ZZ *Zoltan_Copy(ZZ const *from)
  int fail=0;

  ZZ *to = Zoltan_Create(from->Communicator);

  fail = Zoltan_Copy_To(to, from);

  if (fail) {

  return to; 
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int rc, i; 
  ZOLTAN_GNO_TYPE numGlobalVertices;
  float ver;
  char dimstring[16];
  double min, max, avg, local;

  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
  int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids; 
  int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;

  signal(SIGSEGV, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGINT, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGTERM, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGABRT, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGFPE, meminfo_signal_handler);

  ** Problem size

  numGlobalVertices = NUM_GLOBAL_VERTICES;

  if (argc > 1){
    sscanf(argv[1], "%zd", &numGlobalVertices);
    if (argc > 2){
      vertexWeightDim = atoi(argv[2]);
      if (argc > 3){
        vertexDim = atoi(argv[3]);


  ** Initialize MPI and Zoltan

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);

  rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){


  ** Create vertices

  rc = create_vertices(numGlobalVertices, vertexDim, vertexWeightDim, numProcs, myRank);

  if (rc){
    fprintf(stderr,"Process rank %d: insufficient memory\n",myRank);

  first_gid = vertex_gid[myRank];

  ** Create a Zoltan library structure for this instance of load
  ** balancing.  Set the parameters and query functions that will
  ** govern the library's calculation.  See the Zoltan User's
  ** Guide for the definition of these and many other parameters.

  zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* General parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "RIB");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1"); 
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", dimstring);
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");

  /* RIB parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RIB_OUTPUT_LEVEL", "0");

  /* Query functions, to provide geometry to Zoltan */

  Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_objects, NULL);
  Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_object_list, NULL);
  Zoltan_Set_Num_Geom_Fn(zz, get_num_geometry, NULL);
  Zoltan_Set_Geom_Multi_Fn(zz, get_geometry_list, NULL);
  Zoltan_Set_Part_Multi_Fn(zz, get_partition_list, NULL);

  ** Zoltan can now partition the vertices in the simple mesh.
  ** In this simple example, we assume the number of partitions is
  ** equal to the number of processes.  Process rank 0 will own
  ** partition 0, process rank 1 will own partition 1, and so on.

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("Run Zoltan\n");

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
        &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */ 
        &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
        &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
        &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
        &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
        &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
        &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
        &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
    if (myRank == 0)printf("sorry...\n");

  ** Check the balance of the partitions before running zoltan.
  ** The query function get_partition_list() will give the 
  ** partitions of the vertices before we called Zoltan.

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("\nBALANCE before running Zoltan\n");

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Eval_Balance(zz, 1, NULL);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
    printf("sorry first LB_Eval_Balance...\n");

  ** Print out the balance of the new partitions.
  vertex_part = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * numLocalVertices);

  if (!vertex_part){
    printf("sorry memory error...\n");

  for (i=0; i < numLocalVertices; i++){
    vertex_part[i] = myRank;

  if (numExport > 0){
    for (i=0; i < numExport; i++){
      vertex_part[exportLocalGids[i]] = exportToPart[i];

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("\nBALANCE after running Zoltan\n");

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Eval_Balance(zz, 1, NULL);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
    printf("sorry second LB_Eval_Balance...\n");

  ** Free the arrays allocated by Zoltan_LB_Partition, and free
  ** the storage allocated for the Zoltan structure.

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("Free structures\n");

  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, 
                      &importProcs, &importToPart);
  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, 
                      &exportProcs, &exportToPart);


  if (vertex_part) free(vertex_part);
  if (v_x) free(v_x);
  if (v_y) free(v_y);
  if (v_z) free(v_z);
  if (vertex_weight) free(vertex_weight);
  if (vertex_gid) free(vertex_gid);

  ** all done ***********

  local= (double)Zoltan_Memory_Usage(ZOLTAN_MEM_STAT_MAXIMUM)/(1024.0*1024);
  MPI_Reduce(&local, &avg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  avg /= (double)numProcs;
  MPI_Reduce(&local, &max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  MPI_Reduce(&local, &min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("Total MBytes in use by test while Zoltan is running: %12.3lf\n",
    printf("Min/Avg/Max of maximum MBytes in use by Zoltan:    %12.3lf / %12.3lf / %12.3lf\n",
             min, avg, max);


  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int rc, i, ngids, maxcol, ncolors;
    float ver;
    struct Zoltan_Struct *zz=NULL;
#ifdef ZOLTANV31
    int numGidEntries, numLidEntries;
    int *color;
    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gid_list;
    UZData guz, *uz=&guz;
    int msg_tag = 9999;
    int nlvtx, next, maxdeg=0;
    double times[9]={0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; /* Used for timing measurements */
    double gtimes[9]={0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; /* Used for timing measurements */
     ** Initialize MPI and Zoltan

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &uz->myRank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &uz->numProcs);

    times[0] = u_wseconds();
    rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);
    if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry Zoltan initialize failed...\n");
        goto End;
    zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (argc<3 && !uz->myRank) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [meshR] [meshC] [X-point stencil] [procR] [procC] [ws-beta] [<ZoltanParam>=<Val>] ...\n\n", argv[0]);
        fprintf(stderr, "ws-beta: is the probablity of adding an edge to a vertex to generate Watts-Strogatz graphs\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Valid values for Stencil are 5, 7 and 9\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Zoltan Coloring Parameters and values are\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\tDISTANCE        : 1 or 2\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\tSUPERSTEP_SIZE  : suggested >= 100\n"); 
        fprintf(stderr, "\tCOMM_PATTERN    : S or A\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\tCOLOR_ORDER     : I, B, U\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\tCOLORING_METHOD : F (for now)\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    uz->procR = uz->procC = 0;
    uz->meshR = uz->meshC = 1024;
    uz->stencil = 9;

    if (argc>1)
        uz->meshR = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (argc>2)
        uz->meshC = atoi(argv[2]);
    if (argc>3)
        uz->stencil = atoi(argv[3]);
    if (uz->stencil!=5 && uz->stencil!=7 && uz->stencil!=9) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\t invalid stencil value. Valid values are 5, 7 and 9. Assumed 9.\n");
        uz->stencil = 9;

    if (argc>4)
        uz->procR = atoi(argv[4]);
    if (argc>5)
        uz->procC = atoi(argv[5]);
    if (uz->procR <= 0 || uz->procC <= 0)
    if (uz->procR*uz->procC!=uz->numProcs) {
        fprintf(stderr, "#Procs=%d but requested %dx%d Proc Mesh Partitioning...\n", uz->numProcs, uz->procR, uz->procC);
        goto End;

    if (argc>6)
        uz->beta = atof(argv[6]);
        uz->beta = 0.0;
    /* compute which part of mesh I will compute */
    uz->myR = uz->myRank / uz->procC;
    uz->myC = uz->myRank % uz->procC;

    uz->_sr = uz->myR * (uz->meshR / uz->procR);
    uz->_er = (uz->myR+1) * (uz->meshR / uz->procR);
    if (uz->_er>uz->meshR)
        uz->_er = uz->meshR;
    uz->_sc = uz->myC * (uz->meshC / uz->procC);
    uz->_ec = (uz->myC+1) * (uz->meshC / uz->procC);
    if (uz->_ec>uz->meshC)
        uz->_ec = uz->meshC;

    if ( (uz->meshR % uz->procR) !=0 || (uz->meshC % uz->procC)!=0) {
        printf("Mesh dimensions are not divisible with proc mesh.\nRequested mesh is %dx%d and proc mesh is %d x %d\n", uz->meshR, uz->meshC, uz->procR, uz->procC);
    nlvtx= (uz->_er-uz->_sr) * (uz->_ec-uz->_sc);

    if (uz->myRank==0)
        printf("Running %s on %d x %d processor mesh, generating %d-point %d x %d mesh with beta=%.3lf\n", argv[0], uz->procR, uz->procC, uz->stencil+1, uz->meshR, uz->meshC, uz->beta);

