void FvValueMaskNotifier::Init(const FvUInt32 uiCurState, const FvUInt32 uiMatchMask) { m_uiMatchMask = uiMatchMask; if(IsMatch(uiCurState)) { _SetState(MATCH); } else { _SetState(NO_MATCH); } }
void CUpDownClass::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if (m_dwStyle & UDS_ARROWKEYS) { if (nChar == VK_UP) { _Up(); _SetState(udsUp); } else if (nChar = VK_DOWN) { _Down(); _SetState(udsDown); } } }
/*============================================================================= -- Updates everything for the ButtonCaption. =============================================================================*/ void ButtonCaption::_Update() { //if the button's state is DOWN, but MBL is up, then the putton should be released if (GetState() == State::DOWN && GetRoot()->GetWindow()->GetInput()->GetButtonState(GMB_Left) == false) { _SetState(State::RELEASED); _SendElementMessageToListeners(ElementEvent::RELEASED); } else if (GetState() == State::RELEASED) { _SetState(State::UP); _SendElementMessageToListeners(ElementEvent::UP); } }
void hmsd_sbstate_init::_On_WM_LBUTTONDOWN( hmsd_wndmsg* pWndMsg ) { if ( !pWndMsg || pWndMsg->m_message != WM_LBUTTONDOWN ) { assert( FALSE ); return; } POINT ptLBtnDown; RECT rcBtnStart; RECT rcBtnEnd; RECT rcBtnThumb; ptLBtnDown.x = GET_X_LPARAM( pWndMsg->m_lParam ); ptLBtnDown.y = GET_Y_LPARAM( pWndMsg->m_lParam ); _GetBtnStartRect( rcBtnStart ); _GetBtnEndRect( rcBtnEnd ); _GetBtnThumbRect( rcBtnThumb ); // _SetLBtnDownPoint( &ptLBtnDown ); // check if need enter other state. if ( ::PtInRect( &rcBtnStart, ptLBtnDown ) ) { _SetState( hmsd_scrollbar::EHMSDSBSTATE_PRESS_BTN_START ); _NotifyLBtnDown( ESBDISTRICT_START_BUTTON ); return; } else if ( ::PtInRect( &rcBtnEnd, ptLBtnDown ) ) { _SetState( hmsd_scrollbar::EHMSDSBSTATE_PRESS_BTN_END ); _NotifyLBtnDown( ESBDISTRICT_END_BUTTON ); return; } else if ( ::PtInRect( &rcBtnThumb, ptLBtnDown ) ) { _SetState( hmsd_scrollbar::EHMSDSBSTATE_PRESS_BTN_THUMB ); _NotifyLBtnDown( ESBDISTRICT_THUMB ); return; } // RECT rcBlankStart; RECT rcBlankEnd; if ( _GetBlankStartRect( rcBlankStart ) ) { if ( ::PtInRect( &rcBlankStart, ptLBtnDown ) ) { _NotifyLBtnDown( ESBDISTRICT_START_BLANK ); return; } } if ( _GetBlankEndRect( rcBlankEnd ) ) { if ( ::PtInRect( &rcBlankEnd, ptLBtnDown ) ) { _NotifyLBtnDown( ESBDISTRICT_END_BLANK ); return; } } }
void FvValueRangeNotifier::Init(const FvInt32 iCurrentValue, const FvInt32 iMin, const FvInt32 iMax) { FV_ASSERT_WARNING(iMin <= iMax); m_iMin = iMin; m_iMax = FvMathTool::Max(iMax, iMin); m_iValue = iCurrentValue; if(IsMatch(iCurrentValue)) { _SetState(MATCH); } else { _SetState(NO_MATCH); } }
void CUpDownClass::OnTimer(UINT nID) { int iState = udsNone; if (::GetCapture() == m_hWnd) { if (nID == UDT_PAUSE) { ::KillTimer(m_hWnd, m_idTimer); m_idTimer = ::SetTimer(m_hWnd, UDT_REFRESH, 100, NULL); } RECT rcClient; ::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient); POINT pt; ::GetCursorPos(&pt); ::ScreenToClient(m_hWnd, &pt); if (::PtInRect(&rcClient, pt)) { iState = (pt.y < rcClient.bottom / 2) ? udsUp : udsDown; if (iState == m_iHit) { if (iState == udsUp) { _Up(); } else { _Down(); } } } } else { ::KillTimer(m_hWnd, m_idTimer); m_idTimer = 0; } _SetState(iState); }
void hmsd_sbstate_pressbtnarrow::_On_WM_KILLFOCUS( hmsd_wndmsg* pWndMsg ) { if ( !pWndMsg || pWndMsg->m_message != WM_KILLFOCUS ) { assert( FALSE ); return; } _SetLBtnDownPoint( NULL ); _SetState( hmsd_scrollbar::EHMSDSBSTATE_INIT ); }
void FtpClient::SetPassive(bool on) { if (on) _SetState(ftp_passive); else _ClearState(ftp_passive); }
void SMTPClientConnection::_ProtocolSendUsername() { String sOut; StringParser::Base64Encode(m_sUsername, sOut); _SendData(sOut); _SetState(SENDPASSWORD); }
/*============================================================================= -- Message handling. =============================================================================*/ void ButtonCaption::_SendMessage(Message message) { switch (message) { case MBL_DOWN_OVER: _SetState(State::DOWN); } }
void SMTPClientConnection::_SendQUIT() { // Disconnect from the remote SMTP server. m_bSessionEnded = true; _SendData("QUIT"); _SetState(QUITSENT); }
