BOOL CAdultFilter::IsFiltered(LPCTSTR pszText) const { if ( ! pszText ) return FALSE; // Check blocked words if ( m_pszBlockedWords ) { for ( LPCTSTR pszWord = m_pszBlockedWords ; *pszWord ; ) { if ( _tcsistr( pszText, pszWord ) != NULL ) return TRUE; pszWord += _tcslen( pszWord ) + 1; } } // Check dubious words if ( m_pszDubiousWords ) { size_t nDubiousWords = 0, nWordsPermitted = min( _tcslen( pszText ) / 8, 4u ); for ( LPCTSTR pszWord = m_pszDubiousWords ; *pszWord ; ) { if ( _tcsistr( pszText, pszWord ) != NULL ) nDubiousWords++; if ( nDubiousWords > nWordsPermitted ) return TRUE; pszWord += _tcslen( pszWord ) + 1; } } return FALSE; }
std::tstring UpdateChecker::XMLGetText(LPCTSTR xml, LPCTSTR tag) { ASSERT(xml != NULL && tag != NULL); std::tstring properTag = _T("<"); properTag += tag; const TCHAR* startPos = _tcsistr(xml, properTag.c_str()); if (startPos != NULL) startPos = _tcschr(startPos, '>'); if (startPos != NULL) { startPos++; properTag = _T("</"); properTag += tag; const TCHAR* endPos = _tcsistr(startPos, properTag.c_str()); if (endPos != NULL) { if (endPos - startPos > 0) { properTag.clear(); properTag.append(startPos, endPos - startPos); return properTag; } } } return std::tstring(); }
BOOL CSecureRule::Match(LPCTSTR pszContent) const { if ( m_nType == srAddress || m_nType == srContentRegExp || m_nType == srExternal || ! pszContent || ! m_pContent ) return FALSE; if ( m_nType == srContentHash ) // urn: return pszContent[3] == L':' && _tcsistr( pszContent, (LPCTSTR)m_pContent ) != NULL; if ( m_nType == srSizeType ) // size: return pszContent[4] == L':' && _tcsistr( pszContent, (LPCTSTR)m_pContent ) != NULL; for ( LPCTSTR pszFilter = m_pContent; *pszFilter; ) { if ( _tcsistr( pszContent, pszFilter ) != NULL ) { if ( m_nType == srContentAny ) return TRUE; } else // Not found { if ( m_nType == srContentAll ) return FALSE; } pszFilter += _tcslen( pszFilter ) + 1; } return m_nType == srContentAll; }
BOOL CFileExecutor::Execute(LPCTSTR pszFile, BOOL bForce) { CString strPath, strType; CWaitCursor pCursor; GetFileComponents( pszFile, strPath, strType ); if ( strType.GetLength() > 0 && _tcsistr( _T("|co|collection|"), strType ) != NULL ) { if ( CLibraryWnd* pWnd = GetLibraryWindow() ) { pWnd->OnCollection( pszFile ); return TRUE; } } if ( bForce == NULL && strType.GetLength() && _tcsistr( Settings.Library.SafeExecute, strType ) == NULL ) { CString strFormat, strPrompt; Skin.LoadString( strFormat, IDS_LIBRARY_CONFIRM_EXECUTE ); strPrompt.Format( strFormat, pszFile ); int nResult = AfxMessageBox( strPrompt, MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNOCANCEL|MB_DEFBUTTON2 ); if ( nResult == IDCANCEL ) return FALSE; else if ( nResult == IDNO ) return TRUE; } BOOL bShiftKey = ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) & 0x8000 ) != 0; if ( Settings.MediaPlayer.EnablePlay && strType.GetLength() && ! bShiftKey ) { if ( _tcsistr( Settings.MediaPlayer.FileTypes, strType ) != NULL ) { BOOL bAudio = _tcsistr( _T("|ape|mid|mp3|ogg|wav|wma|"), strType ) != NULL; if ( CMediaWnd* pWnd = GetMediaWindow( ! bAudio ) ) { pWnd->PlayFile( pszFile ); return TRUE; } } } if ( ! bShiftKey ) if ( Plugins.OnExecuteFile( pszFile ) ) return TRUE; ShellExecute( AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), NULL, pszFile, NULL, strPath, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); return TRUE; }
// Takes a header and its value // Reads and processes popular Gnutella headers // Returns true to have ReadHeaders keep going BOOL CConnection::OnHeaderLine(CString& strHeader, CString& strValue) { theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG | MSG_FACILITY_INCOMING, _T("%s >> %s: %s"), (LPCTSTR)m_sAddress, (LPCTSTR)strHeader, (LPCTSTR)strValue ); // It's the user agent header if ( strHeader.CompareNoCase( _T("User-Agent") ) == 0 ) { // Copy the value into the user agent member string m_sUserAgent = strValue; // This tells what software the remote computer is running m_bClientExtended = VendorCache.IsExtended( m_sUserAgent ); } // It's the remote IP header else if ( strHeader.CompareNoCase( _T("Remote-IP") ) == 0 ) { // Add this address to our record of them Network.AcquireLocalAddress( strValue ); } // It's the x my address, listen IP, or node header, like "X-My-Address:" else if ( strHeader.CompareNoCase( _T("X-My-Address") ) == 0 || strHeader.CompareNoCase( _T("Listen-IP") ) == 0 || strHeader.CompareNoCase( _T("X-Node") ) == 0 || strHeader.CompareNoCase( _T("Node") ) == 0 ) { // Find another colon in the value int nColon = strValue.Find( ':' ); // If the remote computer first contacted us and the colon is there but not first if ( ! m_bInitiated && nColon > 0 ) { // Read the number after the colon into nPort int nPort = protocolPorts[ PROTOCOL_G1 ]; // Start out nPort as the default value, 6346 if ( _stscanf( strValue.Mid( nColon + 1 ), _T("%lu"), &nPort ) == 1 && nPort != 0 ) // Make sure 1 number was found, and isn't 0 { // Save the found port number in m_pHost m_pHost.sin_port = htons( u_short( nPort ) ); // Convert Windows little endian to big for the Internet with htons } } } else if ( strHeader.CompareNoCase( _T("Accept") ) == 0 ) { if ( _tcsistr( strValue, _T("application/x-gnutella-packets") ) && m_nProtocol != PROTOCOL_G2 ) m_nProtocol = PROTOCOL_G1; if ( _tcsistr( strValue, _T("application/x-gnutella2") ) || _tcsistr( strValue, _T("application/x-shareaza") ) || _tcsistr( strValue, _T("application/x-peerproject") ) ) m_nProtocol = PROTOCOL_G2; } // Have ReadHeaders keep going return TRUE; }
BOOL CFileExecutor::Enqueue(LPCTSTR pszFile, BOOL bForce) { CString strPath, strType; CWaitCursor pCursor; GetFileComponents( pszFile, strPath, strType ); if ( Plugins.OnEnqueueFile( pszFile ) ) return TRUE; if ( Settings.MediaPlayer.EnableEnqueue && strType.GetLength() && ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) & 0x8000 ) == 0 ) { if ( _tcsistr( Settings.MediaPlayer.FileTypes, strType ) != NULL ) { if ( CMediaWnd* pWnd = GetMediaWindow( FALSE ) ) { pWnd->EnqueueFile( pszFile ); return TRUE; } } } ShellExecute( AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), _T("Enqueue"), pszFile, NULL, strPath, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); return TRUE; }
void CWebCtrl::EnterMenu(POINT* pPoint) { if ( m_pThis != NULL ) { SetWindowLongPtr( m_pThis->m_hWndThis, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)m_pThis->m_pWndProc ); m_pThis = NULL; } if ( pPoint == NULL || m_pMenu == NULL ) return; CPoint ptScreen( *pPoint ); ptScreen.Offset( 2, 2 ); CWnd* pChild = this; for ( ;; ) { CPoint ptClient( ptScreen ); pChild->ScreenToClient( &ptClient ); CWnd* pNext = pChild->ChildWindowFromPoint( ptClient, CWP_ALL ); if ( pNext == NULL || pNext == pChild ) break; pChild = pNext; } TCHAR szClass[128]; GetClassName( *pChild, szClass, 128 ); if ( _tcsistr( szClass, _T("Internet Explorer") ) == NULL ) return; m_pThis = this; m_hWndThis = pChild->GetSafeHwnd(); m_pWndProc = (WNDPROC)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr( m_hWndThis, GWLP_WNDPROC ); SetWindowLongPtr( m_hWndThis, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&WebWndProc ); }
// Checks the user agent to see if it's a leecher or banned client BOOL CSecurity::IsClientBanned(const CString& sUserAgent) { // No user agent- assume OK if ( sUserAgent.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; // Foxy (Private G2) if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Foxy") ) ) return TRUE; // i2hub leecher client. (Tested, does not upload) if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("i2hub") ) ) return TRUE; // Check by content filter // ToDo: Implement user agent filter type return IsDenied( sUserAgent ); }
BOOL CSecurity::IsVendorBlocked(const CString& sVendor) const { // Foxy (Private G2) if ( _tcsistr( sVendor, _T("foxy") ) ) return TRUE; // Allow it return FALSE; }