    times[1] = u_wseconds();    
    uz->numredge = 0;
    uz->redgeto = NULL;
    if (uz->beta>0) { /* create random edges for WS graph */
        int ngvtx=uz->meshC*uz->meshR, trsh=(int) (uz->beta*100.0);
        int ierr=0;
        int *edges=NULL, *redges=NULL, *proclist=NULL, nedge;
        ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ *plan;
        uz->redgeto = (int *) malloc(nlvtx*sizeof(int));
        for (i=0; i<nlvtx; ++i) {
            int rv = Zoltan_Rand_InRange(NULL, 100);
            if ( rv < trsh) {
                if ((uz->redgeto[i] = Zoltan_Rand_InRange(NULL,  ngvtx))==gIDfLID(i)) /* is it a self edge */
                    uz->redgeto[i] = -1;
            } else
                uz->redgeto[i] = -1;

        edges = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*2*uz->numredge);
        proclist = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*uz->numredge);
        next = 0;
        for (i=0; i<nlvtx; ++i)
            if (uz->redgeto[i]>0) {
                edges[2*next] = uz->redgeto[i];
                edges[2*next+1] = gIDfLID(i);
                proclist[next] = pIDfGID(uz->redgeto[i]);

        ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Create(&plan, uz->numredge, proclist, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                                  msg_tag, &nedge);
        redges = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*2*nedge);
        ierr |= Zoltan_Comm_Do(plan, msg_tag, (char *) edges, 2*sizeof(int),
                               (char *) redges);
        ierr |= Zoltan_Comm_Destroy(&plan);
        if (ierr) {
            printf("error while communicating edges!\n");
        xadj = (int *) calloc(1+nlvtx, sizeof(int));
        adj = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*nedge);
        for (i=0; i<nedge; ++i)  {
            if (redges[2*i] < gID(uz->_sr, uz->_sc) || redges[2*i] >= gID(uz->_er, uz->_ec)) {
                printf("[%d/%d] received gid=%d doesn't blong to processor range [%d, %d) should go to proc %d\n", uz->myRank, uz->numProcs, redges[2*i],  gID(uz->_sr, uz->_sc), gID(uz->_er, uz->_ec), pIDfGID(redges[2*i]));
        xadj[nlvtx] = nedge;
        maxdeg = xadj[0];
        for (i=1; i<nlvtx; ++i) {
            maxdeg = xadj[i]>maxdeg ? xadj[i] : maxdeg;
            xadj[i] += xadj[i-1];
        for (i=0; i<nedge; ++i) {
            int u = lIDfGID(redges[2*i]);
            int v = redges[2*i+1];
            adj[--xadj[u]] = v;
    maxdeg += uz->stencil+1;
    adjTemp = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*2*maxdeg);
    times[2] = u_wseconds();
      printf("My rank %d/%d at proc-mesh loc (%d, %d) generating [%d, %d) x [%d, %d) + %d random edges TotEdge=%d\n", uz->myRank, uz->numProcs, uz->myR, uz->myC, uz->_sr, uz->_er, uz->_sc, uz->_ec, uz->numredge, xadj[nlvtx]);  */
    printStats("Number of Vertices  ", nlvtx, uz->myRank, uz->numProcs);
    if (xadj)
        printStats("Number of Rand Edges", xadj[nlvtx], uz->myRank, uz->numProcs);

    /* General parameters */
#ifndef ZOLTANV31
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "GRAPH_BUILD_TYPE", "FAST_NO_DUP");

    /* General parameters */
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "3");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1"); 
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");

    /* coloring parameters */
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "SUPERSTEP_SIZE", "500"); /* let's make S=500 default */
    for (i=7; i<argc; ++i) {
        char param[256], *eq;

        if (!uz->myRank)
            printf("processing argv[%d]='%s'\n", i, argv[i]);
        strncpy(param, argv[i], sizeof(param));
        eq = strchr(param, '=');
        if (!eq) {
            fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument '%s', Zoltan Paramters should be in the format <ZoltanParam>=<Val>\n", param);
            goto End;
        *eq = 0;
        Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, param, eq+1);

#if 0    
    /* Graph parameters */
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "CHECK_GRAPH", "2");

    /* set call backs */
    Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_objects, uz);
    Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_object_list, uz);
    Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn(zz, get_num_edges_list, uz);
    Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn(zz, get_edge_list, uz);

#if 0    
#ifndef ZOLTANV31
    Zoltan_LB_Eval_Graph(zz, 0, &graph);

    if (!uz->myRank) {
        printf("EdgeCut   Min=%8.0f  Max=%8.0f  Sum=%8.0f\n", graph.cuts[EVAL_GLOBAL_MIN], graph.cuts[EVAL_GLOBAL_MAX], graph.cuts[EVAL_GLOBAL_SUM]);
        printf("#Vertices Min=%8.0f  Max=%8.0f  Sum=%8.0f imbal=%.2f\n", graph.nobj[EVAL_GLOBAL_MIN], graph.nobj[EVAL_GLOBAL_MAX], graph.nobj[EVAL_GLOBAL_SUM], graph.obj_imbalance);        

    /* now color */
    ngids = get_number_of_objects(uz, &rc);

    gid_list = (ZOLTAN_ID_PTR) malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * ngids);
#ifndef ZOLTANV31
    next = 0;
    for (i=uz->_sr; i<uz->_er; ++i) {
        int j;
        for (j=uz->_sc; j<uz->_ec; ++j) {
            gid_list[next++] = i*uz->meshC + j;
    color = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * ngids);    

    times[3] = u_wseconds();    
#ifdef ZOLTANV31
    rc = Zoltan_Color(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
                      &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
                      &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
                      ngids,           /* #objects to color in this proc */
                      gid_list,        /* global ids of colored vertices */
                      NULL,            /* we ignore local ids */
                      color);          /* result color */    
    rc = Zoltan_Color(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
                      1,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
                      ngids,           /* #objects to color in this proc */
                      gid_list,        /* global ids of colored vertices */
                      color);          /* result color */
    times[4] = u_wseconds();
    MPI_Reduce(times, gtimes, 5, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Zoltan_Color failed with return code %d...\n", rc);

    for (maxcol=i=0; i<ngids; ++i)
        if (color[i] > maxcol)
            maxcol = color[i];
    MPI_Reduce(&maxcol, &ncolors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (uz->myRank==0) {
        struct rusage usage;
        printf("%s setup             Proc-0: %8.2lf   Max: %8.2lf\n", argv[0], times[1]-times[0], gtimes[1]-gtimes[0]);
        printf("%s gen rand edges    Proc-0: %8.2lf   Max: %8.2lf\n", argv[0], times[2]-times[1], gtimes[2]-gtimes[1]);
        printf("%s set gids          Proc-0: %8.2lf   Max: %8.2lf\n", argv[0], times[3]-times[2], gtimes[3]-gtimes[2]);
        printf("%s Zoltan_Color call Proc-0: %8.2lf   Max: %8.2lf\n", argv[0], times[4]-times[3], gtimes[4]-gtimes[3]);
        printf("%s Coloring Time    : %.2lf   # Colors used : %d\n", argv[0], gtimes[4]-gtimes[0], ncolors);
        getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
        printf("%s maxrss=%ld minflt=%ld majflt=%ld nswap=%ld\n", argv[0], usage.ru_maxrss, usage.ru_minflt, usage.ru_majflt, usage.ru_nswap);                
#ifdef _DEBUG
    saveColor(argv[0], uz, (int *) gid_list, color, ngids);

     ** Clean up

    if (gid_list)
    if (color)
    if (xadj)
    if (adj)
    if (adjTemp)
    if (uz->redgeto)


    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, rc;
  float ver;
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
  int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
  int myRank, numProcs;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids;
  int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;
  int *parts;
  FILE *fp;
  GRAPH_DATA myGraph;

  ** Initialize MPI and Zoltan

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);

  rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){

  ** Read graph from input file and distribute it 

  fp = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!fp){
    if (myRank == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Can not open %s\n",fname);

  read_input_file(myRank, numProcs, fname, &myGraph);

  ** Create a Zoltan library structure for this instance of load
  ** balancing.  Set the parameters and query functions that will
  ** govern the library's calculation.  See the Zoltan User's
  ** Guide for the definition of these and many other parameters.

  zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* General parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1"); 
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");

     Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1"); 
     Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
  #ifdef HAVE_SCOTCH
     Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");

  /* Graph parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "CHECK_GRAPH", "2"); 
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PHG_EDGE_SIZE_THRESHOLD", ".35");  /* 0-remove all, 1-remove none */

  /* Query functions - defined in simpleQueries.h */

  Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_vertices, &myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_vertex_list, &myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn(zz, get_num_edges_list, &myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn(zz, get_edge_list, &myGraph);

  ** Zoltan can now partition the simple graph.
  ** In this simple example, we assume the number of partitions is
  ** equal to the number of processes.  Process rank 0 will own
  ** partition 0, process rank 1 will own partition 1, and so on.

