int ofxDelaunay::triangulate(vector<int> *indices ){ if(vertices.size() < 3){return NULL;} // make clone not to destroy vertices vector<XYZI> verticesTemp; if(indices!=nullptr){ verticesTemp.resize(indices->size()); int j = 0; for (auto & i:*indices){ verticesTemp[j] = vertices[i]; j++; } } else{verticesTemp=vertices;} qsort( &verticesTemp[0], verticesTemp.size(), sizeof( XYZI ), XYZICompare ); int nv = verticesTemp.size(); //vertices required for Triangulate vector<XYZ> verticesXYZ(nv); //copy XYZIs to XYZ for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++) { XYZ v; verticesXYZ[i].x =; verticesXYZ[i].y =; verticesXYZ[i].z =; } //add 3 emptly slots, required by the Triangulate call verticesXYZ.push_back(XYZ()); verticesXYZ.push_back(XYZ()); verticesXYZ.push_back(XYZ()); //allocate space for triangle indices triangles.resize(3*nv); Triangulate( nv, &verticesXYZ[0], &triangles[0], ntri ); //copy triangle data to ofxDelaunayTriangle. triangleMesh.clear(); triangleMesh.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES); //copy vertices for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++){ triangleMesh.addVertex(ofVec3f(vertices[i].x,vertices[i].y,vertices[i].z)); } //copy triangles for(int i = 0; i < ntri; i++){ triangleMesh.addIndex([ i ].p1).i); triangleMesh.addIndex([ i ].p2).i); triangleMesh.addIndex([ i ].p3).i); } return ntri; }
Float AngleTripletScore::evaluate_index(kernel::Model *m, const kernel::ParticleIndexTriplet &pi, DerivativeAccumulator *da) const { IMP_CHECK_OBJECT(f_.get()); XYZ d0 = XYZ(m, pi[0]); XYZ d1 = XYZ(m, pi[1]); XYZ d2 = XYZ(m, pi[2]); Float score; if (da) { algebra::Vector3D derv0, derv1, derv2; double angle = internal::angle(d0, d1, d2, &derv0, &derv1, &derv2); Float deriv; boost::tie(score, deriv) = f_->evaluate_with_derivative(angle); d0.add_to_derivatives(derv0 * deriv, *da); d1.add_to_derivatives(derv1 * deriv, *da); d2.add_to_derivatives(derv2 * deriv, *da); } else { double angle = internal::angle(d0, d1, d2, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); score = f_->evaluate(angle); } return score; }
int ofxDelaunay::triangulate(){ int nv = vertices.size(); if (nv < 1) return 0; // crashes if try to triangulate 0 points //add 3 emptly slots, required by the Triangulate call vertices.push_back(XYZ()); vertices.push_back(XYZ()); vertices.push_back(XYZ()); //allocate space for triangle indices triangles.resize(3*nv); int ntri; qsort( &vertices[0], vertices.size()-3, sizeof( XYZ ), XYZCompare ); Triangulate( nv, &vertices[0], &triangles[0], ntri ); // copy triangle data to ofxDelaunayTriangle. triangleMesh.clear(); //copy vertices for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++){ triangleMesh.addVertex(ofVec3f(vertices[i].x,vertices[i].y,vertices[i].z)); } //copy triagles for(int i = 0; i < ntri; i++){ triangleMesh.addIndex(triangles[ i ].p1); triangleMesh.addIndex(triangles[ i ].p2); triangleMesh.addIndex(triangles[ i ].p3); } return ntri; }
void FireBox() { Vector vec; vec =; vec += XYZ(0,-1,0); vec -= myCamera.position; vec.makeUnit(); XYZ pos = myCamera.position; RigidBox *myRigidBody = new RigidBox(boxObj); myRigidBody->setPosition(pos); myRigidBody->setScale(XYZ(1,1,1)); float fMass = 50; myRigidBody->setMass(fMass); myRigidBody->buildVertexLightMap(); myScene.bind(*myRigidBody); float fForce = 15.0f; btVector3 force = btVector3(vec.x,vec.y,vec.z)*(fForce * 1000.0f); myRigidBody->getRigidBody().activate(true); //myRigidBody->getRigidBody()->applyForce(force, btVector3(,,; myRigidBody->getRigidBody().applyForce(force, btVector3(0,0,0)); }