BOOL DirImageInfoProvider::GetNextResult(Result& result) { if (m_curResult == -1) { TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; if (GetFirstFileByArtistAlbum(path, m_Artist.c_str(), m_Album.c_str())) { BOOL bStrictSearch = HasMoreThanXFilesWithMinSizeY(path, m_StrictCriteriaMaxFilesNum, m_StrictCriteriaMaxFilesSize); WIN32_FIND_DATA dta; TCHAR wildCard[MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf(wildCard, MAX_PATH, _T("%s*.jpg"), path); HANDLE hFileFinder = FindFirstFile(wildCard, &dta); if (hFileFinder != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { TCHAR bf[MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf(bf, MAX_PATH, _T("%s%s"), path, dta.cFileName); if (IsLegalPicture(bf, m_Album.c_str(), bStrictSearch)) { m_results.push_back(bf); } } while (FindNextFile(hFileFinder, &dta)); FindClose(hFileFinder); //===This code promotes the "front" image to be the first result if (m_results.size() > 1) { INT foundFront = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_results.size(); i++) { if (_tcsistr(m_results[i].c_str(), _T("front")) != NULL) { foundFront = i; break; } } if (foundFront > 0) { std::tstring tmp = m_results[0]; m_results[0] = m_results[foundFront]; m_results[foundFront] = tmp; } } //===End } } } m_curResult++; if (m_curResult >= 0 && m_curResult < (INT)m_results.size()) { result.service = m_request.service; result.main = m_results[m_curResult].c_str(); result.additionalInfo = _T("(local)"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void CCorpChannelDx::OnRecdPacket(IRecdPacket* pPacket) { if ( ! _tcscmp(pPacket->PakParam, "STOP") ) { CChannel::OnRecdPacket( pPacket ); return; } //CString xNewFile = Settings.Meeting.RecFile; CString xNewFile = "<DATE>\\<REMOTE>-<TIME>.PCM"; if ( xNewFile.Find( "<DATE>" ) >= 0 ) { SYSTEMTIME pTime; GetLocalTime( &pTime ); CString strValue; strValue.Format( "%04i年%02i月%02i日", pTime.wYear, pTime.wMonth, pTime.wDay ); Replace( xNewFile, "<DATE>", strValue ); } if ( xNewFile.Find( "<TIME>" ) >= 0 ) { SYSTEMTIME pTime; GetLocalTime( &pTime ); CString strValue; strValue.Format( "%02i时%02i分%02i秒%03i", pTime.wHour, pTime.wMinute, pTime.wSecond, pTime.wMilliseconds ); Replace( xNewFile, "<TIME>", strValue ); } if ( xNewFile.Find( "<REMOTE>" ) >= 0 ) { CString strValue; Replace( xNewFile, "<REMOTE>", RemoteId ); } for ( LPCTSTR xPath = xNewFile, xPathExt = NULL; xPathExt = _tcsistr(xPath, "\\"); xPath = xPathExt + 1 ) { CString strValue = xNewFile.Left(xPathExt - (LPCTSTR)xNewFile); CreateDirectory( "中国电信\\" + strValue, NULL ); } SsmSetRecMixer( m_nChan, TRUE, 0 ); if ( RecordFile(xNewFile, "中国电信") ) { CHAR sError[1024]; SsmGetLastErrMsg( sError ); throw sError; } theApp.Message( MSG_TEMP,"Record[%i] -> %s", m_nChan, xNewFile ); }
BOOL CMessageFilter::IsFiltered(LPCTSTR pszText) { if ( ! Settings.Community.ChatFilter|| ! m_pszFilteredPhrases || ! pszText ) return FALSE; // Check for filtered (spam) phrases for ( LPCTSTR pszWord = m_pszFilteredPhrases ; *pszWord ; ) { if ( _tcsistr( pszText, pszWord ) != NULL ) return TRUE; pszWord += _tcslen( pszWord ) + 1; } return FALSE; }
BOOL CMessageFilter::IsED2KSpam( LPCTSTR pszText ) { if ( ! Settings.Community.ChatFilterED2K || ! m_pszED2KSpam || ! pszText ) return FALSE; // Check for Ed2K spam phrases for ( LPCTSTR pszWord = m_pszED2KSpam ; *pszWord ; ) { if ( _tcsistr( pszText, pszWord ) != NULL ) return TRUE; pszWord += _tcslen( pszWord ) + 1; } return FALSE; }
BOOL CAdultFilter::IsChildPornography(LPCTSTR pszText) const { if ( ! pszText ) return FALSE; for ( LPCTSTR pszWord = m_pszChildWords ; *pszWord ; ) { if ( _tcsistr( pszText, pszWord ) != NULL ) return ( IsFiltered( pszText ) ); pszWord += _tcslen( pszWord ) + 1; } return FALSE; }
BOOL CSecurity::IsAgentBlocked(const CString& sUserAgent) const { // The remote computer didn't send a "User-Agent", or it sent whitespace if ( sUserAgent.IsEmpty() || CString( sUserAgent ).Trim().IsEmpty() ) return TRUE; // ? // Loop through the user-defined list of programs to block for ( string_set::const_iterator i = Settings.Uploads.BlockAgents.begin() ; i != Settings.Uploads.BlockAgents.end() ; i++ ) { if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, *i ) ) return TRUE; } // Allow it return FALSE; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // _tcsistrrem() // // Purpose: Remove substring in a string (case insensitive) // // Parameters: str - pointer to string; upon return, str will be updated // with the substring removals // substr - substring to remove // // Returns: TCHAR * - Pointer to the updated string. Because the // modification is done in place, the pointer // returned is the same as the pointer passed // as the input argument. // TCHAR * _tcsistrrem(TCHAR * str, const TCHAR *substr) { if (!str) return str; if (!substr) return str; TCHAR *target = NULL; size_t nSubstrLen = _tcslen(substr); TCHAR *cp = str; while ((target = _tcsistr(cp, substr)) != NULL) { _tcscpy(target, target + nSubstrLen); cp = target; } return str; }
CString CGraphRender::GetRecordFile(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPCTSTR fMask) const { CString xNewFile = fMask ? fMask : _T("<USER>\\<DATE><TIME>.AVI"); if ( xNewFile.Find( "<USER>" ) >= 0 ) { Replace( xNewFile, "<USER>", GetNamed() ); } if ( xNewFile.Find( "<DATE>" ) >= 0 ) { SYSTEMTIME pTime; GetLocalTime( &pTime ); CString strValue; strValue.Format( "%04i年%02i月%02i日", pTime.wYear, pTime.wMonth, pTime.wDay ); Replace( xNewFile, "<DATE>", strValue ); } if ( xNewFile.Find( "<TIME>" ) >= 0 ) { SYSTEMTIME pTime; GetLocalTime( &pTime ); CString strValue; strValue.Format( "%02i时%02i分%02i秒%03i", pTime.wHour, pTime.wMinute, pTime.wSecond, pTime.wMilliseconds ); Replace( xNewFile, "<TIME>", strValue ); } CString strPath = pszPath ? pszPath : _T("."); for ( LPCTSTR xPath = xNewFile, xPathExt = NULL; xPathExt = _tcsistr(xPath, "\\"); xPath = xPathExt + 1 ) { CString strValue = xNewFile.Left(xPathExt - (LPCTSTR)xNewFile); CreateDirectory( strPath + "\\" + strValue, NULL ); } return strPath + "\\" + xNewFile; }
void CWizardInterfacePage::ClearSkins(LPCTSTR pszPath /*NULL*/) { WIN32_FIND_DATA pFind; HANDLE hSearch; CString strPath; strPath.Format( L"%s\\Skins\\%s*.*", (LPCTSTR)Settings.General.Path, pszPath ? pszPath : L"" ); hSearch = FindFirstFile( strPath, &pFind ); if ( hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { do { if ( pFind.cFileName[0] == L'.' ) continue; if ( pFind.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { if ( _tcsicmp( pFind.cFileName, L"Languages" ) == 0 ) continue; strPath.Format( L"%s%s\\", pszPath ? pszPath : L"", pFind.cFileName ); ClearSkins( strPath ); } else if ( _tcsistr( pFind.cFileName, L".xml" ) != NULL ) { strPath.Format( L"%s%s", pszPath ? pszPath : L"", pFind.cFileName ); if ( EndsWith( strPath, _P( L".xml" ) ) ) theApp.WriteProfileInt( L"Skins", strPath, 0 ); } } while ( FindNextFile( hSearch, &pFind ) ); FindClose( hSearch ); } }
// Returns a string containing the most recent failed sources CString CDownloadWithSources::GetTopFailedSources(int nMaximum, PROTOCOLID nProtocol) { // Currently we return only the string for G1, in X-NAlt format if ( nProtocol != PROTOCOL_G1 ) return CString(); CString strSources, str; CFailedSource* pResult = NULL; CQuickLock pLock( Transfers.m_pSection ); for ( POSITION pos = m_pFailedSources.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; ) { pResult = m_pFailedSources.GetNext( pos ); // Only return sources which we detected as failed if ( pResult && pResult->m_bLocal ) { if ( _tcsistr( pResult->m_sURL, _T("http://") ) != NULL ) { int nPos = pResult->m_sURL.Find( ':', 8 ); if ( nPos < 0 ) continue; str = pResult->m_sURL.Mid( 7, nPos - 7 ); int nPosSlash = pResult->m_sURL.Find( '/', nPos ); if ( nPosSlash < 0 ) continue; if ( ! strSources.IsEmpty() ) strSources += ','; strSources += str; str = pResult->m_sURL.Mid( nPos + 1, nPosSlash - nPos - 1 ); strSources += ':'; strSources += str; if ( nMaximum == 1 ) break; if ( nMaximum > 1 ) nMaximum--; } } } return strSources; }