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
        &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */ 
        &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
        &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
        &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
        &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
        &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
        &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
        &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){

  ** Visualize the graph partitioning before and after calling Zoltan.

  parts = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * myGraph.numMyVertices);

  for (i=0; i < myGraph.numMyVertices; i++){
    parts[i] = myRank;

  if (myRank== 0){
    printf("\nGraph partition before calling Zoltan\n");

  showGraphPartitions(myRank, myGraph.numMyVertices, myGraph.vertexGID, parts, numProcs);

  for (i=0; i < numExport; i++){
    parts[exportLocalGids[i]] = exportToPart[i];

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("Graph partition after calling Zoltan\n");

  showGraphPartitions(myRank, myGraph.numMyVertices, myGraph.vertexGID, parts, numProcs);


  ** Free the arrays allocated by Zoltan_LB_Partition, and free
  ** the storage allocated for the Zoltan structure.

  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, 
                      &importProcs, &importToPart);
  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, 
                      &exportProcs, &exportToPart);


  ** all done ***********


  if (myGraph.numMyVertices > 0){
    if (myGraph.numAllNbors > 0){

  return 0;
void lb_zoltan(PSTopology top, LBMethod method, unsigned int dimen, list_type& pl)
        const par::communicator& comm = par::comm_world();

        float ver;
        Zoltan_Initialize(0, 0, &ver);

        struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;

        // Create ZData (moves pl into zd)
        ZData zd(par::comm_world(), std::move(pl));

        // Allocate the Zoltan data
        zz = Zoltan_Create(zd.comm.raw());

        // Set some default sane parameters
        if (method == LBMethod::RCB)
                Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "RCB");
                throw std::runtime_error("Unknown load balancing method");

        // Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "KEEP_CUTS", "1");
        // Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_APPROACH", "REPARTITION");
        // Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "MIGRATE_ONLY_PROC_CHANGES", "1");
        Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "AUTO_MIGRATE", "TRUE");
        // Set higher for more debugging output
        Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");

        // Set partition query methods
        Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, pl_num_obj,
                              static_cast<void *>(&zd));
        Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, pl_obj_list,
                               static_cast<void *>(&zd));
        Zoltan_Set_Num_Geom_Fn(zz, pl_num_geom,
                               static_cast<void *>(&zd));
        Zoltan_Set_Geom_Multi_Fn(zz, pl_geom_multi,
                                 static_cast<void *>(&zd));

        // Migration query methods
        Zoltan_Set_Mid_Migrate_PP_Fn(zz, pl_mid_migrate_pp,
                                     static_cast<void *>(&zd));
        Zoltan_Set_Obj_Size_Multi_Fn(zz, pl_obj_size_multi,
                                     static_cast<void *>(&zd));
        Zoltan_Set_Pack_Obj_Multi_Fn(zz, pl_pack_obj_multi,
                                     static_cast<void *>(&zd));
        Zoltan_Set_Unpack_Obj_Multi_Fn(zz, pl_unpack_obj_multi,
                                       static_cast<void *>(&zd));

                num_gid_entries, num_lid_entries,
        unsigned int

        zerr = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz,

        if (zerr != ZOLTAN_OK) comm.abort("Zoltan error", 1);

        // Move the data back again out of the struct
        pl = std::move(zd.list);

std::vector<int> zoltanGraphPartitionGridOnRoot(const CpGrid& cpgrid,
                                          const CollectiveCommunication<MPI_Comm>& cc,
                                          int root)
    int rc;
    float ver;
    struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
    int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids;
    int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;
    int argc=0;
    char** argv;
    rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);
    zz = Zoltan_Create(cc);
    if ( rc != ZOLTAN_OK )
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not initialize Zoltan!");

    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_APPROACH", "PARTITION");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "3");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "CHECK_GRAPH", "2");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PHG_EDGE_SIZE_THRESHOLD", ".35");  /* 0-remove all, 1-remove none */

    bool pretendEmptyGrid = cc.rank()!=root;

    Dune::cpgrid::setCpGridZoltanGraphFunctions(zz, cpgrid, pretendEmptyGrid);

    rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
                             &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */
                             &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
                             &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
                             &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
                             &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
                             &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
                             &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
                             &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
                             &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
                             &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
                             &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
                             &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
                             &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */
    int size = cpgrid.numCells();
    int         rank  = cc.rank();
    std::vector<int> parts=std::vector<int>(size, rank);

    for ( int i=0; i < numExport; ++i )
        parts[exportLocalGids[i]] = exportProcs[i];
    cc.broadcast(&parts[0], parts.size(), root);
    Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, &exportProcs, &exportToPart);
    Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, &importProcs, &importToPart);
    return parts;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int rc, i, myRank, numProcs;
  float ver;
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
  int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids; 
  int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;
  int *parts;
  FILE *fp;
  MESH_DATA myMesh;

  ** Initialize MPI and Zoltan

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);

  rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){

  ** Read geometry from input file and distribute it unevenly

  fp = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!fp){
    if (myRank == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Can not open %s\n",fname);

  read_input_objects(myRank, numProcs, fname, &myMesh);

  ** Create a Zoltan library structure for this instance of load
  ** balancing.  Set the parameters and query functions that will
  ** govern the library's calculation.  See the Zoltan User's
  ** Guide for the definition of these and many other parameters.

  zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* General parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "RCB");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1"); 
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");

  /* RCB parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RCB_OUTPUT_LEVEL", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RCB_RECTILINEAR_BLOCKS", "1"); 
  /*Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RCB_RECTILINEAR_BLOCKS", "0"); */

  /* Query functions, to provide geometry to Zoltan */

  Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_objects, &myMesh);
  Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_object_list, &myMesh);
  Zoltan_Set_Num_Geom_Fn(zz, get_num_geometry, &myMesh);
  Zoltan_Set_Geom_Multi_Fn(zz, get_geometry_list, &myMesh);

  ** Zoltan can now partition the vertices in the simple mesh.
  ** In this simple example, we assume the number of partitions is
  ** equal to the number of processes.  Process rank 0 will own
  ** partition 0, process rank 1 will own partition 1, and so on.