void CArbitraryEnergyView::PaintSphere(double radius,unsigned char red,unsigned char green,unsigned char blue,bool half) { static const int loop_count=100; for(int longitude_loop=0;longitude_loop<loop_count;longitude_loop++) { double start_longitude,end_longitude; start_longitude=M_PI*2*longitude_loop/loop_count-M_PI; end_longitude=M_PI*2*(longitude_loop+1)/loop_count-M_PI; for(int latitude_loop=0;latitude_loop<loop_count;latitude_loop++) { if(half) if(latitude_loop>=loop_count/2) continue; double start_latitude,end_latitude; start_latitude=M_PI*latitude_loop/loop_count-M_PI/2; end_latitude=M_PI*(latitude_loop+1)/loop_count-M_PI/2; double x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3; #define XYZ(x,y,z,latitude,longitude) \ x=radius*cos(latitude)*cos(longitude);\ y=radius*sin(latitude)*cos(longitude);\ z=radius*sin(longitude) XYZ(x0,y0,z0,start_longitude,start_latitude); XYZ(x1,y1,z1,start_longitude,end_latitude); XYZ(x2,y2,z2,end_longitude,end_latitude); XYZ(x3,y3,z3,end_longitude,start_latitude); #undef XYZ C3DWindow::Add(x0,y0,z0,red,green,blue,x1,y1,z1,red,green,blue,x2,y2,z2,red,green,blue); C3DWindow::Add(x2,y2,z2,red,green,blue,x3,y3,z3,red,green,blue,x0,y0,z0,red,green,blue); } } }
XYZ getColor(const SHSample& s) const { float r = getFloat(s); if(r>0) return XYZ(0,r,0); else return XYZ(-r,0,0); }
double dist_directional_swc_1_2(V3DLONG & nseg1, V3DLONG & nseg1big, double & sum1big, const NeuronTree *p1, const NeuronTree *p2) { if (!p1 || !p2) return -1; V3DLONG p1sz = p1->listNeuron.size(), p2sz = p2->listNeuron.size(); if (p1sz<2 || p2sz<2) return -1; NeuronSWC *tp1, *tp2; V3DLONG i, j; double sum1=0; nseg1=0; nseg1big=0; sum1big=0; QHash<int, int> h1 = generate_neuron_swc_hash(p1); //generate a hash lookup table from a neuron swc graph for (i=0;i<p1->listNeuron.size();i++) { //first find the two ends of a line seg tp1 = (NeuronSWC *)(&(p1->; if (tp1->pn < 0 || tp1->pn >= p1sz) continue; tp2 = (NeuronSWC *)(&(p1->>pn)))); //use hash table //qDebug() << "i="<< i << " pn="<<tp1->pn - 1; //now produce a series of points for the line seg double len=dist_L2(XYZ(tp1->x,tp1->y,tp1->z), XYZ(tp2->x,tp2->y,tp2->z)); int N = int(1+len+0.5); XYZ ptdiff; if (N<=1) { qDebug() << "detect one very short segment, len=" << len; ptdiff = XYZ(0,0,0); } else { double N1=1.0/(N-1); ptdiff = XYZ(N1,N1,N1) * XYZ(tp2->x-tp1->x, tp2->y-tp1->y, tp2->z-tp1->z); } qDebug() << "N="<<N << "len=" <<len << "xd="<<ptdiff.x << " yd=" << ptdiff.y << " zd=" << ptdiff.z << " "; for (j=0;j<N;j++) { XYZ curpt(tp1->x + ptdiff.x*j, tp1->y + ptdiff.y*j, tp1->z + ptdiff.z*j); double cur_d = dist_pt_to_swc(curpt, p2); sum1 += cur_d; nseg1++; if (cur_d>=2) { sum1big += cur_d; nseg1big++; } } } qDebug() << "end directional neuronal distance computing"; return sum1; }
int ofxDelaunay::triangulate(){ if(vertices.size() < 3){ return NULL; } int nv = vertices.size(); // make clone not to destroy vertices vector<XYZI> verticesTemp = vertices; qsort( &verticesTemp[0], verticesTemp.size(), sizeof( XYZI ), XYZICompare ); //vertices required for Triangulate vector<XYZ> verticesXYZ; //copy XYZIs to XYZ for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++) { XYZ v; v.x =; v.y =; v.z =; verticesXYZ.push_back(v); } //add 3 emptly slots, required by the Triangulate call verticesXYZ.push_back(XYZ()); verticesXYZ.push_back(XYZ()); verticesXYZ.push_back(XYZ()); //allocate space for triangle indices triangles.resize(3*nv); Triangulate( nv, &verticesXYZ[0], &triangles[0], ntri ); //copy triangle data to ofxDelaunayTriangle. triangleMesh.clear(); triangleMesh.