template <> cut_part_factory<Cut_Part_base>* cut_part_factory<Cut_Part_base>::s_default_cut_part_factory(const process& pro){ process::const_iterator it = find_if(pro.begin(),pro.end(),is_of_type(higgs)); bool has_a_higgs = ( it != pro.end() ) ; // bool has_a_higgs = true; #ifndef BH_PUBLIC if ( has_a_higgs ) { switch ( settings::general::s_cut_type ){ case settings::general::Darren: return &global_CPFH; case settings::general::FHZ: _WARNING("cut_part_factory<Cut_Part_base>::s_default_higgs_cut_part_factory() : No FHZ factory exists using Darren extended factory"); return &global_CPFH; case settings::general::worker: _WARNING("cut_part_factory<Cut_Part_base>::s_default_higgs_cut_part_factory() : No worker factory exists using Darren extended factory"); return &global_CPFH; } } else { switch ( settings::general::s_cut_type ){ case settings::general::Darren: return &global_CPFD; case settings::general::FHZ: return &global_CPFF; case settings::general::worker: return &global_CPFW; } } #else return &global_CPFW; #endif };
void * PluginManager::QueryInterface(UInt32 id) { void * result = NULL; #ifdef RUNTIME switch(id) { case kInterface_Scaleform: result = (void *)&g_SKSEScaleformInterface; break; //#ifdef _PPAPI case kInterface_Papyrus: result = (void *)&g_SKSEPapyrusInterface; break; //#endif case kInterface_Serialization: result = (void *)&g_SKSESerializationInterface; break; case kInterface_Task: result = (void *)&g_SKSETaskInterface; break; case kInterface_Messaging: result = (void *)&g_SKSEMessagingInterface; break; default: _WARNING("unknown QueryInterface %08X", id); break; } #else _WARNING("unknown QueryInterface %08X", id); #endif return result; }
void ImportConsoleCommand(const char * name) { CommandInfo * info = g_consoleCommands.GetByName(name); if(info) { CommandInfo infoCopy = *info; std::string newName; newName = std::string("con_") + name; infoCopy.shortName = ""; infoCopy.longName = _strdup(newName.c_str()); g_scriptCommands.Add(&infoCopy); // _MESSAGE("imported console command %s", name); } else { _WARNING("couldn't find console command (%s)", name); // pad it g_scriptCommands.Add(&kPaddingCommand); } }
inline float kinematics::betaiSystem( TLorentzVector* pa, TLorentzVector* pb, int i) { TLorentzVector pTmp = (*pa)+(*pb); float E = pTmp.E(); if(E<=0.) return -99999999.; if (i==1) return pTmp.Px()/E; else if(i==2) return pTmp.Py()/E; else if(i==3) return pTmp.Pz()/E; else _WARNING("i needs to be 1,2,3 (x,y,z), returning -99999999."); return -99999999.; }
UInt8 InputManager::AllowTextInput(bool allow) { if(allow) { if(allowTextInput == 0xFF) _WARNING("InputManager::AllowTextInput: counter overflow"); else allowTextInput++; } else { if(allowTextInput == 0) _WARNING("InputManager::AllowTextInput: counter underflow"); else allowTextInput--; } if(IsConsoleMode()) Console_Print("%s text input, count = %d", allow ? "allowed" : "disallowed", allowTextInput); return allowTextInput; }
int mlvpn_tuntap_read(struct tuntap_s *tuntap) { circular_buffer_t *sbuf; mlvpn_tunnel_t *rtun; mlvpn_pkt_t *pkt; int ret; uint32_t type; struct iovec iov[2]; /* choosing a tunnel to send to (direct buffer copy) */ rtun = mlvpn_rtun_choose(); /* Not connected to anyone. read and discard packet. */ if (! rtun) { char blackhole[DEFAULT_MTU+sizeof(type)]; return read(tuntap->fd, blackhole, DEFAULT_MTU+sizeof(type)); } /* Buffer checking / reset in case of overflow */ sbuf = rtun->sbuf; if (mlvpn_cb_is_full(sbuf)) _WARNING("[rtun %s] buffer overflow.\n", rtun->name); /* Ask for a free buffer */ pkt = mlvpn_pktbuffer_write(sbuf); iov[0].iov_base = &type; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(type); iov[1].iov_base = pkt->pktdata.data; iov[1].iov_len = DEFAULT_MTU; ret = readv(tuntap->fd, iov, 2); if (ret < 0) { /* read error on tuntap is not recoverable. We must die. */ _FATAL("[tuntap %s] unrecoverable read error: %s\n", tuntap->devname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } else if (ret == 0) { /* End of file */ _FATAL("[tuntap %s] unrecoverable error (reached EOF on tuntap!)\n", tuntap->devname); exit(1); } pkt->pktdata.len = ret - sizeof(type); return pkt->pktdata.len; }