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
        &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */ 
        &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
        &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
        &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
        &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
        &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
        &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
        &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){

  ** Visualize the mesh partitioning before and after calling Zoltan.

  parts = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * myMesh.numMyPoints);

  for (i=0; i < myMesh.numMyPoints; i++){
    parts[i] = myRank;

  if (myRank== 0){
    printf("\nMesh partition assignments before calling Zoltan\n");

  showSimpleMeshPartitions(myRank, myMesh.numMyPoints, myMesh.myGlobalIDs, parts);

  for (i=0; i < numExport; i++){
    parts[exportLocalGids[i]] = exportToPart[i];

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("Mesh partition assignments after calling Zoltan\n");

  showSimpleMeshPartitions(myRank, myMesh.numMyPoints, myMesh.myGlobalIDs, parts);


  ** Free the arrays allocated by Zoltan_LB_Partition, and free
  ** the storage allocated for the Zoltan structure.

  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, 
                      &importProcs, &importToPart);
  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, 
                      &exportProcs, &exportToPart);


  ** all done ***********


  if (myMesh.numMyPoints > 0){

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, rc;
  int myRank, numProcs;
  float ver;
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
  int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport, start_gid, num_nbors;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids;
  int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;
  int *parts=NULL;
  FILE *fp;
  struct Zoltan_DD_Struct *dd;
  GRAPH_DATA myGraph;
  int gid_length = 1;   /* our global IDs consist of 1 integer */
  int lid_length = 1;   /* our local IDs consist of 1 integer */

  ** Initialize MPI and Zoltan

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);

  rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){

  ** Read graph from input file and distribute it 

  fp = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!fp){
    if (myRank == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Can not open %s\n",fname);

  read_input_file(myRank, numProcs, fname, &myGraph);

  /*fprintf(stderr,"%d have %d objects\n",myRank,myGraph.numMyVertices);*/

  ** Create a distributed data directory which maps vertex
  ** global IDs to their current partition number.  We'll use this
  ** after migrating vertices, to update the partition in which
  ** our vertices neighbors are.
  ** Our local IDs (array "lids") are of type ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE because
  ** we are using Zoltan's distributed data directory.  It assumes
  ** that a global ID is a sequence of "gid_length" ZOLTAN_ID_TYPEs.
  ** It assumes that a local ID is a sequence of "lid_length"

  rc = Zoltan_DD_Create(&dd, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 
                           gid_length,    /* length of a global ID */
                           lid_length,    /* length of a local ID */
                           0,             /* length of user data  */
                           myGraph.numMyVertices,  /* hash table size */
                           0);                     /* debug level */

  parts = malloc(myGraph.numMyVertices * sizeof(int));
  lids = malloc(myGraph.numMyVertices * sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
  for (i=0; i < myGraph.numMyVertices; i++){
    parts[i] = myRank;   /* part number of this vertex */
    lids[i] = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE)i;         /* local ID on my process for this vertex */
  rc = Zoltan_DD_Update(dd, 

  myGraph.dd = dd;

  ** Create a Zoltan library structure for this instance of load
  ** balancing.  Set the parameters and query functions that will
  ** govern the library's calculation.  See the Zoltan User's
  ** Guide for the definition of these and many other parameters.

  zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* General parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_APPROACH", "PARTITION");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1"); 
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");

  /* Graph parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "CHECK_GRAPH", "2"); 
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PHG_EDGE_SIZE_THRESHOLD", ".35");  /* 0-remove all, 1-remove none */

  /* Query functions, defined in this source file */

  Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_vertices, &myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_vertex_list, &myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn(zz, get_num_edges_list, &myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn(zz, get_edge_list, &myGraph);

  Zoltan_Set_Obj_Size_Multi_Fn(zz, get_message_sizes,&myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Pack_Obj_Multi_Fn(zz, pack_object_messages,&myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Unpack_Obj_Multi_Fn(zz, unpack_object_messages,&myGraph);
  Zoltan_Set_Mid_Migrate_PP_Fn(zz, mid_migrate,&myGraph);

  ** Visualize the graph partitioning before calling Zoltan.

  if (myRank== 0){
    printf("\nGraph partition before calling Zoltan\n");

  showGraphPartitions(myRank, myGraph.dd);

  ** Zoltan can now partition the simple graph.
  ** In this simple example, we assume the number of partitions is
  ** equal to the number of processes.  Process rank 0 will own
  ** partition 0, process rank 1 will own partition 1, and so on.

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
        &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */ 
        &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
        &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
        &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
        &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
        &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
        &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
        &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){

  /*fprintf(stderr,"%d export %d import %d\n",myRank,numExport,numImport);*/

  ** Update the data directory with the new partition numbers

  for (i=0; i < numExport; i++){
    parts[exportLocalGids[i]] = exportToPart[i];

  rc = Zoltan_DD_Update(dd, 

  ** Migrate vertices to new partitions

  rc = Zoltan_Migrate(zz, 
                      numImport, importGlobalGids, importLocalGids,
                      importProcs, importToPart,
                      numExport, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids,
                      exportProcs, exportToPart);

  ** Use the data dictionary to find neighbors' partitions

  start_gid = myGraph.numMyVertices - numImport;
  num_nbors = myGraph.nborIndex[myGraph.numMyVertices] - myGraph.nborIndex[start_gid];

  rc = Zoltan_DD_Find(dd,
             (ZOLTAN_ID_PTR)(myGraph.nborGID + start_gid), NULL, NULL, 
              myGraph.nborPart + start_gid, num_nbors, NULL);

  ** Visualize the graph partitioning after calling Zoltan.

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("Graph partition after calling Zoltan\n");
  showGraphPartitions(myRank, myGraph.dd);

  ** Free the arrays allocated by Zoltan_LB_Partition, and free
  ** the storage allocated for the Zoltan structure.

  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, 
                      &importProcs, &importToPart);
  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, 
                      &exportProcs, &exportToPart);


  ** all done ***********


  if (myGraph.vertex_capacity > 0){
    if (myGraph.nbor_capacity > 0){

  if (parts) free(parts);
  if (lids) free(lids);

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int rc, i;
  int myRank, numProcs;
  float ver;
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
  int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids; 
  int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;
  int *parts = NULL;

  FILE *fp;

  ** Initialize MPI and Zoltan

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);

  rc = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
    printf("Error initializing Zoltan\n");

  ** Read objects from input file and distribute them unevenly

  fp = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!fp){
    if (myRank == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Can not open %s\n",fname);

  read_input_objects(myRank, numProcs, fname, &myData);

  ** Create a Zoltan library structure for this instance of load
  ** balancing.  Set the parameters and query functions.

  zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* General parameters */

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "BLOCK");  /* Zoltan method: "BLOCK" */
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1"); /* global ID is 1 integer */
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1"); /* local ID is 1 integer */
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "0"); /* we omit object weights */

  /* Query functions */

  Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_objects, &myData);
  Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_object_list, &myData);

  ** Call Zoltan to partition the objects.

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
        &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */ 
        &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
        &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
        &numImport,      /* Number of objects to be sent to me */
        &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of objects to be sent to me */
        &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of objects to be sent to me */
        &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming object */
        &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming object */
        &numExport,      /* Number of objects I must send to other processes*/
        &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the objects I must send */
        &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the objects I must send */
        &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the objects */
        &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each object will belong */

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
    printf("Error in Zoltan library\n");

  ** Visualize the object partitioning before and after calling Zoltan.
  ** In this example, partition number equals process rank.

  parts = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * myData.numMyObjects);

  for (i=0; i < myData.numMyObjects; i++){
    parts[i] = myRank;

  if (myRank== 0){
    printf("\nObject partition assignments before calling Zoltan\n");

  showSimpleMeshPartitions(myRank, myData.numMyObjects, myData.myGlobalIDs, parts);

  for (i=0; i < numExport; i++){
    parts[exportLocalGids[i]] = exportToPart[i];

  if (myRank == 0){
    printf("Object partition assignments after calling Zoltan\n");

  showSimpleMeshPartitions(myRank, myData.numMyObjects, myData.myGlobalIDs, parts);

  ** Free the arrays allocated by Zoltan_LB_Partition, and free
  ** the storage allocated for the Zoltan structure.

  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, 
                      &importProcs, &importToPart);
  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, 
                      &exportProcs, &exportToPart);



  return 0;
ZZ *Zoltan_Create(MPI_Comm communicator)
 *  Function to create a Zoltan structure.  May want more than one
 *  structure if using different decompositions with different techniques.
 *  This function allocates and initializes the structure.
 *  Output:
 *    ZZ *               --  Pointer to a Zoltan structure.

char *yo = "Zoltan_Create";
ZZ *zz;

   * Allocate storage for the Zoltan structure.