/* @brief 開いたフォルダ リストへの登録 @date 2001.12.26 CShareData::AddOPENFOLDERListから移動した。(YAZAKI) */ void CMRUFolder::Add( const TCHAR* pszFolder ) { if( NULL == pszFolder || pszFolder[0] == _T('\0') ) { // 長さが0なら排除。 return; } // すでに登録されている場合は、除外指定を無視する if( -1 == m_cRecentFolder.FindItemByText( pszFolder ) ){ int nSize = m_pShareData->m_sHistory.m_aExceptMRU.size(); for( int i = 0 ; i < nSize; i++ ){ TCHAR szExceptMRU[_MAX_PATH]; CFileNameManager::ExpandMetaToFolder( m_pShareData->m_sHistory.m_aExceptMRU[i], szExceptMRU, _countof(szExceptMRU) ); if( NULL != _tcsistr( pszFolder, szExceptMRU ) ){ return; } } } m_cRecentFolder.AppendItem( pszFolder ); }
void CMediaVisDlg::Enumerate() { CWaitCursor pCursor; HKEY hKey; if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\Shareaza\\Shareaza\\Plugins\\AudioVis"), NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return; for ( DWORD nKey = 0 ; ; nKey++ ) { DWORD dwType, dwName = sizeof(TCHAR) * 128, dwCLSID = 64 * sizeof(TCHAR); TCHAR szName[128], szCLSID[64]; if ( RegEnumValue( hKey, nKey, szName, &dwName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szCLSID, &dwCLSID ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break; if ( dwType != REG_SZ || dwCLSID / sizeof(TCHAR) != 39 || szCLSID[0] != '{' || szName[0] == '{' ) continue; szCLSID[ 38 ] = 0; CLSID pCLSID; if ( ! GUIDX::Decode( szCLSID, &pCLSID ) ) continue; if ( ! Plugins.LookupEnable( pCLSID, TRUE ) ) continue; if ( _tcsistr( szName, _T("wrap") ) ) { if ( ! EnumerateWrapped( szName, pCLSID, szCLSID ) ) { AddPlugin( szName, szCLSID, NULL ); } } else { AddPlugin( szName, szCLSID, NULL ); } } RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
void CMediaVisDlg::Enumerate() { CWaitCursor pCursor; HKEY hKey; if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGISTRY_KEY _T("\\Plugins\\AudioVis"), NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return; for ( DWORD nKey = 0 ; ; nKey++ ) { DWORD dwType, dwName = 256, dwCLSID = 64 * sizeof(TCHAR); TCHAR szName[256], szCLSID[64]; if ( RegEnumValue( hKey, nKey, szName, &dwName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szCLSID, &dwCLSID ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break; if ( dwType != REG_SZ || dwCLSID / sizeof(TCHAR) != 39 || szCLSID[0] != '{' || szName[0] == '{' ) continue; szCLSID[ 38 ] = 0; CLSID pCLSID; if ( ! Hashes::fromGuid( szCLSID, &pCLSID ) ) continue; if ( ! Plugins.LookupEnable( pCLSID ) ) continue; if ( _tcsistr( szName, _T("wrap") ) ) { if ( ! EnumerateWrapped( szName, pCLSID, szCLSID ) ) { AddPlugin( szName, szCLSID, NULL ); } } else { AddPlugin( szName, szCLSID, NULL ); } } RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
BOOL CLocalSearch::AddHitG2(CLibraryFile* pFile, int nIndex) { CG2Packet* pPacket = (CG2Packet*)m_pPacket; CString strMetadata, strComment; BOOL bCollection = FALSE; BOOL bPreview = FALSE; DWORD nGroup = 0; // Pass 1: Calculate child group size if ( pFile->m_bTiger && pFile->m_bSHA1 ) { nGroup += 5 + 3 + sizeof(SHA1) + sizeof(TIGEROOT); } else if ( pFile->m_bTiger ) { nGroup += 5 + 4 + sizeof(TIGEROOT); } else if ( pFile->m_bSHA1 ) { nGroup += 5 + 5 + sizeof(SHA1); } if ( pFile->m_bED2K ) { nGroup += 5 + 5 + sizeof(MD4); } if ( m_pSearch == NULL || m_pSearch->m_bWantDN ) { if ( pFile->GetSize() <= 0xFFFFFFFF ) { nGroup += 8 + pPacket->GetStringLen( pFile->m_sName ); } else { nGroup += 4 + 8; nGroup += 4 + pPacket->GetStringLen( pFile->m_sName ); } if ( LPCTSTR pszType = _tcsrchr( pFile->m_sName, '.' ) ) { if ( _tcsicmp( pszType, _T(".co") ) == 0 || _tcsicmp( pszType, _T(".collection") ) == 0 ) { if ( ! pFile->m_bBogus ) { nGroup += 2 + 7; bCollection = TRUE; } } } } if ( pFile->IsAvailable() && ( m_pSearch == NULL || m_pSearch->m_bWantURL ) ) { nGroup += 5; if ( pFile->m_pSources.GetCount() ) nGroup += 7; if ( Settings.Uploads.SharePreviews ) { if ( pFile->m_bCachedPreview || _tcsistr( pFile->m_sName, _T(".jpg") ) || _tcsistr( pFile->m_sName, _T(".png") ) ) { bPreview = TRUE; } } if ( bPreview ) nGroup += 5; } if ( pFile->m_pMetadata != NULL && ( m_pSearch == NULL || m_pSearch->m_bWantXML ) ) { strMetadata = pFile->m_pMetadata->ToString(); int nMetadata = pPacket->GetStringLen( strMetadata ); nGroup += 4 + nMetadata; if ( nMetadata > 0xFF ) { nGroup ++; if ( nMetadata > 0xFFFF ) nGroup ++; } } if ( m_pSearch == NULL || m_pSearch->m_bWantCOM ) { if ( pFile->m_nRating > 0 || pFile->m_sComments.GetLength() > 0 ) { if ( pFile->m_nRating > 0 ) { strComment.Format( _T("<comment rating=\"%i\">"), pFile->m_nRating - 1 ); CXMLNode::ValueToString( pFile->m_sComments, strComment ); if ( strComment.GetLength() > 2048 ) strComment = strComment.Left( 2048 ); strComment += _T("</comment>"); } else { strComment = _T("<comment>"); CXMLNode::ValueToString( pFile->m_sComments, strComment ); if ( strComment.GetLength() > 2048 ) strComment = strComment.Left( 2048 ); strComment += _T("</comment>"); } Replace( strComment, _T("\r\n"), _T("{n}") ); int nComment = pPacket->GetStringLen( strComment ); nGroup += 5 + nComment; if ( nComment > 0xFF ) { nGroup ++; if ( nComment > 0xFFFF ) nGroup ++; } } if ( pFile->m_bBogus ) nGroup += 7; } else { if ( ! pFile->IsAvailable() ) return FALSE; } if ( m_pSearch == NULL ) nGroup += 8; nGroup += 4; // Pass 2: Write the child packet pPacket->WritePacket( "H", nGroup, TRUE ); if ( pFile->m_bTiger && pFile->m_bSHA1 ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "URN", 3 + sizeof(SHA1) + sizeof(TIGEROOT) ); pPacket->WriteString( "bp" ); pPacket->Write( &pFile->m_pSHA1, sizeof(SHA1) ); pPacket->Write( &pFile->m_pTiger, sizeof(TIGEROOT) ); } else if ( pFile->m_bTiger ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "URN", 4 + sizeof(TIGEROOT) ); pPacket->WriteString( "ttr" ); pPacket->Write( &pFile->m_pTiger, sizeof(TIGEROOT) ); } else if ( pFile->m_bSHA1 ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "URN", 5 + sizeof(SHA1) ); pPacket->WriteString( "sha1" ); pPacket->Write( &pFile->m_pSHA1, sizeof(SHA1) ); } if ( pFile->m_bED2K ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "URN", 5 + sizeof(MD4) ); pPacket->WriteString( "ed2k" ); pPacket->Write( &pFile->m_pED2K, sizeof(MD4) ); } if ( m_pSearch == NULL || m_pSearch->m_bWantDN ) { if ( pFile->GetSize() <= 0xFFFFFFFF ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "DN", pPacket->GetStringLen( pFile->m_sName ) + 4 ); pPacket->WriteLongBE( (DWORD)pFile->GetSize() ); pPacket->WriteString( pFile->m_sName, FALSE ); } else { pPacket->WritePacket( "SZ", 8 ); pPacket->WriteInt64( pFile->GetSize() ); pPacket->WritePacket( "DN", pPacket->GetStringLen( pFile->m_sName ) ); pPacket->WriteString( pFile->m_sName, FALSE ); } if ( bCollection ) pPacket->WritePacket( "COLLECT", 0 ); } { CSingleLock pQueueLock( &UploadQueues.m_pSection, TRUE ); CUploadQueue* pQueue = UploadQueues.SelectQueue( PROTOCOL_HTTP, pFile ); pPacket->WritePacket( "G", 1 ); pPacket->WriteByte( pQueue ? pQueue->m_nIndex + 1 : 0 ); } if ( pFile->IsAvailable() && ( m_pSearch == NULL || m_pSearch->m_bWantURL ) ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "URL", 0 ); if ( int nCount = pFile->m_pSources.GetCount() ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "CSC", 2 ); pPacket->WriteShortBE( (WORD)nCount ); } if ( bPreview ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "PVU", 0 ); } } if ( strMetadata.GetLength() ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "MD", pPacket->GetStringLen( strMetadata ) ); pPacket->WriteString( strMetadata, FALSE ); } if ( m_pSearch == NULL || m_pSearch->m_bWantCOM ) { if ( strComment.GetLength() ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "COM", pPacket->GetStringLen( strComment ) ); pPacket->WriteString( strComment, FALSE ); } if ( pFile->m_bBogus ) pPacket->WritePacket( "BOGUS", 0 ); } if ( m_pSearch == NULL ) { pPacket->WritePacket( "ID", 4 ); pPacket->WriteLongBE( pFile->m_nIndex ); } return TRUE; }
