signal to best accuracy possible.
 * \author Reinhard Prix
 * \date 2005
 * The motivation for this function is to provide functions to
 * simulate pulsar signals <em>with the best possible accuracy</em>,
 * i.e. using no approximations, contrary to LALGeneratePulsarSignal().
 * Obviously this is not meant as a fast code to be used in a Monte-Carlo
 * simulation, but rather as a <em>reference</em> to compare other (faster)
 * functions agains, in order to be able to gauge the quality of a given
 * signal-generation routine.
 * We want to calculate \f$h(t)\f$, given by
 * \f[
 * h(t) = F_+(t)\, h_+(t) + F_\times(t) \,h_\times(t)\,,
 * \f]
 * where \f$F_+\f$ and \f$F_x\f$ are called the <em>beam-pattern</em> functions,
 * which depend of the wave polarization \f$\psi\f$,
 * the source position \f$\alpha\f$, \f$\delta\f$ and the detector position and
 * orientation (\f$\gamma\f$, \f$\lambda\f$, \f$L\f$ and \f$\xi\f$). The expressions for
 * the beam-pattern functions are given in \cite JKS98 , which we write as
 * \f{eqnarray}{
 * F_+(t) = \sin \zeta \cos 2\psi \, a(t)  + \sin \zeta \sin 2\psi \, b(t)\,,\\
 * F_\times(t) = \sin\zeta  \cos 2\psi \,b(t) - \sin\zeta \sin 2\psi \, a(t) \,,
 * \f}
 * where \f$\zeta\f$ is the angle between the interferometer arms, and
 * \f{eqnarray}{
 * a(t) &=& a_1 \cos[ 2 (\alpha - T)) ] + a_2 \sin[ 2(\alpha - T)]
 * + a_3 \cos[ \alpha - T ] + a_4 \sin [ \alpha - T ] + a_5\,,\\
 * b(t) &=& b_1 \cos[ 2(\alpha - T)] + b_2 \sin[ 2(\alpha - T) ]
 * + b_3 \cos[ \alpha - T ] + b_4 \sin[ \alpha - T]\,,
 * \f}
 * where \f$T\f$ is the local (mean) sidereal time of the detector, and the
 * time-independent coefficients \f$a_i\f$ and \f$b_i\f$ are given by
 * \f{eqnarray}{
 * a_1 &=& \frac{1}{16} \sin 2\gamma \,(3- \cos 2\lambda)\,(3 - \cos 2\delta)\,,\\
 * a_2 &=& -\frac{1}{4}\cos 2\gamma \,\sin \lambda \,(3 - \cos 2\delta) \,,\\
 * a_3 &=& \frac{1}{4} \sin 2\gamma \,\sin 2\lambda \,\sin 2\delta  \,\\
 * a_4 &=& -\frac{1}{2} \cos 2\gamma \,\cos \lambda \,\sin 2 \delta\,,\\
 * a_5 &=& \frac{3}{4} \sin 2\gamma \, \cos^2 \lambda \,\cos^2 \delta\,,
 * \f}
 * and
 * \f{eqnarray}{
 * b_1 &=& \cos 2\gamma \,\sin \lambda \,\sin \delta\,,\\
 * b_2 &=& \frac{1}{4} \sin 2\gamma \,(3-\cos 2\lambda)\, \sin \delta\,,\\
 * b_3 &=& \cos 2\gamma \,\cos \lambda \,\cos\delta \,, \\
 * b_4 &=& \frac{1}{2} \sin2\gamma \,\sin 2\lambda \,\cos\delta\,,
 * \f}
 * The source model considered is a plane-wave
 * \f{eqnarray}{
 * h_+(t) &=& A_+\, \cos \Psi(t)\,,\\
 * h_\times(t) &=& A_\times \, \sin \Psi(t)\,,
 * \f}
 * where the wave-phase is \f$\Psi(t) = \Phi_0 + \Phi(t)\f$, and for an
 * isolated pulsar we have
 * \f{equation}{
 * \Phi(t) = 2\pi \left[\sum_{s=0} \frac{f^{(s)}(\tau_\mathrm{ref})}{
 * (s+1)!} \left( \tau(t) - \tau_\mathrm{ref} \right)^{s+1} \right]\,,
 * \f}
 * where \f$\tau_\mathrm{ref}\f$ is the "reference time" for the definition
 * of the pulsar-parameters \f$f^{(s)}\f$ in the solar-system barycenter
 * (SSB), and \f$\tau(t)\f$ is the SSB-time of the phase arriving at the
 * detector at UTC-time \f$t\f$, which depends on the source-position
 * (\f$\alpha\f$, \f$\delta\f$) and the detector-position, namely
 * \f{equation}{
 * \tau (t) = t + \frac{ \vec{r}(t)\cdot\vec{n}}{c}\,,
 * \f}
 * where \f$\vec{r}(t)\f$ is the vector from SSB to the detector, and \f$\vec{n}\f$
 * is the unit-vector pointing <em>to</em> the source.
 * This is a standalone "clean-room" implementation using no other
 * outside-functions <em>except</em> for LALGPStoLMST1() to calculate
 * the local (mean) sidereal time at the detector for given GPS-time,
 * (which I double-checked with an independent Mathematica script),
 * and and XLALBarycenter() to calculate \f$\tau(t)\f$.
 * NOTE: currently only isolated pulsars are supported
 * NOTE2: we don't really use the highest possible accuracy right now,
 * as we blatently neglect all relativistic timing effects (i.e. using dT=v.n/c)
 * NOTE3: no heterodyning is performed here, the time-series is generated and sampled
 * at the given rate, that's all! ==\> the caller needs to make sure about the
 * right sampling rate to use (-\>aliasing) and do the proper post-treatment...
REAL4TimeSeries *
XLALSimulateExactPulsarSignal ( const PulsarSignalParams *params )
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( params != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'params'\n");
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( params->samplingRate > 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Sampling rate must be positive, got samplingRate = %g\n", params->samplingRate );