  zz = (ZZ *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(sizeof(ZZ));
  if (!zz) {
    int proc;
    MPI_Comm_rank(communicator, &proc);
    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(proc, yo, "Insufficient memory to create structure.");
    return NULL;


   *  Set MPI values for zz:

  if (communicator == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
     *  The processor is not in the communicator for the load-balancing
     *  structure.  Set zz->Communicator to MPI_COMM_NULL and give dummy 
     *  values to zz->Proc and zz->Num_Proc.
    zz->Communicator = MPI_COMM_NULL;
    zz->Proc = -1;
    zz->Num_Proc = 0;
  else {
     *  Set Communicator to the communicator passed in.
    MPI_Comm_dup(communicator, &(zz->Communicator));
    MPI_Comm_size(zz->Communicator, &(zz->Num_Proc));
    MPI_Comm_rank(zz->Communicator, &(zz->Proc));

  Zoltan_LB_Init(&(zz->LB), zz->Num_Proc);
  /* Initialize DRUM-related structure field */

  zz->ZTime = Zoltan_Timer_Create(ZOLTAN_TIMER_DEF);

  /* Test that size_t is uniform on all processors */
  if (communicator != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
    int my_sizet = sizeof(size_t);
    int max_sizet, min_sizet;
    MPI_Allreduce(&my_sizet, &max_sizet, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, zz->Communicator);
    MPI_Allreduce(&my_sizet, &min_sizet, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, zz->Communicator);
    if (min_sizet != max_sizet) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo,
                         "min sizeof(size_t) != max sizeof(size_t)");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Local declarations. */
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz = NULL;

  char  *cmd_file;
  char   cmesg[256]; /* for error messages */

  float  version;

  int    Proc, Num_Proc;
  int    iteration;
  int    error, gerror;
  int    print_output = 1;

  MESH_INFO  mesh;             /* mesh information struct */
  PARIO_INFO pio_info;
  PROB_INFO  prob;

/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/

  /* initialize MPI */
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

#ifdef VAMPIR
  VT_initialize(&argc, &argv);

  /* get some machine information */
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Proc);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Num_Proc);

  my_rank = Proc;

  signal(SIGSEGV, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGINT, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGTERM, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGABRT, meminfo_signal_handler);
  signal(SIGFPE, meminfo_signal_handler);

  printf("%d of %d ZDRIVE LAUNCH pid = %d file = %s\n", 
         Proc, Num_Proc, getpid(), argv[1]);

  /* Initialize flags */
  Test.DDirectory = 0;
  Test.Local_Parts = 0;
  Test.Fixed_Objects = 0;
  Test.Drops = 0;
  Test.RCB_Box = 0;
  Test.Multi_Callbacks = 0;
  Test.Graph_Callbacks = 1;
  Test.Hypergraph_Callbacks = 1;
  Test.Gen_Files = 0;
  Test.Null_Lists = NO_NULL_LISTS;
  Test.Dynamic_Weights = .0;
  Test.Dynamic_Graph = .0;
  Test.Vtx_Inc = 0;

  Output.Text = 1;
  Output.Gnuplot = 0;
  Output.Nemesis = 0;
  Output.Plot_Partition = 0;
  Output.Mesh_Info_File = 0;

  /* Interpret the command line */
  case 1:
    cmd_file = "zdrive.inp";

  case 2:
    cmd_file = argv[1];

    fprintf(stderr, "MAIN: ERROR in command line,");
    if(Proc == 0)
      fprintf(stderr, " usage:\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "\t%s [command file]", DRIVER_NAME);

  /* initialize Zoltan */
  if ((error = Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &version)) != ZOLTAN_OK) {
    sprintf(cmesg, "fatal: Zoltan_Initialize returned error code, %d", error);
    Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
    print_output = 0;
    goto End;

  /* initialize some variables */
  initialize_mesh(&mesh, Proc);

  pio_info.dsk_list_cnt		= -1;
  pio_info.file_comp            = STANDARD;
  pio_info.num_dsk_ctrlrs	= -1;
  pio_info.pdsk_add_fact	= -1;
  pio_info.zeros		= -1;
  pio_info.file_type		= -1;
  pio_info.chunk_reader         = 0;
  pio_info.init_dist_type	= -1;
  pio_info.init_size		= ZOLTAN_ID_INVALID;
  pio_info.init_dim 		= -1;
  pio_info.init_vwgt_dim 	= -1;
  pio_info.init_dist_pins       = -1;
  pio_info.pdsk_root[0]		= '\0';
  pio_info.pdsk_subdir[0]	= '\0';
  pio_info.pexo_fname[0]	= '\0';

  prob.method[0]		= '\0';
  prob.num_params		= 0;
  prob.params			= NULL;

  /* Read in the ascii input file */
  error = gerror = 0;
  if (Proc == 0) {
    printf("\n\nReading the command file, %s\n", cmd_file);
    if (!read_cmd_file(cmd_file, &prob, &pio_info, NULL)) {
      sprintf(cmesg,"fatal: Could not read in the command file"
              " \"%s\"!\n", cmd_file);
      Gen_Error(0, cmesg);
      print_output = 0;
      error = 1;

    if (!check_inp(&prob, &pio_info)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error in user specified parameters.\n");
      print_output = 0;
      error = 1;

    print_input_info(stdout, Num_Proc, &prob, &pio_info, version);

  MPI_Allreduce(&error, &gerror, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if (gerror) goto End;

  /* broadcast the command info to all of the processor */
  brdcst_cmd_info(Proc, &prob, &pio_info, &mesh);

  Zoltan_Set_Param(NULL, "DEBUG_MEMORY", "1");
  print_output = Output.Text;

   *  Create a Zoltan structure.
  if ((zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD)) == NULL) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal:  NULL returned from Zoltan_Create()\n");
    return 0;

  if (!setup_zoltan(zz, Proc, &prob, &mesh, &pio_info)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from setup_zoltan\n");
    print_output = 0;
    goto End;

  /* srand(Proc); Different seeds on different procs. */
  srand(1);  /* Same seed everywhere. */

  if (Test.Dynamic_Weights){
    /* Set obj weight dim to 1; can be overridden by user parameter */
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "1");

  /* Loop over read and balance for a number of iterations */
  /* (Useful for testing REUSE parameters in Zoltan.) */
  for (iteration = 1; iteration <= Number_Iterations; iteration++) {

    if (Proc == 0) {
      printf("Starting iteration %d\n", iteration); 

     * now read in the mesh and element information.
     * This is the only function call to do this. Upon return,
     * the mesh struct and the elements array should be filled.
    if (iteration == 1) {
      if (!read_mesh(Proc, Num_Proc, &prob, &pio_info, &mesh)) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from read_mesh\n");
        print_output = 0;
        goto End;
       *  Create a Zoltan DD for tracking elements during repartitioning.

      if (mesh.data_type == ZOLTAN_HYPERGRAPH && !build_elem_dd(&mesh)) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from build_elem_dd\n");
        print_output = 0;
        goto End;

/* KDD Cool test of changing number of partitions  */
    sprintf(cmesg, "%d", Num_Proc * iteration);
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GLOBAL_PARTS", cmesg);

     * Produce files to verify input.
    if (iteration == 1) {
      if (Debug_Driver > 2) {
        if (!output_results(cmd_file,"in",Proc,Num_Proc,&prob,&pio_info,&mesh)){
          Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from output_results\n");
        if (Output.Gnuplot)
          if (!output_gnu(cmd_file,"in",Proc,Num_Proc,&prob,&pio_info,&mesh)) {
            Gen_Error(0, "warning: Error returned from output_gnu\n");
      if (Test.Vtx_Inc<0){
        /* Read Citeseer data from file */
        FILE *fp;
        int i=0;
        if (Proc==0){
          fp = fopen("months.txt", "r");
          if (!fp)
            printf("ERROR: Couldn't open file months.txt\n");
          while (fscanf(fp, "%d", &CITESEER[i])==1){
        MPI_Bcast (CITESEER, 200, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (Test.Dynamic_Graph > 0.0){
      if (mesh.data_type == ZOLTAN_GRAPH) {
        remove_random_vertices(&mesh, iteration, Test.Dynamic_Graph); 
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: \"test dynamic graph\" only works on graphs, not hypergraphs\n");
        print_output = 0;
        goto End;

    if (Test.Vtx_Inc){
      if (mesh.data_type == ZOLTAN_HYPERGRAPH ) {
        if (Test.Vtx_Inc>0)
          mesh.visible_nvtx += Test.Vtx_Inc; /* Increment uniformly */
          mesh.visible_nvtx = CITESEER[iteration-1]; /* Citeseer document matrix. */
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: \"vertex increment\" only works on hypergraphs\n");
        print_output = 0;
        goto End;