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES); //copy vertices for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++){ triangleMesh.addVertex(ofVec3f(vertices[i].x,vertices[i].y,vertices[i].z)); } //copy triangles for(int i = 0; i < ntri; i++){ triangleMesh.addIndex([ i ].p1).i); triangleMesh.addIndex([ i ].p2).i); triangleMesh.addIndex([ i ].p3).i); } //erase the last three triangles (missing code from original) vertices.erase(vertices.end()-1); vertices.erase(vertices.end()-1); vertices.erase(vertices.end()-1); return ntri; }
double NormalizedSphereDistancePairScore::evaluate_index( Model *m, const ParticleIndexPair &pip, DerivativeAccumulator *da) const { Float ra = m->get_attribute(radius_, pip[0]); Float rb = m->get_attribute(radius_, pip[1]); Float mr = std::min(ra, rb); // lambda is inefficient due to laziness return internal::evaluate_distance_pair_score( XYZ(m, pip[0]), XYZ(m, pip[1]), da, f_.get(), boost::lambda::_1 / mr - (ra + rb) / mr); }
double WeightedSphereDistancePairScore::evaluate_index( Model *m, const ParticleIndexPair &p, DerivativeAccumulator *da) const { Float ra = m->get_attribute(radius_, p[0]); Float rb = m->get_attribute(radius_, p[1]); Float wa = m->get_attribute(weight_, p[0]); Float wb = m->get_attribute(weight_, p[1]); // lambda is inefficient due to laziness return internal::evaluate_distance_pair_score( XYZ(m, p[0]), XYZ(m, p[1]), da, f_.get(), (boost::lambda::_1 - (ra + rb)) * (wa + wb)); }
void TriangleMeshViewer::reset() { fly_mode=false; camera_position=XYZ(0.0f,-3.0f,0.0f); camera_forward=XYZ(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); camera_up=XYZ(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); camera_velocity=0.0f; camera_yaw_rate=0.0f; camera_pitch_rate=0.0f; camera_roll_rate=0.0f; tilt_slider->setValue(30); spinrate_slider->setValue(0); object_rotation=0.0f; statusbar->clearMessage(); }
Float NormalizedSphereDistancePairScore::evaluate(const ParticlePair &p, DerivativeAccumulator *da) const { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(p[0]->has_attribute(radius_), "Particle " << p[0]->get_name() << "missing radius in NormalizedSphereDistancePairScore"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(p[1]->has_attribute(radius_), "Particle " << p[1]->get_name() << "missing radius in NormalizedSphereDistancePairScore"); Float ra = p[0]->get_value(radius_); Float rb = p[1]->get_value(radius_); Float mr= std::min(ra, rb); // lambda is inefficient due to laziness return internal::evaluate_distance_pair_score(XYZ(p[0]), XYZ(p[1]), da, f_.get(), boost::lambda::_1/mr-(ra+rb)/mr); }
static void XYZ_to_sRGB_WhitePoint(FX_FLOAT X, FX_FLOAT Y, FX_FLOAT Z, FX_FLOAT& R, FX_FLOAT& G, FX_FLOAT& B, FX_FLOAT Xw, FX_FLOAT Yw, FX_FLOAT Zw) { // The following RGB_xyz is based on // sRGB value {Rx,Ry}={0.64, 0.33}, {Gx,Gy}={0.30, 0.60}, {Bx,By}={0.15, 0.06} FX_FLOAT Rx = 0.64f, Ry = 0.33f; FX_FLOAT Gx = 0.30f, Gy = 0.60f; FX_FLOAT Bx = 0.15f, By = 0.06f; CFX_Matrix_3by3 RGB_xyz(Rx, Gx, Bx, Ry, Gy, By, 1 - Rx - Ry, 1 - Gx - Gy, 1 - Bx - By); CFX_Vector_3by1 whitePoint(Xw, Yw, Zw); CFX_Vector_3by1 XYZ(X, Y, Z); CFX_Vector_3by1 RGB_Sum_XYZ = RGB_xyz.Inverse().TransformVector(whitePoint); CFX_Matrix_3by3 RGB_SUM_XYZ_DIAG(RGB_Sum_XYZ.a, 0, 0, 0, RGB_Sum_XYZ.b, 0, 0, 0, RGB_Sum_XYZ.c); CFX_Matrix_3by3 M = RGB_xyz.Multiply(RGB_SUM_XYZ_DIAG); CFX_Vector_3by1 RGB = M.Inverse().TransformVector(XYZ); R = RGB_Conversion(RGB.a); G = RGB_Conversion(RGB.b); B = RGB_Conversion(RGB.c); }