  /* don't accept heterodyning frequency */
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( params->fHeterodyne == 0, XLAL_EINVAL, "Heterodyning frequency must be set to 0, got params->fHeterodyne = %g\n", params->fHeterodyne );

  UINT4 numSpins = 3;

  /* get timestamps of timeseries plus detector-states */
  REAL8 dt = 1.0 / params->samplingRate;
  LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (timestamps = XLALMakeTimestamps ( params->startTimeGPS, params->duration, dt, 0 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  UINT4 numSteps = timestamps->length;

  DetectorStateSeries *detStates = XLALGetDetectorStates ( timestamps, params->site, params->ephemerides, 0 );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( detStates != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetDetectorStates() failed.\n");

  XLALDestroyTimestampVector ( timestamps );
  timestamps = NULL;

  AMCoeffs *amcoe = XLALComputeAMCoeffs ( detStates, params->pulsar.position );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( amcoe != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeAMCoeffs() failed.\n");

  /* create output timeseries (FIXME: should really know *detector* here, not just site!!) */
  const LALFrDetector *site = &(params->site->frDetector);
  CHAR *channel = XLALGetChannelPrefix ( site->name );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( channel != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetChannelPrefix( %s ) failed.\n", site->name );

  REAL4TimeSeries *ts = XLALCreateREAL4TimeSeries ( channel, &(detStates->data[0].tGPS), 0, dt, &emptyUnit, numSteps );
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( ts != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateREAL4TimeSeries() failed.\n");
  XLALFree ( channel );
  channel = NULL;

  /* orientation of detector arms */
  REAL8 xAzi = site->xArmAzimuthRadians;
  REAL8 yAzi = site->yArmAzimuthRadians;
  REAL8 Zeta =  xAzi - yAzi;
  if (Zeta < 0) {
    Zeta = -Zeta;
  if ( params->site->type == LALDETECTORTYPE_CYLBAR ) {
    Zeta = LAL_PI_2;
  REAL8 sinZeta = sin(Zeta);

  /* get source skyposition */
  REAL8 Alpha = params->pulsar.position.longitude;
  REAL8 Delta = params->pulsar.position.latitude;
  REAL8 vn[3];
  vn[0] = cos(Delta) * cos(Alpha);
  vn[1] = cos(Delta) * sin(Alpha);
  vn[2] = sin(Delta);

  /* get spin-parameters (restricted to maximally 3 spindowns right now) */
  REAL8 phi0 = params->pulsar.phi0;
  REAL8 f0   = params->pulsar.f0;