     * now run Zoltan to get a new load balance and perform
     * the migration
if (iteration == 1) {
  /* Exercise partitioner once on Tbird because first run is slow. */
  /* Lee Ann suspects Tbird is loading shared libraries. */
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zzcopy;
  zzcopy = Zoltan_Copy(zz);
  /* Don't do any migration or accumulate any stats. */
  if (Proc == 0) printf("%d KDDKDD IGNORING FIRST ITERATION STATS\n", Proc);
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zzcopy, "RETURN_LISTS", "NONE");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zzcopy, "FINAL_OUTPUT", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zzcopy, "USE_TIMERS", "0");
  if (!run_zoltan(zzcopy, Proc, &prob, &mesh, &pio_info)) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from run_zoltan\n");
    print_output = 0;
    goto End;
 if (iteration % 2 == 0) {
   char LB_METHOD[1024];

  if (Proc == 0) printf("%d CCCC Randomizing the input\n", Proc);
   strcpy(LB_METHOD, prob.method);
   strcpy(prob.method, "RANDOM");
   Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "RANDOM");
   Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");
    if (!run_zoltan(zz, Proc, &prob, &mesh, &pio_info)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from run_zoltan\n");
      print_output = 0;
      goto End;
   Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "NONE");
   Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", LB_METHOD);
   strcpy(prob.method, LB_METHOD);
  if (Proc == 0) printf("%d CCCC Randomizing the input -- END\n", Proc);
#endif /* RANDOM_DIST */
    if (!run_zoltan(zz, Proc, &prob, &mesh, &pio_info)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from run_zoltan\n");
      print_output = 0;
      goto End;

    /* Reset the mesh data structure for next iteration. */
    if (iteration < Number_Iterations) {
      int i, j;
      float tmp;
      float twiddle = 0.01;
      char str[4];
      /* Perturb coordinates of mesh */
      if (mesh.data_type == ZOLTAN_GRAPH){
        for (i = 0; i < mesh.num_elems; i++) {
          for (j = 0; j < mesh.num_dims; j++) {
            /* tmp = ((float) rand())/RAND_MAX; *//* Equiv. to sjplimp's test */
            tmp = (float) (i % 10) / 10.;
            mesh.elements[i].coord[0][j] += twiddle * (2.0*tmp-1.0);
            mesh.elements[i].avg_coord[j] = mesh.elements[i].coord[0][j];
        /* Increase weights in some parts */
        if (Test.Dynamic_Weights){
          /* Randomly pick 10% of parts to "refine" */
          /* Note:  Assumes at least 10 parts!  */
          /* Increase vertex weight, and also edge weights? TODO */
          j = (int) ((10.0*rand())/RAND_MAX + .5);
          for (i = 0; i < mesh.num_elems; i++) {
            if ((mesh.elements[i].my_part%10) == j){
                mesh.elements[i].cpu_wgt[0] = Test.Dynamic_Weights*(1+rand()%5);
      /* change the ParMETIS Seed */
      sprintf(str, "%d", iteration);
#ifdef ZOLTAN_PARMETIS      
      Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PARMETIS_SEED", str);

  } /* End of loop over read and balance */

  if (Proc == 0) {
    printf("FILE %s:  Total:    %e seconds in Partitioning\n", 
           cmd_file, Total_Partition_Time);
    printf("FILE %s:  Average:  %e seconds per Iteration\n", 
           cmd_file, Total_Partition_Time/Number_Iterations);

  if (mesh.dd) Zoltan_DD_Destroy(&(mesh.dd));


   * output the results
  if (print_output) {
    if (!output_results(cmd_file,"out",Proc,Num_Proc,&prob,&pio_info,&mesh)) {
      Gen_Error(0, "fatal: Error returned from output_results\n");

    if (Output.Gnuplot) {
      if (!output_gnu(cmd_file,"out",Proc,Num_Proc,&prob,&pio_info,&mesh)) {
        Gen_Error(0, "warning: Error returned from output_gnu\n");

  if (prob.params != NULL) free(prob.params);
#ifdef VAMPIR

  return 0;
  int MESH_PartitionWithZoltan(Mesh_ptr mesh, int nparts, int **part, int noptions, 
                               char **options, MSTK_Comm comm) { 

  MEdge_ptr fedge;
  MFace_ptr mf, oppf, rface;
  MRegion_ptr mr, oppr;
  List_ptr fedges, efaces, rfaces, fregions;
  int  i, j, k, id;
  int  nv, ne, nf, nr=0, nfe, nef, nfr, nrf, idx, idx2;
  int  numflag, nedgecut, ipos;
  int  wtflag;

  int rc;
  float ver;
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
  GRAPH_DATA graph;
  int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids;
  int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;

  int rank;
  rc = Zoltan_Initialize(0, NULL, &ver);

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
    MSTK_Report("MESH_PartitionWithZoltan","Could not initialize Zoltan",MSTK_FATAL);

  ** Create a Zoltan library structure for this instance of partition 
  zz = Zoltan_Create(comm);

   ** Figure out partitioning method
  char partition_method_str[32];
  strcpy(partition_method_str,"RCB");  /* Default - Recursive Coordinate Bisection */
  if (noptions) {
    for (i = 0; i < noptions; i++) {
      if (strncmp(options[i],"LB_PARTITION",12) == 0) {
        char *result = NULL, instring[256];
        result = strtok(instring,"=");
        result = strtok(NULL," ");
  if (rank == 0) {
    char mesg[256];
    sprintf(mesg,"Using partitioning method %s for ZOLTAN\n",partition_method_str);

  /* General parameters for Zoltan */
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", partition_method_str);
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_APPROACH", "PARTITION");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL");

  graph.numMyNodes = 0;
  graph.numAllNbors = 0;
  graph.nodeGID = NULL;
  graph.nodeCoords = NULL;
  graph.nborIndex = NULL;
  graph.nborGID = NULL;
  graph.nborProc = NULL;

  if (strcmp(partition_method_str,"RCB") == 0) {
    if (rank == 0) {
      nr = MESH_Num_Regions(mesh);
      nf = MESH_Num_Faces(mesh);

      if (!nf && !nr)
        MSTK_Report("MESH_PartitionWithZoltan","Cannot partition wire meshes",

      if (nr == 0) { /* Surface or planar mesh */

        int ndim = 2;       /* assume mesh is planar */
        idx = 0;
        MVertex_ptr mv;
        while ((mv = MESH_Next_Vertex(mesh,&idx))) {
          double vxyz[3];
          if (vxyz[2] != 0.0) {
            ndim = 3;  /* non-planar or planar with non-zero z */
        NDIM_4_ZOLTAN = ndim-1;  /* ignore last dimension to avoid partitioning in that dimension */

        graph.numMyNodes = nf;

        graph.nodeGID = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * nf);
        graph.nodeCoords = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * NDIM_4_ZOLTAN * nf);

        idx = 0;
        while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) {
          double fxyz[MAXPV2][3], cen[3];
          int nfv;

          cen[0] = cen[1] = cen[2] = 0.0;
          for (j = 0; j < nfv; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < NDIM_4_ZOLTAN; k++) 
              cen[k] += fxyz[j][k];              
          for (k = 0; k < NDIM_4_ZOLTAN; k++) cen[k] /= nfv;

          id = MF_ID(mf);
          graph.nodeGID[id-1] = id;

      else { /* Volume mesh */

        int ndim = 3;
        NDIM_4_ZOLTAN = ndim-1;  /* ignore last dimension  to avoid partitioning in that dimension */
        graph.numMyNodes = nr;

        graph.nodeGID = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *) malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * nr);
        graph.nodeCoords = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * NDIM_4_ZOLTAN * nr);

        idx = 0;
        while ((mr = MESH_Next_Region(mesh,&idx))) {
          double rxyz[MAXPV3][3], cen[3];
          int nrv;
          cen[0] = cen[1] = cen[2] = 0.0;
          for (j = 0; j < nrv; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < NDIM_4_ZOLTAN; k++)
              cen[k] += rxyz[j][k];
          for (k = 0; k < NDIM_4_ZOLTAN; k++) cen[k] /= nrv;
          for (k = 0; k < NDIM_4_ZOLTAN; k++) 
            if (fabs(cen[k]) < 1.0e-10) cen[k] = 0.0; 

          id = MR_ID(mr);
          graph.nodeGID[id-1] = id;



