int node_config(int argc, char *argv[], NodeConfig *c, NodeSysConfig *s) { int ret; if (c == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_UNKNOWN; /* internal error */ /* initialize NodeConfig with undefined values */ bzero(c, sizeof(NodeConfig)); c->auto_connect = UNKNOWN; c->verbose = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->daemon = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->debug = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->driver = HYPERVISOR_IS_KVM; /* parse command line options */ ret = __parse_opt(argc, argv, c); if (ret) return ret; /* to exit program */ /* check conf_path before reading it */ if (c->conf_path == NULL) { c->conf_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYNODE_CONF_PATH); if (c->conf_path == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } /* parse config file */ if (access(c->conf_path, R_OK) == 0) { ret = __parse_config(c); if (ret && ret != NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOCONF) return ret; /* to exit programe */ } /* set default values for auto_connect */ if (c->auto_connect == UNKNOWN) c->auto_connect = ALWAYS; /* read sysconf settings */ bzero(s, sizeof(NodeSysConfig)); s->node_tag = -1; if (c->sysconf_path == NULL) { c->sysconf_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYNODE_SYSCONF_PATH); if (c->conf_path == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (access(c->sysconf_path, W_OK) != 0) { if (lyutil_create_file(c->sysconf_path, 0) < 0) { logsimple(_("not able to write to %s\n"), c->sysconf_path); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } else { ret = __parse_sysconf(c->sysconf_path, s); if (ret) return ret; /* to exit program */ } /* read xml template */ if (c->vm_template_path) { c->vm_xml = file2str(c->vm_template_path, LIBVIRT_XML_MAX); if (c->vm_xml == NULL) { logsimple(_("error while reading %s\n"), c->vm_template_path); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } if (c->vm_template_net_nat_path) { c->vm_xml_net_nat = file2str(c->vm_template_net_nat_path, LIBVIRT_XML_MAX); if (c->vm_xml_net_nat == NULL) { logsimple(_("error while reading %s\n"), c->vm_template_net_nat_path); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } if (c->vm_template_net_br_path) { c->vm_xml_net_br = file2str(c->vm_template_net_br_path, LIBVIRT_XML_MAX); if (c->vm_xml_net_br == NULL) { logsimple(_("error while reading %s\n"), c->vm_template_net_br_path); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } if (c->vm_template_disk_path) { c->vm_xml_disk = file2str(c->vm_template_disk_path, LIBVIRT_XML_MAX); if (c->vm_xml_disk == NULL) { logsimple(_("error while reading %s\n"), c->vm_template_disk_path); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } /* set default values for unconfigured settings */ if (c->verbose == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->verbose = 0; if (c->daemon == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->daemon = 1; if (c->debug == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->debug = 0; if (c->clc_port == 0) c->clc_port = DEFAULT_LYCLC_PORT; if (c->clc_mcast_ip == NULL) c->clc_mcast_ip = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_MCAST_IP); if (c->clc_mcast_port == 0) c->clc_mcast_port = DEFAULT_LYCLC_MCAST_PORT; if (c->log_path == NULL) { c->log_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYNODE_LOG_PATH); if (c->log_path == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->pid_path == NULL) { c->pid_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYNODE_PID_PATH); if (c->pid_path == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->osm_conf_path == NULL) { c->osm_conf_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYOSM_CONF_PATH); if (c->osm_conf_path == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->osm_key_path == NULL) { c->osm_key_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYOSM_KEY_PATH); if (c->osm_key_path == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->node_data_dir == NULL) { c->node_data_dir = strdup(DEFAULT_LYNODE_DATA_DIR); if (c->node_data_dir == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->net_primary == NULL) { c->net_primary = strdup(LUOYUN_INSTANCE_NET_DEFAULT); if (c->net_primary == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } /* create necessary sub-directories for normal operation */ int len = strlen(c->node_data_dir); c->app_data_dir = malloc(len + 15); c->ins_data_dir = malloc(len + 15); c->trash_data_dir = malloc(len + 15); if (c->app_data_dir == NULL || c->ins_data_dir == NULL) return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; sprintf(c->app_data_dir, "%s/appliances", c->node_data_dir); if (lyutil_create_dir(c->app_data_dir) != 0) { logsimple(_("failed creating directory of %s\n"), c->app_data_dir); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } if (__clean_lockfile(c->app_data_dir) != 0) { logsimple(_("failed cleaning directory of %s\n"), c->app_data_dir); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } sprintf(c->ins_data_dir, "%s/instances", c->node_data_dir); if (lyutil_create_dir(c->ins_data_dir) != 0) { logsimple(_("failed creating directory of %s\n"), c->ins_data_dir); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } if (__clean_lockfile(c->ins_data_dir) != 0) { logsimple(_("failed cleaning directory of %s\n"), c->ins_data_dir); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } sprintf(c->trash_data_dir, "%s/trash", c->node_data_dir); if (lyutil_create_dir(c->trash_data_dir) != 0) { logsimple(_("failed creating directory of %s\n"), c->trash_data_dir); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } /* simple configuration validity checking */ if (__is_IP_valid(c->clc_mcast_ip, 1) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller mcast ip is invalid\n")); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (__is_port_valid(c->clc_mcast_port) == 0 ) { logsimple(_("cloud controller port is invalid\n")); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (__is_port_valid(c->clc_port) == 0 ) { logsimple(_("cloud controller port is invalid\n")); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if ((c->auto_connect == DISABLE || c->clc_ip) && __is_IP_valid(c->clc_ip, 0) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller ip is invalid<%s>\n"), c->clc_ip); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (c->log_path) { if (access(c->log_path, F_OK) && lyutil_create_file(c->log_path, 0) < 0) { logsimple(_("not able to create %s\n"), c->log_path); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } if (access(c->log_path, W_OK)) { logsimple(_("not able to write to %s\n"), c->log_path); return NODE_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } return ret; }
int clc_config(int argc, char *argv[], CLCConfig * c) { int ret; if (c == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_UNKNOWN; /* internal error */ /* initialize CLCConfig with undefined values */ bzero(c, sizeof(CLCConfig)); c->verbose = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->daemon = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->debug = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->conf_path = NULL; c->web_conf_path = NULL; c->log_path = NULL; c->pid_path = NULL; c->db_name = NULL; c->db_user = NULL; c->db_pass = NULL; /* parse command line options */ ret = __parse_opt(argc, argv, c); if (ret) return ret; /* to exit program */ /* check conf_path before reading it */ if (c->conf_path == NULL) { c->conf_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_CONF_PATH); if (c->conf_path == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } //else if (file_not_exist(c->conf_path)) // return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_ERRCONF; /* read web config file first */ if (c->web_conf_path && access(c->web_conf_path, R_OK) == 0) { ret = __parse_web_config(c); if (ret && ret != CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOCONF) return ret; /* to exit programe */ if (strcmp(c->clc_ip, "") == 0) { free(c->clc_ip); c->clc_ip = NULL; } } /* parse config file */ if (access(c->conf_path, R_OK) == 0) { ret = __parse_config(c); if (ret && ret != CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOCONF) return ret; /* to exit programe */ } /* set default values for unconfigured settings */ if (c->verbose == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->verbose = 0; if (c->daemon == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->daemon = 1; if (c->debug == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->debug = 0; if (c->clc_port == 0) c->clc_port = DEFAULT_LYCLC_PORT; if (c->clc_mcast_ip == NULL) { c->clc_mcast_ip = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_MCAST_IP); if (c->clc_mcast_ip == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->clc_mcast_port == 0) c->clc_mcast_port = DEFAULT_LYCLC_MCAST_PORT; if (c->clc_data_dir == NULL) { c->clc_data_dir = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DATA_DIR); if (c->clc_data_dir == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->log_path == NULL) { c->log_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_LOG_PATH); if (c->log_path == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->pid_path == NULL) { c->pid_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_PID_PATH); if (c->pid_path == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->db_name == NULL) { c->db_name = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DB_NAME); if (c->db_name == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->db_user == NULL) { c->db_user = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DB_USER); if (c->db_user == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->db_pass == NULL) { c->db_pass = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DB_PASS); if (c->db_pass == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->node_storage_low == 0) c->node_storage_low = DEFAULT_NODE_STORAGE_LOW; if (c->node_select < NODE_SELECT_ANY || c->node_select > NODE_SELECT_LAST_ONLY) c->node_select = NODE_SELECT_LAST_ONLY; if (c->job_timeout_instance == 0) c->job_timeout_instance = DEFAULT_JOB_TIMOUT_INSTANCE; if (c->job_timeout_node == 0) c->job_timeout_node = DEFAULT_JOB_TIMOUT_NODE; if (c->job_timeout_other == 0) c->job_timeout_other = DEFAULT_JOB_TIMOUT_OTHER; /* simple configuration validity checking */ if (c->vm_name_prefix && strlen(c->vm_name_prefix) > 10) { logsimple(_("VM name prefix is too long, must not be > 10\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (__is_IP_valid(c->clc_mcast_ip, 1) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller mcast ip is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (__is_port_valid(c->clc_mcast_port) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller port is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (__is_port_valid(c->clc_port) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller port is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (c->clc_ip && __is_IP_valid(c->clc_ip, 0) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller ip is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (c->log_path) { if (access(c->log_path, F_OK) && lyutil_create_file(c->log_path, 0) < 0) { logsimple(_("not able to create %s\n"), c->log_path); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } if (access(c->log_path, W_OK)) { logsimple(_("not able to write to %s\n"), c->log_path); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } return ret; }
int clc_config(int argc, char *argv[], CLCConfig * c) { int ret; if (c == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_UNKNOWN; /* internal error */ /* initialize CLCConfig with undefined values */ bzero(c, sizeof(CLCConfig)); c->verbose = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->daemon = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->debug = UNDEFINED_CFG_INT; c->conf_path = NULL; c->log_path = NULL; c->pid_path = NULL; c->db_name = NULL; c->db_user = NULL; c->db_pass = NULL; /* parse command line options */ ret = __parse_opt(argc, argv, c); if (ret) return ret; /* to exit program */ /* check conf_path before reading it */ if (c->conf_path == NULL) { c->conf_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_CONF_PATH); if (c->conf_path == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } //else if (file_not_exist(c->conf_path)) // return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_ERRCONF; /* parse config file */ if (access(c->conf_path, R_OK) == 0) { ret = __parse_config(c); if (ret && ret != CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOCONF) return ret; /* to exit programe */ } /* set default values for unconfigured settings */ if (c->verbose == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->verbose = 0; if (c->daemon == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->daemon = 1; if (c->debug == UNDEFINED_CFG_INT) c->debug = 0; if (c->clc_port == 0) c->clc_port = DEFAULT_LYCLC_PORT; if (c->clc_mcast_ip == NULL) { c->clc_mcast_ip = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_MCAST_IP); if (c->clc_mcast_ip == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->clc_mcast_port == 0) c->clc_mcast_port = DEFAULT_LYCLC_MCAST_PORT; if (c->clc_data_dir == NULL) { c->clc_data_dir = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DATA_DIR); if (c->clc_data_dir == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->log_path == NULL) { c->log_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_LOG_PATH); if (c->log_path == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->pid_path == NULL) { c->pid_path = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_PID_PATH); if (c->pid_path == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->db_name == NULL) { c->db_name = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DB_NAME); if (c->db_name == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->db_user == NULL) { c->db_user = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DB_USER); if (c->db_user == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } if (c->db_pass == NULL) { c->db_pass = strdup(DEFAULT_LYCLC_DB_PASS); if (c->db_pass == NULL) return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_NOMEM; } /* simple configuration validity checking */ if (__is_IP_valid(c->clc_mcast_ip, 1) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller mcast ip is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (__is_port_valid(c->clc_mcast_port) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller port is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (__is_port_valid(c->clc_port) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller port is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (c->clc_ip && __is_IP_valid(c->clc_ip, 0) == 0) { logsimple(_("cloud controller ip is invalid\n")); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CONF; } if (c->log_path) { if (access(c->log_path, F_OK) && lyutil_create_file(c->log_path, 0) < 0) { logsimple(_("not able to create %s\n"), c->log_path); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } if (access(c->log_path, W_OK)) { logsimple(_("not able to write to %s\n"), c->log_path); return CLC_CONFIG_RET_ERR_CMD; } } return ret; }