void CEmoticons::FormatText(CRichDocument* pDocument, LPCTSTR pszBody, BOOL bNewlines, COLORREF cr) { static LPCTSTR pszURLs[] = { _T("\r"), _T("\n"), _T("http://"), _T("https://"), _T("ftp://"), _T("mailto:"), _T("aim:"), _T("www."), _T("magnet:?"), _T("ed2k://"), _T("dchub://"), _T("gnutella:"), _T("gnutella1:"), _T("gnutella2:"), _T("g2://"), _T("gnet:"), _T("peer:"), _T("peerproject:"), _T("shareaza:"), _T("raza:"), _T("gwc:"), _T("uhc:"), _T("ukhl:"), _T("mp2p:"), _T("sig2dat:"), NULL }; BOOL bBold = FALSE, bItalic = FALSE, bUnderline = FALSE; CString str; while ( *pszBody ) { LPCTSTR pszToken = _tcschr( pszBody, '[' ); for ( int nURL = 0 ; pszURLs[ nURL ] != NULL ; nURL++ ) { LPCTSTR pszFind = _tcsistr( pszBody, pszURLs[ nURL ] ); if ( pszFind != NULL && ( pszToken == NULL || pszFind < pszToken ) ) pszToken = pszFind; } int nEmoticon = -1; LPCTSTR pszEmoticon = FindNext( pszBody, &nEmoticon ); if ( pszEmoticon != NULL && ( pszToken == NULL || pszEmoticon < pszToken ) ) pszToken = pszEmoticon; if ( pszToken != pszBody ) { if ( pszToken != NULL ) { TCHAR cSave = *pszToken; *(LPTSTR)pszToken = 0; str = pszBody; *(LPTSTR)pszToken = cSave; } else { str = pszBody; } pDocument->Add( retText, str, NULL, ( bBold ? retfBold : 0 ) | ( bItalic ? retfItalic : 0 ) | ( bUnderline ? retfUnderline : 0 ) | ( cr ? retfColor : 0 ) )->m_cColor = cr; } if ( pszToken == NULL ) break; pszBody = pszToken; if ( *pszBody == 0 ) break; if ( pszEmoticon == pszBody ) { str.Format( _T("%i"), nEmoticon ); pDocument->Add( retEmoticon, str ); pszBody += _tcslen( GetText( nEmoticon ) ); continue; } else if ( pszBody[0] == '\r' || pszBody[0] == '\n' ) { if ( bNewlines ) pDocument->Add( retNewline, _T("4") ); pszBody ++; continue; } else if ( *pszBody != '[' ) { for ( ; *pszToken ; pszToken++ ) { if ( ! _istalnum( *pszToken ) && _tcschr( _T(":@/?=&%._-+;~#"), *pszToken ) == NULL ) { break; } } TCHAR cSave = *pszToken; *(LPTSTR)pszToken = 0; str = pszBody; *(LPTSTR)pszToken = cSave; if ( _tcsnicmp( str, _T("www."), 4 ) == 0 ) str = _T("http://") + str; pDocument->Add( retLink, str, str, ( bBold ? retfBold : 0 ) | ( bItalic ? retfItalic : 0 ) | ( bUnderline ? retfUnderline : 0 ) ); pszBody = pszToken; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[b]"), 3 ) == 0 ) { bBold = TRUE; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[/b]"), 4 ) == 0 ) { bBold = FALSE; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[i]"), 3 ) == 0 ) { bItalic = TRUE; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[/i]"), 4 ) == 0 ) { bItalic = FALSE; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[u]"), 3 ) == 0 ) { bUnderline = TRUE; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[/u]"), 4 ) == 0 ) { bUnderline = FALSE; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[/c]"), 4 ) == 0 ) { cr = 0; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pszBody, _T("[c:#"), 4 ) == 0 && _tcslen( pszBody ) >= 4 + 6 + 1 ) { _tcsncpy_s( str.GetBuffer( 7 ), 7, pszBody + 4, 6 ); str.ReleaseBuffer( 6 ); int nRed = 0, nGreen = 0, nBlue = 0; _stscanf( str.Mid( 0, 2 ), _T("%x"), &nRed ); _stscanf( str.Mid( 2, 2 ), _T("%x"), &nGreen ); _stscanf( str.Mid( 4, 2 ), _T("%x"), &nBlue ); cr = RGB( nRed, nGreen, nBlue ); } if ( *pszBody == '[' ) { pszToken = _tcschr( pszBody, ']' ); if ( pszToken != NULL ) pszBody = pszToken + 1; else pszBody ++; } } }
BOOL CAlbumFolder::OrganiseFile(CLibraryFile* pFile) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriAllFiles ) { AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } if ( m_bCollSHA1 && ( m_pCollection != NULL || GetCollection() ) ) { if ( m_pCollSHA1 == pFile->m_pSHA1 || m_pCollection->FindFile( pFile, TRUE ) ) { AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } if ( pFile->m_pMetadata == NULL && m_pParent != NULL ) return FALSE; if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicRoot ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicAlbumCollection ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; CString strAlbum = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("album") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strAlbum ); if ( strAlbum.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsicmp( strAlbum, _T("tba") ) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsicmp( strAlbum, _T("na") ) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsicmp( strAlbum, _T("n/a") ) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsicmp( strAlbum, _T("none") ) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsicmp( strAlbum, _T("empty") ) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsicmp( strAlbum, _T("unknown") ) == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("uploaded by") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("ripped by") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("downloaded") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("http") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("mp3") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("single") ) ) strAlbum = _T("Singles"); for ( POSITION pos = GetFolderIterator() ; pos ; ) { CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = GetNextFolder( pos ); if ( pAlbum->m_sName.CompareNoCase( strAlbum ) == 0 ) { bResult = pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( pAlbum->m_bAutoDelete ) { pAlbum->RemoveFile( pFile ); } } if ( bResult ) return TRUE; CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = AddFolder( CSchema::uriMusicAlbum, strAlbum, TRUE ); return pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicAlbum ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; CString strAlbum = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("album") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strAlbum ); if ( _tcsistr( strAlbum, _T("single") ) ) strAlbum = _T("Singles"); if ( strAlbum.CompareNoCase( m_sName ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); if ( _tcsistr( m_sName, _T("soundtrack") ) != NULL || _tcsistr( m_sName, _T("ost") ) != NULL ) { // TODO: Scrap artist specific info ! MetaFromFile( pFile ); } else { MetaFromFile( pFile ); } return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicArtistCollection ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; CString strArtist = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("artist") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strArtist ); Replace( strArtist, _T(" ("), _T("") ); if ( strArtist.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; for ( POSITION pos = GetFolderIterator() ; pos ; ) { CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = GetNextFolder( pos ); if ( pAlbum->m_sName.CompareNoCase( strArtist ) == 0 ) { bResult = pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( pAlbum->m_bAutoDelete ) { pAlbum->RemoveFile( pFile ); } } if ( bResult ) return TRUE; CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = AddFolder( CSchema::uriMusicArtist, strArtist, TRUE ); return pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicArtist ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; CString strArtist = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("artist") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strArtist ); if ( strArtist.CompareNoCase( m_sName ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); MetaFromFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicGenreCollection ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; CString strGenre = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("genre") ); if ( strGenre.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; for ( POSITION pos = GetFolderIterator() ; pos ; ) { CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = GetNextFolder( pos ); if ( pAlbum->m_sName.CompareNoCase( strGenre ) == 0 ) { bResult = pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( pAlbum->m_bAutoDelete ) { pAlbum->RemoveFile( pFile ); } } if ( bResult ) return TRUE; CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = AddFolder( CSchema::uriMusicGenre, strGenre, TRUE ); return pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicGenre ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; CString strGenre = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("genre") ); if ( strGenre.CompareNoCase( m_sName ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); MetaFromFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriMusicAll ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriVideoRoot ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriVideo ) ) return FALSE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriVideoSeriesCollection ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriVideo ) ) return FALSE; CString strSeries = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("series") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strSeries ); if ( strSeries.