    /* Set some default values */
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RCB_RECTILINEAR_BLOCKS","1");
    //    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "AVERAGE_CUTS", "1");

    if (noptions > 1) {
      for (i = 1; i < noptions; i++) {
        char *paramstr = NULL, *valuestr = NULL, instring[256];
        paramstr = strtok(instring,"=");
        valuestr = strtok(NULL," ");

    /* Query functions - defined in simpleQueries.h */

    Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_nodes, &graph);
    Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_node_list, &graph);
    Zoltan_Set_Num_Geom_Fn(zz, get_num_dimensions_reduced, &graph);    /* reduced dimensions */
    Zoltan_Set_Geom_Multi_Fn(zz, get_element_centers_reduced, &graph); /* reduced dimension centers */

  else if (strcmp(partition_method_str,"GRAPH") == 0) {

    if(rank == 0) {
      nv = MESH_Num_Vertices(mesh);
      ne = MESH_Num_Edges(mesh);
      nf = MESH_Num_Faces(mesh);
      nr = MESH_Num_Regions(mesh);
      ipos = 0;
      /* build nodes and neighbors list, similar as in partition with metis
         Assign processor 0 the whole mesh, assign other processors a NULL mesh */
      if (nr == 0) {
        if (nf == 0) {
                      "Cannot partition wire meshes with Zoltan",MSTK_FATAL);

        graph.nodeGID = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * nf);
        graph.nborIndex = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (nf + 1));
        graph.nborGID = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * 2*ne);
        graph.nborProc = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 2*ne);
        graph.nborIndex[0] = 0;
        /* Surface mesh */
        idx = 0; i = 0;
        while ((mf = MESH_Next_Face(mesh,&idx))) {
          graph.nodeGID[i] = MF_ID(mf);
          fedges = MF_Edges(mf,1,0);
          nfe = List_Num_Entries(fedges);
          idx2 = 0;
          while ((fedge = List_Next_Entry(fedges,&idx2))) {
            efaces = ME_Faces(fedge);
            nef = List_Num_Entries(efaces);
            if (nef == 1) {
              continue;          /* boundary edge; nothing to do */
            } else {
              int j;
              for (j = 0; j < nef; j++) {
                oppf = List_Entry(efaces,j);
                if (oppf == mf) {
                  graph.nborGID[ipos] = MF_ID(oppf);
                  /* initially set all nodes on processor 0 */
                  graph.nborProc[ipos] = 0;
          graph.nborIndex[i] = ipos;
        graph.numMyNodes = i;
        graph.numAllNbors = ipos;
      else {
        graph.nodeGID = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * nr);
        graph.nborIndex = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (nr + 1));
        graph.nborGID = (ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * 2*nf);
        graph.nborProc = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 2*nf);
        graph.nborIndex[0] = 0;
        /* Volume mesh */
        idx = 0; i = 0;
        while ((mr = MESH_Next_Region(mesh,&idx))) {
          graph.nodeGID[i] = MR_ID(mr);
          rfaces = MR_Faces(mr);
          nrf = List_Num_Entries(rfaces);
          idx2 = 0;
          while ((rface = List_Next_Entry(rfaces,&idx2))) {
            fregions = MF_Regions(rface);
            nfr = List_Num_Entries(fregions);
            if (nfr > 1) {
              oppr = List_Entry(fregions,0);
              if (oppr == mr)
                oppr = List_Entry(fregions,1);
              graph.nborGID[ipos] = MR_ID(oppr);
              /* initially set all nodes on processor 0 */
              graph.nborProc[ipos] = 0;
          graph.nborIndex[i] = ipos;
        graph.numMyNodes = i;
        graph.numAllNbors = ipos;

    /* Graph parameters */

    /* Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "CHECK_GRAPH", "2"); */
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PHG_EDGE_SIZE_THRESHOLD", ".35");  /* 0-remove all, 1-remove none */

    /* Query functions - defined in simpleQueries.h */

    Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_nodes, &graph);
    Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_node_list, &graph);
    Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn(zz, get_num_edges_list, &graph);
    Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn(zz, get_edge_list, &graph);    

  /* Partition the graph */
   ** Zoltan can now partition the graph.                                                                                                   
   ** We assume the number of partitions is                                                                                
   ** equal to the number of processes.  Process rank 0 will own                                                                                   
   ** partition 0, process rank 1 will own partition 1, and so on.                                                                                 
  rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
			   &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */
			   &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
			   &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
			   &numImport,      /* Number of nodes to be sent to me */
			   &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of nodes to be sent to me */
			   &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of nodes to be sent to me */
			   &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming node */
			   &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming node */
			   &numExport,      /* Number of nodes I must send to other processes*/
			   &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the nodes I must send */
			   &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the nodes I must send */
			   &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the nodes */
			   &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each node will belong */

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK){
    if (rank == 0)
      MSTK_Report("MESH_PartitionWithZoltan","Could not partition mesh with ZOLTAN",
    return 0;

  if(rank == 0) {
    *part = (int *) calloc(graph.numMyNodes,sizeof(int));
    for ( i = 0; i < numExport; i++ ) {
      (*part)[exportGlobalGids[i]-1] = exportToPart[i];
    if (graph.nodeGID) free(graph.nodeGID);
    if (graph.nodeCoords) free(graph.nodeCoords);
    if (graph.nborIndex) free(graph.nborIndex);
    if (graph.nborGID) free(graph.nborGID);
    if (graph.nborProc) free(graph.nborProc);
  else { 
    *part = NULL;

  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids, &exportProcs, &exportToPart);
  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids, &importProcs, &importToPart);

  return 1;
PeridigmNS::ZoltanSearchTree::~ZoltanSearchTree() {
	delete [] partToCoordIdx;
	delete [] searchParts;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int rc, do_hier, status;
  float ver;
  struct Zoltan_Struct *zz;
  int changes, numGidEntries, numLidEntries, numImport, numExport;
  int generate_files = 0;
  char *platform=NULL, *topology=NULL;
  char *graph_package=NULL;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR importGlobalGids, importLocalGids, exportGlobalGids, exportLocalGids;
  int *importProcs, *importToPart, *exportProcs, *exportToPart;
  struct option opts[10];
  double comm_time[10];
  float cut_weight[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
  long nvert=0;
  char *debug_level=NULL;

  status = 0;

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcs);

  Zoltan_Initialize(argc, argv, &ver);
  zz = Zoltan_Create(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  ** Check that this test makes sense.

  if (sizeof(long) < sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE)){
    if (myRank == 0){
      printf("ERROR: This code assumes that a long is at least %d bytes\n",(int)sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE));
    status = 1;

  check_error_status(status, "configuration error");

