   default constructor
   : pv_v1( aVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) ),
     pv_v2( aVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ),
     pv_v3( aVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
// empty
   this function transforms a given vector in the new basis
   to the old basis
aVector vectorBasisNode::ToOld(const aVector& v_new) const
   double p0, p1, p2;

   p0 = v_new(0) * pv_v1(0) + v_new(1) * pv_v2(0) + v_new(2) * pv_v3(0);
   p1 = v_new(0) * pv_v1(1) + v_new(1) * pv_v2(1) + v_new(2) * pv_v3(1);
   p2 = v_new(0) * pv_v1(2) + v_new(1) * pv_v2(2) + v_new(2) * pv_v3(2);

   return aVector(p0, p1, p2);
CSuffixTrie::StringsSet CSuffixTrie::GetAllStringsSet()const
    //We will convert the vector
    StringsVector aVector(GetAllStringsVector());

    //Our set
    StringsSet aSet;

    //Iterate it
    for (int iCount=0;
        //Insert to the set

    return aSet;
   this function transforms a given vector in the old basis
   to the new basis
aVector vectorBasisNode::ToNew(const aVector& v_old) const
   return aVector( v_old * pv_v1, v_old * pv_v2, v_old * pv_v3 );
   computes the cross product of a vector. this
   operator has a very low precedence and care must be
   taken while using it.
aVector operator^(const aVector& v1, const aVector& v2)
   return aVector( (v1.pv_p[1]*v2.pv_p[2] - v2.pv_p[1]*v1.pv_p[2]),
                   (v1.pv_p[2]*v2.pv_p[0] - v2.pv_p[2]*v1.pv_p[0]),
                   (v1.pv_p[0]*v2.pv_p[1] - v2.pv_p[0]*v1.pv_p[1]) );
   computes the scalar product of a vector (returns
   a vector)
aVector operator*(double alpha, const aVector& v1)
   return aVector( alpha*v1.pv_p[0], 
                   alpha*v1.pv_p[2] );
   adds two vectors
aVector operator+(const aVector& v1, const aVector& v2)
   return aVector( (v1.pv_p[0] + v2.pv_p[0]),
                   (v1.pv_p[1] + v2.pv_p[1]),
                   (v1.pv_p[2] + v2.pv_p[2]) );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// store the invoking program name
   char* prg_name = argv[0];

// create an object of cpuClock and start it
   cpuClock clock;

   int i;

// declare an object of the test class
   aVectorBasis vb;

   std::cout << "Default basis constructed (vb): " << vb << std::endl;

   aVector v1, v2, v3;

   v1 = aVector(5.23, 1.34, 1.45);
   v2 = aVector(2.23, 2.34, 2.45);
//   v3 = aVector(3.23, 3.34, 3.45);

   v3 = v1^v2;
   v2 = v3^v1;

   std::cout << "Coplanarity: " << v1*(v2^v3) << std::endl;
      vb.Set(v1, v2, v3);

      std::cout << "Basis set to three new vectors (vb): " << vb << std::endl;

      aVectorBasis vb2 = vb;

      std::cout << "This basis (vb2): " << std::endl
           << vb2 << " is a copy of" << std::endl
           << "           (vb ): " << std::endl
           << vb  << std::endl;

      v1 = aVector(22.23, 22.34, 22.45);

      std::cout << "v1 and v2 are: " << std::endl
           << v1 << std::endl
           << v2 << std::endl;

      v3 = v1^v2;
      v2 = v3^v1;

      std::cout << "v1, v2 and v3 are: " << std::endl
           << v1 << std::endl
           << v2 << std::endl
           << v3 << std::endl;

      vb2.Set(v1, v2, v3);
      std::cout << "vb2 is set to:    " << std::endl
           << vb2 << std::endl
           << "vb  is unchanged: " << std::endl
           << vb << std::endl;

   // now try some transformation (rotate by 45 degrees about z axis
      v1 = aVector( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
      v2 = aVector(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
      v3 = aVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      aVectorBasis vb2d(v1, v2, v3);

      v1 = aVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);  // the old y axis
      v2 = vb2d.ToLocal(v1);        // vb2d.ToNew(v1);

      std::cout << "on transformation:    " << v2 << std::endl;
      v2 = vb2d.ToWorld(v2);        // ToOld(v2);
      std::cout << "on transforming back: " << v2 << std::endl;

   // now take a random vector. a random basis and transform
   // the random vector to and fro and check
   // take an orthogonal system
      v1 = aVector( 1.0, 25., 0.52 );
      v2 = aVector( 893.15, 420.35, 35.525);
//      v3 = aVector(40.5, 1200.25, 0040.125);
      v3 = v1^v2;
      v2 = v3^v1;

      aVector v4(1.225, 0.255, 0.224);

      vb.Set(v1, v2, v3);
      std::cout << "vector before transformation is: " << std::endl
           << "    " << v4 << std::endl;

      v4 = vb.ToLocal(v4);       // ToNew(v4);
      std::cout << "vector after  transformation is: " << std::endl
           << "    " << v4 << std::endl;

   // transform back the same vector
      v4 = vb.ToWorld(v4);       // ToOld(v4);
      std::cout << "vector after  inverse transformation is: " << std::endl
           << "    " << v4 << std::endl;

   // now take e1, e2 and e3 and transform them into the new basis
   // this gives us three new vectors (as seen from the new basis).
   // let this form a newer basis. dump the new basis and the newer
   // basis and see what they are. note that newer basis is the
   // OLD basis

   // first dump the new basis
      std::cout << std::endl
           << "The new basis is" << std::endl
           << vb << std::endl;
   // now get the newer basis
      v1 = vb.ToLocal( aVector( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ); // ToNew( aVector( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );   // e1
      v2 = vb.ToLocal( aVector( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) ); // ToNew( aVector( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) );   // e2
      v3 = vb.ToLocal( aVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) ); // ToNew( aVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );   // e3

      vb.Set(v1, v2, v3);

      std::cout << std::endl
           << "The newer basis is" << std::endl
           << vb << std::endl;
   catch (char* s)
      std::cout << s << std::endl;

// stop the clock and display cpu time

// write a closure message and finish the program
   std::cout << "Program <"
        << prg_name
        << "> completed successfully :-)"
        << std::endl;
   return 0;