void saveDisplayStatus(StaticFunctionTag*, TESObjectREFR* pObject, bool addContributor = true) { Json::Value jsonDisplayList = ReadDisplayData(); const char * playerName = nullptr; TESFullName* pPlayerName = DYNAMIC_CAST((*g_thePlayer)->baseForm, TESForm, TESFullName); if (pPlayerName) playerName = pPlayerName->name.data; if (!saveDisplayStatus(jsonDisplayList, pObject, addContributor ? playerName : nullptr)) _WARNING("Problem saving Display with FormID %08x", pObject->formID); WriteDisplayData(jsonDisplayList); }
BOOL OPCEngine::stop(void) { if (m_hOPCThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::SetEvent(m_events[END_EVENT]); if (WAIT_FAILED == ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hOPCThread, 10000)) { _WARNING(TG_GRP, OPCENGINE_WRN_THREAD,(_T("Can't terminate engine thread"))); } ::CloseHandle(m_hOPCThread); m_hOPCThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } _TRACE(TL_INF, TG_ENG, (_T("stop engine"))); return (m_hOPCThread == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
void Hooks_Debug_Init(void) { GetSystemTime(&s_launchTime); UInt32 enableMiniDump = 0; GetConfigOption_UInt32("Debug", "WriteMinidumps", &enableMiniDump); if(enableMiniDump) { _MESSAGE("minidumps enabled"); // try to get dbghelp s_dbgHelpDLL = LoadLibrary("dbghelp.dll"); if(s_dbgHelpDLL) { s_dbgHelpWriteDump = (_MiniDumpWriteDump)GetProcAddress(s_dbgHelpDLL, "MiniDumpWriteDump"); if(!s_dbgHelpWriteDump) _WARNING("dbghelp missing MiniDumpWriteDump, upgrade to dbghelp 5.1 or later"); } else { _MESSAGE("no dbghelp"); } // we want to catch crashes from hook commit, apply exception filter in Init function if(s_dbgHelpDLL && s_dbgHelpWriteDump) { // precalculate as much as possible char myDocumentsPath[MAX_PATH]; ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, myDocumentsPath))); sprintf_s(s_crashDumpPath, sizeof(s_crashDumpPath), "%s\\My Games\\Skyrim\\SKSE\\Crashdumps\\%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d.%02d.%02d.dmp", myDocumentsPath, s_launchTime.wYear, s_launchTime.wMonth, s_launchTime.wDay, s_launchTime.wHour, s_launchTime.wMinute, s_launchTime.wSecond); IFileStream::MakeAllDirs(s_crashDumpPath); // replace previous exception filter s_oldExceptionFilter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionFilter); _MESSAGE("old exception filter = %08X", s_oldExceptionFilter); // disable game overwriting exception filter UInt32 thunkAddress = (UInt32)GetIATAddr((UInt8 *)GetModuleHandle(NULL), "kernel32.dll", "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter"); SafeWrite32(thunkAddress, (UInt32)SetUnhandledExceptionFilter_Hook); } } }
bool AssignToStringVarLong(COMMAND_ARGS, const char* newValue) { double strID = 0; UInt8 modIndex = 0; bool bTemp = ExpressionEvaluator::Active(); StringVar* strVar = NULL; UInt32 len = (newValue) ? strlen(newValue) : 0; if (!newValue || len >= kMaxMessageLength) //if null pointer or too long, assign an empty string newValue = ""; if (ExtractSetStatementVar(scriptObj, eventList, scriptData, &strID, &modIndex)) { strVar = g_StringMap.Get(strID); bTemp = false; } else if (!bTemp) { _WARNING("Function must be used within a Set statement or NVSE expression"); return false; } if (!modIndex) modIndex = scriptObj->GetModIndex(); if (strVar) { strVar->Set(newValue); g_StringMap.MarkTemporary(strID, false); } else strID = g_StringMap.Add(modIndex, newValue, bTemp); *result = strID; #if _DEBUG // console feedback disabled in release by request (annoying when called from batch scripts) if (IsConsoleMode() && !bTemp) { if (len < 480) Console_Print("Assigned string >> \"%s\"", newValue); else Console_Print("Assigned string (too long to print)"); } #endif return true; }