void SMTPClientConnection::_ProtocolSendPassword() { String sOut; StringParser::Base64Encode(m_sPassword, sOut); _SetState(PASSWORDCHECK); _SendData(sOut); }
void FvValueMaskNotifier::OnModified(const FvUInt32 oldValue, const FvUInt32 newValue) { if(GetState() == NO_MATCH) { if(IsMatch(newValue)) { _SetState(MATCH); _OnMatch(); } } else { if(!IsMatch(newValue)) { _SetState(NO_MATCH); _OnNoMatch(); } } }
void FvValueRangeNotifier::OnModified(const FvInt32 iOldValue, const FvInt32 iNewValue) { m_iValue = iNewValue; if(GetState() == NO_MATCH) { if(IsMatch(iNewValue)) { _SetState(MATCH); _OnMatch(); } } else { if(!IsMatch(iNewValue)) { _SetState(NO_MATCH); _OnNoMatch(); } } }
void CUpDownClass::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, POINT point) { if (::GetCapture() == m_hWnd) ::ReleaseCapture(); if (m_idTimer) { ::KillTimer(m_hWnd, m_idTimer); m_idTimer = 0; } m_iHit = udsNone; _SetState(udsNone); }
// MouseOver bool TransformBox::MouseOver(BPoint where) { TransformToCanvas(where); _SetState(_DragStateFor(where, ZoomLevel())); fMousePos = where; if (fCurrentState) { fCurrentState->UpdateViewCursor(fView, fMousePos); return true; } return false; }
void CUpDownClass::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, POINT point) { ::SetCapture(m_hWnd); RECT rcClient; ::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient); if (point.y < (rcClient.bottom / 2)) { m_iHit = udsUp; _Up(); } else { m_iHit = udsDown; _Down(); } m_idTimer = ::SetTimer(m_hWnd, UDT_PAUSE, 500, NULL); _SetState(m_iHit); }
bool SMTPClientConnection::_ProtocolPassswordCheck(int iCode, const String &sServerLine) { if (!IsPositiveCompletion(iCode)) { // Authentication failed with an permanent error. String sErrorMessage = "Authentication error. Server response: " + sServerLine; _UpdateAllRecipientsWithError(iCode, sErrorMessage, false); _SendQUIT(); return false; } // The server accepted our authentication. _SetState(MAILFROM); return true; }
void SMTPClientConnection::InternalParseData(const AnsiString &Request) { LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::_ParseASCII()"); String sData = "RECEIVED: " + Request; LOG_SMTP_CLIENT(GetSessionID(), GetIPAddress().ToString(), sData); // Below 3 lines is fix of the problem that occurs when the remote server answers // with 2 line in his welcome message. String sMinus = "-"; if ((Request.GetLength() > 3) && (Request.GetAt(3) == sMinus.GetAt(0))) { LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 1"); return; } int lFirstSpace = Request.Find(" "); AnsiString sFirstWordTemp; if (lFirstSpace < 0) sFirstWordTemp = Request; else sFirstWordTemp = Request.Mid(0, lFirstSpace); sFirstWordTemp.MakeUpper(); int iCode = atoi(sFirstWordTemp); // We should not update all recipient's if we've just sent a // RCPT TO. We should only update the specific one we've just // sent to. // // Also, we should not update state if we've just sent QUIT to // the server. At the time we send QUIT, the message has already // been either accepted for delivery and rejected. Any error after // this isn't relvat. if (m_CurrentState != RCPTTOSENT && m_CurrentState != QUITSENT) { if (IsPermanentNegative(iCode)) { _UpdateAllRecipientsWithError(iCode, Request, false); _SendQUIT(); return; } else if (IsTransientNegative(iCode)) { _UpdateAllRecipientsWithError(iCode, Request, false); _SendQUIT(); return; } } switch (m_CurrentState) { case SENDUSERNAME: _ProtocolSendUsername(); break; case SENDPASSWORD: _ProtocolSendPassword(); break; case PASSWORDCHECK: if (!