  REAL8 f1dot = 0, f2dot = 0, f3dot = 0;
  if ( params->pulsar.spindown && (params->pulsar.spindown->length > numSpins) ) {
    XLAL_ERROR_NULL ( XLAL_EDOM, "Currently only supports up to %d spindowns!\n", numSpins );
  if ( params->pulsar.spindown && (params->pulsar.spindown->length >= 3 ) ) {
    f3dot = params->pulsar.spindown->data[2];
  if ( params->pulsar.spindown && (params->pulsar.spindown->length >= 2 ) ) {
    f2dot = params->pulsar.spindown->data[1];
  if ( params->pulsar.spindown && (params->pulsar.spindown->length >= 1 ) ) {
    f1dot = params->pulsar.spindown->data[0];

  /* internally we always work with refTime = startTime->SSB, therefore
   * we need to translate the pulsar spin-params and initial phase to the
   * startTime
  REAL8 startTimeSSB = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &(detStates->data[0].tGPS) ) + SCALAR ( vn, detStates->data[0].rDetector );
  REAL8 refTime;
  if ( params->pulsar.refTime.gpsSeconds != 0 )
      REAL8 refTime0 = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &(params->pulsar.refTime) );
      REAL8 deltaRef = startTimeSSB - refTime0;
      LIGOTimeGPS newEpoch;
      PulsarSpins fkdotNew;

      XLALGPSSetREAL8( &newEpoch, startTimeSSB );

      PulsarSpins XLAL_INIT_DECL(fkdotOld);
      fkdotOld[0] = f0;
      fkdotOld[1] = f1dot;
      fkdotOld[2] = f2dot;
      fkdotOld[3] = f3dot;
      REAL8 DeltaTau = XLALGPSDiff ( &newEpoch, &(params->pulsar.refTime) );

      int ret = XLALExtrapolatePulsarSpins ( fkdotNew, fkdotOld, DeltaTau );
      XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( ret == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALExtrapolatePulsarSpins() failed.\n");

      /* Finally, need to propagate phase */
      phi0 += LAL_TWOPI * (               f0    * deltaRef
			    + (1.0/2.0) * f1dot * deltaRef * deltaRef
			    + (1.0/6.0) * f2dot * deltaRef * deltaRef * deltaRef
			    + (1.0/24.0)* f3dot * deltaRef * deltaRef * deltaRef * deltaRef

      f0    = fkdotNew[0];
      f1dot = fkdotNew[1];
      f2dot = fkdotNew[2];
      f3dot = fkdotNew[3];

      refTime = startTimeSSB;

    } /* if refTime given */
  else  { /* if not given: use startTime -> SSB */
    refTime = startTimeSSB;

  /* get 4 amplitudes A_\mu */
  REAL8 aPlus  = sinZeta * params->pulsar.aPlus;
  REAL8 aCross = sinZeta * params->pulsar.aCross;
  REAL8 twopsi = 2.0 * params->pulsar.psi;

  REAL8 A1 =  aPlus * cos(phi0) * cos(twopsi) - aCross * sin(phi0) * sin(twopsi);
  REAL8 A2 =  aPlus * cos(phi0) * sin(twopsi) + aCross * sin(phi0) * cos(twopsi);
  REAL8 A3 = -aPlus * sin(phi0) * cos(twopsi) - aCross * cos(phi0) * sin(twopsi);
  REAL8 A4 = -aPlus * sin(phi0) * sin(twopsi) + aCross * cos(phi0) * cos(twopsi);

  /* main loop: generate time-series */
  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < numSteps; i++)
      LIGOTimeGPS *tiGPS = &(detStates->data[i].tGPS);

      REAL8 ti = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( tiGPS );
      REAL8 deltati = ti - refTime;
      REAL8 dT = SCALAR(vn, detStates->data[i].rDetector );
      REAL8 taui = deltati + dT;

      REAL8 phi_i = LAL_TWOPI * ( f0 * taui
			    + (1.0/2.0) * f1dot * taui*taui
			    + (1.0/6.0) * f2dot * taui*taui*taui
			    + (1.0/24.0)* f3dot * taui*taui*taui*taui

      REAL8 cosphi_i = cos(phi_i);
      REAL8 sinphi_i = sin(phi_i);

      REAL8 ai = amcoe->a->data[i];
      REAL8 bi = amcoe->b->data[i];

      REAL8 hi = A1 * ai * cosphi_i
	+  A2 * bi * cosphi_i
	+  A3 * ai * sinphi_i
	+  A4 * bi * sinphi_i;

      ts->data->data[i] = (REAL4)hi;

    } /* for i < numSteps */

  XLALDestroyDetectorStateSeries( detStates );
  XLALDestroyAMCoeffs ( amcoe );

  return ts;

} /* XLALSimulateExactPulsarSignal() */