void TestIterativeValue(int depth) {
	// setup book and cache
	CCache acache(2);
	cache = &acache;
	const int nEmpty = 22;
	CBook* oldBook = book;
	book = NULL;
	mpcs = CMPCStats::GetMPCStats('J','A',5);

	// testing
	const COsGame osGame = LoadTestGames().at(0);
	const CQPosition testPosition = PositionFromEmpties(osGame, nEmpty);
	std::vector<CMoveValue> mvs = createMoves(testPosition);
	Pos2 pos2;
	pos2.Initialize(testPosition.BitBoard(), testPosition.BlackMove());
	u4 nValued=0;
	std::vector<CMoveValue> mvsEvaluated;
	ValueMulti(pos2, depth, -kInfinity, kInfinity, 4, 1, mvs, false, false, mvsEvaluated, nValued);
//	cout << " nValued = " << nValued << "\n";
//	cout << " mvsEvaluated = \n";
//	for (int i=0; i<mvsEvaluated.size(); i++) {
//		CMoveValue mv = mvsEvaluated.at(i);
//		cout << "new CMoveValue(" << mv.move << "," << mv.value << "),\n";
//	}
//	cout << "\n";

	// tear down book and cache
	book = oldBook;
	cache = NULL;
/** \brief callback notified when netif_vdev_t has an event to report
 * - TODO this function is ugly - clean it up
bool router_peer_t::neoip_netif_vdev_cb(void *cb_userptr, netif_vdev_t &cb_netif_vdev
					, uint16_t ethertype, pkt_t &pkt)	throw()
	// log to debug
	KLOG_ERR("recevied ethertype=0x" << std::hex << ethertype << std::dec << " pkt=" << pkt );
	// if the ethertype is NOT ip4, discard the packet
	if( ethertype != netif_vdev_t::TYPE_IP4 )	return true;

	// try to find the destination ip address in the address cache
	const router_acache_item_t *	acache_item;
	acache_item	= acache().find_by_remote_iaddr( ippkt_util_t::get_dst_addr(pkt) );
	// if the destination ip address is found in acache, launch a router_itor_t on this remote_peerid
	if( acache_item ){
		const router_name_t &	remote_dnsname	= acache_item->remote_dnsname();
		router_peerid_t		remote_peerid	= dnsname2peerid(remote_dnsname);
		router_itor_t *		router_itor;
		router_err_t		router_err;
		// sanity check - remote_peerid MUST have been found
		// - in fact i dunno what to do here, if this case is possible
		// - so i do DBG_ASSERT()
		DBG_ASSERT( !remote_peerid.is_null() );
		// if a router_itor_t is already running on this remote_peerid, queue the packet
		router_itor	= itor_by_remote_peerid(remote_peerid);
		if( router_itor ){
			// queue the tiggering packet
			router_itor->queue_inner_pkt(ethertype, pkt);
			// return tokeep
			return true;	

		// if the remote_peerid is in the itor_negcache, discard the packet without replying icmp
		// - TODO this is for the mobility part 
		//   - dont report a itor faillure immdiatly 
		//   - leave it some time to let the new connection to be established
		// - the algo is 'take the last time an established connection with this destination
		//   existed. if it is more than Xsec. then reply icmp"
		// - i think it is possible by storing the last_seen_date in the router_acache 
		if( itor_negcache.contain(remote_peerid) ){
			// build the icmp packet to reply
			pkt_t	icmp_pkt= ippkt_util_t::build_icmp4_pkt(ippkt_util_t::get_dst_addr(pkt)
					, ippkt_util_t::get_src_addr(pkt)
					, ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, ICMP_NET_UNREACH, 0, pkt.to_datum());
			// send the icmp packet
			catchall_netif->send_pkt(netif_vdev_t::TYPE_IP4, icmp_pkt);
			return true;

		// launch a new router_itor_t based on this remote_peerid
		router_itor	= nipmem_new router_itor_t(this);
		router_err	= router_itor->start(remote_peerid, remote_dnsname);
		// if the router_itor_t start() succeed, return tokeep now
		if( router_err.succeed() ){
			// queue the tiggering packet
			router_itor->queue_inner_pkt(ethertype, pkt);
			// return tokeep
			return true;
		// if the router_itor_t start() failed, delete it and fall thru to reply an icmp
		nipmem_zdelete router_itor;

	// build the icmp packet to reply
	pkt_t	icmp_pkt= ippkt_util_t::build_icmp4_pkt(ippkt_util_t::get_dst_addr(pkt)
					, ippkt_util_t::get_src_addr(pkt)
					, ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, ICMP_NET_UNREACH, 0, pkt.to_datum());
	// send the icmp packet
	catchall_netif->send_pkt(netif_vdev_t::TYPE_IP4, icmp_pkt);

	// return 'tokeep'
	return true;