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; for ( POSITION pos = GetFolderIterator() ; pos ; ) { CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = GetNextFolder( pos ); if ( pAlbum->m_sName.CompareNoCase( strSeries ) == 0 ) { bResult = pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( pAlbum->m_bAutoDelete ) { pAlbum->RemoveFile( pFile ); } } if ( bResult ) return TRUE; CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = AddFolder( CSchema::uriVideoSeries, strSeries, TRUE ); return pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriVideoSeries ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriVideo ) ) return FALSE; CString strSeries = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("series") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strSeries ); if ( strSeries.CompareNoCase( m_sName ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); MetaFromFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriVideoFilmCollection ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriVideo ) ) return FALSE; CString strType = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("type") ); if ( strType.CompareNoCase( _T("film") ) ) return FALSE; CString strTitle = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("title") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strTitle ); if ( strTitle.IsEmpty() ) return FALSE; for ( POSITION pos = GetFolderIterator() ; pos ; ) { CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = GetNextFolder( pos ); if ( pAlbum->m_sName.CompareNoCase( strTitle ) == 0 ) { bResult = pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( pAlbum->m_bAutoDelete ) { pAlbum->RemoveFile( pFile ); } } if ( bResult ) return TRUE; CAlbumFolder* pAlbum = AddFolder( CSchema::uriVideoFilm, strTitle, TRUE ); return pAlbum->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriVideoFilm ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriVideo ) ) return FALSE; CString strType = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("type") ); if ( strType.CompareNoCase( _T("film") ) ) return FALSE; CString strTitle = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("title") ); CXMLNode::UniformString( strTitle ); if ( strTitle.CompareNoCase( m_sName ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); MetaFromFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriVideoMusicCollection ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriVideo ) ) return FALSE; CString strType = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttributeValue( _T("type") ); if ( strType.CompareNoCase( _T("music video") ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriVideoAll ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriVideo ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriImageRoot ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriImage ) ) return FALSE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriImageAll ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriImage ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriApplicationRoot ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriApplication ) ) return FALSE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriApplicationAll ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriApplication ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriBookRoot ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriBook ) ) return FALSE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriBookAll ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriBook ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriDocumentRoot ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriDocument ) && ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriSpreadsheet ) && ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriPresentation ) ) return FALSE; } else if ( m_sSchemaURI == CSchema::uriDocumentAll ) { if ( ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriDocument ) && ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriSpreadsheet ) && ! pFile->IsSchemaURI( CSchema::uriPresentation ) ) return FALSE; AddFile( pFile ); return TRUE; } for ( POSITION pos = GetFolderIterator() ; pos ; ) { bResult |= GetNextFolder( pos )->OrganiseFile( pFile ); } return bResult; }
BOOL CShareMonkeyData::BuildRequest() { int nCategory = 0; m_sURL = Settings.WebServices.ShareMonkeyBaseURL; m_pSchema = NULL; if ( m_nRequestType == stProductMatch ) { CString str; str.Format( L"&offset=%i", m_nOffset ); m_sURL += L"productMatch?v=latest&stores_amount=0&result_amount=1" + str; } else if ( m_nRequestType == stStoreMatch ) { // storeMatch/<session_id>/<contributor_id>/<file_id>/<product_id>/COUNTRY CString str; str.Format( L"storeMatch/%s/%s/0/%s/%s", (LPCTSTR)m_sSessionID, (LPCTSTR)Settings.WebServices.ShareMonkeyCid, (LPCTSTR)m_sProductID, (LPCTSTR)m_sCountry ); m_sURL += str; } else if ( m_nRequestType == stComparison ) { m_sURL += L"productMatch?v=latest&stores_amount=0&result_amount=0"; } if ( m_nRequestType == stProductMatch || m_nRequestType == stComparison ) { if ( Network.m_pHost.sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_NONE ) { m_sURL += L"&user_ip_address="; m_sURL += inet_ntoa( Network.m_pHost.sin_addr ); } else { m_sURL += L"&user_ip_address=" + m_sCountry; } { CQuickLock oLock( Library.m_pSection ); CLibraryFile* pFile = Library.LookupFile( m_nFileIndex ); if ( pFile == NULL ) return FALSE; m_sURL += L"&n=" + pFile->m_sName; m_sURL += L"&sha1=" + pFile->m_oSHA1.toString(); m_sURL += L"&ed2k=" + pFile->m_oED2K.toString(); m_sURL += L"&tth=" + pFile->m_oTiger.toString(); if ( pFile->m_nSize != 0 ) { CString strSize; strSize.Format( L"&s=%I64u", pFile->m_nSize ); m_sURL += strSize; } bool bTorrent = false; bool bAppOrGame = false; if ( pFile->m_pSchema ) { m_pSchema = SchemaCache.Get( (LPCTSTR)pFile->m_pSchema->GetURI() ); if ( pFile->m_pSchema->CheckURI( CSchema::uriAudio ) ) { nCategory = 1; if ( pFile->m_pMetadata ) { CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttribute( L"title" ); if ( pAttribute ) m_sURL += L"&audiotitle=" + pAttribute->GetValue(); pAttribute = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttribute( L"artist" ); if ( pAttribute ) m_sURL += L"&audioartist=" + pAttribute->GetValue(); pAttribute = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttribute( L"album" ); if ( pAttribute ) m_sURL += L"&audioalbum=" + pAttribute->GetValue(); pAttribute = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttribute( L"track" ); if ( pAttribute ) m_sURL += L"&tn=" + pAttribute->GetValue(); } } else if ( pFile->m_pSchema->CheckURI( CSchema::uriDocument ) || pFile->m_pSchema->CheckURI( CSchema::uriBook ) ) nCategory = 2; else if ( pFile->m_pSchema->CheckURI( CSchema::uriApplication ) ) nCategory = 4; else if ( pFile->m_pSchema->CheckURI( CSchema::uriBitTorrent ) ) bTorrent = true; else if ( pFile->m_pSchema->CheckURI( CSchema::uriROM ) || pFile->m_pSchema->CheckURI( CSchema::uriArchive ) ) bAppOrGame = true; if ( bAppOrGame && pFile->m_pMetadata ) { CString strWords = pFile->m_pSchema->GetIndexedWords( pFile->m_pMetadata->GetFirstElement() ); if ( _tcsistr( strWords, L"game" ) != NULL ) nCategory = 3; else if ( _tcsistr( strWords, L"software" ) != NULL || _tcsistr( strWords, L"application" ) != NULL ) nCategory = 4; } else if ( bTorrent && pFile->m_pMetadata && pFile->m_bMetadataAuto ) { CXMLAttribute* pInfoHash = pFile->m_pMetadata->GetAttribute( L"hash" ); if ( pInfoHash ) m_sURL += L"&info_hash=" + pInfoHash->GetValue(); } if ( nCategory != 0 ) { CString strCategory; strCategory.Format( L"&category_id=%i", nCategory ); m_sURL += strCategory; } } m_sURL += L"&cid="; m_sURL += Settings.WebServices.ShareMonkeyCid; } } return TRUE; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // _tcsistrrep() // // Purpose: Replace one substring in a string with another // substring (case insensitive) // // Parameters: lpszStr - Pointer to string; upon return, lpszStr will be // updated with the character removals // lpszOld - Pointer to substring that is to be replaced // lpszNew - Pointer to substring that will replace lpszOld // lpszResult - Pointer to buffer that receives result string. // This may be NULL, in which case the required size // of the result buffer will be returned. (Call // _tcsistrrep once to get size, then allocate // buffer, and call _tcsistrrep again.) // // Returns: int - Size of result string. If lpszResult is NULL, // the size of the buffer (in TCHARs) required to // hold the result string is returned. Does not // include terminating nul character. Returns 0 // if no replacements. // int _tcsistrrep(const TCHAR * lpszStr, const TCHAR * lpszOld, const TCHAR * lpszNew, TCHAR * lpszResult) { if (!lpszStr || !lpszOld || !lpszNew) return 0; size_t nStrLen = _tcslen(lpszStr); if (nStrLen == 0) return 0; size_t nOldLen = _tcslen(lpszOld); if (nOldLen == 0) return 0; size_t nNewLen = _tcslen(lpszNew); // loop once to figure out the size of the result string int nCount = 0; TCHAR *pszStart = (TCHAR *) lpszStr; TCHAR *pszEnd = (TCHAR *) lpszStr + nStrLen; TCHAR *pszTarget = NULL; TCHAR * pszResultStr = NULL; while (pszStart < pszEnd) { while ((pszTarget = _tcsistr(pszStart, lpszOld)) != NULL) { nCount++; pszStart = pszTarget + nOldLen; } pszStart += _tcslen(pszStart); } // if any changes, make them now if (nCount > 0) { // allocate buffer for result string size_t nResultStrSize = nStrLen + (nNewLen - nOldLen) * nCount + 2; pszResultStr = new TCHAR [nResultStrSize]; ZeroMemory(pszResultStr, nResultStrSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); pszStart = (TCHAR *) lpszStr; pszEnd = (TCHAR *) lpszStr + nStrLen; TCHAR *cp = pszResultStr; // loop again to actually do the work while (pszStart < pszEnd) { while ((pszTarget = _tcsistr(pszStart, lpszOld)) != NULL) { int nCopyLen = (int)(pszTarget - pszStart); _tcsncpy(cp, &lpszStr[pszStart-lpszStr], nCopyLen); cp += nCopyLen; pszStart = pszTarget + nOldLen; _tcscpy(cp, lpszNew); cp += nNewLen; } _tcscpy(cp, pszStart); pszStart += _tcslen(pszStart); } //TRACE("pszResultStr=<%s>\n", pszResultStr); _ASSERTE(pszResultStr[nResultStrSize-2] == _T('\0')); if (lpszResult && pszResultStr) _tcscpy(lpszResult, pszResultStr); } int nSize = 0; if (pszResultStr) { nSize = (int)_tcslen(pszResultStr); delete [] pszResultStr; } //TRACE("_tcsistrrep returning %d\n", nSize); return nSize; }
int CDownloadWithSources::AddSourceURLs(LPCTSTR pszURLs, BOOL bURN) { CString strURLs( pszURLs ); BOOL bQuote = FALSE; for ( int nScan = 0 ; nScan < strURLs.GetLength() ; nScan++ ) { if ( strURLs[ nScan ] == '\"' ) { bQuote = ! bQuote; strURLs.SetAt( nScan, ' ' ); } else if ( strURLs[ nScan ] == ',' && bQuote ) { strURLs.SetAt( nScan, '`' ); } } strURLs += ','; int nCount = 0; for ( ; ; ) { int nPos = strURLs.Find( ',' ); if ( nPos < 0 ) break; CString strURL = strURLs.Left( nPos ); strURLs = strURLs.Mid( nPos + 1 ); strURL.TrimLeft(); FILETIME tSeen = { 0, 0 }; BOOL bSeen = FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( strURL, _T("://") ) != NULL ) { nPos = strURL.ReverseFind( ' ' ); if ( nPos > 0 ) { CString strTime = strURL.Mid( nPos + 1 ); strURL = strURL.Left( nPos ); strURL.TrimRight(); bSeen = TimeFromString( strTime, &tSeen ); } for ( int nScan = 0 ; nScan < strURL.GetLength() ; nScan++ ) { if ( strURL[ nScan ] == '`' ) strURL.SetAt( nScan, ',' ); } } else { nPos = strURL.Find( ':' ); if ( nPos < 1 ) continue; int nPort = 0; _stscanf( strURL.Mid( nPos + 1 ), _T("%i"), &nPort ); strURL.Truncate( nPos ); USES_CONVERSION; DWORD nAddress = inet_addr( T2CA( strURL ) ); strURL.Empty(); if ( ! Network.IsFirewalledAddress( &nAddress, TRUE ) && nPort != 0 && nAddress != INADDR_NONE ) { if ( m_bSHA1 ) { strURL.Format( _T("http://%s:%i/uri-res/N2R?%s"), (LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( *(IN_ADDR*)&nAddress ) ), nPort, (LPCTSTR)CSHA::HashToString( &m_pSHA1, TRUE ) ); } } } if ( AddSourceURL( strURL, bURN, bSeen ? &tSeen : NULL ) ) nCount++; } return nCount; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw int CXHtmlDraw::Draw(HDC hDC, LPCTSTR lpszText, XHTMLDRAWSTRUCT * pXHDS, BOOL bUnderlineUrl) { TRACE(_T("in CXHtmlDraw::Draw: <%s> bUnderlineUrl=%d\n"), lpszText, bUnderlineUrl); static BOOL bInDraw = FALSE; if (bInDraw) return 0; bInDraw = TRUE; // check parameters ---------------------------------------------- _ASSERTE(hDC); _ASSERTE(lpszText); _ASSERTE(pXHDS); if (!hDC || !lpszText || (lpszText[0] == _T('\0')) || !pXHDS) { bInDraw = FALSE; return 0; } HWND hWnd = ::WindowFromDC(hDC); if (!::IsWindow(hWnd)) { TRACE(_T("warn: not a window\n")); bInDraw = FALSE; return 0; } // check if window is hidden ------------------------------------ if (!::IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) { TRACE(_T("warn: window invisible\n")); bInDraw = FALSE; return 0; } RECT rectClip; int nResult = ::GetClipBox(hDC, &rectClip); if (nResult == NULLREGION) { // window is covered TRACE(_T("warn: window is covered\n")); bInDraw = FALSE; return 0; } // initialize for drawing --------------------------------------- // rectText is used to draw into the dc RECT rectText = pXHDS->rect; if ((rectText.left >= rectText.right) || ( >= rectText.bottom)) { TRACE(_T("warn: bad rect\n")); bInDraw = FALSE; return 0; } // rectDraw is the rect for the entire drawing area RECT rectDraw = pXHDS->rect; int nRectWidth = rectDraw.right - rectDraw.left; int nRectHeight = rectDraw.bottom -; int nXOffset = rectDraw.left; // set up for double buffering HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, nRectWidth, nRectHeight); HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap); if (pXHDS->bTransparent && !pXHDS->hDC) { // save a bitmap of the original drawing area, in case // there are links, and we need to erase the underline pXHDS->hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); pXHDS->hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, nRectWidth, nRectHeight); pXHDS->hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(pXHDS->hDC, pXHDS->hBitmap); BitBlt(pXHDS->hDC, 0, 0, nRectWidth, nRectHeight, hDC, rectDraw.left,, SRCCOPY); BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nRectWidth, nRectHeight, hDC, rectDraw.left,, SRCCOPY); } else if (pXHDS->bTransparent && pXHDS->hDC) { // restore the original drawing area from saved HDC BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nRectWidth, nRectHeight, pXHDS->hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } pXHDS->rectAnchor = rectText; // save rect in case of anchor // remap rectText to memory dc - left and top start at 0 rectText.left = 0; = 0; rectText.right = nRectWidth; rectText.bottom = nRectHeight; // create initial font ------------------------------------------ LOGFONT lf = { 0 }; LOGFONT prev_lf = { 0 }; if (pXHDS->bLogFont) { TRACE(_T("using logfont\n")); memcpy(&lf, &pXHDS->lf, sizeof(LOGFONT)); } else { HFONT hfont = (HFONT)::GetCurrentObject(hDC, OBJ_FONT); //+++1.1 if (hfont) GetObject(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf); else GetObject(GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf); } memcpy(&prev_lf, &lf, sizeof(LOGFONT)); // variable initialization -------------------------------------- TCHAR *pszText = new TCHAR [m_nMaxText+1]; memset(pszText, 0, (m_nMaxText+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcsncpy(pszText, lpszText, m_nMaxText); TCHAR *pTextBuffer = pszText; // save buffer address for delete TCHAR *pszText1 = new TCHAR [m_nMaxText+1]; memset(pszText1, 0, (m_nMaxText+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pXHDS->pszAnchor) delete [] pXHDS->pszAnchor; pXHDS->pszAnchor = NULL; pXHDS->bHasAnchor = FALSE; pXHDS->bAnchorIsUnderlined = FALSE; BOOL bInAnchor = FALSE; int n = (int) _tcslen(pszText); // n must be int int i = 0; int nWidth = 0; pXHDS->bHasAnchor = FALSE; pXHDS->nRightX = 0; COLORREF crText = pXHDS->crText; if (crText == COLOR_NONE) crText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); COLORREF crBackground = pXHDS->crBackground; if (crBackground == COLOR_NONE) crBackground = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); COLORREF crTextNew = crText; COLORREF crBkgndNew = crBackground; // if no transparency, fill entire rect with default bg color if (!pXHDS->bTransparent) { HBRUSH hbrush = CreateSolidBrush(crBkgndNew); _ASSERTE(hbrush); FillRect(hMemDC, &rectText, hbrush); if (hbrush) DeleteObject(hbrush); } BOOL bBold = pXHDS->bBold; BOOL bItalic = pXHDS->bItalic; BOOL bUnderline = pXHDS->bUnderline; BOOL bStrikeThrough = pXHDS->bStrikeThrough; BOOL bSubscript = FALSE; BOOL bSuperscript = FALSE; int nSizeChange = 0; // replace character entity names in text with codes ------------ TCHAR ent[3] = { _T('\0') }; ent[0] = _T('\001'); // each entity name is replaced with a two-character // code that begins with \001 BOOL bCharacterEntities = FALSE; // assume no char entities // we are replacing character entites with a two-character sequence, // so the resulting string will be shorter size_t buflen = _tcslen(pszText) + 100; TCHAR *buf = new TCHAR [buflen]; memset(buf, 0, buflen*sizeof(TCHAR)); for (i = 0; m_aCharEntities[i].pszName != NULL; i++) { ent[1] = m_aCharEntities[i].cCode; int nRep = _tcsistrrep(pszText, m_aCharEntities[i].pszName, ent, buf); if (nRep > 0) { bCharacterEntities = TRUE; _tcscpy(pszText, buf); } } delete [] buf; buf = NULL; TEXTMETRIC tm = { 0 }; n = (int) _tcslen(pszText); // get length again after char entity substitution int textLen = n; while ((n > 0) && pszText && (pszText < (pTextBuffer + textLen))) { TRACE(_T("start while: n=%d pszText=<%s>\n"), n, pszText); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<B>"), 3) == 0) // check for <b> or <B> { n -= 3; pszText += 3; bBold++;// = TRUE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</B>"), 4) == 0) // check for </B> { n -= 4; pszText += 4; if (bBold) bBold--;// = FALSE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<I>"), 3) == 0) // check for <I> { n -= 3; pszText += 3; bItalic++;// = TRUE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</I>"), 4) == 0) // check for </I> { n -= 4; pszText += 4; if (bItalic) bItalic--;// = FALSE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<U>"), 3) == 0) // check for <U> { n -= 3; pszText += 3; bUnderline++;// = TRUE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</U>"), 4) == 0) // check for </U> { n -= 4; pszText += 4; if (bUnderline) bUnderline--;// = FALSE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<S>"), 3) == 0) // check for <S> { n -= 3; pszText += 3; bStrikeThrough++;// = TRUE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</S>"), 4) == 0) // check for </S> { n -= 4; pszText += 4; if (bStrikeThrough) bStrikeThrough--;// = FALSE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<BIG>"), 5) == 0) // check for <BIG> { n -= 5; pszText += 5; if (lf.lfHeight > 0) lf.lfHeight += 2; else lf.lfHeight -= 2; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</BIG>"), 6) == 0) // check for </BIG> { n -= 6; pszText += 6; if (lf.lfHeight > 0) lf.lfHeight -= 2; else lf.lfHeight += 2; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<SMALL>"), 7) == 0) // check for <SMALL> { n -= 7; pszText += 7; if (lf.lfHeight > 0) lf.lfHeight -= 2; else lf.lfHeight += 2; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</SMALL>"), 8) == 0) // check for </SMALL> { n -= 8; pszText += 8; if (lf.lfHeight > 0) lf.lfHeight += 2; else lf.lfHeight -= 2; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<SUB>"), 5) == 0) // check for <SUB> { n -= 5; pszText += 5; bSubscript++;// = TRUE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</SUB>"), 6) == 0) // check for </SUB> { n -= 6; pszText += 6; if (bSubscript) bSubscript--;// = FALSE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<SUP>"), 5) == 0) // check for <SUP> { n -= 5; pszText += 5; bSuperscript++;// = TRUE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</SUP>"), 6) == 0) // check for </SUP> { n -= 6; pszText += 6; if (bSuperscript) bSuperscript--;// = FALSE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<FONT"), 5) == 0) // check for <FONT { TRACE(_T("found font\n")); TCHAR *cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>')); if (cp) { TCHAR szAttributes[XHTMLDRAW_MAX_TEXT] = { 0 }; _tcsncpy(szAttributes, &pszText[5], cp-pszText-5); TRACE(_T("szAttributes=<%s>\n"), szAttributes); size_t m = _tcslen(szAttributes); n -= (int) (cp - pszText + 1); pszText = cp + 1; // loop to parse FONT attributes while (m > 0) { // trim left whitespace if ((_tcslen(szAttributes) > 0) && (szAttributes[0] == _T(' '))) { m--; _tcscpy(szAttributes, &szAttributes[1]); continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("COLOR"), 5) == 0) { TRACE(_T("found color\n")); TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { m -= (cp2 - szAttributes) + 1; _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { *cp2 = _T('\0'); TCHAR szColor[XHTMLDRAW_MAX_TEXT] = { _T('\0') }; _tcsncpy(szColor, szAttributes, cp2-szAttributes+1); TRACE(_T("szColor=<%s>\n"), szColor); CXNamedColors nc(szColor); if (!pXHDS->bIgnoreColorTag) crTextNew = nc.GetRGB(); _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); m = _tcslen(szAttributes); } } else break; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("BGCOLOR"), 7) == 0) { TRACE(_T("found bgcolor\n")); TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1; _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { *cp2 = _T('\0'); TCHAR szBgColor[XHTMLDRAW_MAX_TEXT] = { _T('\0') }; _tcsncpy(szBgColor, szAttributes, cp2-szAttributes+1); TRACE(_T("szBgColor=<%s>\n"), szBgColor); CXNamedColors nc(szBgColor); crBkgndNew = nc.GetRGB(); _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); m = _tcslen(szAttributes); } } else break; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("FACE"), 4) == 0) { TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1; _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { const int nFaceSize = sizeof(lf.lfFaceName); // in bytes int nMaxFaceSize = nFaceSize / sizeof(TCHAR); // in TCHARs memset(lf.lfFaceName, 0, nFaceSize); int nNewFaceSize = (int)(cp2 - szAttributes); // in TCHARs memset(&lf.lfFaceName, 0, nFaceSize); _tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, szAttributes, (nNewFaceSize > nMaxFaceSize) ? nMaxFaceSize : nNewFaceSize); TRACE(_T("lf.lfFaceName=<%s>\n"), lf.lfFaceName); m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1; if (m > 0) _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); else szAttributes[0] = _T('\0'); m = _tcslen(szAttributes); } } else break; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("SIZE"), 4) == 0) { TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1; _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"')); if (cp2) { int nSize = _ttoi(szAttributes); lf.lfHeight -= nSize; nSizeChange = nSize; m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1; if (m > 0) _tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1); else szAttributes[0] = _T('\0'); m = _tcslen(szAttributes); } } else break; } else { while ((_tcslen(szAttributes) > 0) && (szAttributes[0] != _T(' '))) { m--; _tcscpy(szAttributes, &szAttributes[1]); } } } } else { TRACE(_T("ERROR no closing >\n")); pszText += 5; n -= 5; } continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</FONT>"), 7) == 0) // check for </FONT> { n -= 7; pszText += 