XYZ Z3DTexture::testRaster(const XYZ& ori) { if(!m_pTree) return XYZ(0); raster->clear(); m_pTree->setSampleOpacity(0.05f); m_pTree->setRaster(raster); m_pTree->occlusionAccum(ori); raster->draw(); XYZ coe[SH_N_BASES]; m_sh->zeroCoeff(coe); float l, vl; XYZ vn(0,1,0); for(unsigned int j=0; j<SH_N_SAMPLES; j++) { SHSample s = m_sh->getSample(j); vl =; if(vl>0) { raster->readLight(s.vector, l); l *= vl; m_sh->projectASample(coe, j, l); } } m_sh->reconstructAndDraw(coe); return m_sh->integrate(m_sh->constantCoeff, coe); }
void PViewDataList::reverseElement(int step, int ent, int ele) { if(step) return; if(ele != _lastElement) _setLast(ele); // copy data std::vector<double> XYZ(3 * _lastNumNodes); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < XYZ.size(); i++) XYZ[i] = _lastXYZ[i]; std::vector<double> V(_lastNumNodes * _lastNumComponents * getNumTimeSteps()); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < V.size(); i++) V[i] = _lastVal[i]; // reverse node order for(int i = 0; i < _lastNumNodes; i++) { _lastXYZ[i] = XYZ[_lastNumNodes - i - 1]; _lastXYZ[_lastNumNodes + i] = XYZ[2 * _lastNumNodes - i - 1]; _lastXYZ[2 * _lastNumNodes + i] = XYZ[3 * _lastNumNodes - i - 1]; } for(int step = 0; step < getNumTimeSteps(); step++) for(int i = 0; i < _lastNumNodes; i++) for(int k = 0; k < _lastNumComponents; k++) _lastVal[_lastNumComponents * _lastNumNodes * step + _lastNumComponents * i + k] = V[_lastNumComponents * _lastNumNodes * step + _lastNumComponents * (_lastNumNodes - i - 1) + k]; }
unsigned long ReprojectXYZ(double x, double y, double z, int& u, int& v) { cv::Mat XYZ(3, 1, CV_64FC1); cv::Mat UVW(3, 1, CV_64FC1); double* d_ptr = 0; double du = 0; double dv = 0; double dw = 0; x *= 1000; y *= 1000; z *= 1000; d_ptr = XYZ.ptr<double>(0); d_ptr[0] = x; d_ptr[1] = y; d_ptr[2] = z; UVW = camera_matrix_ * XYZ; d_ptr = UVW.ptr<double>(0); du = d_ptr[0]; dv = d_ptr[1]; dw = d_ptr[2]; u = cvRound(du/dw); v = cvRound(dv/dw); return ipa_Utils::RET_OK; }
void RayTracingEnvironment::AddBSPFace(int id,dface_t const &face) { if (face.dispinfo!=-1) // displacements must be dealt with elsewhere return; texinfo_t *tx =(face.texinfo>=0)?&(texinfo[face.texinfo]):0; // if (tx && (tx->flags & (SURF_SKY|SURF_NODRAW))) // return; if (tx) { printf("id %d flags=%x\n",id,tx->flags); } printf("side: "); for(int v=0; v<face.numedges; v++) { printf("(%f %f %f) ",XYZ(VertCoord(face,v))); } printf("\n"); int ntris=face.numedges-2; for(int tri=0; tri<ntris; tri++) { AddTriangle(id,VertCoord(face,0),VertCoord(face,(tri+1)%face.numedges), VertCoord(face,(tri+2)%face.numedges),Vector(1,1,1)); //colors[id % NELEMS(colors)]); } }
XYZ getColor(const SHSample& s) const { float r, g, b; img->getRGBByVector(s.vec[0], s.vec[1], s.vec[2], r,g,b); return XYZ(r,g,b); }
void ASMs1D::getElementEnds (int i, Vec3Vec& XC) const { RealArray::const_iterator uit = curv->basis().begin(); // Fetch parameter values of the element ends (knots) RealArray u(2); u[0] = uit[i-1]; u[1] = uit[i]; // Evaluate the spline curve at the knots to find physical coordinates int dim = curv->dimension(); RealArray XYZ(dim*2); curv->gridEvaluator(XYZ,u); XC.clear(); XC.reserve(elmCS.empty() ? 2 : 3); const double* pt = &XYZ.front(); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++, pt += dim) XC.push_back(Vec3(pt,dim)); if (elmCS.empty()) return; // Add the local Z-axis as the third vector int iel = i - curv->order(); XC.push_back(elmCS[iel][2]); }