static void DoModScriptWindow(HWND wnd) { SendMessage(wnd, EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, 0x00FFFFFF); bool setFont = false; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F11)) { LOGFONT newFontInfo = fontInfo; CHOOSEFONT chooseInfo = { sizeof(chooseInfo) }; chooseInfo.lpLogFont = &newFontInfo; chooseInfo.Flags = CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT | CF_NOVERTFONTS | CF_SCREENFONTS; if(ChooseFont(&chooseInfo)) { HANDLE newFont = CreateFontIndirect(&newFontInfo); if(newFont) { DeleteObject(fontHandle); fontInfo = newFontInfo; fontHandle = newFont; } else _WARNING("couldn't create font"); } setFont = true; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F12) || setFont || userSetFont) { userSetFont = true; SendMessage(wnd, EM_SETTEXTMODE, TM_PLAINTEXT, 0); SendMessage(wnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)fontHandle, 1); UInt32 tabStopSize = 16; SendMessage(wnd, EM_SETTABSTOPS, 1, (LPARAM)&tabStopSize); // one tab stop every 16 dialog units } }
void VisitFormListRecursive(BGSListForm * formList, std::function<void(TESForm*)> functor, UInt8 recurseMax = 3) { if (recurseMax <= 0) { _WARNING("%s: Too many recursions, aborting!", __FUNCTION__); return; } _MESSAGE("%s: Checking formlist %08x, recursion %d of 3...", __FUNCTION__, formList->formID, 3 - recurseMax); for (int i = 0; i < formList->forms.count; i++) { TESForm* childForm = NULL; if (formList->forms.GetNthItem(i, childForm)) { BGSListForm* childList = NULL; childList = DYNAMIC_CAST(childForm, TESForm, BGSListForm); if (childList) { _MESSAGE("%s: Recursing into formlist %08x...", __FUNCTION__, formList->formID); VisitFormListRecursive(childList, functor, recurseMax - 1); } else functor(childForm); } } // Script Added Forms if (formList->addedForms) { for (int i = 0; i < formList->addedForms->count; i++) { UInt32 formid = 0; formList->addedForms->GetNthItem(i, formid); TESForm* childForm = LookupFormByID(formid); if (childForm) { BGSListForm* childList = NULL; childList = DYNAMIC_CAST(childForm, TESForm, BGSListForm); if (childList) { VisitFormListRecursive(formList, functor, recurseMax - 1); } else functor(childForm); } } } }
const std::string & GetRuntimeDirectory() { static std::string s_runtimeDirectory; if(s_runtimeDirectory.empty()) { std::string runtimePath = GetRuntimePath(); // truncate at last slash std::string::size_type lastSlash = runtimePath.rfind('\\'); if(lastSlash != std::string::npos) // if we don't find a slash something is VERY WRONG { s_runtimeDirectory = runtimePath.substr(0, lastSlash + 1); } else { _WARNING("no slash in runtime path? (%s)", runtimePath.c_str()); } } return s_runtimeDirectory; }
// nogore EXE has debug info pointing to TESVng.pdb (probably something else) // however sometimes the debug info is pointing to the wrong place? void BranchScan(const UInt8 * base, ProcHookInfo * hookInfo) { bool result = false; bool probable = false; // first check the header where it says it should be BranchScan_Basic(base, hookInfo, &probable); if(!probable) { _MESSAGE("using slow branch check"); // keep scanning, now do the slow and manual way // look for RSDS header in .rdata const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER * rdataSection = GetImageSection(base, ".rdata"); if(rdataSection) { const UInt8 * sectionBase = base + rdataSection->PointerToRawData; UInt32 sectionLen = rdataSection->SizeOfRawData; __try { for(UInt32 i = 0; (i + sizeof(DebugHeader)) <= sectionLen; i += 4) { const DebugHeader * header = (const DebugHeader *)(sectionBase + i); header->ReadInfo(hookInfo, &probable); if(probable) break; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _WARNING("exception while scanning for branch"); } } }
void ReadPartReplacements(std::string fixedPath, std::string modPath, std::string fileName) { std::string fullPath = fixedPath + modPath + fileName; BSResourceNiBinaryStream file(fullPath.c_str()); if (!file.IsValid()) { return; } UInt32 lineCount = 0; UInt8 gender = 0; std::string str = ""; while (BSReadLine(&file, &str)) { lineCount++; str = std::trim(str); if (str.length() == 0) continue; if (str.at(0) == '#') continue; if (str.at(0) == '[') { str.erase(0, 1); if (_strnicmp(str.c_str(), "Male", 4) == 0) gender = 0; if (_strnicmp(str.c_str(), "Female", 6) == 0) gender = 1; continue; } std::vector<std::string> side = explode(str, '='); if (side.size() < 2) { _ERROR("%s Error - Line (%d) race from %s has no left-hand side.", __FUNCTION__, lineCount, fullPath.c_str()); continue; } std::string lSide = std::trim(side[0]); std::string rSide = std::trim(side[1]); BGSHeadPart * facePart = GetHeadPartByName(rSide); TESRace * race = GetRaceByName(lSide); if (!race) { _WARNING("%s Warning - Line (%d) race %s from %s is not a valid race.", __FUNCTION__, lineCount, lSide.c_str(), fullPath.c_str()); continue; } if (!facePart) { _WARNING("%s Warning - Line (%d) head part %s from %s is not a valid head part.", __FUNCTION__, lineCount, rSide.c_str(), fullPath.c_str()); continue; } auto charGenData = race->chargenData[gender]; if (!charGenData) { _ERROR("%s Error - Line (%d) race %s from %s has no CharGen data.", __FUNCTION__, lineCount, lSide.c_str(), fullPath.c_str()); continue; } if (charGenData->headParts) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < charGenData->headParts->count; i++) { BGSHeadPart * headPart = NULL; if (charGenData->headParts->GetNthItem(i, headPart)) { if (headPart->type == facePart->type) { charGenData->headParts->arr.entries[i] = facePart; } } } } } }
static void do_handle_error(liGnuTLSFilter *f, const char *gnutlsfunc, int r, gboolean writing) { switch (r) { case GNUTLS_E_AGAIN: if (writing) f->write_wants_read = TRUE; return; case GNUTLS_E_REHANDSHAKE: #ifdef HAVE_SAVE_RENEGOTIATION if (f->initial_handshaked_finished && !gnutls_safe_renegotiation_status(f->session)) { _ERROR(f->srv, f->wrk, f->log_context, "%s: client initiated unsafe renegotitation, closing connection", gnutlsfunc); f_close_with_alert(f, r); } else { _DEBUG(f->srv, f->wrk, f->log_context, "%s: client initiated renegotitation", gnutlsfunc); } #else if (f->initial_handshaked_finished) { _ERROR(f->srv, f->wrk, f->log_context, "%s: client initiated renegotitation, closing connection", gnutlsfunc); f_close_with_alert(f, r); } #endif return; case GNUTLS_E_UNEXPECTED_PACKET_LENGTH: f_close_with_alert(f, r); return; case GNUTLS_E_UNKNOWN_CIPHER_SUITE: case GNUTLS_E_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION_PACKET: _DEBUG(f->srv, f->wrk, f->log_context, "%s (%s): %s", gnutlsfunc, gnutls_strerror_name(r), gnutls_strerror(r)); f_close_with_alert(f, r); return; case GNUTLS_E_FATAL_ALERT_RECEIVED: case GNUTLS_E_WARNING_ALERT_RECEIVED: { gnutls_alert_description_t alert_desc = gnutls_alert_get(f->session); const char* alert_desc_name = gnutls_alert_get_name(alert_desc); _INFO(f->srv, f->wrk, f->log_context, "%s (%s): %s %s (%u)", gnutlsfunc, gnutls_strerror_name(r), gnutls_strerror(r), (NULL != alert_desc_name) ? alert_desc_name : "unknown alert", (unsigned int) alert_desc); } /* error not handled yet: break instead of return */ break; default: if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(r)) { _ERROR(f->srv, f->wrk, f->log_context, "%s (%s): %s", gnutlsfunc, gnutls_strerror_name(r), gnutls_strerror(r)); } else { _WARNING(f->srv, f->wrk, f->log_context, "%s non fatal (%s): %s", gnutlsfunc, gnutls_strerror_name(r), gnutls_strerror(r)); } /* error not handled yet: break instead of return */ break; } /* generic error handling */ if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(r)) { if (f->initial_handshaked_finished) { f_close_with_alert(f, r); } else { f_abort_gnutls(f); } } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { gLog.SetPrintLevel(IDebugLog::kLevel_Error); gLog.SetLogLevel(IDebugLog::kLevel_DebugMessage); if(!g_options.Read(argc, argv)) { PrintError("Couldn't read arguments."); g_options.PrintUsage(); return -1; } if(g_options.m_optionsOnly) { g_options.PrintUsage(); return 0; } if(g_options.m_launchCS) _MESSAGE("launching editor"); if(g_options.m_loadOldblivion) _MESSAGE("loading oldblivion"); // create the process STARTUPINFO startupInfo = { 0 }; PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo = { 0 }; bool dllHasFullPath = false; startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo); const char * procName = g_options.m_launchCS ? "TESConstructionSet.exe" : "Oblivion.exe"; const char * baseDllName = g_options.m_launchCS ? "obse_editor" : "obse"; if(g_options.m_altEXE.size()) { procName = g_options.m_altEXE.c_str(); _MESSAGE("launching alternate exe (%s)", procName); } if(g_options.m_altDLL.size()) { baseDllName = g_options.m_altDLL.c_str(); _MESSAGE("launching alternate dll (%s)", baseDllName); dllHasFullPath = true; } std::string dllSuffix; ProcHookInfo procHookInfo; if(!TestChecksum(procName, &dllSuffix, &procHookInfo)) { _ERROR("checksum not found"); return -1; } if(procHookInfo.steamVersion) { // ### maybe check for the loader DLL and just CreateProcess("oblivion.exe") if we can? PrintError("You are trying to use a Steam version of Oblivion. Steam users should launch the game through Steam, not by running obse_loader.exe. If OBSE fails to load, go to Steam > Settings > In Game and check the box marked \"Enable Steam community in game\". Please see the instructions in obse_readme.txt for more information."); return 0; } if(g_options.m_crcOnly) return 0; // build dll path std::string dllPath; if(dllHasFullPath) { dllPath = baseDllName; } else { dllPath = GetCWD() + "\\" + baseDllName + "_" + dllSuffix + ".dll"; } _MESSAGE("dll = %s", dllPath.c_str()); // check to make sure the dll exists { IFileStream tempFile; if(!tempFile.Open(dllPath.c_str())) { PrintError("Couldn't find OBSE DLL (%s). Please make sure you have installed OBSE correctly and are running it from your Oblivion folder.", dllPath.c_str()); return -1; } } bool result = CreateProcess( procName, NULL, // no args NULL, // default process security NULL, // default thread security TRUE, // don't inherit handles CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, // no new environment NULL, // no new cwd &startupInfo, &procInfo) != 0; // check for Vista failing to create the process due to elevation requirements if(!result && (GetLastError() == ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED)) { // in theory we could figure out how to UAC-prompt for this process and then run CreateProcess again, but I have no way to test code for that PrintError("Vista has decided that launching Oblivion requires UAC privilege elevation. There is no good reason for this to happen, but to fix it, right-click on obse_loader.exe, go to Properties, pick the Compatibility tab, then turn on \"Run this program as an administrator\"."); return -1; } ASSERT_STR_CODE(result, "Launching Oblivion failed", GetLastError()); if(g_options.m_setPriority) { if(!SetPriorityClass(procInfo.hProcess, g_options.m_priority)) _WARNING("couldn't set process priority"); } result = false; if(g_options.m_launchCS) { if(g_options.m_oldInject) { _MESSAGE("using old editor injection method"); // start the process ResumeThread(procInfo.hThread); // CS needs to run its crt0 code before the DLL is attached, this delays until the message pump is running // note that this method makes it impossible to patch the startup code // this is better than Sleep(1000) but still ugly WaitForInputIdle(procInfo.hProcess, 1000 * 10); // too late if this fails result = InjectDLL(&procInfo, dllPath.c_str(), !g_options.m_noSync); if(!result) PrintError("Couldn't inject dll."); } else { _MESSAGE("using new editor injection method"); result = DoInjectDLL_New(&procInfo, dllPath.c_str(), &procHookInfo); if(!result) PrintError("Couldn't inject dll."); // start the process either way ResumeThread(procInfo.hThread); } } else { result = InjectDLL(&procInfo, dllPath.c_str(), !g_options.m_noSync); if(result) { // try to load oldblivion if requested if(g_options.m_loadOldblivion) { result = LoadOldblivion(&procInfo); if(!result) PrintError("Couldn't load oldblivion."); } } else PrintError("Couldn't inject dll."); if(result) { _MESSAGE("launching oblivion"); // start the process ResumeThread(procInfo.hThread); } else { _ERROR("terminating oblivion process"); // kill the partially-created process TerminateProcess(procInfo.hProcess, 0); g_options.m_waitForClose = false; } } // wait for the process to close if requested if(g_options.m_waitForClose) { WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); } // clean up CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); return 0; }