7; crTextNew = crText; crBkgndNew = crBackground; memcpy(&lf, &prev_lf, sizeof(lf)); continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<A"), 2) == 0) // check for <A { TCHAR *cp = 0; if ((cp = _tcsistr(pszText, _T("HREF="))) != NULL) // check for HREF= { cp += 5; if (*cp == _T('"')) cp += 1; TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(cp, _T('>')); if (cp2) { size_t len = cp2 - cp; if (pXHDS->pszAnchor) delete [] pXHDS->pszAnchor; pXHDS->pszAnchor = new TCHAR [len+4]; memset(pXHDS->pszAnchor, 0, (len+4)*sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcsncpy(pXHDS->pszAnchor, cp, len); size_t last = _tcslen(pXHDS->pszAnchor); if (last > 0) last--; if (pXHDS->pszAnchor[last] == _T('"')) pXHDS->pszAnchor[last] = _T('\0'); TRACE(_T("len=%d pXHDS->szUrl=<%s>\n"), len, pXHDS->pszAnchor); n -= (int) (cp2 + 1 - pszText); pszText = cp2 + 1; TRACE(_T("pszText=<%s>\n"), pszText); // set start X of url pXHDS->rectAnchor.left = rectText.left + nXOffset; TRACE(_T("setting pXHDS->rectAnchor.left to %d\n"), pXHDS->rectAnchor.left); crTextNew = pXHDS->crAnchorText; //RGB(0,0,255); //pXHDS->crText; crBkgndNew = crBackground; memcpy(&lf, &prev_lf, sizeof(lf)); bInAnchor = TRUE; if (bUnderlineUrl) { pXHDS->bAnchorIsUnderlined = TRUE; bUnderline++; } } } else { TRACE(_T("ERROR no closing >\n")); pszText += 2; n -= 2; } continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</A>"), 4) == 0) // check for </A> { n -= 4; pszText += 4; if (bInAnchor) { pXHDS->rectAnchor.right = rectText.left + nXOffset; pXHDS->bHasAnchor = TRUE; TRACE(_T("setting pXHDS->rectAnchor.right to %d\n"), pXHDS->rectAnchor.right); if (bUnderlineUrl) bUnderline--; crTextNew = crText; crBkgndNew = crBackground; memcpy(&lf, &prev_lf, sizeof(lf)); } bInAnchor = FALSE; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // plain text else { TRACE(_T("text: pszText=<%s>\n"), pszText); TCHAR *cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('<')); if (cp) { // there's another tag _tcsncpy(pszText1, pszText, cp - pszText); pszText1[cp-pszText] = _T('\0'); TRACE(_T("pszText1=<%s>\n"), pszText1); if (_tcslen(pszText1) <= 0) { if (_tcslen(pszText) != 0) { _tcscpy(pszText1, pszText); n -= 1; } } pszText = cp; } else { // no more html tags _tcscpy(pszText1, pszText); pszText = NULL; } } TRACE(_T("pszText=<%s>\n"), pszText); TRACE(_T("pszText1=<%s>\n"), pszText1); // create new font ------------------------------------------ lf.lfWeight = bBold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; lf.lfUnderline = (BYTE) bUnderline; lf.lfItalic = (BYTE) bItalic; lf.lfStrikeOut = (BYTE) bStrikeThrough; HFONT hNewFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); _ASSERTE(hNewFont); HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) SelectObject(hMemDC, hNewFont); SetTextColor(hMemDC, crTextNew); if (pXHDS->crTextBackground != COLOR_NONE) SetBkColor(hMemDC, pXHDS->crTextBackground); else SetBkMode(hMemDC, TRANSPARENT); // need transparency for italic fonts // replace char entities ------------------------------------ size_t end = _tcslen(pszText1); buflen = end + 100; _ASSERTE(buf == NULL); buf = new TCHAR [buflen]; memset(buf, 0, buflen*sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcsncpy(buf, pszText1, buflen-1); ReplaceCharEntities(buf, end); int len = (int)_tcslen(buf); SIZE size; GetTextExtentPoint32(hMemDC, buf, len, &size); LONG width =; if ((crBkgndNew != crBackground) && (pXHDS->crTextBackground == COLOR_NONE)) { // changing backgrounds, so fill in with new color HBRUSH hbrushnew = CreateSolidBrush(crBkgndNew); if (hbrushnew) { RECT rect = rectText; rect.right = rect.left + width + 1; if (bItalic) { rect.right += 1; // italic needs a little more if (!IsTrueType(hMemDC)) rect.right += 2; // non-TTF fonts need even more } if (rect.right > rectText.right) rect.right = rectText.right; FillRect(hMemDC, &rect, hbrushnew); DeleteObject(hbrushnew); } } UINT uFormat = pXHDS->uFormat; if (pXHDS->bUseEllipsis) uFormat |= DT_END_ELLIPSIS; if (pXHDS->bHasAnchor) { // set rect for anchor RECT rectCalc = rectText; int nHeight = DrawText(hMemDC, buf, -1, &rectCalc, uFormat | DT_CALCRECT); TRACE(_T("nHeight=%d -----\n"), nHeight); pXHDS->rectAnchor.bottom = pXHDS-> + nHeight; } RECT savedrect = rectText; GetTextMetrics(hMemDC, &tm); int nBaselineAdjust = tm.tmAscent / 2; if (bSubscript) { += nBaselineAdjust; rectText.bottom += nBaselineAdjust; } if (bSuperscript) { -= nBaselineAdjust; rectText.bottom -= nBaselineAdjust; } // draw text ------------------------------------------------ TRACE(_T("DrawText: <%s>\n"), buf); DrawText(hMemDC, buf, -1, &rectText, uFormat); rectText = savedrect; nSizeChange = 0; if (hOldFont) SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldFont); if (hNewFont) DeleteObject(hNewFont); hNewFont = 0; hOldFont = 0; delete [] buf; buf = NULL; rectText.left += width; n -= (int)_tcslen(pszText1); } // while // save the rightmost pixel position - note that rectText // is remapped to 0,0 for the memory dc pXHDS->nRightX = rectText.left + nXOffset; TRACE(_T("nRightX = %d =====\n"), pXHDS->nRightX); // end double buffering BitBlt(hDC, rectDraw.left,, nRectWidth, nRectHeight, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // swap back the original bitmap if (hOldBitmap) SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap); if (hBitmap) DeleteObject(hBitmap); hBitmap = 0; DeleteDC(hMemDC); hMemDC = 0; if (pTextBuffer) delete [] pTextBuffer; pTextBuffer = 0; if (pszText1) delete [] pszText1; pszText1 = 0; bInDraw = FALSE; return nWidth; }
BOOL CSecurity::IsClientBad(const CString& sUserAgent) const { // No user agent- Assume bad. (Allowed connection but no searches performed) if ( sUserAgent.IsEmpty() ) return TRUE; // PeerProject Fakes if ( LPCTSTR szVersion = _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("PeerProject") ) ) { szVersion += 11; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T(" 1.") ) ) return FALSE; // if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T(" 2.") ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // Shareaza Fakes/Obsolete if ( LPCTSTR szVersion = _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("shareaza") ) ) { szVersion += 8; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T(" 2.0") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T(" 2.") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Plus") ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // Dianlei: Shareaza rip-off // Based on Alpha code, need verification for current 1.x status if ( LPCTSTR szVersion = _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Dianlei") ) ) { szVersion += 7; if ( _tcsistr( szVersion, _T(" 0.") ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // BearShare Selectivity if ( LPCTSTR szVersion = _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("BearShare") ) ) { szVersion += 9; if ( _tcsistr( szVersion, _T(" 4.") ) ) return FALSE; if ( _tcsistr( szVersion, _T(" 5.") ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // Any iMesh if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("iMesh") ) ) return TRUE; // Other Miscillaneous if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Trilix") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Gnutella Turbo") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Mastermax File Sharing") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Fildelarprogram") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("Fastload.TV") ) ) return TRUE; // Other GPL Violaters, Etc. if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("K-Lite") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("SlingerX") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("C -3.0.1") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("vagaa") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("mxie") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("WinMX") ) ) return TRUE; if ( _tcsistr( sUserAgent, _T("eTomi") ) ) return TRUE; // Unknown- Assume OK return FALSE; }