void CreateTower(int cnt_x, int cnt_y, int cnt_z, XYZ offset, XYZ size) { RigidBox *myRigidBody; for(int y = 1; y <= cnt_y; y++) { for(int z = 1; z <= cnt_z; z++) { for(int x = 1; x <= cnt_x; x++) { float spacing = 0.01; float heightSpacing = 0.01; XYZ pos = XYZ(x * size.x + (spacing * x), y * size.y + (heightSpacing * y), z * size.z + (spacing * z)); pos += offset; myRigidBody = new RigidBox(boxObj); myRigidBody->setPosition(pos); myRigidBody->setScale(size); myRigidBody->buildVertexLightMap(); // myRigidBody->setRestitution(0.8); // bouncey fun land myScene.bind(*myRigidBody); } } } }
bool ASMs1D::tesselate (ElementBlock& grid, const int* npe) const { // Compute parameter values of the nodal points RealArray gpar; if (!this->getGridParameters(gpar,npe[0]-1)) return false; // Evaluate the spline curve at all points size_t nx = gpar.size(); RealArray XYZ(curv->dimension()*nx); curv->gridEvaluator(XYZ,gpar); // Establish the block grid coordinates size_t i, j, l; grid.resize(nx); for (i = l = 0; i < grid.getNoNodes(); i++, l += curv->dimension()) for (j = 0; j < nsd; j++) grid.setCoor(i,j,XYZ[l+j]); // Establish the block grid topology int nse1 = npe[0] - 1; int n[2], ie = 1, ip = 0; n[0] = 0; n[1] = n[0] + 1; for (i = 1; i < nx; i++) { for (l = 0; l < 2; l++) grid.setNode(ip++,n[l]++); grid.setElmId(i,ie); if (i%nse1 == 0) ie++; } return true; }
Mesh *OBJLoader::load(const string fileName) { objMesh = new Mesh(); float x, y, z; string strline, op; string mtllib; vector<UV> uvs; vector<XYZ> normals; vector<string> ptData; Material *currentMaterial = NULL; string path_str,file_str,file_base,file_ext; str_file_extract(fileName, path_str, file_str, file_base, file_ext); Logger::log("Loading .OBJ Model [%s]\n",fileName.c_str()); ifstream File(fileName.c_str()); while (!File.eof()) { getline(File,strline,'\n'); istringstream input(strline); op.clear(); input >> op; if (!op.length()) continue; if (op.length() && op[0] == '#') { Logger::log("%s\n",input.str().c_str()); continue; } if ("o")==0) { // Object Name string objName = readStr(input); Logger::log(" - Object Name [%s]\n",objName.c_str()); continue; } if ("mtllib")==0) { // Material Lib mtllib = readStr(input); Logger::log(" - Material Library [%s]\n",mtllib.c_str()); continue; } if ("v")==0) { // Vertex: X,Y,Z,[w] input >> x; input >> y; input >> z; objMesh->addPoint(XYZ(x,y,z)); continue; } if ("vt")==0) { // TexCoord: U,V,[w] input >> x; input >> y; uvs.push_back(UV(x,y)); continue; }
void Active::SendSignalAround(const QString& signal) const { if ( IsInside() ) return; // for blocks inside inventories const World* const world = World::GetCWorld(); const AroundCoordinates arounds(X(), Y(), Z()); for (const XyzInt& xyz : arounds) { world->GetBlock(XYZ(xyz))->ReceiveSignal(signal); } }
Geom::Box Geom::AABB::box() { Box b; b.Center = center(); b.Axis = XYZ(); b.Extent = (bbmax - bbmin) * 0.5f; return b; }
void Transform::apply_index(Model *m, ParticleIndex pi) const { if (!XYZ::get_is_setup(m, pi)) { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(ignore_non_xyz_, "The particle does not have XYZ attributes"); return; } XYZ xyz = XYZ(m, pi); xyz.set_coordinates(t_.get_transformed(xyz.get_coordinates())); }