_ProtocolPassswordCheck(iCode, Request)) { // Authentication failed. We have just sent // a quit command. return; } break; } if (m_CurrentState == HELO) { if (iCode == 220) { String sComputerName = Utilities::ComputerName(); if (m_bUseSMTPAuth) { _SendData("EHLO " + sComputerName); _SetState(EHLOSENT); } else { _SendData("HELO " + sComputerName); _SetState(HELOSENT); } LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 2"); return ; } else { LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 3"); _UpdateAllRecipientsWithError(iCode, Request, false); _SendQUIT(); return; } } if (m_CurrentState == EHLOSENT) { // Ask the server to initiate login process. _SendData("AUTH LOGIN"); _SetState(SENDUSERNAME); return ; } if (m_CurrentState == HELOSENT) { if (IsPositiveCompletion(iCode)) { // --- Server accepted HELO. Go to HEADER/MAILFROM state. _SetState(MAILFROM); } else { _UpdateAllRecipientsWithError(iCode, Request, false); } } if (m_CurrentState == MAILFROM) { String sFrom = m_pDeliveryMessage->GetFromAddress(); String sData = "MAIL FROM:<" + sFrom + ">"; _SendData(sData); m_CurrentState = MAILFROMSENT; LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 4"); return; } if (m_CurrentState == MAILFROMSENT) { if (IsPositiveCompletion(iCode)) { // --- Server accepted mail from. Go to header/rcpt to state. m_CurrentState = RCPTTO; } else { LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 5"); _UpdateAllRecipientsWithError(iCode, Request, false); } } if (m_CurrentState == RCPTTO) { LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 6"); shared_ptr<MessageRecipient> pRecipient = _GetNextRecipient(); if (!pRecipient) { _SendQUIT(); return; } String sRecipient = pRecipient->GetAddress(); String sData = "RCPT TO:<" + sRecipient + ">"; _SendData(sData); m_CurrentState = RCPTTOSENT; return; } if (m_CurrentState == RCPTTOSENT) { if (m_iCurRecipient < m_vecRecipients.size()) { if (IsPositiveCompletion(iCode)) { _actualRecipients.insert(m_vecRecipients[m_iCurRecipient]); } else { _UpdateRecipientWithError(iCode, Request, m_vecRecipients[m_iCurRecipient], false); } } shared_ptr<MessageRecipient> pRecipient = _GetNextRecipient(); if (pRecipient) { // Send next recipient. _SendData("RCPT TO:<" + pRecipient->GetAddress() + ">"); m_CurrentState = RCPTTOSENT; } else { if (_actualRecipients.size() == 0) { _SendQUIT(); return; } m_CurrentState = DATAQUESTION; } } if (m_CurrentState == DATAQUESTION) { _SendData("DATA"); m_CurrentState = DATA; LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 7"); return; } if (m_CurrentState == DATA) { if (IsPositiveIntermediate(iCode)) { // Send the data! const String fileName = PersistentMessage::GetFileName(m_pDeliveryMessage); LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_BEFORE SendFile"); _StartSendFile(fileName); LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_AFTER SendFile"); return; } } if (m_CurrentState == DATASENT) { LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_BEFORE SendQUIT"); _SendQUIT(); LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_AFTER SendQUIT"); if (IsPositiveCompletion(iCode)) { _UpdateSuccessfulRecipients(); LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 9"); return; } else { _UpdateAllRecipientsWithError(iCode, Request, false); LOG_DEBUG("SMTPClientConnection::~_ParseASCII() - 10"); } return; } if (m_CurrentState == QUITSENT) { // We just received a reply on our QUIT. Time to disconnect. m_bPendingDisconnect = true; PostDisconnect(); } }
void FvValueRangeNotifier::Detach() { FvRefNode1::Detach(); _SetState(NONE); }
void FvAura::_DelState(const FvAuraState::Mask& eMask) { FvUInt32 uiState = GetState(); FvMask::Del(uiState, eMask); _SetState(uiState); }
/*============================================================================= -- Constructor for ButtonCaption. =============================================================================*/ ButtonCaption::ButtonCaption() { _SetState(State::UP); mCaption = ""; }
bool GameTroopState::SetUp(const GameNormalPlayer* player) { m_Player = player; if (m_Player == NULL) return false; // wizard unsigned int wizardID = m_Player->GetWizardInfo().GetWizardID(); MkHashStr wizardKey = MkStr(wizardID); const MkDataNode* wizardData = GameDataNode::WizardSet->GetChildNode(wizardKey); if (wizardData == NULL) return false; const MkDataNode* baseState = wizardData->GetChildNode(L"BaseState"); int wizardLvIndex = m_Player->GetWizardInfo().GetWizardLevel() - 1; int baseHP = 0; wizardData->GetData(L"BaseHP", baseHP, 0); int levelHP = 0; wizardData->GetData(L"LevelHP", levelHP, 0); // base m_HitPointGage.Initialize(baseHP + wizardLvIndex * levelHP); // attack _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_BonusAttackPower, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_AttackPowerRate, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_OnPairBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_TrippleBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_FullHouseBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_FourCardBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_FiveCardBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_CriticalDamageRate, 20, 1, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_DrainHPAtFourCard, 0, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_DrainHPAtFiveCard, 0, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_DecayEnemyHPt, 0, 0, 100); // defense _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_DamageResistance, 5, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_DefensePower, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_BonusDRAtRest, 5, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_Toughness, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_CritRecoveryAtFourCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_CritRecoveryAtFiveCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); // support _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_SupplimentCapacity, 4, 0, 20); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_BonusTransformTime, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HealPower, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_PtToGainHeal, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HPtAtRest, 15, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HPtForEveryTurn, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HPtAtLoss, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_ViewEnemyInfo, eSTIL_None, eSTIL_None, eSTIL_All); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_WinnerBonusAPR, 100, 0, 0xffff); // resource _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_RedResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_GreenResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_VioletResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_BlueResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_VoidResWeight, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_PtToGainRes, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_RPtAtRest, 10, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_RPtForEveryTurn, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_ResSlotSize, 5, 0, 8); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_OnPairPower, 10, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_TripplePower, 20, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_FullHousePower, 40, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_FourCardPower, 45, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_FiveCardPower, 60, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_DecayEnemyRPtAtFourCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_DecayEnemyRPtAtFiveCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); return true; }
void CUpDownClass::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { _SetState(udsNone); }
bool FtpClient::Connect(const string& server, const string& login, const string& passwd) { bool rc = false; int code, codeType; string cmd, replyString; BNetAddress addr; delete fControl; delete fData; fControl = new BNetEndpoint; if (fControl->InitCheck() != B_NO_ERROR) return false; addr.SetTo(server.c_str(), "tcp", "ftp"); if (fControl->Connect(addr) == B_NO_ERROR) { // read the welcome message, do the login if (_GetReply(replyString, code, codeType)) { if (code != 421 && codeType != 5) { cmd = "USER "; cmd += login; _SendRequest(cmd); if (_GetReply(replyString, code, codeType)) { switch (code) { case 230: case 202: rc = true; break; case 331: // password needed cmd = "PASS "; cmd += passwd; _SendRequest(cmd); if (_GetReply(replyString, code, codeType)) { if (codeType == 2) rc = true; } break; default: break; } } } } } if (rc == true) _SetState(ftp_connected); else { delete fControl; fControl = 0; } return rc; }