  ** Initialize zoltan

  /* options */

  opts[0].name = "platform";
  opts[0].has_arg = 1;
  opts[0].flag = NULL;
  opts[0].val = 1;

  opts[1].name = "topology";
  opts[1].has_arg = 1;
  opts[1].flag = NULL;
  opts[1].val = 2;

  opts[2].name = "size";
  opts[2].has_arg = 1;
  opts[2].flag = NULL;
  opts[2].val = 4;

  opts[3].name = "verbose";
  opts[3].has_arg = 0;
  opts[3].flag = NULL;
  opts[3].val = 5;

  opts[4].name = "help";
  opts[4].has_arg = 0;
  opts[4].flag = NULL;
  opts[4].val = 6;

  opts[5].name = "graph_package";
  opts[5].has_arg = 1;
  opts[5].flag = NULL;
  opts[5].val = 7;

  opts[6].name = "generate_files";
  opts[6].has_arg = 0;
  opts[6].flag = NULL;
  opts[6].val = 8;

  opts[7].name = "debug_level";
  opts[7].has_arg = 1;
  opts[7].flag = NULL;
  opts[7].val = 9;

  opts[8].name = 0;
  opts[8].has_arg = 0;
  opts[8].flag = NULL;
  opts[8].val = 0;

  status = 0;

  while (1){
    rc = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "",  opts, NULL);

    if (rc == '?'){
      if (myRank == 0) usage();
    else if (rc == 1){
      platform = optarg;
      if (myRank == 0)
        printf( "For platform %s\n",optarg );
    else if (rc == 2){
      topology = optarg;
      if (myRank == 0)
        printf( "For topology %s\n",optarg);
    else if (rc == 7){
      graph_package = optarg;
      if (myRank == 0)
        printf( "Zoltan parameter GRAPH_PACKAGE = %s\n",graph_package);
    else if (rc == 8){
      generate_files = 1;
      if (myRank == 0)
        printf( "Zoltan_Generate_Files will be called for each level.\n");
    else if (rc == 4){
      nvert = atol(optarg);
      if (nvert < 1) status = 1;
      check_error_status(status, "--size={approximate number of vertices}");
      if (myRank == 0){
        printf( "Graph will have approximately %ld vertices.\n",nvert);
    else if (rc == 5){
      verbose = 1;
    else if (rc == 6){
      if (myRank == 0) usage();
    else if (rc == 9){
      debug_level = optarg;
    else if (rc <= 0){

  if ((platform==NULL) && (topology==NULL)){
    if (myRank == 0)
      fprintf(stdout,"No platform or topology, so we'll skip hierarchical partitioning\n");
    do_hier = 0;
  else if (graph_package == NULL){
    if (myRank == 0)
      fprintf(stdout,"No graph package, so we'll skip hierarchical partitioning\n");
    do_hier = 0;
    do_hier = 1;

  /* start */


  if (nvert > 0)
    numGlobalVertices = nvert;
    numGlobalVertices = NUM_GLOBAL_VERTICES;

  status = create_a_graph();
  check_error_status(status, "creating the graph");

  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "REMAP", "0");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_GID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "NUM_LID_ENTRIES", "1");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "RETURN_LISTS", "ALL"); /* export AND import lists */
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", "1"); /* number of weights per vertex */
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "EDGE_WEIGHT_DIM", "1");/* number of weights per hyperedge */

  Zoltan_Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zz, get_number_of_vertices, NULL);
  Zoltan_Set_Obj_List_Fn(zz, get_vertex_list, NULL);
  Zoltan_Set_Num_Edges_Multi_Fn(zz, get_num_edges_list,  NULL);
  Zoltan_Set_Edge_List_Multi_Fn(zz, get_edge_list,  NULL);


  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "GRAPH");
  Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_APPROACH", "PARTITION");

  if (graph_package)
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "GRAPH_PACKAGE", graph_package);

  if (verbose){
    debug(zz, "Initial graph", 0);

  if (generate_files){
    rc = Zoltan_Generate_Files(zz, "flat", myRank, 0, 1, 0);
    if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK) status = 1;
    check_error_status(status, "Zoltan_Generate_Files");

  /* Performance before partitioning */
  cut_weight[0] = get_edge_cut_weight(zz);

  if (cut_weight[0] < 0.0) status = 1;
  check_error_status(status, "First call to get_edge_cut_weight");

  rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
        &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */
        &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
        &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
        &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
        &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
        &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
        &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
        &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
        &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
        &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */

  if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK) status = 1;
  check_error_status(status, "First call to LB_Partition");

  status = migrate_graph(numExport, numImport, exportLocalGids, importGlobalGids);
  check_error_status(status, "migration");

  if (verbose){
    debug(zz, "After flat partitioning and migration", 0);

  time_communication(comm_time+1);      /* With graph partitioning */
  cut_weight[1] = get_edge_cut_weight(zz);

  if (cut_weight[1] < 0.0) status = 1;
  check_error_status(status, "Second call to get_edge_cut_weight");

  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids,
                      &importProcs, &importToPart);
  Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids,
                      &exportProcs, &exportToPart);

  if (do_hier){


    status = create_a_graph();
    check_error_status(status, "create graph for hierarchical partitioning");

    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "LB_METHOD", "HIER");
    Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "HIER_ASSIST", "1");
    if (generate_files){
      Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "HIER_GENERATE_FILES", "1");

    if (debug_level)   /* 1, 2 or 3 */
      Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "HIER_DEBUG_LEVEL", debug_level);
      Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "HIER_DEBUG_LEVEL", "0");

    /* TODO: Suppose graph is not symmetric, and we request SYMMETRIZE.  Do we still get
     *  a "good" answer when each sub-graph in the hierarchy is symmetrized?

    if (topology)
      Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "TOPOLOGY", topology);
    else if (platform)
      Zoltan_Set_Param(zz, "PLATFORM", platform);

    rc = Zoltan_LB_Partition(zz, /* input (all remaining fields are output) */
          &changes,        /* 1 if partitioning was changed, 0 otherwise */
          &numGidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a global ID */
          &numLidEntries,  /* Number of integers used for a local ID */
          &numImport,      /* Number of vertices to be sent to me */
          &importGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
          &importLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of vertices to be sent to me */
          &importProcs,    /* Process rank for source of each incoming vertex */
          &importToPart,   /* New partition for each incoming vertex */
          &numExport,      /* Number of vertices I must send to other processes*/
          &exportGlobalGids,  /* Global IDs of the vertices I must send */
          &exportLocalGids,   /* Local IDs of the vertices I must send */
          &exportProcs,    /* Process to which I send each of the vertices */
          &exportToPart);  /* Partition to which each vertex will belong */

    if (rc != ZOLTAN_OK) status = 1;
    check_error_status(status, "Second call to LB_Partition");

    status = migrate_graph(numExport, numImport, exportLocalGids, importGlobalGids);
    check_error_status(status, "second migration");

    if (verbose){
      debug(zz, "After hierarchical partitioning and migration", 0);

    time_communication(comm_time+2);      /* With hierarchical graph partitioning */
    cut_weight[2] = get_edge_cut_weight(zz);

    if (cut_weight[2] < 0.0) status = 1;
    check_error_status(status, "Third call to get_edge_cut_weight");

    Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&importGlobalGids, &importLocalGids,
                        &importProcs, &importToPart);
    Zoltan_LB_Free_Part(&exportGlobalGids, &exportLocalGids,
                        &exportProcs, &exportToPart);



  if (myRank == 0){
    fprintf(stdout,"Graph cut weight before partitioning: %f\n",cut_weight[0]);
    fprintf(stdout,"             after flat partitioning: %f\n",cut_weight[1]);
    if (do_hier)
      fprintf(stdout,"     after hierarchical partitioning: %f\n",cut_weight[2]);

  if (cut_weight[1] >= cut_weight[0]){
    status = 1;
    if (zz->Proc == 0){
      fprintf(stderr,"FAILED: No improvement shown in flat partitioning");

  if (do_hier && (cut_weight[2] > cut_weight[0])){
    status = 1;
    if (zz->Proc == 0){
      fprintf(stderr,"FAILED: No improvement shown in hierarchical partitioning");


  return status;