void Transform::apply(Particle *p) const { if (!XYZ::particle_is_instance(p)) { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(ignore_non_xyz_, "The particle does not have XYZ attributes"); return; } XYZ xyz = XYZ(p); xyz.set_coordinates(t_.get_transformed(xyz.get_coordinates())); }
bool AccelerometerSensorChannelInterface::dataReceivedImpl() { QVector<AccelerationData> values; if(!read<AccelerationData>(values)) return false; if(!frameAvailableConnected || values.size() == 1) { foreach(const AccelerationData& data, values) emit dataAvailable(XYZ(data)); }
Float WeightedSphereDistancePairScore::evaluate(const ParticlePair &p, DerivativeAccumulator *da) const { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(p[0]->has_attribute(radius_), "Particle " << p[0]->get_name() << "missing radius in WeightedSphereDistancePairScore"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(p[1]->has_attribute(radius_), "Particle " << p[1]->get_name() << "missing radius in WeightedSphereDistancePairScore"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(p[0]->has_attribute(weight_), "Particle " << p[0]->get_name() << "missing weight in WeightedSphereDistancePairScore"); IMP_USAGE_CHECK(p[1]->has_attribute(weight_), "Particle " << p[1]->get_name() << "missing weight in WeightedSphereDistancePairScore"); Float ra = p[0]->get_value(radius_); Float rb = p[1]->get_value(radius_); Float wa = p[0]->get_value(weight_); Float wb = p[1]->get_value(weight_); // lambda is inefficient due to laziness return internal::evaluate_distance_pair_score( XYZ(p[0]), XYZ(p[1]), da, f_.get(), (boost::lambda::_1-(ra+rb))*(wa+wb)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compute the azimuth and nadir angle, in the satellite body frame, // of receiver Position RX as seen at the satellite Position SV. The nadir angle // is measured from the Z axis, which points to Earth center, and azimuth is // measured from the X axis. // @param Position SV Satellite position // @param Position RX Receiver position // @param Matrix<double> Rot Rotation matrix (3,3), output of SatelliteAttitude // @param double nadir Output nadir angle in degrees // @param double azimuth Output azimuth angle in degrees void SatelliteNadirAzimuthAngles(const Position& SV, const Position& RX, const Matrix<double>& Rot, double& nadir, double& azimuth) throw(Exception) { try { if(Rot.rows() != 3 || Rot.cols() != 3) { Exception e("Rotation matrix invalid"); GPSTK_THROW(e); } double d; Position RmS; // RmS points from satellite to receiver RmS = RX - SV; RmS.transformTo(Position::Cartesian); d = RmS.mag(); if(d == 0.0) { Exception e("Satellite and Receiver Positions identical"); GPSTK_THROW(e); } RmS = (1.0/d) * RmS; Vector<double> XYZ(3),Body(3); XYZ(0) = RmS.X(); XYZ(1) = RmS.Y(); XYZ(2) = RmS.Z(); Body = Rot * XYZ; nadir = ::acos(Body(2)) * RAD_TO_DEG; azimuth = ::atan2(Body(1),Body(0)) * RAD_TO_DEG; if(azimuth < 0.0) azimuth += 360.; } catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); } catch(exception& e) {Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E);} catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); } }
void StereoCameraModel::projectDisparityTo3d(const cv::Point2d& left_uv_rect, float disparity, cv::Point3d& xyz) const { assert( initialized() ); // Do the math inline: // [X Y Z W]^T = Q * [u v d 1]^T // Point = (X/W, Y/W, Z/W) // cv::perspectiveTransform could be used but with more overhead. double u = left_uv_rect.x, v = left_uv_rect.y; cv::Point3d XYZ(u + Q_(0,3), v + Q_(1,3), Q_(2,3)); double W = Q_(3,2)*disparity + Q_(3,3); xyz = XYZ * (1.0/W); }